Would You Feel Safe Traveling to London?

Its conditioning isnt it ? If your news outlets only show you scenes of death and terror pretty soon you think that is the whole story. Works both ways as well.
Yep. Take a city that gets millions of tourists every year and then a few get killed by violent terrorist acts. Those who think puddle deep would conclude it is not worth the risk of being one of the handful among those millions.
Who died and left you in charge of deciding who should be afraid and to what degree?
Who died and left you in charge of deciding who should be in charge of things?

It's a message board, expressing opinions is what we do. My opinion = someone who is scared to go to London harbors irrational fears.
Oh well, then my option is that you are as dumb as a box of rocks!
Its conditioning isnt it ? If your news outlets only show you scenes of death and terror pretty soon you think that is the whole story. Works both ways as well.
Yep. Take a city that gets millions of tourists every year and then a few get killed by violent terrorist acts. Those who think puddle deep would conclude it is not worth the risk of being one of the handful among those millions.
Who died and left you in charge of who gets to decide where they wish to go and wet risks they wish to take?
The odds of being caught up in a terrorist attack are probably pretty close to those of your plane crashing.

So you may as well go and have a good time and hope for the best.
Aside from terror! You should know that London is the most expensive travel destination. Eight and a half million people? No thanks. Lake Tahoe is much better.
Who died and left you in charge of who gets to decide where they wish to go and wet risks they wish to take?
I don't decide anything, I just comment on it because that is what we do on internet forums.

However if there was a National Council of Identifying Irrational Pussies they'd probably elect me to be in charge, and I'd send all the cowards quaking in their boots about how they'd get killed if they dared go on vacation in London to spend two weeks there. Furthermore they'd have to eat haggis and mushy peas every day.
Who died and left you in charge of who gets to decide where they wish to go and wet risks they wish to take?
I don't decide anything, I just comment on it because that is what we do on internet forums.

However if there was a National Council of Identifying Irrational Pussies they'd probably elect me to be in charge, and I'd send all the cowards quaking in their boots about how they'd get killed if they dared go on vacation in London to spend two weeks there. Furthermore they'd have to eat haggis and mushy peas every day.
So take your dumb controlling ass to London. Leave the decision about themselves to to the people! You are not qualified to tell them they are irrational. You are a typical dumbass libtard!
The odds of being caught up in a terrorist attack are probably pretty close to those of your plane crashing.

So you may as well go and have a good time and hope for the best.
Irrelevant. If all the air crashes were from Allah Airlines then Everybody would Rightfully be paying attention
So take your dumb controlling ass to London. Leave the decision about themselves to to the people!
You seem to have much trouble distinguishing between an opinion on whether a fear is irrational and actually forcing people to go to London. Your advice to leave the decisions to themselves is pointless, since I've not advocated forcing anyone to go to London other than in jest which clearly went a mile over your head.

You are not qualified to tell them they are irrational. You are a typical dumbass libtard!
It's a message board we're all qualified to tell people our opinions.

Libtard? I continue to be baffled as the ability of shallow minded partisan types to associate any opposing opinion with a ideology. Understanding that the risk in London is extremely low given the number of tourists that city sees has nothing to do with liberal or conservative, it has to do with common sense.
Not me unless I could go armed

How about you?

Crossing the street is more dangerous than London. Are you planning to not ever do that? The goal of terrorism is not killing people, it is making people scared. I live in Belgium. Terrorist killed 32 people in Brussels and GDP dropped about 2 percent.Which one of those 2 facts do you feel is the more damaging to society?
Maybe European countries should be hit where it hurts! In the wallet? I suspect gvmnts would then come up with more rigorous plans for ridding us of this crap.
So take your dumb controlling ass to London. Leave the decision about themselves to to the people!
You seem to have much trouble distinguishing between an opinion on whether a fear is irrational and actually forcing people to go to London. Your advice to leave the decisions to themselves is pointless, since I've not advocated forcing anyone to go to London other than in jest which clearly went a mile over your head.

You are not qualified to tell them they are irrational. You are a typical dumbass libtard!
It's a message board we're all qualified to tell people our opinions.

Libtard? I continue to be baffled as the ability of shallow minded partisan types to associate any opposing opinion with a ideology. Understanding that the risk in London is extremely low given the number of tourists that city sees has nothing to do with liberal or conservative, it has to do with common sense.
It is all moot! If the American President cannot go to London then I will not be there either. Shove your irrational fear bs up your libtard kiester!
Crossing the street is more dangerous than London. Are you planning to not ever do that? The goal of terrorism is not killing people, it is making people scared. I live in Belgium. Terrorist killed 32 people in Brussels and GDP dropped about 2 percent.Which one of those 2 facts do you feel is the more damaging to society?

No contest, if I, or any of my loved ones, were one of the 32.
I have some Canadian relatives who won't visit the US because it's full of guns and nitwit Trump voters ...

They have no problem visiting Europe.

Obviously they as ignorant of the facts as you appear to be.

Canada has twice as many violent crimes as does the United States. The other Western European countries are worse. Now they are drowning in refugees and sexual assaults. Germany has run out of mace.


Read more: The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S. | Daily Mail Online

London also has 20,000 that's TWENTY THOUSAND video cams watching their city.

Thugs know they are in no danger if they attack a citizen.

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