Would you get on your knees and swear allegiance to America and the flag?

Absolutely not.
And if the Pledge of Allegiance didn't have the words "under God" in there, I wouldn't recite it either.

BTW- Our Pledge of Allegiance was written by an actual collectivist/socialist

I kneel for nothing on this earth.

But I will salute the flag, I will respect the flag and what it stood for when the nation was founded, I'll stand at attention. And I already fought it for once and I'll do it again if it comes down to it.

Would you get on your knees and swear allegiance to America and the flag?​

Which flag. We have like five now.
  1. The Gay Pride Flag.
  2. The Transgender Flag.
  3. The Juneteenth Flag.
  4. The BLM Flag.
  5. And the American Flag.

Absolutely. Anyone who did not, should be removed immediately
I love the history of our nation. I love the intent of the Founding Fathers. I love the Constitution. I love the potential of the USA. I love the people of the USA. I love what our flag used to represent and should represent. I despise the traitors running the nation and the absolute moral decay of the today's America.

At this point, I am more prone to get on my knees and pledge allegiance to Jesus Christ and His righteousness.
Absolutely not.
And if the Pledge of Allegiance didn't have the words "under God" in there, I wouldn't recite it either.

BTW- Our Pledge of Allegiance was written by an actual collectivist/socialist

The words Under God were added by President Eisenhower. It was to differentiate Americans from the Godless Russians.

Today we are the Godless and Russia has restored the Church.
Absolutely. Anyone who did not, should be removed immediately
I did in the past but not anymore.

I have no alligence to this banana republic we live in now. Where the queer flag flies over the White House, we destroy history and we have no borders.
Americans don't get on their knees. Other then that, yes.
Absolutely. Anyone who did not, should be removed immediately

What is your reference point?
Or is this just a general question out of the blue?

America wasn't built on, or for, people being on their knees. It was built for people who stand up for themselves, fight tyranny, and help those who cannot help themselves, when they need a boost.

Which is something thats been lost over the decades.

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