Yes, I'm a Conservative, But SOME Rent Control IS Necesary

You've lived there for years. How many years and what was the rent when you first moved in?
None of your F'n business, You've seen all you need to see. Shut up clown.

Then I conclude that the landlord hasn't increased the rent in years, and is finally doing so as his costs of doing business have increased. And you are a whinging crybaby who wants a free ride.
I have a perfectly fine brain. I understand that the landlord owns the property and is perfectly free to charge whatever rent he chooses. If it is not acceptable to you, then move.
I understand that the LL should be restricted to increase rents to levels that don't force hundreds of people to move (none of which the LL is helping to pay for). You're just too dumb to figure that out.
I have a perfectly fine brain. I understand that the landlord owns the property and is perfectly free to charge whatever rent he chooses. If it is not acceptable to you, then move.
I understand that the LL should be restricted to increase rents to levels that don't force hundreds of people to move (none of which the LL is helping to pay for). You're just too dumb to figure that out.

What you understand is that you want the landlord to subsidize your lifestyle.
Then I conclude that the landlord hasn't increased the rent in years, and is finally doing so as his costs of doing business have increased. And you are a whinging crybaby who wants a free ride.
You don't conclude a damn thing. You don't even know as much as what this thread has told you. Idiot.
Then I conclude that the landlord hasn't increased the rent in years, and is finally doing so as his costs of doing business have increased. And you are a whinging crybaby who wants a free ride.
You don't conclude a damn thing. You don't even know as much as what this thread has told you. Idiot.

You are a greedy rentseeker who wants the government to do your mugging for you.

The big tell is that you won't provide the information as to what your rent was when you moved in and how long you have lived in the rental unit. I suspect you are whining because the landlord has provided below market rent for you, and now you are upset because he is no longer willing to do so.
Yeah, you’re not “entirely” a leftist. Just when it affects you.

That makes you not only a leftist, but also a hypocrite.

But I repeat myself.
:puhleeze: You're just another angry leftist, who got kicked in the balls in November 2016, and again when 2 SCOTUS judges got appointed by Trump, and you're going to lash out any way you can. LOL. Not my problem.

What's the matter ? You run out of people to harass in restaurants ? :rolleyes:
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You are a greedy greed monster.
Yeah we want to hog all that extra $350/month, all to ourselves. And deprive that poor landlord of his happy pillaging. How greedy of us. Is there a doctor in the house ? I mean really.

You are a greedy rentseeker who wants the government to do your mugging for you.

The big tell is that you won't provide the information as to what your rent was when you moved in and how long you have lived in the rental unit. I suspect you are whining because the landlord has provided below market rent for you, and now you are upset because he is no longer willing to do so.
You are greedy landlord, who wants to rob everyone and anyone you can, to stuff your pockets with all the money you can, with no regard for people and the hardships you impose on them.

And you're not even following the thread as evidenced by your posts. It's 2 DIFFERENT landlords, you idiot. The new one is who is gouging the residents.
You are a greedy greed monster.
Yeah we want to hog all that extra $350/month, all to ourselves. And deprive that poor landlord of his happy pillaging. How greedy of us. Is there a doctor in the house ? I mean really.


^^^ Greedy Greedman desperately tries to justify his insistence that his Landlord be forced to subsidize his lifestyle ^^^
You are a greedy rentseeker who wants the government to do your mugging for you.

The big tell is that you won't provide the information as to what your rent was when you moved in and how long you have lived in the rental unit. I suspect you are whining because the landlord has provided below market rent for you, and now you are upset because he is no longer willing to do so.
You are greedy landlord, who wants to rob everyone and anyone you can, to stuff your pockets with all the money you can, with no regard for people and the hardships you impose on them.

And you're not even following the thread as evidenced by your posts. It's 2 DIFFERENT landlords, you idiot. The new one is who is gouging the residents.

Ah, so the original landlord sold the building, and the new one wants to raise rents, which he is economically, ethically and legally justified in doing. It's quite reasonable to assume that the new landlord has a higher mortgage to service.
You sound like a whinger who wants other people to subsidize his lifestyle. You also need some remedial instruction in the difference between Renting and Owning.

You are a renter. Your landlord is the property owner. The fact that he rents to you does not mean he cedes his property rights to you.
If govt is administered properly, than YES, it would mean that the LL DOES cede some property rights. The "rights" to not ROB US of hundreds of $$ per month.

Maybe you LIKE robbery. Are you typing from a prison cell ?
Greedy Greedman desperately tries to justify his insistence that his Landlord be forced to subsidize his lifestyle ^^^
Greedy Greedman desperately tries to justify his insistence that his Landlord be able to plunder his residents for $360 month rent increases.
Ah, so the original landlord sold the building, and the new one wants to raise rents, which he is economically, ethically and legally justified in doing. It's quite reasonable to assume that the new landlord has a higher mortgage to service.
1. Not ethically justified at all. Highly UNethical.

2. Not reasonable to assume anything, since you don't have the foggiest idea of what the hell you're yammering about. :lol:
Who could be worse off? They people who are taxed to pay you for doing nothing.

And what do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you a salary for doing nothing? YOu made the claim "we get what we pay for in the first world, too", so answer the question. What do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you?
What merchant in commerce would be worse off?

Every merchant. The people who work would have less money to spend.

I see you are totally unable to answer my question. Why am I not surprised?

And what do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you a salary for doing nothing? YOu made the claim "we get what we pay for in the first world, too", so answer the question. What do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you?
What merchant in Commerce would be worse off if every Customer should have an income?

Henry Ford gave us the answer.

The customers will have less money. They will have it taken from them by force, and receive nothing in return for it. That is socialism.

And what do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you a salary for doing nothing? YOu made the claim "we get what we pay for in the first world, too", so answer the question. What do we, the taxpayers, get for paying you?
fourteen or fifteen dollars an hour equivalent. show your numbers, right winger.

How will any Merchant in Commerce be Worse off if every adult customer has an income?

Anyone with Any understanding of microeconomics want to explain the concept.

Anyone with an understanding of how businesses function grasps that an artificially high minimum wage is going to hurt young people looking for their first job and older but unskilled workers who simply want a paycheck. What liberals like you can't seem to grasp is that management seldom "takes advantage" of those people working at entry level jobs! In most cases it costs a business to train new employees and absorb the cost of the things that they invariably don't do correctly. Businesses DO hire and train those with few job skills however because they hope to keep that person working for them once they have acquired skills! When they do have those new skills, businesses invariably give them a raise because they don't want that now skilled worker to go help one of their competitors! That's the way it works when government doesn't intercede to screw things up as you are calling for!
Anyone with an understanding of how businesses function grasps that an artificially high minimum wage is going to hurt young people looking for their first job and older but unskilled workers who simply want a paycheck. What liberals like you can't seem to grasp is that management seldom "takes advantage" of those people working at entry level jobs! In most cases it costs a business to train new employees and absorb the cost of the things that they invariably don't do correctly. Businesses DO hire and train those with few job skills however because they hope to keep that person working for them once they have acquired skills! When they do have those new skills, businesses invariably give them a raise because they don't want that now skilled worker to go help one of their competitors! That's the way it works when government doesn't intercede to screw things up as you are calling for!
in some cases, it's best for govt to leave business alone. In others, there is a need for some degree of govt intervention, to PROTECT consumers. All depends on the particular situations, and its magnitude.
Greedy Greedman desperately tries to justify his insistence that his Landlord be forced to subsidize his lifestyle ^^^
Greedy Greedman desperately tries to justify his insistence that his Landlord be able to plunder his residents for $360 month rent increases.

I have no personal stake in the matter. I do, however, recognize that the landlord OWNS the property and it is his business to set the rents. If you don't like it, take your business elsewhere.

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