"You didn't get there on your own"

Ahh, the famed leftist ability to conflate two concepts that have fuck-all to do with each other in such a way as to make it inescapable to everyone that said leftist is a moron.

Well done. :clap2:

dont make me repeat the famous Animal House line for you too...

is that akin to I might stare at you incessantly?

S0n? YOU are pathetic.

Today must be my day for impotent jerkwads to make lame-ass threats at me. I think next comes, "I'm going to breathe really hard in your general direction."
His business succeeds with the benefits of his own hard work and infrastructure supplied by 20% of "We The People, which would include the taxes he pays himself. Maybe we should just let the ones who pay utilize it, and the bottom 50% can stay off our lawn. How's that? :eusa_whistle:

Only 20% of the people pay gas taxes?

You are going to have to back that one up

Not gas taxes. Income taxes.
In a second report, the CBO said that in both 2008 and 2009, the highest-earning 20 percent of taxpayers paid 94 percent of the total income tax burden – up from 86 percent in 2007, and 81 percent before the 2001 tax cuts. In other words, higher-income Americans have been paying a bigger and bigger part of the total tax burden under the so-called “Bush tax cuts.”
Portman: CBO Tears Down Yet Another Of President Obama's Straw Men - Press Releases - Newsroom - Rob Portman

Income taxes do not pay for our roads. Try again
For the most part, we do pay private entrepreneurs, who contract with state and local agencies, to build them.

Your myopia is epic.

Please try to keep up with the thread...it is not that hard

The government hires private companies to design and construct infrastructure. That infrastructure belongs to the people

In the days of our founding fathers roads, bridges, ferries and fords were build by individuals. They owned them. When you crossed a small bridge over a tiny creek.....you paid

So our "Liberal" Founding Fathers should have been grateful to the British, no?

Is there a point there?
Only 20% of the people pay gas taxes?

You are going to have to back that one up

So because you pay gas taxes you feel entitled to leech off of a business owner that ALSO pays gas taxes, as well as many OTHER taxes that you DON'T pay??

It is the business owner who makes a profit off of the roads, bridges, water systems, communications networks, police and fire protection, welfare and other services provided by we the people

The point of the thread is ......you don't succeed alone Mr Business owner

None of that is free to the business owner. He pays his taxes, and more than his "fair share" too. He pays for his utilities, insurance, labor, and every other form of overhead. The ability of the government to collect revenues springs from the very EXISTENCE of commerce. It's not the other way around.
You would have to save up a lot of quarters. Leave your house and count every piss ant bridge over every creek and river. Look at every single lane road and two lane highway. You would have to pay every private entrepreneur who built them
For the most part, we do pay private entrepreneurs, who contract with state and local agencies, to build them.

Your myopia is epic.

Please try to keep up with the thread...it is not that hard

The government hires private companies to design and construct infrastructure. That infrastructure belongs to the people

In the days of our founding fathers roads, bridges, ferries and fords were built by individuals. They owned them. When you crossed a small bridge over a tiny creek.....you paid
It's you who needs to keep up, Dudley....Those roads and bridges don't just spring into existence because some DOT bureaucrat waves his magic wand.

BTW....Y'ever driven an 18-wheeler over that free bridge from Jersey into Manhattan?
But then, MY goal in a Union isn't to wind up running other people's lives for them.

I'm glad that we both can at least be united on one thing; no more opposition to gay marriage, abortion rights, or drug usage. Okay, three things.

Ahh, the famed leftist ability to conflate two concepts that have fuck-all to do with each other in such a way as to make it inescapable to everyone that said leftist is a moron.

Well done. :clap2:

ah...the famous rightwingnut difficulty to analogize and to comprehend any state of facts that doesn't suit them.

and cess pit does it in her usual charming manner, too. :thup:
Only 20% of the people pay gas taxes?

You are going to have to back that one up

Not gas taxes. Income taxes.
In a second report, the CBO said that in both 2008 and 2009, the highest-earning 20 percent of taxpayers paid 94 percent of the total income tax burden – up from 86 percent in 2007, and 81 percent before the 2001 tax cuts. In other words, higher-income Americans have been paying a bigger and bigger part of the total tax burden under the so-called “Bush tax cuts.”
Portman: CBO Tears Down Yet Another Of President Obama's Straw Men - Press Releases - Newsroom - Rob Portman

Income taxes do not pay for our roads. Try again

Obama didn't specify "roads". Oh, and lest we forget.. when he did foisted off his Porkulus spending package on us at the beginning of his term, he droned on and on about "infrastructure", but only put about 5% toward it.
So our "Liberal" Founding Fathers should have been grateful to the British, no?

For many things....yes....

like our legal system which is based on the british common law system.

i wonder if he knows that there are parts of new york where the land grants go back to the dongen patent... which was empowered by the magna carta.

nah... he doesn' tknow.
Actually, I further misspoke, because I meant to say that he wasn't always a (near) quadriplegic.

Ah, so instead of making an utterly pathetic and useless point that at least vaguely related to the topic, you were making a completely irrelevant point that had nothing whatsoever to do with the topic and was a waste of time and space. Got it.

*cough* I'll point you to the last person who wanted to make insinuations about my feelings regarding disabled persons. And I'll kindly ask you to refrain from putting words in my mouth, regardless of the the subject.

You're the one who said it, Sparkles. Don't blame ME if, when repeated back to you, your remarks sound as putrid to you as they did to everyone else when you uttered them. Whatcha gonna do, make more irrelevant, unrelated diversionary remarks at me REALLY LOUDLY? Gosh, I'm trembling in my booties.

Any time you want to PROVE to me - and everyone else - that you were NOT, in fact, telling us that the severely handicapped are useless victims with nothing to offer society who should therefore be treated like helpless wards of the state, rather than impotently demanding that I respect some non-existent and unproven championing of the handicapped on your part, you feel free. Until then, YOU said it. YOU own it. Enjoy your total, helpless inability to make me stop saying what you don't want to hear.

Listen you infected twat, I told you to back the fuck off. You don't know who the fuck you're talking to, or anything about me. Don't put words into my mouth. You're right, you don't have to respect shit. But come say it to my face and we'll see how much your perspective changes when I take a grinder to you eyes. I don't have to prove shit to you or anyone here because I know who I am, and I know who my family is. You want to see it for yourself? What's your address? I'll send you a plane ticket and have driver pick you up at the airport.

Yes, I'm well aware of what you TOLD me to do. I'm also aware that, as in the rest of your life, you are utterly impotent and powerless, and therefore have no ability whatsoever to make me do what you tell me, or even to take notice of your "orders" except to laugh at them, and you.

I not only don't know who - or what - I'm talking to, I don't care. And I don't have to put words in your mouth. All I have to do is repeat back the ones YOU put in there, minus the "No, really, I'm a WONDERFUL person! I'm a liberal, so that makes me GOOD, and you're just MEAN not to appreciate how superior I am!" bullshit.

So let me say it again, just because you hate it so much, and you told me not to, and I want to make absolutely certain that you understand that YOU CAN'T DO A THING ABOUT IT: you look down on the poor and the handicapped. You don't feel "compassion" for them; you PITY them. To you, they're just worthless victims with nothing to offer the world except a vehicle for YOU to feel warm and fuzzy about yourself through, because you're "helping" them by pointing out how they have no ability to accomplish anything, and so they should lick your smarmy liberal boots in gratitude for a government pittance.

YOU said it. YOU own it. And YOU can't stop me from reminding you as many times as I like what a putrid, selfish, using scumbag of a leftist twerp you are.

Go ahead. ORDER me to back the fuck off again. Demand that I come there so that you can, no doubt, stand there screaming in my face as impotently as you type at me. I'd love a chance to repeat the whole thing, and the spittle flying from the corners of your helplessly-enraged leftist mouth makes me laugh even harder.

Oh, did I mention that you think the severely-handicapped are worthless and have nothing to offer society? I want to make sure you see that as many times as possible. :badgrin:
Ah, so instead of making an utterly pathetic and useless point that at least vaguely related to the topic, you were making a completely irrelevant point that had nothing whatsoever to do with the topic and was a waste of time and space. Got it.

You're the one who said it, Sparkles. Don't blame ME if, when repeated back to you, your remarks sound as putrid to you as they did to everyone else when you uttered them. Whatcha gonna do, make more irrelevant, unrelated diversionary remarks at me REALLY LOUDLY? Gosh, I'm trembling in my booties.

Any time you want to PROVE to me - and everyone else - that you were NOT, in fact, telling us that the severely handicapped are useless victims with nothing to offer society who should therefore be treated like helpless wards of the state, rather than impotently demanding that I respect some non-existent and unproven championing of the handicapped on your part, you feel free. Until then, YOU said it. YOU own it. Enjoy your total, helpless inability to make me stop saying what you don't want to hear.

Listen you infected twat, I told you to back the fuck off. You don't know who the fuck you're talking to, or anything about me. Don't put words into my mouth. You're right, you don't have to respect shit. But come say it to my face and we'll see how much your perspective changes when I take a grinder to you eyes. I don't have to prove shit to you or anyone here because I know who I am, and I know who my family is. You want to see it for yourself? What's your address? I'll send you a plane ticket and have driver pick you up at the airport.

Should SHE care? YOU sure as HELL don't in YOUR posts.

Do the words FUCK OFF mean anything?

If the leftist you're talking to isn't reduced to a frothing, incoherent rage, you're not doing it right, according to Ann Coulter. :D
So our "Liberal" Founding Fathers should have been grateful to the British, no?

For many things....yes....

like our legal system which is based on the british common law system.

i wonder if he knows that there are parts of new york where the land grants go back to the dongen patent... which was empowered by the magna carta.

nah... he doesn' tknow.

Are you doing your "I'm a lawyer" Schtick again?
Listen you infected twat, I told you to back the fuck off. You don't know who the fuck you're talking to, or anything about me. Don't put words into my mouth. You're right, you don't have to respect shit. But come say it to my face and we'll see how much your perspective changes when I take a grinder to you eyes. I don't have to prove shit to you or anyone here because I know who I am, and I know who my family is. You want to see it for yourself? What's your address? I'll send you a plane ticket and have driver pick you up at the airport.

I dunno why you engage with it. I only flame the moron for shits and giggles (although it has me on ignore, I get bored sometimes, what can I say??)

If anybody ever had an over-inflated opinion on themselves based on ignorance and arrogance (and NOTHING else), it is a the Cesspit. I'd ignore it if I were you. You can't teach the arrogant a thing....let alone one who is as dumb as two short planks...
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For many things....yes....

like our legal system which is based on the british common law system.

i wonder if he knows that there are parts of new york where the land grants go back to the dongen patent... which was empowered by the magna carta.

nah... he doesn' tknow.

Are you doing your "I'm a lawyer" Schtick again?

No, she's doing her "I'm trying to educate the ignorant" schtick.

Is it working?

Have you learned anything?

Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", that their success is predicated in part on the labor and efforts (and taxes) of others.

Well no shit, that's kinda obvious. How many businesses do you know that don't at the very least rely on some form of transportation through a system built and maintained by federal, state, and local government, to transport goods and customers to and from their business? That's sort of the bare minimum. Try to open up a restaurant that people can't get to by car.

Then there's all the publicly funded research that businesses use - much of it nowadays in the pharmaceutical industry. In fact, the very thing you're typing on right now was developed using technology that relies on the theories of modern physics - including quantum physics - the vast majority of which was publicly funded. Not to mention much of the stuff the internet relies on was developed at publicly funded Universities. Technological success in the U.S. is a result of the efforts of vast numbers of both privately AND publicly funded scientists.

Lord you people are ignorant. But hey - stay that way - I know its the only way you can be.

"The VAST majority of EVERYTHING was publicly-funded! No, really! Don't bother me with any of that stupid evidence shit that shows most of the funding for scientific research comes from the private sector! I KNOW that all good flows from the government, and that's all I want to hear!"

God, you might as well just say it in a Butterfly McQueen voice, and you can be the perfect liberal stereotype. Practically stamped out of a cookie cutter in the DNC basement.
Only 20% of the people pay gas taxes?

You are going to have to back that one up

So because you pay gas taxes you feel entitled to leech off of a business owner that ALSO pays gas taxes, as well as many OTHER taxes that you DON'T pay??

It is the business owner who makes a profit off of the roads, bridges, water systems, communications networks, police and fire protection, welfare and other services provided by we the people

The point of the thread is ......you don't succeed alone Mr Business owner

It is the taxpayers who pay for the federal government ie business owners, employees of businesses. The govt collects bids and awards the job to the cheapest contractor, who is also a private company. If it weren't for the taxpayers, govt wouldn't even have a say in the transaction of the monies. Now, if by some miracle, govt agencies actually built infrastructure without our money, you may have a small point. Otherwise, they get no thanks from me because I'm paying for it. P.S. I'd swim across a river before I'd drive a car across a bridge that a govt agency built.
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For many things....yes....

like our legal system which is based on the british common law system.

i wonder if he knows that there are parts of new york where the land grants go back to the dongen patent... which was empowered by the magna carta.

nah... he doesn' tknow.

Are you doing your "I'm a lawyer" Schtick again?

i don't have to do schtick, frankie.

i'm sorry the nyc public school system was such a failure for you.

now go look up the dongen patent... and maybe if you're a good boy, one day i'll tell you about the case i was involved in where it came up.

until then, kiss my ESQ, butt. :)
It's implied in the message.

I don't see how. I think Obama's "message" was summed up pretty well with this: "The point is, when we succeed we do it because of our individual initiative, but also because we do it together."

Yeah. In other words, "You owe the government for your success."

And considering that your dumb ass is on the message board every day advocating for more government control, higher taxes, and more money doled out to those you've designated as "worthless" and "unable to cope on their own" so that you can feel compassionate and superior, don't even try on that whole disingenuous pretense that that's NOT what Obama's statement was about.

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