"You didn't get there on your own"

i don't have to do schtick, frankie.

i'm sorry the nyc public school system was such a failure for you.

now go look up the dongen patent... and maybe if you're a good boy, one day i'll tell you about the case i was involved in where it came up.

until then, kiss my ESQ, butt. :)

Jillian, sweetie, I think we've proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that either you are not an attorney, or you are the worst "attorney" ever, because I have completely destroyed you in every debate we have ever had.

But let's put that aside for a moment. If you are in fact an attorney, you should be a person of means (even the lowest paid of attorney's make a respectable living). Which raises the question - why don't you provide for those in need? How many people without health insurance (that your bleeding heart cries for) have you offered to pay an insurance policy for? How many homeless people have you offered to pay rent for (or brought into your own home)? How many hungry people have you taken out to dinner?

This is why the liberal is the laughing joke of America. They scream about those in need, then go out and buy themselves an $800 iPhone while neglecting those same in need. I would vomit if I were 1/1000th the hypocrite of the idiot liberal.

How many soon to be aborted babies have you adopted?
ah...the famous rightwingnut difficulty to analogize and to comprehend any state of facts that doesn't suit them.

and cess pit does it in her usual charming manner, too. :thup:

Oh, look, an ignorant twat stopping by to suck up to the guys in the hopes of FINALLY getting some male attention in her life.

Run along, twat. No one's waving any ten-dollar bills in your direction at the moment.

Ah, that charming manner...

...and her also sharing her experiences of the good old days.

Maybe you should have kept those detes to yourself, Cesspit. Although I like how you have taken into account inflation for your pricing structure....I guess $10 is equivalent to $1 a blowjob you were giving at the Blind Institute back in '99...

I thought she was there since '79?
Ah, yes, that old chestnut of attacking somebody's bona fides when they have little else to go on...

Why can't you answer the question asshole? If you heart bleeds so much for those in need, why aren't YOU doing anything about it? Why are you spending your time on USMB through very expensive computers connected to very expensive high speed internet?

That's valuable money spent on trivial items that instead could be feeding children, housing women, and providing life saving health insurance to men.

Oh...that's right! Dr. Grump does give a shit about his fellow man. What he cares about is getting his greedy hands on wealth that other people worked hard to acquire.

Jillian, sweetie, I think we've proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that either you are not an attorney, or you are the worst "attorney" ever, because I have completely destroyed you in every debate we have ever had.

But let's put that aside for a moment. If you are in fact an attorney, you should be a person of means (even the lowest paid of attorney's make a respectable living). Which raises the question - why don't you provide for those in need? How many people without health insurance (that your bleeding heart cries for) have you offered to pay an insurance policy for? How many homeless people have you offered to pay rent for (or brought into your own home)? How many hungry people have you taken out to dinner?

This is why the liberal is the laughing joke of America. They scream about those in need, then go out and buy themselves an $800 iPhone while neglecting those same in need. I would vomit if I were 1/1000th the hypocrite of the idiot liberal.

Ah, yes, that old chestnut of attacking somebody's bona fides when they have little else to go on..

So you can't be liberal, own and iPhone and give to charity? Is that what your warped sense of thinking comes up with, Rotty? Is that what you are saying?

While you're having a crack at Jillian and her occupation, can you please tell us yours? And while you're at it, tell us that if indeed by some miracle you do have a job, where you operate so we can avoid it like the plague. Anybody who posts such a vacuous, insipid drivel must be on welfare.

LMAO! Yeah, right. I'm the one saying government should get the fuck out of our lives and abide by the constitution, but I'm the one living off of government.

Sorry asshole, you're the mooch who wants to live off us hard working conservatives. You're the one who wants government to take what we earn and give it to your lazy, sorry, stupid ass.

And don't avoid the question. Which raises the question - why don't you provide for those in need? How many people without health insurance (that your bleeding heart cries for) have you offered to pay an insurance policy for? How many homeless people have you offered to pay rent for (or brought into your own home)? How many hungry people have you taken out to dinner?

1) My taxes provide for those in need
2) I live in a country where some have health insurance and we have a public service too. In fact, my wife just had a very successful operation on the public dime
3) What do your last two points have to do with anything? It proves nothing

4) Too much of a chicken shit to put your bona fides on the table, huh? Why am I not surprised...
i don't have to do schtick, frankie.

i'm sorry the nyc public school system was such a failure for you.

now go look up the dongen patent... and maybe if you're a good boy, one day i'll tell you about the case i was involved in where it came up.

until then, kiss my ESQ, butt. :)

Jillian, sweetie, I think we've proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that either you are not an attorney, or you are the worst "attorney" ever, because I have completely destroyed you in every debate we have ever had.

But let's put that aside for a moment. If you are in fact an attorney, you should be a person of means (even the lowest paid of attorney's make a respectable living). Which raises the question - why don't you provide for those in need? How many people without health insurance (that your bleeding heart cries for) have you offered to pay an insurance policy for? How many homeless people have you offered to pay rent for (or brought into your own home)? How many hungry people have you taken out to dinner?

This is why the liberal is the laughing joke of America. They scream about those in need, then go out and buy themselves an $800 iPhone while neglecting those same in need. I would vomit if I were 1/1000th the hypocrite of the idiot liberal.

How many soon to be aborted babies have you adopted?

None - because you can't adobt children who were murdered, stupid.... :lol:
Jillian, sweetie, I think we've proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that either you are not an attorney, or you are the worst "attorney" ever, because I have completely destroyed you in every debate we have ever had.

But let's put that aside for a moment. If you are in fact an attorney, you should be a person of means (even the lowest paid of attorney's make a respectable living). Which raises the question - why don't you provide for those in need? How many people without health insurance (that your bleeding heart cries for) have you offered to pay an insurance policy for? How many homeless people have you offered to pay rent for (or brought into your own home)? How many hungry people have you taken out to dinner?

This is why the liberal is the laughing joke of America. They scream about those in need, then go out and buy themselves an $800 iPhone while neglecting those same in need. I would vomit if I were 1/1000th the hypocrite of the idiot liberal.

How many soon to be aborted babies have you adopted?

None - because you can't adobt children who were murdered, stupid.... :lol:

do you speak english, assrabbit?
1) My taxes provide for those in need
2) I live in a country where some have health insurance and we have a public service too. In fact, my wife just had a very successful operation on the public dime
3) What do your last two points have to do with anything? It proves nothing

4) Too much of a chicken shit to put your bona fides on the table, huh? Why am I not surprised...

See? Liberal mooching off of hard working Americans. He'll pay for expensive computers and expensive high speed internet so he can surf porn all day and spew Communist bullshit on message boards, but he won't even pay for his wife's surgery. Fucking amazing...
Oh, look, an ignorant twat stopping by to suck up to the guys in the hopes of FINALLY getting some male attention in her life.

Run along, twat. No one's waving any ten-dollar bills in your direction at the moment.

Ah, that charming manner...

...and her also sharing her experiences of the good old days.

Maybe you should have kept those detes to yourself, Cesspit. Although I like how you have taken into account inflation for your pricing structure....I guess $10 is equivalent to $1 a blowjob you were giving at the Blind Institute back in '99...

I thought she was there since '79?

Two young I think. Although, soon as she hit 18 she apperently was trawling the sidewalks of Pheonix...

But this reminds of a true story. Was in a bar when this drunk guy was asked in jest "what do you do for a living"...he replied "I'm a male prostitute". As quick as a flash the young lady who asked the question looked him up and down and replied "Shit, you must be poor." Ditto Cesspit I reckon
How many soon to be aborted babies have you adopted?

None - because you can't adobt children who were murdered, stupid.... :lol:

do you speak english, assrabbit?

Again, I can't adopt a child that some liberal whore has earmarked for murder already. It's not like the liberal whore intended to have someone adobt the child and just couldn't find someone, so they decided on abortion, stupid... :lol:
1) My taxes provide for those in need
2) I live in a country where some have health insurance and we have a public service too. In fact, my wife just had a very successful operation on the public dime
3) What do your last two points have to do with anything? It proves nothing

4) Too much of a chicken shit to put your bona fides on the table, huh? Why am I not surprised...

See? Liberal mooching off of hard working Americans. He'll pay for expensive computers and expensive high speed internet so he can surf porn all day and spew Communist bullshit on message boards, but he won't even pay for his wife's surgery. Fucking amazing...

1) I'm not American
2) My wife has paid taxes for the past 25 years, some of which has gone to fund our public hospitals. I feel no guilt about her getting some of those dollars back in the form of treatment from a health provider...
Ah, that charming manner...

...and her also sharing her experiences of the good old days.

Maybe you should have kept those detes to yourself, Cesspit. Although I like how you have taken into account inflation for your pricing structure....I guess $10 is equivalent to $1 a blowjob you were giving at the Blind Institute back in '99...

I thought she was there since '79?

Two young I think. Although, soon as she hit 18 she apperently was trawling the sidewalks of Pheonix...

But this reminds of a true story. Was in a bar when this drunk guy was asked in jest "what do you do for a living"...he replied "I'm a male prostitute". As quick as a flash the young lady who asked the question looked him up and down and replied "Shit, you must be poor." Ditto Cesspit I reckon

Why can't you answer the question? If you heart bleeds so much for those in need, why aren't YOU doing anything about it? Why are you spending your time on USMB through very expensive computers connected to very expensive high speed internet?

That's valuable money spent on trivial items that instead could be feeding children, housing women, and providing life saving health insurance to men.

Oh...that's right! Dr. Grump does give a shit about his fellow man. What he cares about is getting his greedy hands on wealth that other people worked hard to acquire.
1) My taxes provide for those in need
2) I live in a country where some have health insurance and we have a public service too. In fact, my wife just had a very successful operation on the public dime
3) What do your last two points have to do with anything? It proves nothing

4) Too much of a chicken shit to put your bona fides on the table, huh? Why am I not surprised...

See? Liberal mooching off of hard working Americans. He'll pay for expensive computers and expensive high speed internet so he can surf porn all day and spew Communist bullshit on message boards, but he won't even pay for his wife's surgery. Fucking amazing...

1) I'm not American
2) My wife has paid taxes for the past 25 years, some of which has gone to fund our public hospitals. I feel no guilt about her getting some of those dollars back in the form of treatment from a health provider...

Which brings us right back to the original point - had government not taken those taxes for so many years, you could have afforded the surgery. Yet here you sit, dumber than a box of rocks, calling for more government control (Communism/Marxism/Socialism).

Instead of your money being taken from you, going to Washington, then come back to you for the surgery, how about you just eliminate the inefficient middle man, keep your money, and pay for the surgery directly, yourself?

Duh... that would just make too much sense to the idiot liberal I guess.
I thought she was there since '79?

Two young I think. Although, soon as she hit 18 she apperently was trawling the sidewalks of Pheonix...

But this reminds of a true story. Was in a bar when this drunk guy was asked in jest "what do you do for a living"...he replied "I'm a male prostitute". As quick as a flash the young lady who asked the question looked him up and down and replied "Shit, you must be poor." Ditto Cesspit I reckon

Why can't you answer the question? If you heart bleeds so much for those in need, why aren't YOU doing anything about it? Why are you spending your time on USMB through very expensive computers connected to very expensive high speed internet?

That's valuable money spent on trivial items that instead could be feeding children, housing women, and providing life saving health insurance to men.

Oh...that's right! Dr. Grump does give a shit about his fellow man. What he cares about is getting his greedy hands on wealth that other people worked hard to acquire.

Well, if you could be arsed reading my responses, you would see that I have already said I give to charity.

And why won't you tell us what you do for a living, if indeed you do work...
It is the taxpayers who pay for the federal government ie business owners, employees of businesses. The govt collects bids and awards the job to the cheapest contractor, who is also a private company. If it weren't for the taxpayers, govt wouldn't even have a say in the transaction of the monies. Now, if by some miracle, govt agencies actually built infrastructure without our money, you may have a small point. Otherwise, they get no thanks from me because I'm paying for it. P.S. I'd swim across a river before I'd drive a car across a bridge that a govt agency built.

Hate to break it to you..

But the government is the taxpayers chosen representative. They are us

P.S. The Government got us to the moon....I think they can handle a bridge

Yes, they got us there 45 years ago. They're only good for running up trillions of debt now. Yes, they are our chosen representative.

Yes, we elect them and pay them to do our bidding using private companies to build infrastructure. We pay them to do this.

The reason the evil government runs up debt is because taxpayers are lazy and stupid. They demand services and don't want the tax structure to pay for them. Start electing representatives who will slash Social Security, Welfare, Veterans Benefits, Defense and Education while raising your taxes
1) My taxes provide for those in need
2) I live in a country where some have health insurance and we have a public service too. In fact, my wife just had a very successful operation on the public dime
3) What do your last two points have to do with anything? It proves nothing

4) Too much of a chicken shit to put your bona fides on the table, huh? Why am I not surprised...

See? Liberal mooching off of hard working Americans. He'll pay for expensive computers and expensive high speed internet so he can surf porn all day and spew Communist bullshit on message boards, but he won't even pay for his wife's surgery. Fucking amazing...

1) I'm not American
2) My wife has paid taxes for the past 25 years, some of which has gone to fund our public hospitals. I feel no guilt about her getting some of those dollars back in the form of treatment from a health provider...

If you're an American, then get the fuck out of the conversation and let us handle our own country.

P.S. - if you're married, and you're wife has paid taxes for 25 years, I'm guessing she is an American. Which means, by law, you are an American as well. We have to explain everything to liberals... :lol:
Two young I think. Although, soon as she hit 18 she apperently was trawling the sidewalks of Pheonix...

But this reminds of a true story. Was in a bar when this drunk guy was asked in jest "what do you do for a living"...he replied "I'm a male prostitute". As quick as a flash the young lady who asked the question looked him up and down and replied "Shit, you must be poor." Ditto Cesspit I reckon

Why can't you answer the question? If you heart bleeds so much for those in need, why aren't YOU doing anything about it? Why are you spending your time on USMB through very expensive computers connected to very expensive high speed internet?

That's valuable money spent on trivial items that instead could be feeding children, housing women, and providing life saving health insurance to men.

Oh...that's right! Dr. Grump does give a shit about his fellow man. What he cares about is getting his greedy hands on wealth that other people worked hard to acquire.

Well, if you could be arsed reading my responses, you would see that I have already said I give to charity.

And why won't you tell us what you do for a living, if indeed you do work...

Lay off...Rott lives in his Moms basement
Ah, yes, that old chestnut of attacking somebody's bona fides when they have little else to go on...

Why can't you answer the question asshole? If you heart bleeds so much for those in need, why aren't YOU doing anything about it? Why are you spending your time on USMB through very expensive computers connected to very expensive high speed internet?

That's valuable money spent on trivial items that instead could be feeding children, housing women, and providing life saving health insurance to men.

Oh...that's right! Dr. Grump does give a shit about his fellow man. What he cares about is getting his greedy hands on wealth that other people worked hard to acquire.

Progressives believe its not up to them to feed the needy, they believe just because they pay taxes that within itself is charity and the government will dole it out.

I believe it's up to man and the Church to help the needy via charity (like we have been doing for the last 2,000 years).

Presently our government is nothing more than a big ATM machine and it is being abused.
Hate to break it to you..

But the government is the taxpayers chosen representative. They are us

P.S. The Government got us to the moon....I think they can handle a bridge

Yes, they got us there 45 years ago. They're only good for running up trillions of debt now. Yes, they are our chosen representative.

Yes, we elect them and pay them to do our bidding using private companies to build infrastructure. We pay them to do this.

The reason the evil government runs up debt is because taxpayers are lazy and stupid. They demand services and don't want the tax structure to pay for them. Start electing representatives who will slash Social Security, Welfare, Veterans Benefits, Defense and Education while raising your taxes

Or, we could do the SMART thing and get rid of Social Security, Welfare, Obamacare, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. while cutting taxes. Then we'll solve ALL problems.

But that's not the Communist/Marxist/Socialist way, is it now stupid....?
See? Liberal mooching off of hard working Americans. He'll pay for expensive computers and expensive high speed internet so he can surf porn all day and spew Communist bullshit on message boards, but he won't even pay for his wife's surgery. Fucking amazing...

1) I'm not American
2) My wife has paid taxes for the past 25 years, some of which has gone to fund our public hospitals. I feel no guilt about her getting some of those dollars back in the form of treatment from a health provider...

Which brings us right back to the original point - had government not taken those taxes for so many years, you could have afforded the surgery. Yet here you sit, dumber than a box of rocks, calling for more government control (Communism/Marxism/Socialism).

Instead of your money being taken from you, going to Washington, then come back to you for the surgery, how about you just eliminate the inefficient middle man, keep your money, and pay for the surgery directly, yourself?

Duh... that would just make too much sense to the idiot liberal I guess.

Well, actually, you're right and wrong. Some surgeries could easily be paid for by your method. However some are not. I realize this, but I like a system whereby my tax dollars will help fund the system that I may one day need. I may drop dead of a heart attack or get killed in a car accident and never get to utilise the health system. Then again, I may...shrug...them's the breaks.

Certainly beats the US system....although the current legislation that was passed might help fix it
Ah, yes, that old chestnut of attacking somebody's bona fides when they have little else to go on...

Why can't you answer the question asshole? If you heart bleeds so much for those in need, why aren't YOU doing anything about it? Why are you spending your time on USMB through very expensive computers connected to very expensive high speed internet?

That's valuable money spent on trivial items that instead could be feeding children, housing women, and providing life saving health insurance to men.

Oh...that's right! Dr. Grump does give a shit about his fellow man. What he cares about is getting his greedy hands on wealth that other people worked hard to acquire.

Progressives believe its not up to them to feed the needy, they believe just because they pay taxes that within itself is charity and the government will dole it out.

I believe it's up to man and the Church to help the needy via charity (like we have been doing for the last 2,000 years).

Presently our government is nothing more than a big ATM machine and it is being abused.

Amen brother Nick! Amen! And what you believe would solve all of our problems. While what the liberals believe creates all of our problems.

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