"You didn't get there on your own"

Wow...his meager taxes paid for every road bridge and tunnel that is used to support hos business.

Fact is......Everyone has contributed to provide infrastructure that Rozman needs to support his business. It is one of the benefits of belonging to a society
Meager taxes?...You obviously have NFI how much commercial trucking pays in tolls, registration, apportionment and fuel taxes.

Meager taxes indeed. :rolleyes:
Meager when you compare the costs of building your own roads instead of using the ones that the GUBMINT built for you

How about we go back to roads, bridges and ferries like our founding fathers envisioned? All built by private entrepreneurs and you paid a toll for every one you used
Government knows how to put toll booths on new expressways! lol
like our legal system which is based on the british common law system.

i wonder if he knows that there are parts of new york where the land grants go back to the dongen patent... which was empowered by the magna carta.

nah... he doesn' tknow.

Are you doing your "I'm a lawyer" Schtick again?

i don't have to do schtick, frankie.

i'm sorry the nyc public school system was such a failure for you.

now go look up the dongen patent... and maybe if you're a good boy, one day i'll tell you about the case i was involved in where it came up.

until then, kiss my ESQ, butt. :)

Why don't you post the Clarence Thomas decision that shows what a lowbrow thinker he is?
I don't know about you but where I live we pay tolls on just about every bridge,tunnel,Thruway,Parkway...etc...and we have for years and they always raise the price on these tolls...

I know you Libs feel we are just not taxed enough but I think we are.:eusa_hand:

I don't know where you live. I happen to live in NJ, the king of tolls. Yet 95% of the roads, bridges and tunnels do not require tolls.

If they were built by private enterprise you would pay on EVERY one

I'd rather pay the toll than the tax, it cuts out the middleman...

And the roads would almost certainly be better-maintained. Think how much money that would save you on car repairs.
When everybody has equal access to our infrastructure, what is it beyond the individual's initiative and hard work that leads to his success beyond the next person?

Yes, what about this excellent point, leftists? If, as Obama says, we shouldn't be congratulating ourselves on our success because of our individual intelligence and hard work, because "WE" did it together, why is it that only some people have that success to "unfairly" congratulate themselves about? We all have access to the "wonderful" government contributions, so if they're what REALLY created the success, how come everyone doesn't have it?
S let's see. The French and British get pats on the back for the success of any given American small business. And every other citizen gets credit for the success which is dive in large part to government. No wonder the lefties would like to tax the ever loving shit out of small businesses......they fucking owe everyone!

Everyone knows that if it weren't for government it would be nothing but chaos.

Human sacrifice.

Cats and dogs living together.

Mass hysteria.

So because you pay gas taxes you feel entitled to leech off of a business owner that ALSO pays gas taxes, as well as many OTHER taxes that you DON'T pay??

It is the business owner who makes a profit off of the roads, bridges, water systems, communications networks, police and fire protection, welfare and other services provided by we the people

The point of the thread is ......you don't succeed alone Mr Business owner

The larger the structure, number of persons, and value of property, the more tax dollars used to protect, and serve, yes.

Oh, really? So big businesses with big buildings are getting more police attention than other people are? Because I could swear the police just drive their patrols through the neighborhood without stopping, and each and every one of those big businesses hires their own private security people. Maybe the doughtnut shops and convenience stores are getting more tax dollars used to "protect and serve" them . . .
I'm glad that we both can at least be united on one thing; no more opposition to gay marriage, abortion rights, or drug usage. Okay, three things.

Ahh, the famed leftist ability to conflate two concepts that have fuck-all to do with each other in such a way as to make it inescapable to everyone that said leftist is a moron.

Well done. :clap2:

ah...the famous rightwingnut difficulty to analogize and to comprehend any state of facts that doesn't suit them.

and cess pit does it in her usual charming manner, too. :thup:

Oh, look, an ignorant twat stopping by to suck up to the guys in the hopes of FINALLY getting some male attention in her life.

Run along, twat. No one's waving any ten-dollar bills in your direction at the moment.
Ahh, the famed leftist ability to conflate two concepts that have fuck-all to do with each other in such a way as to make it inescapable to everyone that said leftist is a moron.

Well done. :clap2:

ah...the famous rightwingnut difficulty to analogize and to comprehend any state of facts that doesn't suit them.

and cess pit does it in her usual charming manner, too. :thup:

Oh, look, an ignorant twat stopping by to suck up to the guys in the hopes of FINALLY getting some male attention in her life.

Run along, twat. No one's waving any ten-dollar bills in your direction at the moment.

Ah, that charming manner...

...and her also sharing her experiences of the good old days.

Maybe you should have kept those detes to yourself, Cesspit. Although I like how you have taken into account inflation for your pricing structure....I guess $10 is equivalent to $1 a blowjob you were giving at the Blind Institute back in '99...
i don't have to do schtick, frankie.

i'm sorry the nyc public school system was such a failure for you.

now go look up the dongen patent... and maybe if you're a good boy, one day i'll tell you about the case i was involved in where it came up.

until then, kiss my ESQ, butt. :)

Jillian, sweetie, I think we've proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that either you are not an attorney, or you are the worst "attorney" ever, because I have completely destroyed you in every debate we have ever had.

But let's put that aside for a moment. If you are in fact an attorney, you should be a person of means (even the lowest paid of attorney's make a respectable living). Which raises the question - why don't you provide for those in need? How many people without health insurance (that your bleeding heart cries for) have you offered to pay an insurance policy for? How many homeless people have you offered to pay rent for (or brought into your own home)? How many hungry people have you taken out to dinner?

This is why the liberal is the laughing joke of America. They scream about those in need, then go out and buy themselves an $800 iPhone while neglecting those same in need. I would vomit if I were 1/1000th the hypocrite of the idiot liberal.
So because you pay gas taxes you feel entitled to leech off of a business owner that ALSO pays gas taxes, as well as many OTHER taxes that you DON'T pay??

It is the business owner who makes a profit off of the roads, bridges, water systems, communications networks, police and fire protection, welfare and other services provided by we the people

The point of the thread is ......you don't succeed alone Mr Business owner

It is the taxpayers who pay for the federal government ie business owners, employees of businesses. The govt collects bids and awards the job to the cheapest contractor, who is also a private company. If it weren't for the taxpayers, govt wouldn't even have a say in the transaction of the monies. Now, if by some miracle, govt agencies actually built infrastructure without our money, you may have a small point. Otherwise, they get no thanks from me because I'm paying for it. P.S. I'd swim across a river before I'd drive a car across a bridge that a govt agency built.

Hate to break it to you..

But the government is the taxpayers chosen representative. They are us

P.S. The Government got us to the moon....I think they can handle a bridge
Right we had to go shit outta luck and broke up is he reimbursing us? Naw so we didn't get here on our own he helped but we owe him. Lmfao fck that guy
To all of you liberals (ie ignorant asshole who lack the integrity to admit you are Communists/Marxists/Socialists):

It takes a 4 year old with a shred of common sense to realize how ignorant Barack Obama, his statement, and you guys supporting it are...

Barack says that the successful didn't get there alone and that there are "many smart people" out there and "many working hard". Ok, then why aren't ALL of them billionaires? Every single child in America had teachers (education is not only free, it's mandatory). Every single child had streets, and bridges, and stops signs (none of which have anything to do with success, but Communists are too stupid to realize that :lol:)

If what he said were true, than 100% of the people would be billionaires. The fact that only a few are is a clear indication that they were brighter and worked harder than the rest. Period.

I love watching the ignorant liberal fall all over themselves with absurd statements trying to justify their Communism/Marxism/Socialism... :lol:
When everybody has equal access to our infrastructure, what is it beyond the individual's initiative and hard work that leads to his success beyond the next person?

Yes, what about this excellent point, leftists? If, as Obama says, we shouldn't be congratulating ourselves on our success because of our individual intelligence and hard work, because "WE" did it together, why is it that only some people have that success to "unfairly" congratulate themselves about? We all have access to the "wonderful" government contributions, so if they're what REALLY created the success, how come everyone doesn't have it?

The whole point of this meme is that the barely sentient slugs who are able to make a living by screwing a nut onto a bolt 1000 times a day deserve a share of what the entrepreneurs who built the company are earning. The reality is that if it wasn't for the later, the former would be eating rodents and bugs and living under a rock.
It is the business owner who makes a profit off of the roads, bridges, water systems, communications networks, police and fire protection, welfare and other services provided by we the people

The point of the thread is ......you don't succeed alone Mr Business owner

It is the taxpayers who pay for the federal government ie business owners, employees of businesses. The govt collects bids and awards the job to the cheapest contractor, who is also a private company. If it weren't for the taxpayers, govt wouldn't even have a say in the transaction of the monies. Now, if by some miracle, govt agencies actually built infrastructure without our money, you may have a small point. Otherwise, they get no thanks from me because I'm paying for it. P.S. I'd swim across a river before I'd drive a car across a bridge that a govt agency built.

Hate to break it to you..

But the government is the taxpayers chosen representative. They are us

P.S. The Government got us to the moon....I think they can handle a bridge

In other words, leftwinger is a stupid, lazy, mooch who wants to live off of all of us hard working conservatives, so he wants government to confiscate our wealth by force.

Jillian, sweetie, I think we've proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that either you are not an attorney, or you are the worst "attorney" ever, because I have completely destroyed you in every debate we have ever had.

But let's put that aside for a moment. If you are in fact an attorney, you should be a person of means (even the lowest paid of attorney's make a respectable living). Which raises the question - why don't you provide for those in need? How many people without health insurance (that your bleeding heart cries for) have you offered to pay an insurance policy for? How many homeless people have you offered to pay rent for (or brought into your own home)? How many hungry people have you taken out to dinner?

This is why the liberal is the laughing joke of America. They scream about those in need, then go out and buy themselves an $800 iPhone while neglecting those same in need. I would vomit if I were 1/1000th the hypocrite of the idiot liberal.

Ah, yes, that old chestnut of attacking somebody's bona fides when they have little else to go on..

So you can't be liberal, own an iPhone and give to charity? Is that what your warped sense of thinking comes up with, Rotty? Is that what you are saying?

While you're having a crack at Jillian and her occupation, can you please tell us yours? And while you're at it, tell us that if indeed by some miracle you do have a job, where you operate so we can avoid it like the plague. Anybody who posts such vacuous, insipid drivel must be on welfare.
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For the most part, we do pay private entrepreneurs, who contract with state and local agencies, to build them.

Your myopia is epic.

Please try to keep up with the thread...it is not that hard

The government hires private companies to design and construct infrastructure. That infrastructure belongs to the people

In the days of our founding fathers roads, bridges, ferries and fords were built by individuals. They owned them. When you crossed a small bridge over a tiny creek.....you paid
It's you who needs to keep up, Dudley....Those roads and bridges don't just spring into existence because some DOT bureaucrat waves his magic wand.

BTW....Y'ever driven an 18-wheeler over that free bridge from Jersey into Manhattan?

Of course they don't. That DOT bureaucrat has to establish a need, get budget approval, put out an RFP, evaluate bidders for best cost and value, award a contract, monitor performance, inspect for quality and safety and sign off that the final product meets requirements

Those bridges would be in much better shape if Republicans did not block funding for infrastructure improvement
It is the business owner who makes a profit off of the roads, bridges, water systems, communications networks, police and fire protection, welfare and other services provided by we the people

The point of the thread is ......you don't succeed alone Mr Business owner

It is the taxpayers who pay for the federal government ie business owners, employees of businesses. The govt collects bids and awards the job to the cheapest contractor, who is also a private company. If it weren't for the taxpayers, govt wouldn't even have a say in the transaction of the monies. Now, if by some miracle, govt agencies actually built infrastructure without our money, you may have a small point. Otherwise, they get no thanks from me because I'm paying for it. P.S. I'd swim across a river before I'd drive a car across a bridge that a govt agency built.

Hate to break it to you..

But the government is the taxpayers chosen representative. They are us

P.S. The Government got us to the moon....I think they can handle a bridge

Yes, they got us there 45 years ago. They're only good for running up trillions of debt now. Yes, they are our chosen representative.

Yes, we elect them and pay them to do our bidding using private companies to build infrastructure. We pay them to do this.

Jillian, sweetie, I think we've proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that either you are not an attorney, or you are the worst "attorney" ever, because I have completely destroyed you in every debate we have ever had.

But let's put that aside for a moment. If you are in fact an attorney, you should be a person of means (even the lowest paid of attorney's make a respectable living). Which raises the question - why don't you provide for those in need? How many people without health insurance (that your bleeding heart cries for) have you offered to pay an insurance policy for? How many homeless people have you offered to pay rent for (or brought into your own home)? How many hungry people have you taken out to dinner?

This is why the liberal is the laughing joke of America. They scream about those in need, then go out and buy themselves an $800 iPhone while neglecting those same in need. I would vomit if I were 1/1000th the hypocrite of the idiot liberal.

Ah, yes, that old chestnut of attacking somebody's bona fides when they have little else to go on..

So you can't be liberal, own and iPhone and give to charity? Is that what your warped sense of thinking comes up with, Rotty? Is that what you are saying?

While you're having a crack at Jillian and her occupation, can you please tell us yours? And while you're at it, tell us that if indeed by some miracle you do have a job, where you operate so we can avoid it like the plague. Anybody who posts such a vacuous, insipid drivel must be on welfare.

LMAO! Yeah, right. I'm the one saying government should get the fuck out of our lives and abide by the constitution, but I'm the one living off of government.

Sorry asshole, you're the mooch who wants to live off us hard working conservatives. You're the one who wants government to take what we earn and give it to your lazy, sorry, stupid ass.

And don't avoid the question. Which raises the question - why don't you provide for those in need? How many people without health insurance (that your bleeding heart cries for) have you offered to pay an insurance policy for? How many homeless people have you offered to pay rent for (or brought into your own home)? How many hungry people have you taken out to dinner?

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