"You didn't get there on your own"

That statement implies public ownership.


Yeah, it does. Read what you posted again... "The point is, when we succeed we do it because of our individual initiative, but also because we do it together."

C'mon. What's the point of taking an interest in politics if we can't be HONEST about what we see? Words have meanings, and Obama's words above are clear.
When everybody has equal access to our infrastructure, what is it beyond the individual's initiative and hard work that leads to his success beyond the next person?
This is how the lefty OWS losers validate their existence, by clinging to the successes of others, and claiming those successes for themselves.

Fucking parasites.
You're stoopit, RW. Da Gubmint didn't build SHIT, they hired PRIVATE ENTERPRISE to build it, and paid them with OUR tax dollars.

You are stoopit Guy......Da GUBMINT is prohibited by law from competing with private industry. Our tax dollars went to OUR Government to build what is necessary for the General Welfare of we the people

If you think your private business succeeds without the benefits provided by we the people, you are sadly mistaken

His business succeeds with the benefits of his own hard work and infrastructure supplied by 20% of "We The People, which would include the taxes he pays himself. Maybe we should just let the ones who pay utilize it, and the bottom 50% can stay off our lawn. How's that? :eusa_whistle:

Only 20% of the people pay gas taxes?

You are going to have to back that one up
You are stoopit Guy......Da GUBMINT is prohibited by law from competing with private industry. Our tax dollars went to OUR Government to build what is necessary for the General Welfare of we the people

If you think your private business succeeds without the benefits provided by we the people, you are sadly mistaken

His business succeeds with the benefits of his own hard work and infrastructure supplied by 20% of "We The People, which would include the taxes he pays himself. Maybe we should just let the ones who pay utilize it, and the bottom 50% can stay off our lawn. How's that? :eusa_whistle:

Only 20% of the people pay gas taxes?

You are going to have to back that one up

So because you pay gas taxes you feel entitled to leech off of a business owner that ALSO pays gas taxes, as well as many OTHER taxes that you DON'T pay??
But YET YOU pay them blindly without QUESTION.

YOU are a MORON.

Your reading comprehension sux...big time....

YOU may Fuck yourself. LINE forms over there===>

IDIOT. I understood it just fine asshole.

No you don't...

But don't worry, the expectations for you are pretty low anyway. A bit worrying that you are having trouble meeting them.

Haven't you got a revolution to start somewhere....
His business succeeds with the benefits of his own hard work and infrastructure supplied by 20% of "We The People, which would include the taxes he pays himself. Maybe we should just let the ones who pay utilize it, and the bottom 50% can stay off our lawn. How's that? :eusa_whistle:

Only 20% of the people pay gas taxes?

You are going to have to back that one up

So because you pay gas taxes you feel entitled to leech off of a business owner that ALSO pays gas taxes, as well as many OTHER taxes that you DON'T pay??

The answer to that is a resounding YES!
I don't know about you but where I live we pay tolls on just about every bridge,tunnel,Thruway,Parkway...etc...and we have for years and they always raise the price on these tolls...

I know you Libs feel we are just not taxed enough but I think we are.:eusa_hand:

I don't know where you live. I happen to live in NJ, the king of tolls. Yet 95% of the roads, bridges and tunnels do not require tolls.

If they were built by private enterprise you would pay on EVERY one

I'd rather pay the toll than the tax, it cuts out the middleman...

You would have to save up a lot of quarters. Leave your house and count every piss ant bridge over every creek and river. Look at every single lane road and two lane highway. You would have to pay every private entrepreneur who built them
I don't know where you live. I happen to live in NJ, the king of tolls. Yet 95% of the roads, bridges and tunnels do not require tolls.

If they were built by private enterprise you would pay on EVERY one

I'd rather pay the toll than the tax, it cuts out the middleman...

You would have to save up a lot of quarters. Leave your house and count every piss ant bridge over every creek and river. Look at every single lane road and two lane highway. You would have to pay every private entrepreneur who built them
For the most part, we do pay private entrepreneurs, who contract with state and local agencies, to build them.

Your myopia is epic.
His business succeeds with the benefits of his own hard work and infrastructure supplied by 20% of "We The People, which would include the taxes he pays himself. Maybe we should just let the ones who pay utilize it, and the bottom 50% can stay off our lawn. How's that? :eusa_whistle:

Only 20% of the people pay gas taxes?

You are going to have to back that one up

So because you pay gas taxes you feel entitled to leech off of a business owner that ALSO pays gas taxes, as well as many OTHER taxes that you DON'T pay??

It is the business owner who makes a profit off of the roads, bridges, water systems, communications networks, police and fire protection, welfare and other services provided by we the people

The point of the thread is ......you don't succeed alone Mr Business owner
You are stoopit Guy......Da GUBMINT is prohibited by law from competing with private industry. Our tax dollars went to OUR Government to build what is necessary for the General Welfare of we the people

If you think your private business succeeds without the benefits provided by we the people, you are sadly mistaken

His business succeeds with the benefits of his own hard work and infrastructure supplied by 20% of "We The People, which would include the taxes he pays himself. Maybe we should just let the ones who pay utilize it, and the bottom 50% can stay off our lawn. How's that? :eusa_whistle:

Only 20% of the people pay gas taxes?

You are going to have to back that one up

Not gas taxes. Income taxes.
In a second report, the CBO said that in both 2008 and 2009, the highest-earning 20 percent of taxpayers paid 94 percent of the total income tax burden – up from 86 percent in 2007, and 81 percent before the 2001 tax cuts. In other words, higher-income Americans have been paying a bigger and bigger part of the total tax burden under the so-called “Bush tax cuts.”
Portman: CBO Tears Down Yet Another Of President Obama's Straw Men - Press Releases - Newsroom - Rob Portman
You know, Obama is right about the fact that “[Business owners] didn’t get there on their own.” It’s also true that Government didn’t get there on its own; it had the prior fiscal support of business through its broad taxing authority. Where do they think the money came from to “create the internet” (even though it was Al Gore’s idea)? It came from the businesses that existed at that time. You could just as easily say that businesses today should thank businesses of the past for providing the funding for the infrastructure as government (which undoubtedly wasted significant portions of it on the way). In any case, if you put his words into context, what he is really saying is “You didn’t get there on your own, and we need you to pay even more than before to get you to where WE think you should go.” You’ll notice they never define “fair share”, but it’s always understood to mean “more.”
I think most business people understand that they are in an uneasy partnership with the government, local, state and federal. They pay over taxes in the way of fees, licenses, taxes on property, sales, purchases, income, payroll, use of highways, etc. In return, the government provides general services for which the individual business may or may not benefit in equal measure, but all get some benefit. Of course the business owner wants these and other input costs of his business to be as low as possible. If Obama wants to increase that burden, especially at a time of weakness in the economy, he needs to provide us with a more specific plan for spending it than “infrastructure, teachers, policemen and firefighters.” Make the case that the current level of spending is inadequate for needed services, reduce or eliminate those things that are not needed, justify each and every remaining program, and show that you have cut as much fat as is possible without hitting the bone. If he could make that case, I think those on both sides of the aisle would be more likely to go along with some kind of revenue increase. An actual budget might help (what a concept!). This is what a businessman would do; streamline and find greater efficiency while cutting unnecessary costs, and then if that isn’t adequate, look for additional revenue sources, if they exist. All government does is look for additional revenue sources while paying lip service to “budget cutting” (for which, again, you need an actual budget).This is the difference between having a community organizer in office rather than someone who has been in an executive position, who is experienced in running (and turning around) a large organization. Which is why, like it or not, Romney is really the only choice.
Only 20% of the people pay gas taxes?

You are going to have to back that one up

So because you pay gas taxes you feel entitled to leech off of a business owner that ALSO pays gas taxes, as well as many OTHER taxes that you DON'T pay??

It is the business owner who makes a profit off of the roads, bridges, water systems, communications networks, police and fire protection, welfare and other services provided by we the people

The point of the thread is ......you don't succeed alone Mr Business owner

Yes, the business owner profits. So do the fucking employees, along with various levels of government. Quit leeching off of others. Find your own success, you sad little tickterd.
Only 20% of the people pay gas taxes?

You are going to have to back that one up

So because you pay gas taxes you feel entitled to leech off of a business owner that ALSO pays gas taxes, as well as many OTHER taxes that you DON'T pay??

It is the business owner who makes a profit off of the roads, bridges, water systems, communications networks, police and fire protection, welfare and other services provided by we the people

The point of the thread is ......you don't succeed alone Mr Business owner

The larger the structure, number of persons, and value of property, the more tax dollars used to protect, and serve, yes.
Actually, I'm not the government, and when I have sex with a woman, I really don't care if she gets there or not. I got mine, time to move along.

And as long as you leave the money on the dresser, I'm sure she's fine with that. I doubt she was expecting you to be able to "get her there", anyway.

I don't pay. But as far as her expectations, that's the beauty of it. She was definitely expecting it. That is, until we got back to my place and I took off my pants, and she realized that I wasn't joking when I said I had a tiny penis. At that point, though, they usually feel obligated, because it's not like I lied to them. So, it's game on. Until I get bored.

Once again, you have mistaken derisive mockery for your existence as interest in the details of your existence.
I'd rather pay the toll than the tax, it cuts out the middleman...

You would have to save up a lot of quarters. Leave your house and count every piss ant bridge over every creek and river. Look at every single lane road and two lane highway. You would have to pay every private entrepreneur who built them
For the most part, we do pay private entrepreneurs, who contract with state and local agencies, to build them.

Your myopia is epic.

Please try to keep up with the thread...it is not that hard

The government hires private companies to design and construct infrastructure. That infrastructure belongs to the people

In the days of our founding fathers roads, bridges, ferries and fords were built by individuals. They owned them. When you crossed a small bridge over a tiny creek.....you paid
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I'm glad that we both can at least be united on one thing; no more opposition to gay marriage, abortion rights, or drug usage. Okay, three things.

Ahh, the famed leftist ability to conflate two concepts that have fuck-all to do with each other in such a way as to make it inescapable to everyone that said leftist is a moron.

Well done. :clap2:

dont make me repeat the famous Animal House line for you too...

Yes, I'm deeply terrified that you might cite the "profound wisdom" that you find in comedic movies at me. Oh, lawsie, ANYTHING but that! PLEASE! :rolleyes:
You would have to save up a lot of quarters. Leave your house and count every piss ant bridge over every creek and river. Look at every single lane road and two lane highway. You would have to pay every private entrepreneur who built them
For the most part, we do pay private entrepreneurs, who contract with state and local agencies, to build them.

Your myopia is epic.

Please try to keep up with the thread...it is not that hard

The government hires private companies to design and construct infrastructure. That infrastructure belongs to the people

In the days of our founding fathers roads, bridges, ferries and fords were build by individuals. They owned them. When you crossed a small bridge over a tiny creek.....you paid

So our "Liberal" Founding Fathers should have been grateful to the British, no?

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