Zo on why Republicans are accused of not helping blacks

Republicans cant help or show up in the black community as long as blacks listen to Dems? Why not...He doesn't say

Yes he does say. Watch it again and try to pay attention.

In case you're too lazy to do so.

He said don't listen to Democrats because their way does not work.

Yes he does say but its circular because he says Repubs don't come to Black Neighborhoods because blacks listen to Dems.

And says they wont come to black neighborhoods until they stop listening to Dems. :lol: Its the standard repub response to anything. Get rid of it first THEN we'll talk...we promise
Ask yourself, isn't it racist to assume that Black people "need help" because they are black?
I guess the whole gist of the video was lost on you. What he was saying is why would Republican have to visit the black community if everything in the black community was going so well? Why even bring it up do black really need to meet Republicans?

Strawman: Who says everything is going so well? The only person who says it is him.

He's making excuses to why ignoring an entire community is....good or reasonable. The entire reason being because he has the wrong premise of thought to begin with

That's the point dumbass. It's not going well, if it was they would not be asking republicans for help. And he's saying why would Republicans help Democrats who are the ones making it worse for blacks.

Damn you are either really stupid or really, really stupid.

No one is asking repubs for help blacks are asking what the Repubs plan is for their community. That's politics. That's what Single Moms do, Gun Owners, White Males, Hunters, Communters etc DO.

If Dems are making it worst, why NOT assist? Wouldn't that make great strides to turning some people over to your side? Instead he says Dems are making it worst and we're going to stand over here, watch it happen because....That's a good thing to do?!
Republicans cant help or show up in the black community as long as blacks listen to Dems? Why not...He doesn't say

Yes he does say. Watch it again and try to pay attention.

In case you're too lazy to do so.

He said don't listen to Democrats because their way does not work.

Yes he does say but its circular because he says Repubs don't come to Black Neighborhoods because blacks listen to Dems.

And says they wont come to black neighborhoods until they stop listening to Dems. :lol: Its the standard repub response to anything. Get rid of it first THEN we'll talk...we promise

Yes they need to stop listening to Democrats and start listening to Republicans.
Strawman: Who says everything is going so well? The only person who says it is him.

He's making excuses to why ignoring an entire community is....good or reasonable. The entire reason being because he has the wrong premise of thought to begin with

That's the point dumbass. It's not going well, if it was they would not be asking republicans for help. And he's saying why would Republicans help Democrats who are the ones making it worse for blacks.

Damn you are either really stupid or really, really stupid.

No one is asking repubs for help blacks are asking what the Repubs plan is for their community. That's politics. That's what Single Moms do, Gun Owners, White Males, Hunters, Communters etc DO.

If Dems are making it worst, why NOT assist? Wouldn't that make great strides to turning some people over to your side? Instead he says Dems are making it worst and we're going to stand over here, watch it happen because....That's a good thing to do?!

Blacks want to know "what can you do for me" instead of listening to the Republicans who keep telling them to learn to do for themselves and stop relying on government to support them.

Assist the Democrats who are basically enslaving blacks? I don't think so.
Yes he does say. Watch it again and try to pay attention.

In case you're too lazy to do so.

He said don't listen to Democrats because their way does not work.

Yes he does say but its circular because he says Repubs don't come to Black Neighborhoods because blacks listen to Dems.

And says they wont come to black neighborhoods until they stop listening to Dems. :lol: Its the standard repub response to anything. Get rid of it first THEN we'll talk...we promise

Yes they need to stop listening to Democrats and start listening to Republicans.

But repubs aren't there because Dems are....Blacks cant listen to someone who refuses to step to the podium...See how this works....Its circular excuses
That's the point dumbass. It's not going well, if it was they would not be asking republicans for help. And he's saying why would Republicans help Democrats who are the ones making it worse for blacks.

Damn you are either really stupid or really, really stupid.

No one is asking repubs for help blacks are asking what the Repubs plan is for their community. That's politics. That's what Single Moms do, Gun Owners, White Males, Hunters, Communters etc DO.

If Dems are making it worst, why NOT assist? Wouldn't that make great strides to turning some people over to your side? Instead he says Dems are making it worst and we're going to stand over here, watch it happen because....That's a good thing to do?!

Blacks want to know "what can you do for me" instead of listening to the Republicans who keep telling them to learn to do for themselves and stop relying on government to support them.

Assist the Democrats who are basically enslaving blacks? I don't think so.

That's how every group looks at politics. What can you do for the stay at home moms, the students, the construction worker, the businessman etc etc.

You're pretending that blacks are the only ones and by pretending you make it seem like this is something against blacks only who are being unreasonable.

Do you see how that turns off that group? If Dems are enslaving blacks throw us a goddam key, don't stand to the side with a KEY and tell everyone how you could put the key in the lock but you wont
Yes he does say but its circular because he says Repubs don't come to Black Neighborhoods because blacks listen to Dems.

And says they wont come to black neighborhoods until they stop listening to Dems. :lol: Its the standard repub response to anything. Get rid of it first THEN we'll talk...we promise

Yes they need to stop listening to Democrats and start listening to Republicans.

But repubs aren't there because Dems are....Blacks cant listen to someone who refuses to step to the podium...See how this works....Its circular excuses

I see that you think that the blacks are stupid people that need to be singled out by the Republican party. Republicans have and do speak on a regular basis. Nothing is preventing blacks from listening.

But it's as I said, I think most blacks want to know what's in it for them, what do they get out of it? The Republicans tell them time after time what's in it for them which is the dignity of standing on their own two feet and becoming productive members of society. But that's not what most blacks want, they want something without having to put in any effort. IMHO
No one is asking repubs for help blacks are asking what the Repubs plan is for their community. That's politics. That's what Single Moms do, Gun Owners, White Males, Hunters, Communters etc DO.

If Dems are making it worst, why NOT assist? Wouldn't that make great strides to turning some people over to your side? Instead he says Dems are making it worst and we're going to stand over here, watch it happen because....That's a good thing to do?!

Blacks want to know "what can you do for me" instead of listening to the Republicans who keep telling them to learn to do for themselves and stop relying on government to support them.

Assist the Democrats who are basically enslaving blacks? I don't think so.

That's how every group looks at politics. What can you do for the stay at home moms, the students, the construction worker, the businessman etc etc.

You're pretending that blacks are the only ones and by pretending you make it seem like this is something against blacks only who are being unreasonable.

Do you see how that turns off that group? If Dems are enslaving blacks throw us a goddam key, don't stand to the side with a KEY and tell everyone how you could put the key in the lock but you wont

What conservative groups want from the government is for them to get the hell out of their way and stop dictating to them what light bulbs to use, what car to drive, what food to eat, what shower heads to use...etc.

If the truth turns a group off then that's something they have to deal with.

The key is to stop waiting for someone to give you a key. Go out and find you're own damn key.

Most of us were born in middle to low income families and we all had the same chances at an education. We all had choices to make on how we wanted to live our lives. You can't stop people from making bad choices.
Yes they need to stop listening to Democrats and start listening to Republicans.

But repubs aren't there because Dems are....Blacks cant listen to someone who refuses to step to the podium...See how this works....Its circular excuses

I see that you think that the blacks are stupid people that need to be singled out by the Republican party. Republicans have and do speak on a regular basis. Nothing is preventing blacks from listening.

But it's as I said, I think most blacks want to know what's in it for them, what do they get out of it? The Republicans tell them time after time what's in it for them which is the dignity of standing on their own two feet and becoming productive members of society. But that's not what most blacks want, they want something without having to put in any effort. IMHO

No this is politics. If you want someones vote, you ask for it. ONLY with the black community are you defending staying away from it. Repubs don't say that about ANY OTHER group. What makes blacks different than everyone else? And how does that make the repubs look to the group they ignore?

standing on their own two feet and becoming productive members of society. But that's not what most blacks want, they want something without having to put in any effort.

Seriously? Change the word from blacks to women: Do you think women would see this opinion that's widely held in repub circles as being positive or negative?

Why single out blacks like they are the only group that SHOULDNT be talked to, SHOULDNT be helped, AND DONT want to "stand on their own two feet"? Then you'll cry if I call that opinion racist
The GOP's rank & file has a deep hostility to blacks & hispanics, and blacks & hispanics know it. The very presence of blacks & hispanics in the country sends the GOP's rank & file members into panic and rage. The irrational racism of the GOP rank & file, and their profound anxiety about the huge demographic changes taking place, is the root cause of the Tea Party and gun nuttery.
But repubs aren't there because Dems are....Blacks cant listen to someone who refuses to step to the podium...See how this works....Its circular excuses

I see that you think that the blacks are stupid people that need to be singled out by the Republican party. Republicans have and do speak on a regular basis. Nothing is preventing blacks from listening.

But it's as I said, I think most blacks want to know what's in it for them, what do they get out of it? The Republicans tell them time after time what's in it for them which is the dignity of standing on their own two feet and becoming productive members of society. But that's not what most blacks want, they want something without having to put in any effort. IMHO

No this is politics. If you want someones vote, you ask for it. ONLY with the black community are you defending staying away from it. Repubs don't say that about ANY OTHER group. What makes blacks different than everyone else? And how does that make the repubs look to the group they ignore?

standing on their own two feet and becoming productive members of society. But that's not what most blacks want, they want something without having to put in any effort.

Seriously? Change the word from blacks to women: Do you think women would see this opinion that's widely held in repub circles as being positive or negative?

Why single out blacks like they are the only group that SHOULDNT be talked to, SHOULDNT be helped, AND DONT want to "stand on their own two feet"? Then you'll cry if I call that opinion racist

No you don't ask for their vote, you earn their vote. Republicans do not ignore black, blacks for the most part ignore Republicans and that's due in part by the brainwashing from the Democrats.

You can insert any group you want. If the shoe fits it fits and I don't care if they see the truth as a negative or a positive. I think that's the problem with politicians is that they tell you what they think you want to hear instead of being honest.

The Republicans don't single out anyone. Their message is there for all to hear.

You call it racist, you can it whatever you wish. My opinion comes from years of observation.
The GOP's rank & file has a deep hostility to blacks & hispanics, and blacks & hispanics know it. The very presence of blacks & hispanics in the country sends the GOP's rank & file members into panic and rage. The irrational racism of the GOP rank & file, and their profound anxiety about the huge demographic changes taking place, is the root cause of the Tea Party and gun nuttery.

Its on display right here.

What other group do politicians say "don't ask for their vote, don't even try"? Any? Nope just blacks.

What other group is accused of wanting handouts and NOT wanting to be self sufficient? Any? Nope just blacks

All of those opinions are coming from ONE party. But its wrong to say that...for some reason. Because yelling fire apparently is worst than starting it to begin with
The GOP's rank & file has a deep hostility to blacks & hispanics, and blacks & hispanics know it. The very presence of blacks & hispanics in the country sends the GOP's rank & file members into panic and rage. The irrational racism of the GOP rank & file, and their profound anxiety about the huge demographic changes taking place, is the root cause of the Tea Party and gun nuttery.

What evidence do you have?

Please use credible links.
The GOP's rank & file has a deep hostility to blacks & hispanics, and blacks & hispanics know it. The very presence of blacks & hispanics in the country sends the GOP's rank & file members into panic and rage. The irrational racism of the GOP rank & file, and their profound anxiety about the huge demographic changes taking place, is the root cause of the Tea Party and gun nuttery.

Its on display right here.

What other group do politicians say "don't ask for their vote, don't even try"? Any? Nope just blacks.

What other group is accused of wanting handouts and NOT wanting to be self sufficient? Any? Nope just blacks

All of those opinions are coming from ONE party. But its wrong to say that...for some reason. Because yelling fire apparently is worst than starting it to begin with

After centuries of slavery, segregation, post-Civil War terrorism, Jim Crow, voting restrictions on blacks through most of our history, we're to believe that the poverty of their descendants is the fault of their descendants? Unbelievable. If you want to believe that , fine. But don't get all poopy diaper about their voting for Democrats.
The GOP's rank & file has a deep hostility to blacks & hispanics, and blacks & hispanics know it. The very presence of blacks & hispanics in the country sends the GOP's rank & file members into panic and rage. The irrational racism of the GOP rank & file, and their profound anxiety about the huge demographic changes taking place, is the root cause of the Tea Party and gun nuttery.

What evidence do you have?

Please use credible links.

This is a silly anonymous message board, not some doctoral program of some college. I don't have to provide you with a thing.

The evidence is in the preferred policies of the modern GOP, and local, state and federal levels. The assaults on voting, the assaults on Hispanics, the assaults on education budgets, the assaults on the food stamp program, the assaults on health care.
After centuries of slavery said:
Both parties have their racist elements. Personal anecdote: yesterday I'm in line at the grocery store buying multiple pounds of sausage for meals on wheels red beans and rice that I'll cook this weekend (and a sixer of Coors for me (-:) I'm behind a guy paying in part with his SNAP card and with cash for what items SNAP won't pay for. He's got a twelve pack of soda with sugar. SNAP covered it. The point was, I decided the SNAP cuts weren't the worst thing the gop has in mind.

The gop wants charter schools for failing schools with union teachers. That's not racist. BushII's smart daugher, and her beautiful cousin, do charity work for Africa. I just don't think you can "brush off" either party on racism.

But yeah, there are scared old whites in the TP.
The GOP's rank & file has a deep hostility to blacks & hispanics, and blacks & hispanics know it. The very presence of blacks & hispanics in the country sends the GOP's rank & file members into panic and rage. The irrational racism of the GOP rank & file, and their profound anxiety about the huge demographic changes taking place, is the root cause of the Tea Party and gun nuttery.

What evidence do you have?

Please use credible links.

This is a silly anonymous message board, not some doctoral program of some college. I don't have to provide you with a thing.

The evidence is in the preferred policies of the modern GOP, and local, state and federal levels. The assaults on voting, the assaults on Hispanics, the assaults on education budgets, the assaults on the food stamp program, the assaults on health care.

Thanks for admitting you made the shit up.
The GOP's rank & file has a deep hostility to blacks & hispanics, and blacks & hispanics know it. The very presence of blacks & hispanics in the country sends the GOP's rank & file members into panic and rage. The irrational racism of the GOP rank & file, and their profound anxiety about the huge demographic changes taking place, is the root cause of the Tea Party and gun nuttery.

The GOP's rank & file has a deep hostility to blacks & hispanics,

if you are including Moderate and Liberal Republicans as part of this Rank and File.....then i say you are full of shit on this.....

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