19 Months....And NOTHING!

Trump ended the Clintons gravy train, and thus at least temporarily suspended the transfer of U.S. sovereignty over to foreign Globalists. That's why he is so hated by the Clintons, Obamas, Democrats, and establishment Republicans. They are all bought a paid for by foreign, and domestic GLOBALISTS. That's why the never did anything about ILLEGAL ALIENS. They want Open Border to Fundamentally Transform the U.S. into another easily controlled third world hell hole, and that's also why they want our guns.

Trump is a globalist
'No collusion' by Trump with Russia shown in new Cohen and Manafort court filings

"Unquestionably, this is a fishing expedition..."

"There is no “smoking gun” saying there was Trump-Russia collusion to defeat Hillary Clinton and install Trump in the Oval Office."

"How long will this investigation go on? How wide a net will it cast? How far back in time will it go? How many more millions of dollars will it cost American taxpayers?

And finally, is the cloud the Mueller probe is casting over the Trump administration benefitting our nation, or simply weakening the president and preventing him from accomplishing the many things the American people elected him to do on our behalf?"

"...what we know on the public record, Mueller has failed to prove the Trump-Russia collusion that he was appointed to investigate 19 months ago."

The butt-hurt coup marches on....

What a joke you are.

Mueller named Trump as an unindicted felon in filings Friday. Collusion, and obstruction of justice has been tied up with a big red ribbon on it. Merry Christmas to you and yours. Impeachment paper WILL follow after this week. The Democrats won't have a choice.

There isn't a criminal lawyer or prosecutor commenting on these recent filings has said anything other than Trump is caught. No question.
Conspiracy; not collusion
'No collusion' by Trump with Russia shown in new Cohen and Manafort court filings

"Unquestionably, this is a fishing expedition..."

"There is no “smoking gun” saying there was Trump-Russia collusion to defeat Hillary Clinton and install Trump in the Oval Office."

"How long will this investigation go on? How wide a net will it cast? How far back in time will it go? How many more millions of dollars will it cost American taxpayers?

And finally, is the cloud the Mueller probe is casting over the Trump administration benefitting our nation, or simply weakening the president and preventing him from accomplishing the many things the American people elected him to do on our behalf?"

"...what we know on the public record, Mueller has failed to prove the Trump-Russia collusion that he was appointed to investigate 19 months ago."

The butt-hurt coup marches on....

What a joke you are.

Mueller named Trump as an unindicted felon in filings Friday. Collusion, and obstruction of justice has been tied up with a big red ribbon on it. Merry Christmas to you and yours. Impeachment paper WILL follow after this week. The Democrats won't have a choice.

There isn't a criminal lawyer or prosecutor commenting on these recent filings has said anything other than Trump is caught. No question.

just MSM 93% negative coverage of Trump.
He’s 100% criminal.
Multiple indictments and convictions

Mueller has wrapped up Flynn, Manafort, Cohen and others and is getting “substantial cooperation”

Trump has reason to be worried as he attacks former key aids
None of which had to do with Russia.
Collusion is some made up word by the media and liberals, it is all bullshit, Trump has done great things for this Country despite all the shithead democrats, Clintons ,Obama's, ect... impeding him every minute of the day.
Trump 2020!
Multiple indictments and convictions

Mueller has wrapped up Flynn, Manafort, Cohen and others and is getting “substantial cooperation”

Trump has reason to be worried as he attacks former key aids

nothing he has done has implicated Trump in any wrong doing in any way.
'No collusion' by Trump with Russia shown in new Cohen and Manafort court filings

"Unquestionably, this is a fishing expedition..."

"There is no “smoking gun” saying there was Trump-Russia collusion to defeat Hillary Clinton and install Trump in the Oval Office."

"How long will this investigation go on? How wide a net will it cast? How far back in time will it go? How many more millions of dollars will it cost American taxpayers?

And finally, is the cloud the Mueller probe is casting over the Trump administration benefitting our nation, or simply weakening the president and preventing him from accomplishing the many things the American people elected him to do on our behalf?"

"...what we know on the public record, Mueller has failed to prove the Trump-Russia collusion that he was appointed to investigate 19 months ago."

The butt-hurt coup marches on....

Multiple indictments and convictions

Mueller has wrapped up Flynn, Manafort, Cohen and others and is getting “substantial cooperation”

Trump has reason to be worried as he attacks former key aids

nothing he has done has implicated Trump in any wrong doing in any way.

You are, obviously, not reading the same court documents the rest of the world are reading.
No, you aren’t reading the documents, you are reading spun tales of the documents.
Multiple indictments and convictions

Mueller has wrapped up Flynn, Manafort, Cohen and others and is getting “substantial cooperation”

Trump has reason to be worried as he attacks former key aids

nothing he has done has implicated Trump in any wrong doing in any way.

You are, obviously, not reading the same court documents the rest of the world are reading.
No, you aren’t reading the documents, you are reading spun tales of the documents.
Multiple indictments and convictions

Mueller has wrapped up Flynn, Manafort, Cohen and others and is getting “substantial cooperation”

Trump has reason to be worried as he attacks former key aids

nothing he has done has implicated Trump in any wrong doing in any way.

You are, obviously, not reading the same court documents the rest of the world are reading.

Try again, cupcake. Cohen directly implicated the Oompa Loompa Oligarch and Flynn likely did. Flynn met with the special council 19 times and gave "substantial assistance" to prosecutors.
Implicated he paid off a woman, which is not a crime. Try again, cupcake.
No, you aren’t reading the documents, you are reading spun tales of the documents.
Multiple indictments and convictions

Mueller has wrapped up Flynn, Manafort, Cohen and others and is getting “substantial cooperation”

Trump has reason to be worried as he attacks former key aids

nothing he has done has implicated Trump in any wrong doing in any way.

You are, obviously, not reading the same court documents the rest of the world are reading.

Try again, cupcake. Cohen directly implicated the Oompa Loompa Oligarch and Flynn likely did. Flynn met with the special council 19 times and gave "substantial assistance" to prosecutors.
We got something now. Comey admitted it was all BS.
By my rough count twice as many Russians have been charged than Americans. I wouldn't call that a dead end.
Russians charged with nothing having to do with Trump. And, unexpectedly for the prosecutors, they actually decided to fight here in court.
Oh, my goodness, look what unnamed FBI agent said after his interview with Hillary, when he and Strzok, interviewed her-

Mr. Gowdy: Well, how about do that for me. For the
meantime, we'll just refer to that person as FBI Agent 1.
Director Comey, after the Clinton interview on July 2nd,
if memory serves, 2016, FBI Agent 1 wrote: "I'm done
interviewing the President," dash, and then typed 302.
Another FBI employee responded: You interviewed the
President, question mark.
And FBI Agent 1 wrote back: You know, HRC.
A couple days later, you were before Congress, and you said, among other things, "The decision was made and the recommendation was made the way you would want it to be, by people who didn't give a hoot about politics."

He referred to her as President. Just, well, you know...
Multiple indictments and convictions

Mueller has wrapped up Flynn, Manafort, Cohen and others and is getting “substantial cooperation”

Trump has reason to be worried as he attacks former key aids

nothing he has done has implicated Trump in any wrong doing in any way.

You are, obviously, not reading the same court documents the rest of the world are reading.

Well.....then surely you can document Trump collusion with Russia to control his election....

You can't?????

Is that because the only individuals for whom there is actual evidence of collusion and cooperation with the Kremlin are Democrats?

You know that, don't you?
'No collusion' by Trump with Russia shown in new Cohen and Manafort court filings

"Unquestionably, this is a fishing expedition..."

"There is no “smoking gun” saying there was Trump-Russia collusion to defeat Hillary Clinton and install Trump in the Oval Office."

"How long will this investigation go on? How wide a net will it cast? How far back in time will it go? How many more millions of dollars will it cost American taxpayers?

And finally, is the cloud the Mueller probe is casting over the Trump administration benefitting our nation, or simply weakening the president and preventing him from accomplishing the many things the American people elected him to do on our behalf?"

"...what we know on the public record, Mueller has failed to prove the Trump-Russia collusion that he was appointed to investigate 19 months ago."

The butt-hurt coup marches on....
tRump saying that jber and over doesn't make it true. The new filing show exactly that opposite as you claim.
I have a feeling Mueller's "investigation" will last as long as Trump is a president. It's just another way to restrict his actions and to deligitimize him as a president.

It's areal shame for the country because whole bunch of crooks like both Clintons, Obama, Soros and all his puppets are still running free ans influencing the life and the future of your country.
Trumps own actions have deligitimized his presidency.

Let’s see the facts and hold him accountable if necessary
'No collusion' by Trump with Russia shown in new Cohen and Manafort court filings

"Unquestionably, this is a fishing expedition..."

"There is no “smoking gun” saying there was Trump-Russia collusion to defeat Hillary Clinton and install Trump in the Oval Office."

"How long will this investigation go on? How wide a net will it cast? How far back in time will it go? How many more millions of dollars will it cost American taxpayers?

And finally, is the cloud the Mueller probe is casting over the Trump administration benefitting our nation, or simply weakening the president and preventing him from accomplishing the many things the American people elected him to do on our behalf?"

"...what we know on the public record, Mueller has failed to prove the Trump-Russia collusion that he was appointed to investigate 19 months ago."

The butt-hurt coup marches on....
tRump saying that jber and over doesn't make it true. The new filing show exactly that opposite as you claim.

these idiots need to tell Cohen its not a crime when the guards are locking his cell door for the first time ...

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