22% Say Dems Are America's Greatest Enemy

A party that ditches their Social Liberalism and Uniparty elements for a few election cycles ?
If that's the party that addresses our immigration problem instead of politicizing it, I would be interested, but I am not a single issue voter so they better bring other stuff to the table.
A lot of people have figured out the obvious. That is a large percent. It has to be loaded with independent voters. We know the Democrats are seriously abusing their power and ignoring the rule of law and the Constitution.

The other 78% haven't figured out their violating the Constitution and laws, illegally spying on us, censoring us, and helping millions of illegals into the country is a bad thig.
We don't have open borders. People are stopped at the border every day.

What political prisoners?

The FBI didn't censor anything, Twitter did.

Any other bad examples?
I feel like I've said this a million times, but I'll say it again....The PTSB have successfully manipulated both 'sides' into thinking the other 'side' is America's most dangerous enemy! How convenient for the manipulators, whose M.O is divide and conquer. They want us all hating, fearing and focused on each other, so that our attention is diverted away from the corrupt powers who control both sides... and their global agenda that will benefit no one but the oligarchs at the very top. But do go on hating misguided people, while all of us are losing our country. Good luck with that.
If that's the party that addresses our immigration problem instead of politicizing it, I would be interested, but I am not a single issue voter so they better bring other stuff to the table.
I’m a 2 Issue Voter Now ( Securing The Southern Border / Deporting Criminal Illegals ) ( 2A/ RTKB ) since my 3rd Issue ( Roe ) has been squared away ...
Imagine if the gop stepped up and ran some decent candidates. Time to clean house, then they win in a landslide. It's difficult for many voters to vote for the lesser of two evils rather than for someone they feel is good.

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