3 Black Guys Kill A 5 Yr Old White Girl

3) And no, not just black people can and do this kind of horrific thing.
It is most of the time

What a load of baloney. Heard about this case?

'Baby Doe' Identified As Boston Girl; Mother & Boyfriend Arrested

BOSTON (CBS) – The child known around New England as “Baby Doe” has been identified as Bella Bond of Dorchester.

Authorities say Bella was murdered by her mother’s boyfriend, 35-year-old Michael Patrick McCarthy.

Read: DCF Had Previous Involvement With Family Of ‘Baby Doe’

“This child whose very name means beauty, was murdered,” Suffolk County District Attorney Dan Conley said. McCarthy allegedly murdered Bella in the Dorchester apartment where she lived.

McCarthy is currently hospitalized for a medical condition unrelated to this case. Bella’s mother, 40-year-old Rachelle Bond, has been charged as an accessory after the fact.

1) It's despicable and I would see them charged with the death penalty.

2) Anyone who would murder a child should face the same punishment.

3) And no, not just black people can and do this kind of horrific thing.
So there's another case recently in the news where three white guys did this?
1) It's despicable and I would see them charged with the death penalty.

2) Anyone who would murder a child should face the same punishment.

3) And no, not just black people can and do this kind of horrific thing.
So there's another case recently in the news where three white guys did this?

PLENTY of white people, Hispanic people, and black people kill their own children. Are you trying to claim that only black people kill their children, or any children for that matter?

Kristina Fox, a 30-year-old administrative assistant, alongside her younger brother, was beaten and stabbed repeatedly in her back and face while being called "ni6ger" repeatedly by a racist mob of white men and women in Taylor-Lauridsen Park in Canaryville. Fox told her horrific story on Facebook from the hospital and recently did her first television interview, seen below, as she recovers.

Not all over the news...bad things happen...grow up.
It's been purged from fb.

My guess is it's a hoax.

Kristina Fox, a 30-year-old administrative assistant, alongside her younger brother, was beaten and stabbed repeatedly in her back and face while being called "ni6ger" repeatedly by a racist mob of white men and women in Taylor-Lauridsen Park in Canaryville. Fox told her horrific story on Facebook from the hospital and recently did her first television interview, seen below, as she recovers.

Not all over the news...bad things happen...grow up.
It's been purged from fb.

My guess is it's a hoax.


Ignorance personified.

Kristina Fox, a 30-year-old administrative assistant, alongside her younger brother, was beaten and stabbed repeatedly in her back and face while being called "ni6ger" repeatedly by a racist mob of white men and women in Taylor-Lauridsen Park in Canaryville. Fox told her horrific story on Facebook from the hospital and recently did her first television interview, seen below, as she recovers.

Not all over the news...bad things happen...grow up.

She was "hanging out" at a park in the "early hours" of Saturday..which means late Friday night, with her brother, and her brother got into a fight and she jumped in. People hanging out in a park in the wee hours are drinking and doping.

"Fox said she and her brother and one of their friends were hanging out in the playground in the early hours of Saturday morning when they struck up a conversation about music with a man and two women nearby, who were soon joined by their friends. Fox said two of the men in the other group then had a disagreement.
"They were arguing, so my little brother was trying to break it up. He's like, 'We're out here trying to have a nice time. You're all friends. Don't fight,'" Fox said. "And they just start jumping on him."

Fox said as she and her brother tried to leave, they were suddenly surrounded by people arriving at the scene."

It was a drunken brawl.

Victim claims brutal attack in Taylor-Lauridsen Park was racially motivated
Scumbags! Sorry, I guess that was racist.

No....the leftist racists have deemed "Thug" racist......I don't think they have made a ruling on "Scumbag" yet....but it should be forthcoming....
So yes, anything where a black person gets hurt is immediately broadcast as *racial*, and that article is a great example. Look at that Irish gang lolol.

Whereas little girl killed by mob of blacks..not so much.

that's nice...

most serial killers are white.

and most of the mass shooters have been white.

why don't you post their pictures.

oh right.....

No, actually most mass shooters are black, using the standard definition of 4 or more victims. The problem is, you racists on the Left only care when white colleges or movie theaters get shot up and you don't give a damn about this kind of thing happening daily in Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, etc. Black lives actually matter to us, but clearly not to you.
3) And no, not just black people can and do this kind of horrific thing.
It is most of the time

No it's not, you foolish racist.

See, what you need to do is get out of that mindset of posting like this.

Can't you just realize that there are good and bad apples in each group of people?

Imagine how much more peaceful life would be if you understood that.
How many botched drive by shootings can you list that were perpetrated by white guys? I bet you cant even find 3. In fact, we all know you cant, which is why you will simply refuse to play along rather than admitting you are wrong. You are free to do that, but it comes at the price of your integrity. Put your money where your mouth is, or be exposed as a lying douche.
3) And no, not just black people can and do this kind of horrific thing.
It is most of the time

No it's not, you foolish racist.

See, what you need to do is get out of that mindset of posting like this.

Can't you just realize that there are good and bad apples in each group of people?

Imagine how much more peaceful life would be if you understood that.
How many botched drive by shootings can you list that were perpetrated by white guys? I bet you cant even find 3. In fact, we all know you cant, which is why you will simply refuse to play along rather than admitting you are wrong. You are free to do that, but it comes at the price of your integrity. Put your money where your mouth is, or be exposed as a lying douche.

There are good and bad people in each group.

That's what I'm saying.

What you just added to the table is irrelevant, so don't even open your mouth about integrity.
dang...........is it me or do we have a growing number of scumbag savages in our midst??:spinner:

I think these pos's should be videotaped as soon as they hit the slammer and the vid should be publicized in every shithole neighborhood in America so the savages can see what it is like to be on the receiving end of the knobby cucumber about 1,000 times up the pooper........because that is the future of these 3 neanderthals!!!! Lets have a new definition of "Go-Pro" in America starting today!!!:rock::rock:
Or how about we drop these subhumans into an ISIS stronghold......right the fuck out of a helicopter. Give 'em some small arms and push them the fuck out the door and say, "Go kills some bad guys!!! See Ya!!" Videotape that shit too.........pop it up on YouTube!!:2up:

Who couldn't get behind that?
I hope they throw the book at these fools.

That being said, Tank doesn't actual care about the death of this poor girl. He'll gladly dance all over her grave if it allows him to pursue his rabidly racist narrative.

I don't believe "Tank" dances. Seems like a bitter person that only gets enjoyment besmurching the good name of the colored folks. Not really a dance tune.

I blame the parents. Bringing up children, especially cute little girls, in neighborhoods where these shootings take place is irresponsible. At least in the Mid East the sand negroes have the sense to pack up their families and become a burden on other country's generosity. These white folks are stu tupid and stick around just waiting for one of their brats to take some "Pb" just so they can get on TV and whine about the blacks.

Now if the kid had a gun she could have returned fire.

The parents probably have already set up one of those donation sites. Nothing like a grieving parent to convey the straight scoop.

What I don't underget is why it took THREE of these darky hoodlums to off one puny little white girl? There are so many un answered questions.

This reminds me of today's "road rage" killing of a little latino todler. Daddy spent all afternoon making it impossible for a "shooter" to pass him on the freeway and his daughter paid for the lack of driving co-operation with her life. Like I said..It's usually the parent's fault.
I hope they throw the book at these fools.

That being said, Tank doesn't actual care about the death of this poor girl. He'll gladly dance all over her grave if it allows him to pursue his rabidly racist narrative.

I don't believe "Tank" dances. Seems like a bitter person that only gets enjoyment besmurching the good name of the colored folks. Not really a dance tune.

I blame the parents. Bringing up children, especially cute little girls, in neighborhoods where these shootings take place is irresponsible. At least in the Mid East the sand negroes have the sense to pack up their families and become a burden on other country's generosity. These white folks are stu tupid and stick around just waiting for one of their brats to take some "Pb" just so they can get on TV and whine about the blacks.

Now if the kid had a gun she could have returned fire.

The parents probably have already set up one of those donation sites. Nothing like a grieving parent to convey the straight scoop.

What I don't underget is why it took THREE of these darky hoodlums to off one puny little white girl? There are so many un answered questions.

This reminds me of today's "road rage" killing of a little latino todler. Daddy spent all afternoon making it impossible for a "shooter" to pass him on the freeway and his daughter paid for the lack of driving co-operation with her life. Like I said..It's usually the parent's fault.

Well, if the parents are into drugs and gangs, then some of the responsibility lies with the parents, I would agree. You don't expose your children to that kind of lifestyle. If the parent (s) is doing those things, then the parent is putting the family in jeopardy.

The road rage? No way. There is NO excuse for shooting at a vehicle. I don't care how annoyed you are. Nope, that is not the parent's fault.
The last time I checked, black people tend to have higher crime rate or something. This is a matter of setting the fact straight without avoiding the concept of race in it. If race happens to be involved in concept, then that's just the way it is. Also, black people seem (it is not just them; minorities tend to do that) to tend to hang out with other black people.

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