43% of Republicans Want to Give Trump the Power to Shut Down Media

Who conducted the poll, how did they know the respondents were Republicans and what were the questions asked?

Here is a question for you! Do you think that 90% unfavorable reporting on President Trump is reasonable, honest fair impartial reporting? I recall the press coverage of Palin and President Bush! Did you see that has fair and impartial? What part of the war on this freedom does the press bear?
There’s a 90% unfavorable reporting on Agent Orange because 90% of the time he’s either lying or getting information totally wrong.
Like his laughable tweet on the wildfires where CAL officials had no idea what he was talking about. It was that bizarre.
“43% of Republicans Want to Give Trump the Power to Shut Down Media”

That such a significant and alarming number of conservatives would actually support giving Trump the authority to silence a free press should come as a surprise to no one, of course – the First Amendment be damned.

Most on the right share Trump’s unwarranted hatred of ‘the media,’ and believe his ridiculous lies about our free press – such as the lie that a free press is the ‘enemy of the people.’
Fat boi is eroding the Constitution and all of our institutions while his cult can’t stop applauding him to actually notice.
“43% of Republicans Want to Give Trump the Power to Shut Down Media”

That such a significant and alarming number of conservatives would actually support giving Trump the authority to silence a free press should come as a surprise to no one, of course – the First Amendment be damned.

Most on the right share Trump’s unwarranted hatred of ‘the media,’ and believe his ridiculous lies about our free press – such as the lie that a free press is the ‘enemy of the people.’
Fat boi is eroding the Constitution and all of our institutions while his cult can’t stop applauding him to actually notice.
Name them!
Cult cadets like the dead Willow Tree hates it when the press Fact checks his cult leader’s lies.
“43% of Republicans Want to Give Trump the Power to Shut Down Media”

That such a significant and alarming number of conservatives would actually support giving Trump the authority to silence a free press should come as a surprise to no one, of course – the First Amendment be damned.

Most on the right share Trump’s unwarranted hatred of ‘the media,’ and believe his ridiculous lies about our free press – such as the lie that a free press is the ‘enemy of the people.’
Fat boi is eroding the Constitution and all of our institutions while his cult can’t stop applauding him to actually notice.
Name them!
Playing dead dumb and blind or are you that uniformed?

Donald Trump and the erosion of democratic norms in America
I did. The information was not there which is why I asked.

Don't lie. You didn't read it.
Giving you the benefit of the doubt that piece of crap fake news was the worst example of obfuscation I have seen in quite a while and given sample size, who only knows means of sample selection and presumably rigged questions who are you to call down anyone for lying?
PTBW thinks his leader threatening our democratic norms is “ funny.”

Yup exactly why traitors like him are one of the major problems.
Fat boi said Manafort is being treated “ unfairly.”
Evidently he thinks money laundering and tax evasion is fine and dandy.
Our dictator in training president gets a semi boner when he finds out how all of his favorite despots shoots or imprison the press in their country.
More from the party of alleged Constitutional values. Gee, what could possibly go wrong with government control over what the media reports........

I will add that the social media organizations engaging in conservative censorship and the Democratic politicians encouraging them to do it aren't doing themselves any favors in the face of this poll. Those actions will only cause those numbers to rise if the right conclusively feels the media is engaging in fascists tactics to keep them from sharing their opinions.

All told, 43 percent of self-identified Republicans said that they believed “the president should have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior.” Only 36 percent disagreed with that statement. When asked if Trump should close down specific outlets, including CNN, The Washington Post, and The New York Times, nearly a quarter of Republicans (23 percent) agreed and 49 percent disagreed

New Poll: 43% of Republicans Want to Give Trump the Power to Shut Down Media
Shutting down the media? That is a joke. A joke started by some New Fakers who likes to start rumors. The joke is on you since it will not happen.
false news sniper.jpeg
Ask what percentage of Democrats would silence Fox News for "engaging in bad behavior"

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