43% of Republicans Want to Give Trump the Power to Shut Down Media

I am sure that if the poll asked whether Trump supporters would give up their first born for Trump 43% would say yes.
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Who conducted the poll, how did they know the respondents were Republicans and what were the questions asked?

Here is a question for you! Do you think that 90% unfavorable reporting on President Trump is reasonable, honest fair impartial reporting? I recall the press coverage of Palin and President Bush! Did you see that has fair and impartial? What part of the war on this freedom does the press bear?
This is embarrassing.

And not a good sign for our republic
More from the party of alleged Constitutional values. Gee, what could possibly go wrong with government control over what the media reports........

I will add that the social media organizations engaging in conservative censorship and the Democratic politicians encouraging them to do it aren't doing themselves any favors in the face of this poll. Those actions will only cause those numbers to rise if the right conclusively feels the media is engaging in fascists tactics to keep them from sharing their opinions.

All told, 43 percent of self-identified Republicans said that they believed “the president should have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior.” Only 36 percent disagreed with that statement. When asked if Trump should close down specific outlets, including CNN, The Washington Post, and The New York Times, nearly a quarter of Republicans (23 percent) agreed and 49 percent disagreed

New Poll: 43% of Republicans Want to Give Trump the Power to Shut Down Media

I’m still waiting for Trump to use the Obama precedent of banning a news organization from a conference call.
Who conducted the poll, how did they know the respondents were Republicans and what were the questions asked?

Here is a question for you! Do you think that 90% unfavorable reporting on President Trump is reasonable, honest fair impartial reporting? I recall the press coverage of Palin and President Bush! Did you see that has fair and impartial? What part of the war on this freedom does the press bear?
These are findings from an Ipsos poll conducted August 3-6, 2018. For the survey, a sample of roughly 1,003 adults age 18+ from the continental U.S., Alaska and Hawaii was interviewed online in English. The sample includes 323 Democrats, 363 Republicans, and 207 Independents.
So out of the 363 Republicans in the survey 156 felt this way wow.
Our dictator in training president gets a semi boner when he finds out how all of his favorite despots shoots or imprison the press in their country.

Except....none of that happened. But we do know that a leftist went to a baseball game and started shooting Republicans .
Actually they say shut down the media FOR BAD DEEDS....as usual leftist liars don't put the WHOLE title out there and yes he should have that power.
More from the party of alleged Constitutional values. Gee, what could possibly go wrong with government control over what the media reports........

I will add that the social media organizations engaging in conservative censorship and the Democratic politicians encouraging them to do it aren't doing themselves any favors in the face of this poll. Those actions will only cause those numbers to rise if the right conclusively feels the media is engaging in fascists tactics to keep them from sharing their opinions.

All told, 43 percent of self-identified Republicans said that they believed “the president should have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior.” Only 36 percent disagreed with that statement. When asked if Trump should close down specific outlets, including CNN, The Washington Post, and The New York Times, nearly a quarter of Republicans (23 percent) agreed and 49 percent disagreed

New Poll: 43% of Republicans Want to Give Trump the Power to Shut Down Media

What kind of link is that?

It's a link to no link of the poll

More from the party of alleged Constitutional values. Gee, what could possibly go wrong with government control over what the media reports........

I will add that the social media organizations engaging in conservative censorship and the Democratic politicians encouraging them to do it aren't doing themselves any favors in the face of this poll. Those actions will only cause those numbers to rise if the right conclusively feels the media is engaging in fascists tactics to keep them from sharing their opinions.

All told, 43 percent of self-identified Republicans said that they believed “the president should have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior.” Only 36 percent disagreed with that statement. When asked if Trump should close down specific outlets, including CNN, The Washington Post, and The New York Times, nearly a quarter of Republicans (23 percent) agreed and 49 percent disagreed

New Poll: 43% of Republicans Want to Give Trump the Power to Shut Down Media
This is nothing short of a cult.
Take all polls with a grain of salt, useful only as a limited gage, don't get upset there will be a new one out tomorrow.
More from the party of alleged Constitutional values. Gee, what could possibly go wrong with government control over what the media reports........

I will add that the social media organizations engaging in conservative censorship and the Democratic politicians encouraging them to do it aren't doing themselves any favors in the face of this poll. Those actions will only cause those numbers to rise if the right conclusively feels the media is engaging in fascists tactics to keep them from sharing their opinions.

All told, 43 percent of self-identified Republicans said that they believed “the president should have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior.” Only 36 percent disagreed with that statement. When asked if Trump should close down specific outlets, including CNN, The Washington Post, and The New York Times, nearly a quarter of Republicans (23 percent) agreed and 49 percent disagreed

New Poll: 43% of Republicans Want to Give Trump the Power to Shut Down Media
That is freaking worrisome...the government should not be allowed to do that. I don’t care as much about private companies, they have a right to determine their own content and suffer the wrath of their customer base. Unless of course they are monopolies and some of them do seem pretty close...
More from the party of alleged Constitutional values. Gee, what could possibly go wrong with government control over what the media reports........

I will add that the social media organizations engaging in conservative censorship and the Democratic politicians encouraging them to do it aren't doing themselves any favors in the face of this poll. Those actions will only cause those numbers to rise if the right conclusively feels the media is engaging in fascists tactics to keep them from sharing their opinions.

All told, 43 percent of self-identified Republicans said that they believed “the president should have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior.” Only 36 percent disagreed with that statement. When asked if Trump should close down specific outlets, including CNN, The Washington Post, and The New York Times, nearly a quarter of Republicans (23 percent) agreed and 49 percent disagreed

New Poll: 43% of Republicans Want to Give Trump the Power to Shut Down Media

You said it Brother! The media is engaging in fascists tactics. But we don't want to shut the media down, merely prosecute irresponsible journalists who float damaging stories unsupported by facts. Throw the publisher in prison. Sue his ass, Put crooked media out of business by making it unaffordable to keep printing trash stories. If we can regulate cars to DO what the makers SAYS it will do, we can hold media's feet to the fire to REPORT on actual, verifiable events, not merely push and promote a one-sided agenda. The Founders never meant for the Press to be so free as to become a weapon of politics.

And who decides that?

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