43% of Republicans Want to Give Trump the Power to Shut Down Media

When people refer to "the media," they're talking about the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING, and it is VILE...

When people refer to "the media," they're talking about the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING, and it is VILE...


Why don't you show a place where CNN got a story wrong and didn't retract or amend...

If you want I can go through endless statements from Trump of him saying false statements and never correcting himself...

Thats the difference... You are complaining that CNN give bad coverage to someone who has averaged over 7 false statements a day...
When people refer to "the media," they're talking about the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING, and it is VILE...


Why don't you show a place where CNN got a story wrong and didn't retract or amend...

If you want I can go through endless statements from Trump of him saying false statements and never correcting himself...

Thats the difference... You are complaining that CNN give bad coverage to someone who has averaged over 7 false statements a day...

Trump lies are the backbone of his drone collective - something as small as eliminating freedom of the press is supposed to bother therm ?
When people refer to "the media," they're talking about the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING, and it is VILE...


Why don't you show a place where CNN got a story wrong and didn't retract or amend...

If you want I can go through endless statements from Trump of him saying false statements and never correcting himself...

Thats the difference... You are complaining that CNN give bad coverage to someone who has averaged over 7 false statements a day...
All too typical... another garden variety leftist wanting someone else to post what EVERYONE ALREADY KNOWS, so you can pretend you DON'T KNOW.

cnn is a FARCE, so is pmsnbc, and the ny slimes, the huff'n puff, the washpo, on and on, the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING, and they've all LIED, many times... I know it, you know it, the entire fucking nation knows it. That's why their ratings are in the TOILET and still going DOWN.

So play your pathetic IGNORANT, "what, show me, I see nothing" games with someone else... little cowboy... pfft... :lol:
Given the fact Conservatives are being shut out of social media can you blame them?

I don't think 'shut out' means what you think it means. As there are plenty of conservatives on social media. Conservatives are just primed to see themselves as persecuted victims.

Also.....you get that Alex Jones being banned from facebook and the government shutting down media outlets at the direction of the president are orders of magnitude different, right?

Conservatives are persecuted victims, you giant hypocrite douchebag.
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One good thing Trump has brought us is that everyone is finally admitting what we've known for decades.

Republicans and liars and don't support out constitution.

Lamestream media has advocated the shutting down of alternative media sources like Infowars and youtube channels that have citizen journalists doing the job the Operation Mockingbird media will not do. Leftards are only for free speech as long as it is speech that they agree with. CNN (CIA News Network) was absolutely giddy when Alex Jones was taken off of youtube and Facebook. Was it jealousy because Jones had MUCH better ratings than fake news CNN? Remember how CNN and leftards soiled themselves when a CNN journalist was put in "time out" because she couldn't obey the rules and that it was a violation of the first amendment? This same group of clowns were politicking to have Jones removed ...seriously, without double standards, the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies would have no standards at all.

Um, dale....a facebook ban doesn't 'shut down Infowars'. Nor is facebook the government. You simply don't understand what censorship actually is.
Given the fact Conservatives are being shut out of social media can you blame them?

I don't think 'shut out' means what you think it means. As there are plenty of conservatives on social media. Conservatives are just primed to see themselves as persecuted victims.

Also.....you get that Alex Jones being banned from facebook and the government shutting down media outlets at the direction of the president are orders of magnitude different, right?

Conservatives are persecuted victims, you giant hypocrite douchebag.

Perpetual victimhood is a core component of the conservative identity.

That you don't understand the difference between government censorship and a private company refusing to host someone else's data isn't surprising.
When people refer to "the media," they're talking about the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING, and it is VILE...


Why don't you show a place where CNN got a story wrong and didn't retract or amend...
Because CNN thrives on retract and amend. They broadcast leftist falsehoods to millions of people, and then say - oops.

Where as Trump just sticks by his false claims and never admits to any mistake.

Laughing.....unless you think that Global Warming really is a hoax by the Chinese.

Or that Trump really did win the popular vote.

Or that there were never any contacts between the Trump campaign and the Russians.

Or that 'no' actually means 'yes' and 'would' actually means 'wouldn't'.
More from the party of alleged Constitutional values. Gee, what could possibly go wrong with government control over what the media reports........

I will add that the social media organizations engaging in conservative censorship and the Democratic politicians encouraging them to do it aren't doing themselves any favors in the face of this poll. Those actions will only cause those numbers to rise if the right conclusively feels the media is engaging in fascists tactics to keep them from sharing their opinions.

All told, 43 percent of self-identified Republicans said that they believed “the president should have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior.” Only 36 percent disagreed with that statement. When asked if Trump should close down specific outlets, including CNN, The Washington Post, and The New York Times, nearly a quarter of Republicans (23 percent) agreed and 49 percent disagreed

New Poll: 43% of Republicans Want to Give Trump the Power to Shut Down Media

See, the OP is typical of the deliberately misleading garbage we get from anti-free speech loons.

43 percent of Republicans don't want Trump to shut down The Media.
We want him to have the authority to close outlets that are committing FRAUD and who are openly conspiring to tear down the presidency and our country.
Those things are crimes.

And when fake press sets itself up as *free press* but in reality is engaged in libel, slander, and conspiring with who knows who to overthrow our president and our government..yank their press passes, charge them with a crime and shut down their office until they are either no longer engaged in criminal activities, or they go to prison.
More from the party of alleged Constitutional values. Gee, what could possibly go wrong with government control over what the media reports........

I will add that the social media organizations engaging in conservative censorship and the Democratic politicians encouraging them to do it aren't doing themselves any favors in the face of this poll. Those actions will only cause those numbers to rise if the right conclusively feels the media is engaging in fascists tactics to keep them from sharing their opinions.

All told, 43 percent of self-identified Republicans said that they believed “the president should have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior.” Only 36 percent disagreed with that statement. When asked if Trump should close down specific outlets, including CNN, The Washington Post, and The New York Times, nearly a quarter of Republicans (23 percent) agreed and 49 percent disagreed

New Poll: 43% of Republicans Want to Give Trump the Power to Shut Down Media

See, the OP is typical of the deliberately misleading garbage we get from anti-free speech loons.

43 percent of Republicans don't want Trump to shut down The Media.
We want him to have the authority to close outlets that are committing FRAUD and who are openly conspiring to tear down the presidency and our country.

That's not what poll says. It says 'Bad Behavior'. Not 'FRAUD and those openly conspiring to tear down the presidency and our country'.

You made that up.

If your claims had merit....why did you need to lie about the poll?
Given the fact Conservatives are being shut out of social media can you blame them?

I don't think 'shut out' means what you think it means. As there are plenty of conservatives on social media. Conservatives are just primed to see themselves as persecuted victims.

Also.....you get that Alex Jones being banned from facebook and the government shutting down media outlets at the direction of the president are orders of magnitude different, right?

Conservatives are persecuted victims, you giant hypocrite douchebag.

Perpetual victimhood is a core component of the conservative identity.

That you don't understand the difference between government censorship and a private company refusing to host someone else's data isn't surprising.
You have to be joking. If anyone peddles perpetual victimhood, it's the left. The social media companies are a cartel. All you leftwing shit-stains rail constantly about private monopolies, but when actually confronted with one, you snuggle up to it and lick its boots and say it's the best thing since sliced bread.
When people refer to "the media," they're talking about the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING, and it is VILE...


Why don't you show a place where CNN got a story wrong and didn't retract or amend...
Because CNN thrives on retract and amend. They broadcast leftist falsehoods to millions of people, and then say - oops.

Where as Trump just sticks by his false claims and never admits to any mistake.

Laughing.....unless you think that Global Warming really is a hoax by the Chinese.

Or that Trump really did win the popular vote.

Or that there were never any contacts between the Trump campaign and the Russians.

Or that 'no' actually means 'yes' and 'would' actually means 'wouldn't'.
Notice that all your claims about what Trump said are outright lies. That's why right-wingers never take anything a leftwinger says on face value. We know you're are all sleazy lying douchebags.
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More from the party of alleged Constitutional values. Gee, what could possibly go wrong with government control over what the media reports........

I will add that the social media organizations engaging in conservative censorship and the Democratic politicians encouraging them to do it aren't doing themselves any favors in the face of this poll. Those actions will only cause those numbers to rise if the right conclusively feels the media is engaging in fascists tactics to keep them from sharing their opinions.

All told, 43 percent of self-identified Republicans said that they believed “the president should have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior.” Only 36 percent disagreed with that statement. When asked if Trump should close down specific outlets, including CNN, The Washington Post, and The New York Times, nearly a quarter of Republicans (23 percent) agreed and 49 percent disagreed

New Poll: 43% of Republicans Want to Give Trump the Power to Shut Down Media
More from the party of alleged Constitutional values. Gee, what could possibly go wrong with government control over what the media reports........

I will add that the social media organizations engaging in conservative censorship and the Democratic politicians encouraging them to do it aren't doing themselves any favors in the face of this poll. Those actions will only cause those numbers to rise if the right conclusively feels the media is engaging in fascists tactics to keep them from sharing their opinions.

All told, 43 percent of self-identified Republicans said that they believed “the president should have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior.” Only 36 percent disagreed with that statement. When asked if Trump should close down specific outlets, including CNN, The Washington Post, and The New York Times, nearly a quarter of Republicans (23 percent) agreed and 49 percent disagreed

New Poll: 43% of Republicans Want to Give Trump the Power to Shut Down Media

Only 43%..... the democrats are likely close to 99%..... And of course, I trust this poll as much as I do the one that gave us President hilary.....
One good thing Trump has brought us is that everyone is finally admitting what we've known for decades.

Republicans and liars and don't support out constitution.

Lamestream media has advocated the shutting down of alternative media sources like Infowars and youtube channels that have citizen journalists doing the job the Operation Mockingbird media will not do. Leftards are only for free speech as long as it is speech that they agree with. CNN (CIA News Network) was absolutely giddy when Alex Jones was taken off of youtube and Facebook. Was it jealousy because Jones had MUCH better ratings than fake news CNN? Remember how CNN and leftards soiled themselves when a CNN journalist was put in "time out" because she couldn't obey the rules and that it was a violation of the first amendment? This same group of clowns were politicking to have Jones removed ...seriously, without double standards, the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies would have no standards at all.

Um, dale....a facebook ban doesn't 'shut down Infowars'. Nor is facebook the government. You simply don't understand what censorship actually is.

Facebook, twitter, instagram and google ban.

Nobody said fb is the government. That is irrelevant. It is illegal for ANYBODY to squelch free speech. Our government exists to PROTECT OUR RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH.

That means when FB bans together with other huge organizations who control social medial to silence a whole segment of the population, the government gets to take action against them.

It's going to be fun.
More from the party of alleged Constitutional values. Gee, what could possibly go wrong with government control over what the media reports........

I will add that the social media organizations engaging in conservative censorship and the Democratic politicians encouraging them to do it aren't doing themselves any favors in the face of this poll. Those actions will only cause those numbers to rise if the right conclusively feels the media is engaging in fascists tactics to keep them from sharing their opinions.

All told, 43 percent of self-identified Republicans said that they believed “the president should have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior.” Only 36 percent disagreed with that statement. When asked if Trump should close down specific outlets, including CNN, The Washington Post, and The New York Times, nearly a quarter of Republicans (23 percent) agreed and 49 percent disagreed

New Poll: 43% of Republicans Want to Give Trump the Power to Shut Down Media
More from the party of alleged Constitutional values. Gee, what could possibly go wrong with government control over what the media reports........

I will add that the social media organizations engaging in conservative censorship and the Democratic politicians encouraging them to do it aren't doing themselves any favors in the face of this poll. Those actions will only cause those numbers to rise if the right conclusively feels the media is engaging in fascists tactics to keep them from sharing their opinions.

All told, 43 percent of self-identified Republicans said that they believed “the president should have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior.” Only 36 percent disagreed with that statement. When asked if Trump should close down specific outlets, including CNN, The Washington Post, and The New York Times, nearly a quarter of Republicans (23 percent) agreed and 49 percent disagreed

New Poll: 43% of Republicans Want to Give Trump the Power to Shut Down Media

Only 43%..... the democrats are likely close to 99%..... And of course, I trust this poll as much as I do the one that gave us President hilary.....

Sure, because any poll that doesn’t say what you want it to is obviously fake
More from the party of alleged Constitutional values. Gee, what could possibly go wrong with government control over what the media reports........

I will add that the social media organizations engaging in conservative censorship and the Democratic politicians encouraging them to do it aren't doing themselves any favors in the face of this poll. Those actions will only cause those numbers to rise if the right conclusively feels the media is engaging in fascists tactics to keep them from sharing their opinions.

All told, 43 percent of self-identified Republicans said that they believed “the president should have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior.” Only 36 percent disagreed with that statement. When asked if Trump should close down specific outlets, including CNN, The Washington Post, and The New York Times, nearly a quarter of Republicans (23 percent) agreed and 49 percent disagreed

New Poll: 43% of Republicans Want to Give Trump the Power to Shut Down Media
Call us when you locate a journalist.
We want him to have the authority to close outlets that are committing FRAUD and who are openly conspiring to tear down the presidency and our country.
Those things are crimes.

Trump will not shut down FOX!!!!!!!
He looovees them cause they be his children
Who conducted the poll, how did they know the respondents were Republicans and what were the questions asked?

Here is a question for you! Do you think that 90% unfavorable reporting on President Trump is reasonable, honest fair impartial reporting? I recall the press coverage of Palin and President Bush! Did you see that has fair and impartial? What part of the war on this freedom does the press bear?

Really? Who conducted the survey that found your “90%” figure….hmmm?

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