43% of Republicans Want to Give Trump the Power to Shut Down Media

More from the party of alleged Constitutional values. Gee, what could possibly go wrong with government control over what the media reports........

I will add that the social media organizations engaging in conservative censorship and the Democratic politicians encouraging them to do it aren't doing themselves any favors in the face of this poll. Those actions will only cause those numbers to rise if the right conclusively feels the media is engaging in fascists tactics to keep them from sharing their opinions.

All told, 43 percent of self-identified Republicans said that they believed “the president should have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior.” Only 36 percent disagreed with that statement. When asked if Trump should close down specific outlets, including CNN, The Washington Post, and The New York Times, nearly a quarter of Republicans (23 percent) agreed and 49 percent disagreed

New Poll: 43% of Republicans Want to Give Trump the Power to Shut Down Media
I don't support it....and I'm a huge Trump supporter...but I do understand why people would.....the media is corrupt and one sided....it's a democrat propaganda fest.....I do think we should have hearings on their bias, just so I could see what they have as a defense......that would be hilarious.
Who conducted the poll, how did they know the respondents were Republicans and what were the questions asked?

Why don't you read the article and find out.

Here is a question for you! Do you think that 90% unfavorable reporting on President Trump is reasonable, honest fair impartial reporting? I recall the press coverage of Palin and President Bush! Did you see that has fair and impartial? What part of the war on this freedom does the press bear?

Did I say the press was fair and impartial? No, in fact, I have criticized their bias for a long time. How does that justify Republicans wanting to subvert the First Amendment of the Constitution and put it under government control? Ever hear of Tokyo Rose and PRAVDA?

Whoa dude, you may have taken this a step too far. First of all, we're talking about 155 respondents out of 363, that ain't all that much of a sample size and we're also talking about 'self-identified' Republicans. Maybe they are GOP party members and maybe some of them ain't, IMHO we ought to be a bit more careful about labeling the whole group based on what 155 people answered in one survey.

Then to imply from that Republicans in general want to subvert the Constitution and put it under gov't control is another stretch too far IMHO. Close one media outlet, that's the same as shutting down the media? And what exactly is 'bad behavior' anyway, maybe your idea or mine isn't quite the same as it is or was from the people that took the survey. I'd bet the numbers would be different if this survey had been taken back when Obama was president and actions they took against James Rosen was on the front pages. I'd bet those numbers would be different back then, when all the Lib/Dems were screaming about FoxNews, didn't they actually try to exclude FoxNews from news conference calls and the like, which for all intents and purposes actually IS subverting the 1st Amendment if they don't like what is said or written.
The things the MSM should worry about are:

Getting banned for federal use due to their connections to really nasty dictatorships.

The enormous contingent liabilities that come with their data mining.

the slowdown in user growth

Being the propaganda organ of the lunatic left

And being gamed by the people who consider them the propaganda outlet for the lunatic left.
Does anyone remember Hillary their darling actually corralling the press with ropes?
More from the party of alleged Constitutional values. Gee, what could possibly go wrong with government control over what the media reports........

I will add that the social media organizations engaging in conservative censorship and the Democratic politicians encouraging them to do it aren't doing themselves any favors in the face of this poll. Those actions will only cause those numbers to rise if the right conclusively feels the media is engaging in fascists tactics to keep them from sharing their opinions.

All told, 43 percent of self-identified Republicans said that they believed “the president should have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior.” Only 36 percent disagreed with that statement. When asked if Trump should close down specific outlets, including CNN, The Washington Post, and The New York Times, nearly a quarter of Republicans (23 percent) agreed and 49 percent disagreed

New Poll: 43% of Republicans Want to Give Trump the Power to Shut Down Media
I seriously doubt that.
then 43% are being just as short sighted as the left is being with their bannings.
More from the party of alleged Constitutional values. Gee, what could possibly go wrong with government control over what the media reports........

I will add that the social media organizations engaging in conservative censorship and the Democratic politicians encouraging them to do it aren't doing themselves any favors in the face of this poll. Those actions will only cause those numbers to rise if the right conclusively feels the media is engaging in fascists tactics to keep them from sharing their opinions.

All told, 43 percent of self-identified Republicans said that they believed “the president should have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior.” Only 36 percent disagreed with that statement. When asked if Trump should close down specific outlets, including CNN, The Washington Post, and The New York Times, nearly a quarter of Republicans (23 percent) agreed and 49 percent disagreed

New Poll: 43% of Republicans Want to Give Trump the Power to Shut Down Media
How many of the nitwits were polled?
I bet a whole lot more republicans think polls conducted by left wing blogs like the Daily Beast are inaccurate and rigged. You had to look at the bottom of the page to find that only 23% of so-called republicans think CNN should be shut down. I bet if you polled angry democrats you would get a lot more than 23% who think that Fox should be shut down.
More from the party of alleged Constitutional values. Gee, what could possibly go wrong with government control over what the media reports........

I will add that the social media organizations engaging in conservative censorship and the Democratic politicians encouraging them to do it aren't doing themselves any favors in the face of this poll. Those actions will only cause those numbers to rise if the right conclusively feels the media is engaging in fascists tactics to keep them from sharing their opinions.

All told, 43 percent of self-identified Republicans said that they believed “the president should have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior.” Only 36 percent disagreed with that statement. When asked if Trump should close down specific outlets, including CNN, The Washington Post, and The New York Times, nearly a quarter of Republicans (23 percent) agreed and 49 percent disagreed

New Poll: 43% of Republicans Want to Give Trump the Power to Shut Down Media

You said it Brother! The media is engaging in fascists tactics. But we don't want to shut the media down, merely prosecute irresponsible journalists who float damaging stories unsupported by facts. Throw the publisher in prison. Sue his ass, Put crooked media out of business by making it unaffordable to keep printing trash stories. If we can regulate cars to DO what the makers SAYS it will do, we can hold media's feet to the fire to REPORT on actual, verifiable events, not merely push and promote a one-sided agenda. The Founders never meant for the Press to be so free as to become a weapon of politics.

Y6ou want to engage in fascist tactics. If you try it then it will be time to take up arms against a dictatorship. The fact is the alt-right media is dishonest.
You can get a poll to say anything you please....ask slanted questions to sketchy followers or imaginary/dead people..... damage assessment of FAKE NEWS.

Rubber Room material. :eusa_whistle:
Who conducted the poll, how did they know the respondents were Republicans and what were the questions asked?

Why don't you read the article and find out.

Here is a question for you! Do you think that 90% unfavorable reporting on President Trump is reasonable, honest fair impartial reporting? I recall the press coverage of Palin and President Bush! Did you see that has fair and impartial? What part of the war on this freedom does the press bear?

Did I say the press was fair and impartial? No, in fact, I have criticized their bias for a long time. How does that justify Republicans wanting to subvert the First Amendment of the Constitution and put it under government control? Ever hear of Tokyo Rose and PRAVDA?

Whoa dude, you may have taken this a step too far. First of all, we're talking about 155 respondents out of 363, that ain't all that much of a sample size and we're also talking about 'self-identified' Republicans. Maybe they are GOP party members and maybe some of them ain't, IMHO we ought to be a bit more careful about labeling the whole group based on what 155 people answered in one survey.

Then to imply from that Republicans in general want to subvert the Constitution and put it under gov't control is another stretch too far IMHO. Close one media outlet, that's the same as shutting down the media? And what exactly is 'bad behavior' anyway, maybe your idea or mine isn't quite the same as it is or was from the people that took the survey. I'd bet the numbers would be different if this survey had been taken back when Obama was president and actions they took against James Rosen was on the front pages. I'd bet those numbers would be different back then, when all the Lib/Dems were screaming about FoxNews, didn't they actually try to exclude FoxNews from news conference calls and the like, which for all intents and purposes actually IS subverting the 1st Amendment if they don't like what is said or written.
You're grasping at straws. The poll is an indication of how some republicans think. It's pretty widespread knowledge that both the republicans and democrats are authoritarians that have no problem using the club of government to beat their opponents into submission.
More from the party of alleged Constitutional values. Gee, what could possibly go wrong with government control over what the media reports........

I will add that the social media organizations engaging in conservative censorship and the Democratic politicians encouraging them to do it aren't doing themselves any favors in the face of this poll. Those actions will only cause those numbers to rise if the right conclusively feels the media is engaging in fascists tactics to keep them from sharing their opinions.

All told, 43 percent of self-identified Republicans said that they believed “the president should have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior.” Only 36 percent disagreed with that statement. When asked if Trump should close down specific outlets, including CNN, The Washington Post, and The New York Times, nearly a quarter of Republicans (23 percent) agreed and 49 percent disagreed

New Poll: 43% of Republicans Want to Give Trump the Power to Shut Down Media
you believe the poll is republican? with youtube and google and all the social media shutting down conservatives, you think that's really true? Come on bro, you know better than that.
More from the party of alleged Constitutional values. Gee, what could possibly go wrong with government control over what the media reports........

I will add that the social media organizations engaging in conservative censorship and the Democratic politicians encouraging them to do it aren't doing themselves any favors in the face of this poll. Those actions will only cause those numbers to rise if the right conclusively feels the media is engaging in fascists tactics to keep them from sharing their opinions.

All told, 43 percent of self-identified Republicans said that they believed “the president should have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior.” Only 36 percent disagreed with that statement. When asked if Trump should close down specific outlets, including CNN, The Washington Post, and The New York Times, nearly a quarter of Republicans (23 percent) agreed and 49 percent disagreed

New Poll: 43% of Republicans Want to Give Trump the Power to Shut Down Media
The first poll statistic does not match the second poll statistics. Not even remotely close.
Tells me the poll is less than accurate to put it mildly.
I dont give 2 shits about polls but it is still disturbing
Of course, they've been carefully groomed step by step to accept the censorship of our news sources in the end. What did YOU think was trump's end game?
I wont sit here and act like this is one sided. Sorry
I bet if they had the same poll out a few years ago, it would have been about the same for leftists.
I dont give 2 shits about polls but it is still disturbing
Of course, they've been carefully groomed step by step to accept the censorship of our news sources in the end. What did YOU think was trump's end game?
what is his end game? you th
More from the party of alleged Constitutional values. Gee, what could possibly go wrong with government control over what the media reports........

I will add that the social media organizations engaging in conservative censorship and the Democratic politicians encouraging them to do it aren't doing themselves any favors in the face of this poll. Those actions will only cause those numbers to rise if the right conclusively feels the media is engaging in fascists tactics to keep them from sharing their opinions.

All told, 43 percent of self-identified Republicans said that they believed “the president should have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior.” Only 36 percent disagreed with that statement. When asked if Trump should close down specific outlets, including CNN, The Washington Post, and The New York Times, nearly a quarter of Republicans (23 percent) agreed and 49 percent disagreed

New Poll: 43% of Republicans Want to Give Trump the Power to Shut Down Media
The first poll statistic does not match the second poll statistics. Not even remotely close.
Tells me the poll is less than accurate to put it mildly.
or fake?:ack-1:
“43% of Republicans Want to Give Trump the Power to Shut Down Media”

That such a significant and alarming number of conservatives would actually support giving Trump the authority to silence a free press should come as a surprise to no one, of course – the First Amendment be damned.

Most on the right share Trump’s unwarranted hatred of ‘the media,’ and believe his ridiculous lies about our free press – such as the lie that a free press is the ‘enemy of the people.’

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