47 Empty Top Secret Folders .......

You are really squirming to try to justify your stupid statement, redefine terms just like a totalitarian you want to be.

BTW, you obviously do not feel that you have to follow rules since you claim a post of yours was pulled. You just insist that others be censored to make yourself feel better and on your own definition of censorship.

Lying hypocrite much?

I have no problem with them pulling a post if they feel the need to. Their house, their rules.

But I've observed that in their new "Zone One" threads, they are only really paying attention for the first page or so, then anything goes, really.
Marc Short, former Trump advisor
it's certainly baffling as to why a lot of those documents are at Mar-a-Lago. It doesn't seem like it's the most secure environment."

Short added: "And I think there's also a question about why Trump's lawyers apparently were so misleading, potentially lying in the affidavit saying they returned all the information. I think, you know, there's a difference between playing a lawyer on TV and actually having good legal counsel."
Marc Short, former Trump advisor
it's certainly baffling as to why a lot of those documents are at Mar-a-Lago. It doesn't seem like it's the most secure environment."

Short added: "And I think there's also a question about why Trump's lawyers apparently were so misleading, potentially lying in the affidavit saying they returned all the information. I think, you know, there's a difference between playing a lawyer on TV and actually having good legal counsel."
how secure is an empty furniture warehouse in Chicago?
I have no problem with them pulling a post if they feel the need to. Their house, their rules.

But I've observed that in their new "Zone One" threads, they are only really paying attention for the first page or so, then anything goes, really.
Well aren't you special. Keep believing your own BS to the end and playing with your shiny objects.
Secure enough for non classified docs. Obama’s classified ones are in a secure facility in MD.
And Obama's personal documents were separated from his presidential records long before he left the white house.
how is it different is the actual question. anyone can say because.
Because there are few forces that want what's in the Chicago warehouse, since most of it was available via FOIA during Obama's term in office. Whereas classified documents were never released to the public. But as mentioned, all the classified documents are in the National Archives OOOS office.
Because there are few forces that want what's in the Chicago warehouse, since most of it was available via FOIA during Obama's term in office. Whereas classified documents were never released to the public. But as mentioned, all the classified documents are in the National Archives OOOS office.
no they are not, they all went to chicago. Do you really need me to repost all of the links to show you? the horse is dead already.
Uh huh. No one had oversight of what the agents were doing, and no agent was searched. They easily could have brought the classified folders into Trump's residence and there is NO WAY they can prove the did not.
That's just dumb!
It doesn't work that way in this country. You hurl some screw-ball accusation against somebody and then the onus is on them to prove it isn't true.

How about this one.
Odds are that Trump has already given this Top Secret info to his pinp Vlad Putin.

Now it's up to Trump to prove he did not do that.
That's just dumb!
It doesn't work that way in this country. You hurl some screw-ball accusation against somebody and then the onus is on them to prove it isn't true.

How about this one.
Odds are that Trump has already given this Top Secret info to his pinp Vlad Putin.

Now it's up to Trump to prove he did not do that.
well you're wrong, the FBI and DOJ just did it to trump, hurled some accusation without evidence and went into his private residence and into a sixteen year old's room. They have no shame and apparently neither to you.
That's just dumb!
It doesn't work that way in this country. You hurl some screw-ball accusation against somebody and then the onus is on them to prove it isn't true.

How about this one.
Odds are that Trump has already given this Top Secret info to his pinp Vlad Putin.

Now it's up to Trump to prove he did not do that.
Speaking of hurling some screwball accusations, that is exactly what you are doing. You have no proof of anything that you say yet proceed to make baseless accusations anyway while denigrating any who dare to disagree with you.

That sounds more like a Putin puppet that any claim that you have spewed.
well you're wrong, the FBI and DOJ just did it to trump, hurled some accusation without evidence and went into his private residence and into a sixteen year old's room. They have no shame and apparently neither to you.
They did not just "hurl some accusation."
You use a false equivalency here.

They accused him of taking top secret material he should not have had.
And when they executed a search warrant to look for that material they found it.
Of course he was unable to "prove" his lack of guilt because the EVIDENCE found clearly proved otherwise.
They did not just "hurl some accusation."
You use a false equivalency here.

They accused him of taking top secret material he should not have had.
And when they executed a search warrant to look for that material they found it.
Of course he was unable to "prove" his lack of guilt because the EVIDENCE found clearly proved otherwise.
Keep sniffing the farts of your masters to get your thoughts provided to you.

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