54% of GOPers believe Obama is muslim, 29% that he is an American- Whackos!

obama's mom; Irish Kansas welfare trailer trash. obama's dad; blackout alcoholic drunk and absentee father from Kenya
i hope this clears things up
What's even more astounding is that 40% believe Ted Cruz was born in America. More Republicans think the President, who was born in America, was not than think Ted Cruz, who was NOT born in America, was born here. True story!
obama's mom; Irish Kansas welfare trailer trash. obama's dad; blackout alcoholic drunk and absentee father from Kenya
i hope this clears things up

Too funny! BTW...did you ever go back and show us evidence to back up your "strawman" claims on TWO threads you made?
It would comfort intelligent people if you functional morons got a clue and stopped helping total a-holes wrecking the world...
And if you go to Taxus they believe Obama is a Muslim and Jade Helm is 'comin tah git ya'. 'Tha guvner even said he'd have the state militia 'keep an eye on thum' '.

At what point does self-delusion become mental illness.
if you go to texas you might be moving there because your job left your blue state and went there
The fact that my fellow Republicans think he's Muslim doesn't upset me nearly as much as when their line of thinking was Iraq would be more grateful than France.
He sure as hell was not socialized as a traditional American. His absentee clown communist Kenyan dad plus an insane mom... Living abroad in a mud hut in Kenya and studying the fucking Koran... Exposed to communist ideology during early years while the rest of us were scared of the red threat.

This fucker identifies as an American - if at all - in a way nobody can relate to. He may be an American citizen by birth, but he is NO American!
Never lived in Kenya, RW ignoramus. Total misinformed bs from greedy idiot billionaires, hater dupe.

He sure as hell did live in Indonesia for a few years while his whore mother was following her dreams and "finding herself". Early life and career of Barack Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We all know that he has been to Kenya to "hang" with his dirty, Muslim relatives and that he is wacky as fuck. With an upbringing like his Barry needs to be on a shrink's couch, not in the White House.

Fuck you, leftist swine! Shit and spin.

Why should we listen to "facts" coming from an illiterate chimp posting from his mom's basement????

wow that is some original snark eh....the old "posting from your Mom's basement"...the ultimate.........

T_rump cornering you low information voters ...who believe Obama is a Muslim....................

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