A Civil War if Trump is not reinstated

I've tried like a million times to comprehend the level of stupid it would take to blindly follow a clown like Dotard J Drumpf.
My current working theory is that these people have spent the last couple of decades being worked up into a paranoid rage by talk radio and then the internet, and this guy was just the right spark to make it explode.

So I guess that would create an emotional attachment that the rest of us just can't understand. I do try, I do ask a lot of questions and pay attention to the responses. I've just never seen anything like this before.
Mac, I'll make a deal with you.

I will admit that Trump is/was a political doofus way outside his element when he took up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania, if you admit that Joe Biden is a senile geezer one step away from a diaper-filled dementia shit fit.

Neither had/have the capacity to handle the job without MAJOR influence (both inside and outside). Both are/were controlled by the extreme ends of the political spectrum. Both of those extremes are way more authoritarian than libertarian.

I've said many times that Biden is an old man who is clearly fading. He's also a zillion-year politician and he was an eminently mediocre candidate. I will always resent the GOP for my having to vote for him and Hillary, because I knew I had to vote against Trumpism. I would much rather voted third party.

I have no problem admitting any of that, and I've said it many times. This is about choices, and the choice was clear to me, as shitty as it was.

Nothing stopped you from voting third party except your love for Hillary and Biden. Man up and own it.
Whatever you'd like. You're just a Trumpster.
You have no problem claiming you only voted for Hillary and Biden because you believed you had no other choice.

Why won't you give us the same benefit of the doubt?
I've tried like a million times to comprehend the level of stupid it would take to blindly follow a clown like Dotard J Drumpf.
My current working theory is that these people have spent the last couple of decades being worked up into a paranoid rage by talk radio and then the internet, and this guy was just the right spark to make it explode.

So I guess that would create an emotional attachment that the rest of us just can't understand. I do try, I do ask a lot of questions and pay attention to the responses. I've just never seen anything like this before.
Mac, I'll make a deal with you.

I will admit that Trump is/was a political doofus way outside his element when he took up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania, if you admit that Joe Biden is a senile geezer one step away from a diaper-filled dementia shit fit.

Neither had/have the capacity to handle the job without MAJOR influence (both inside and outside). Both are/were controlled by the extreme ends of the political spectrum. Both of those extremes are way more authoritarian than libertarian.

I've said many times that Biden is an old man who is clearly fading. He's also a zillion-year politician and he was an eminently mediocre candidate. I will always resent the GOP for my having to vote for him and Hillary, because I knew I had to vote against Trumpism. I would much rather voted third party.

I have no problem admitting any of that, and I've said it many times. This is about choices, and the choice was clear to me, as shitty as it was.

Nothing stopped you from voting third party except your love for Hillary and Biden. Man up and own it.
Whatever you'd like. You're just a Trumpster.

At least we agree you tried to pussy out of owning your vote.
I seek zero power
I just want to live how the framers intended
Interesting. What currently aren’t you free to do?
Own property without paying taxes to gangsters and pedophiles.
Isn’t that how schools are funded?
Yeah, so?

If it's a worthwhile thing, people will fund it voluntarily.
If it's not, the government shouldn't spend any money on it, let alone MY money.

Yea, homeskool the lil bastards. That's how to fill the void for future doctors and scientists eh Frey?

You never read anything by Gatto, did you?
I've tried like a million times to comprehend the level of stupid it would take to blindly follow a clown like Dotard J Drumpf.
My current working theory is that these people have spent the last couple of decades being worked up into a paranoid rage by talk radio and then the internet, and this guy was just the right spark to make it explode.

So I guess that would create an emotional attachment that the rest of us just can't understand. I do try, I do ask a lot of questions and pay attention to the responses. I've just never seen anything like this before.
Mac, I'll make a deal with you.

I will admit that Trump is/was a political doofus way outside his element when he took up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania, if you admit that Joe Biden is a senile geezer one step away from a diaper-filled dementia shit fit.

Neither had/have the capacity to handle the job without MAJOR influence (both inside and outside). Both are/were controlled by the extreme ends of the political spectrum. Both of those extremes are way more authoritarian than libertarian.

I've said many times that Biden is an old man who is clearly fading. He's also a zillion-year politician and he was an eminently mediocre candidate. I will always resent the GOP for my having to vote for him and Hillary, because I knew I had to vote against Trumpism. I would much rather voted third party.

I have no problem admitting any of that, and I've said it many times. This is about choices, and the choice was clear to me, as shitty as it was.

Nothing stopped you from voting third party except your love for Hillary and Biden. Man up and own it.
Whatever you'd like. You're just a Trumpster.
You have no problem claiming you only voted for Hillary and Biden because you believed you had no other choice.

Why won't you give us the same benefit of the doubt?
Of course I believe that. I've said a thousand times here that I believe you guys are telling the truth about pretty much everything, that you really believe all this stuff, that you're most likely being sincere.

And that's the problem.
I've tried like a million times to comprehend the level of stupid it would take to blindly follow a clown like Dotard J Drumpf.
My current working theory is that these people have spent the last couple of decades being worked up into a paranoid rage by talk radio and then the internet, and this guy was just the right spark to make it explode.

So I guess that would create an emotional attachment that the rest of us just can't understand. I do try, I do ask a lot of questions and pay attention to the responses. I've just never seen anything like this before.
Mac, I'll make a deal with you.

I will admit that Trump is/was a political doofus way outside his element when he took up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania, if you admit that Joe Biden is a senile geezer one step away from a diaper-filled dementia shit fit.

Neither had/have the capacity to handle the job without MAJOR influence (both inside and outside). Both are/were controlled by the extreme ends of the political spectrum. Both of those extremes are way more authoritarian than libertarian.

I've said many times that Biden is an old man who is clearly fading. He's also a zillion-year politician and he was an eminently mediocre candidate. I will always resent the GOP for my having to vote for him and Hillary, because I knew I had to vote against Trumpism. I would much rather voted third party.

I have no problem admitting any of that, and I've said it many times. This is about choices, and the choice was clear to me, as shitty as it was.

Nothing stopped you from voting third party except your love for Hillary and Biden. Man up and own it.
Whatever you'd like. You're just a Trumpster.
You have no problem claiming you only voted for Hillary and Biden because you believed you had no other choice.

Why won't you give us the same benefit of the doubt?
Of course I believe that. I've said a thousand times here that I believe you guys are telling the truth about pretty much everything, that you really believe all this stuff, that you're most likely being sincere.

And that's the problem.
Oh, fuck you.

You voted for fucking Marxists, you asshole. Don't give me that SHIT!! I could say the same about YOU!!!
While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.

View attachment 507308
But this isn't about Trump. It never has been.

You're very confused. I'm not surprised.

Really? So the word "Trump" isn't in your thread title?
Of course it's in the thread title.

But the point is the civil war, which would be started by rubes.

Is this too complicated for you?

So your thread is about Trump supporters starting a civil war on behalf of Trump, over the election Trump may or may not have lost, but your thread "isn't about Trump". LOL! Your TDS is worse than I thought.
No, it's just not simple enough for you.

This is about a society and culture that landed us here.
No, it's about an opposing culture trying to take control of the society over the objections of the culture that created it.
I've tried like a million times to comprehend the level of stupid it would take to blindly follow a clown like Dotard J Drumpf.
My current working theory is that these people have spent the last couple of decades being worked up into a paranoid rage by talk radio and then the internet, and this guy was just the right spark to make it explode.

So I guess that would create an emotional attachment that the rest of us just can't understand. I do try, I do ask a lot of questions and pay attention to the responses. I've just never seen anything like this before.
Mac, I'll make a deal with you.

I will admit that Trump is/was a political doofus way outside his element when he took up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania, if you admit that Joe Biden is a senile geezer one step away from a diaper-filled dementia shit fit.

Neither had/have the capacity to handle the job without MAJOR influence (both inside and outside). Both are/were controlled by the extreme ends of the political spectrum. Both of those extremes are way more authoritarian than libertarian.

I've said many times that Biden is an old man who is clearly fading. He's also a zillion-year politician and he was an eminently mediocre candidate. I will always resent the GOP for my having to vote for him and Hillary, because I knew I had to vote against Trumpism. I would much rather voted third party.

I have no problem admitting any of that, and I've said it many times. This is about choices, and the choice was clear to me, as shitty as it was.

Nothing stopped you from voting third party except your love for Hillary and Biden. Man up and own it.
Whatever you'd like. You're just a Trumpster.
You have no problem claiming you only voted for Hillary and Biden because you believed you had no other choice.

Why won't you give us the same benefit of the doubt?
The difference between you and Mac is that you are an independent while he is a partisan hack who tries to masquerade as one.

There is an enormous difference in the level of intellectual honest involved. These obsessive, neverending threads of his are just his looking for a gotcha moment so he can call people a "Trumster".

I find it sad and pathetic, myself. He lacks self esteem and is simply looking for a way to feel superior.
I've tried like a million times to comprehend the level of stupid it would take to blindly follow a clown like Dotard J Drumpf.
My current working theory is that these people have spent the last couple of decades being worked up into a paranoid rage by talk radio and then the internet, and this guy was just the right spark to make it explode.

So I guess that would create an emotional attachment that the rest of us just can't understand. I do try, I do ask a lot of questions and pay attention to the responses. I've just never seen anything like this before.
Mac, I'll make a deal with you.

I will admit that Trump is/was a political doofus way outside his element when he took up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania, if you admit that Joe Biden is a senile geezer one step away from a diaper-filled dementia shit fit.

Neither had/have the capacity to handle the job without MAJOR influence (both inside and outside). Both are/were controlled by the extreme ends of the political spectrum. Both of those extremes are way more authoritarian than libertarian.

I've said many times that Biden is an old man who is clearly fading. He's also a zillion-year politician and he was an eminently mediocre candidate. I will always resent the GOP for my having to vote for him and Hillary, because I knew I had to vote against Trumpism. I would much rather voted third party.

I have no problem admitting any of that, and I've said it many times. This is about choices, and the choice was clear to me, as shitty as it was.

Nothing stopped you from voting third party except your love for Hillary and Biden. Man up and own it.
Whatever you'd like. You're just a Trumpster.
You have no problem claiming you only voted for Hillary and Biden because you believed you had no other choice.

Why won't you give us the same benefit of the doubt?
Of course I believe that. I've said a thousand times here that I believe you guys are telling the truth about pretty much everything, that you really believe all this stuff, that you're most likely being sincere.

And that's the problem.
Oh, fuck you.

You voted for fucking Marxists, you asshole. Don't give me that SHIT!! I could say the same about YOU!!!
Okay, got it.
Why do conservatives who say there will be civil war always look like this:

View attachment 507216
He most likely has diabetes, high blood pressure, heart issues, not to mention probably suffers from incontinence. Typical trailer park trash. Bitching and moaning he did not get his way and now wants to burn the house down. Not that he has much of a house to burn down.

Because people like that, don't like the new normal.

View attachment 507229
There is certainly nothing new about that.
It's never been accepted as normal, not in my lifetime. Till now.
Of course no one accepts it as normal. Riots over civil rights and policing aren’t new to America. Your faux outrage and feigned ignorance of it’s history is what’s new.
I've tried like a million times to comprehend the level of stupid it would take to blindly follow a clown like Dotard J Drumpf.
My current working theory is that these people have spent the last couple of decades being worked up into a paranoid rage by talk radio and then the internet, and this guy was just the right spark to make it explode.

So I guess that would create an emotional attachment that the rest of us just can't understand. I do try, I do ask a lot of questions and pay attention to the responses. I've just never seen anything like this before.
Mac, I'll make a deal with you.

I will admit that Trump is/was a political doofus way outside his element when he took up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania, if you admit that Joe Biden is a senile geezer one step away from a diaper-filled dementia shit fit.

Neither had/have the capacity to handle the job without MAJOR influence (both inside and outside). Both are/were controlled by the extreme ends of the political spectrum. Both of those extremes are way more authoritarian than libertarian.

I've said many times that Biden is an old man who is clearly fading. He's also a zillion-year politician and he was an eminently mediocre candidate. I will always resent the GOP for my having to vote for him and Hillary, because I knew I had to vote against Trumpism. I would much rather voted third party.

I have no problem admitting any of that, and I've said it many times. This is about choices, and the choice was clear to me, as shitty as it was.

Nothing stopped you from voting third party except your love for Hillary and Biden. Man up and own it.
Whatever you'd like. You're just a Trumpster.

And a very stoopid Trumpster at that.
Martian Boy lowers the IQ of this forum by minimally 50 points. ;)
I've tried like a million times to comprehend the level of stupid it would take to blindly follow a clown like Dotard J Drumpf.
My current working theory is that these people have spent the last couple of decades being worked up into a paranoid rage by talk radio and then the internet, and this guy was just the right spark to make it explode.

So I guess that would create an emotional attachment that the rest of us just can't understand. I do try, I do ask a lot of questions and pay attention to the responses. I've just never seen anything like this before.
Mac, I'll make a deal with you.

I will admit that Trump is/was a political doofus way outside his element when he took up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania, if you admit that Joe Biden is a senile geezer one step away from a diaper-filled dementia shit fit.

Neither had/have the capacity to handle the job without MAJOR influence (both inside and outside). Both are/were controlled by the extreme ends of the political spectrum. Both of those extremes are way more authoritarian than libertarian.

I've said many times that Biden is an old man who is clearly fading. He's also a zillion-year politician and he was an eminently mediocre candidate. I will always resent the GOP for my having to vote for him and Hillary, because I knew I had to vote against Trumpism. I would much rather voted third party.

I have no problem admitting any of that, and I've said it many times. This is about choices, and the choice was clear to me, as shitty as it was.

Nothing stopped you from voting third party except your love for Hillary and Biden. Man up and own it.
Whatever you'd like. You're just a Trumpster.

And a very stoopid Trumpster at that.
Martian Boy lowers the IQ of this forum by minimally 50 points. ;)
The thread made it a little ways before they were able to derail it.

Fortunately Homeland Security, the FBI and others are now paying attention to these nuts.
I seek zero power
I just want to live how the framers intended
Interesting. What currently aren’t you free to do?
Own property without paying taxes to gangsters and pedophiles.
Isn’t that how schools are funded?
Yeah, so?

If it's a worthwhile thing, people will fund it voluntarily.
If it's not, the government shouldn't spend any money on it, let alone MY money.

Yea, homeskool the lil bastards. That's how to fill the void for future doctors and scientists eh Frey?

You never read anything by Gatto, did you?

He never read anything that wasn't on the back of a can of Four Loko or a bathroom wall.

Unlike YOU, who we can all see is quite clearly well-read and an absolute scholar :laughing0301:
Why do conservatives who say there will be civil war always look like this:

View attachment 507216
He most likely has diabetes, high blood pressure, heart issues, not to mention probably suffers from incontinence. Typical trailer park trash. Bitching and moaning he did not get his way and now wants to burn the house down. Not that he has much of a house to burn down.

Because people like that, don't like the new normal.

View attachment 507229
There is certainly nothing new about that.
It's never been accepted as normal, not in my lifetime. Till now.
Of course no one accepts it as normal. Riots over civil rights and policing aren’t new to America. Your faux outrage and feigned ignorance of it’s history is what’s new.

4 years of it? With cops ordered to stand down? With people arrested for defending themselves? To the point that new riots and violence are barely reported?

Yep. It has become the new normal. YOur denial is silly.
Trump lost over and over and over and over, get over it!

He can't stop talking about his lost election cause, it has become an obsession with him, while ignoring the reality that he will go nowhere with it,

Trump lost over and over and over and over, get over it!

He can't stop talking about his lost election cause, it has become an obsession with him, while ignoring the reality that he will go nowhere with it,


Trump didn't start this thread. Neither did I. Seems someone else is obsessed with the election.

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