A Civil War if Trump is not reinstated

Why do conservatives who say there will be civil war always look like this:
View attachment 507232

He most likely has diabetes, high blood pressure, heart issues, not to mention probably suffers from incontinence. Typical trailer park yokel. Bitching and moaning he did not get his way and now wants to burn the house down. Not that he has much of a house to burn down.

They'll be out of breath before they get a block from their compound. :lol:

Doesn't look like he's out of breath to me..

WoW - He looks fit and mad. Ya shoulda had him on 1/6 instead of this guy ;)


That idiot has the Mjolnir tattooed on his gut.

I hate when posers misappropriate emblems of my religion.
While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.
A random man said something and you think this is newsworthy? :cuckoo:
Correct. None of this is about Trump.

Let me make this as simple for you as I can:


I've tried like a million times to comprehend the level of stupid it would take to blindly follow a clown like Dotard J Drumpf.
One night I even tried banging my head against the wall a few dozen times, pounded down three fingers of Scotch, and took a few hits of the chronic prior to sitting through an entire 90 minute rally.
Even borrowed my neighbor's MAGA hat so I could try to FEELZ the part of an angry Rump Bumpkin.
None of this worked - Just couldn't dumb myself down quite enough I guess. :rolleyes-41:


Yea, homeskool the lil bastards. That's how to fill the void for future doctors and scientists eh Frey?
I suppose it depends on who is teaching school. Kinda like always.

In college, I had to take a specific math class to graduate (calculus II or something like that. it was 20+ years ago). I remember it specifically because Reggie Brown (Detroit Lions LB who broke his neck) was in that class. He had just come back to school after his injury, to finish his degree course. (Gig'em Reggie)

Anyway, the professor was just FLYING through the material "you all should know all this stuff," but we were all straggling to keep up. Reggie Brown had the balls to say what we all felt when he said, "Wait, professor. I don't know any of this shit."

There was only one guy in the class who know what the prof was talking about. You guessed it. He was a homeschooled kid. As a homeschooled student, he was allowed to learn at his own pace (not that of the lowest common denominator) and he had already learned all the material in this particular class.

I hated math in college, especially at the biggest engineering school in the fucking world. It was the only class/subject that I couldn't get a decent grade in by writing like Chairman Mao. But, back to the the point -->

The point: homeschoolers are a mixed bag, but with the right supervision, they can exceed most other forms.
A random man said something and you think this is newsworthy? :cuckoo:
Yes, given the riot of January 6th, the fact that Homeland Security and the FBI are on alert, and the constant threats I see on USMB and many other places.

I can understand why you'd want to minimize this.
There is no threat from the right. You can shake in fear all you want, but republicans arent going to be an issue.
I've tried like a million times to comprehend the level of stupid it would take to blindly follow a clown like Dotard J Drumpf.
My current working theory is that these people have spent the last couple of decades being worked up into a paranoid rage by talk radio and then the internet, and this guy was just the right spark to make it explode.

So I guess that would create an emotional attachment that the rest of us just can't understand. I do try, I do ask a lot of questions and pay attention to the responses. I've just never seen anything like this before.
A random man said something and you think this is newsworthy? :cuckoo:
Yes, given the riot of January 6th, the fact that Homeland Security and the FBI are on alert, and the constant threats I see on USMB and many other places.

I can understand why you'd want to minimize this.
There is no threat from the right. You can shake in fear all you want, but republicans arent going to be an issue.
We don’t need a CW as tens of millions will die

We need to break this broken hell hole nation into several new ones !!
Heck even give blacks their own little chunk of land
How about we give the racist and white supremacists their own plot of land and the rest of can live in harmony.
Well, based on your standards for what constitutes a "white supremacist" it would be better for "the rest" to live harmony somewhere else.
That's if you think the racist and white supremacist are the majority, the last election showed that not to be true.
We don’t need a CW as tens of millions will die

We need to break this broken hell hole nation into several new ones !!
Heck even give blacks their own little chunk of land
How about we give the racist and white supremacists their own plot of land and the rest of can live in harmony.
I'm all for getting rid of those ....... what about the Nation of Islam.....whachya gonna do with them big guy?

Give them a tiny spot as well if they can't live with the rest of us.
While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.

View attachment 507308
But this isn't about Trump. It never has been.

You're very confused. I'm not surprised.

Really? So the word "Trump" isn't in your thread title?
Of course it's in the thread title.

But the point is the civil war, which would be started by rubes.

Is this too complicated for you?

So your thread is about Trump supporters starting a civil war on behalf of Trump, over the election Trump may or may not have lost, but your thread "isn't about Trump". LOL! Your TDS is worse than I thought.
Yea, homeskool the lil bastards. That's how to fill the void for future doctors and scientists eh Frey?
I suppose it depends on who is teaching school. Kinda like always.

In college, I had to take a specific math class to graduate (calculus II or something like that. it was 20+ years ago). I remember it specifically because Reggie Brown (Detroit Lions LB who broke his neck) was in that class. He had just come back to school after his injury, to finish his degree course. (Gig'em Reggie)

Anyway, the professor was just FLYING through the material "you all should know all this stuff," but we were all straggling to keep up. Reggie Brown had the balls to say what we all felt when he said, "Wait, professor. I don't know any of this shit."

There was only one guy in the class who know what the prof was talking about. You guessed it. He was a homeschooled kid. As a homeschooled student, he was allowed to learn at his own pace (not that of the lowest common denominator) and he had already learned all the material in this particular class.

I hated math in college, especially at the biggest engineering school in the fucking world. It was the only class/subject that I couldn't get a decent grade in by writing like Chairman Mao. But, back to the the point -->

The point: homeschoolers are a mixed bag, but with the right supervision, they can exceed most other forms.

You're right - The problem being that 90% of homeschool teachers simply aren't qualified.
Regarding math, they made me learn "new math" in the mid-late 60s when I was knee high to a grasshopper.
If it hadn't been for my Mom (a former university math professor) I'd have failed - BIGLY.
I kept asking the same question: "What possible practical impact could new math have in my future life?"
Still haven't found anything - gazzinits yes .. I good with those and use 'em all the time.
Pi, algebra and the new math crap? Oh for God sakes NO. I had no inclination to being a rocket scientist (literally) like my Dad.
But Reggie kinda nailed it - (looks a bit like LeBron here no?)

I've tried like a million times to comprehend the level of stupid it would take to blindly follow a clown like Dotard J Drumpf.
My current working theory is that these people have spent the last couple of decades being worked up into a paranoid rage by talk radio and then the internet, and this guy was just the right spark to make it explode.

So I guess that would create an emotional attachment that the rest of us just can't understand. I do try, I do ask a lot of questions and pay attention to the responses. I've just never seen anything like this before.

You put your finger on something here. Talk radio. I have a buddy who's not a dummy. Former teacher/ well educated/ retired early. He's been listening to right wing radio for the past 10-15 years. Drove his ex wife freaking nuts. After retirement, he'd head out to a little work shed he had out back and spend all morning listening to Fatsbo, Hannity, Levin, Ingraham, etc etc etc.

Anyway, when Donnie came along, he pounced like a mountain lion. We're still fine yucking it up over old times, but when the subject changes to politics? OmG .. It gets heated. He was SO certain that Rump was the answer and that only HE could solve all our problems!

Anyway, RW talk radio is where a LOT of these loons get their "news"!
I've tried like a million times to comprehend the level of stupid it would take to blindly follow a clown like Dotard J Drumpf.
My current working theory is that these people have spent the last couple of decades being worked up into a paranoid rage by talk radio and then the internet, and this guy was just the right spark to make it explode.

So I guess that would create an emotional attachment that the rest of us just can't understand. I do try, I do ask a lot of questions and pay attention to the responses. I've just never seen anything like this before.
Mac, I'll make a deal with you.

I will admit that Trump is/was a political doofus way outside his element when he took up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania, if you admit that Joe Biden is a senile geezer one step away from a diaper-filled dementia shit fit.

Neither had/have the capacity to handle the job without MAJOR influence (both inside and outside). Both are/were controlled by the extreme ends of the political spectrum. Both of those extremes are way more authoritarian than libertarian.

While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.

View attachment 507308
But this isn't about Trump. It never has been.

You're very confused. I'm not surprised.

Really? So the word "Trump" isn't in your thread title?
Of course it's in the thread title.

But the point is the civil war, which would be started by rubes.

Is this too complicated for you?

So your thread is about Trump supporters starting a civil war on behalf of Trump, over the election Trump may or may not have lost, but your thread "isn't about Trump". LOL! Your TDS is worse than I thought.
No, it's just not simple enough for you.

This is about a society and culture that landed us here.
The irony is thick enough to cut with a knife. IF Trump wins again, can you imagine the explosion on the Left?
Are all your trumptard's memories really this short? There had been twice before, in recent history, where Dems were not happy with the results. Al Gore & Hillary Clinton.

Both were expected to win. GWB's victory against Al Gore, in fact, had to be obtained by the Supreme court. Yes, the left derided GWB as "selected" as opposed to elected. Same with Hillary. Dems expected Hillary to win and there were grumblings that Putin had somehow helped Trump to win.

But, in both cases, the left accepted the verdict and we went on with our lives. In large part because of both Al Gore and Hillary. They didn't go on every talk show or hold massive rallies to protest their loss. If any actions were to be taken, they were content to let it happen under Congress oversight.

Compare that to trumptards and their orange fuhrer. The loser is still smarting over his loss and he doesn't care if by his actions he breaks up his own party or shreds the Constitution. And this is the grifter you guys want back in power.

So, no, there would not be any "explosions" on the left. At least not like the vandalisms and terrorisms that you trumptards exhibited when your orange douche lost the election. That in a nutshell is the difference between my party that lives by the Constitution and your party that only pays lip service to the Constitution. Let me know if you are still confused.
I've tried like a million times to comprehend the level of stupid it would take to blindly follow a clown like Dotard J Drumpf.
My current working theory is that these people have spent the last couple of decades being worked up into a paranoid rage by talk radio and then the internet, and this guy was just the right spark to make it explode.

So I guess that would create an emotional attachment that the rest of us just can't understand. I do try, I do ask a lot of questions and pay attention to the responses. I've just never seen anything like this before.

You put your finger on something here. Talk radio. I have a buddy who's not a dummy. Former teacher/ well educated/ retired early. He's been listening to right wing radio for the past 10-15 years. Drove his ex wife freaking nuts. After retirement, he'd head out to a little work shed he had out back and spend all morning listening to Fatsbo, Hannity, Levin, Ingraham, etc etc etc.

Anyway, when Donnie came along, he pounced like a mountain lion. We're still fine yucking it up over old times, but when the subject changes to politics? OmG .. It gets heated. He was SO certain that Rump was the answer and that only HE could solve all our problems!

Anyway, RW talk radio is where a LOT of these loons get their "news"!
I really think this is being overlooked by the media. They spend all their time focusing on where things are now, and comparatively little time looking at how we got here. I think this is the root of it.
I've tried like a million times to comprehend the level of stupid it would take to blindly follow a clown like Dotard J Drumpf.
My current working theory is that these people have spent the last couple of decades being worked up into a paranoid rage by talk radio and then the internet, and this guy was just the right spark to make it explode.

So I guess that would create an emotional attachment that the rest of us just can't understand. I do try, I do ask a lot of questions and pay attention to the responses. I've just never seen anything like this before.

You put your finger on something here. Talk radio. I have a buddy who's not a dummy. Former teacher/ well educated/ retired early. He's been listening to right wing radio for the past 10-15 years. Drove his ex wife freaking nuts. After retirement, he'd head out to a little work shed he had out back and spend all morning listening to Fatsbo, Hannity, Levin, Ingraham, etc etc etc.

Anyway, when Donnie came along, he pounced like a mountain lion. We're still fine yucking it up over old times, but when the subject changes to politics? OmG .. It gets heated. He was SO certain that Rump was the answer and that only HE could solve all our problems!

Anyway, RW talk radio is where a LOT of these loons get their "news"!

^^^This is world-class BlueAnon kookery, folks^^^

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