A fascinating new detail about the attempted coup is revealed.

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You should be well stocked up with Kleenex by then, but sure, we'll let you know.
A "Poor Richard's Almanac" saying is:
"He that lives upon hope, dies farting."

3. "He that lives upon hope, dies farting."
Did Ben Franklin say it? Yes.
Franklin published this one in his 1736 Poor Richard's Almanac at the peak of his efforts to promote industrious living, McCormick said. Franklin urged a reliance on hard work rather than luck or hope with such maxims as "God helps them that help themselves" and "He that waits upon Fortune, is never sure of a dinner."

Trump is guilty and should have been shot by a firing squad.
The only thing that is saving Trump's ass is our criminal justice & court system.

The same ones that the bastard rants & raves about. That just proves again what a low intel criminal shitbag that he is.
Nothing lucid to add?

The Judge confirmed what sane people already know, which is the fact that Trump is a criminal lowlife who thinks like Gotti did, that he's untouchable.

Look what happened to him.

What MAGA Had Planned For Pence On Jan. 6

Per the plan, swing states that Biden won were supposed to submit pro-Trump electors — a key part of a broader plan to subvert the election results by presenting Pence on Jan. 6 with a supposed choice between competing interpretations of who swing states selected for president.

By submitting those alternate slates of electors, Chesebro wrote, states would give whoever was in charge of the process the authority not only to “open” and “count” the electoral votes, but to “mak[e] judgments about what to do if there are conflicting votes.”

From there, key Senate Republicans were supposed to hold high-profile hearings from Jan. 3 to Jan. 5 about allegations of “widespread violations of law” in the election. Chesebro referenced one hearing scheduled by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) during that week.

On Jan. 6 itself, Pence was to immediately announce that, as a candidate running for office, he had a “conflict of interest” and thereby recuse himself from counting the votes. The responsibility for counting the votes would then fall to the president pro tempore of the Senate — at that time, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA).

So the plan called for Pence to recuse himself from the vote counting and allow Chuckles Grassley to take over. Then....

“He then opens the two envelopes from Arizona, and announced that he cannot and will not, at least as of that date, count any electoral votes from Arizona because there are two slates of votes, and it is clear that the Arizona courts did not give a full and fair opportunity for review of election irregularities, in violation of due process.”

One hopes the level of knowledge and participation in the plan by Individual 1 will be revealed during the public hearings coming soon to a TV near you. Then we can get a clearer picture of.......

Yep we were gonna take over the Gubmint with 50 unarmed rednecks and a guy wearing horns and fur. :auiqs.jpg:
Here's a detail that the left doesn't understand. Most people, including most moderate democrats forgot about jan 6th by the 10th.
Here's a detail that the left doesn't understand. Most people, including most moderate democrats forgot about jan 6th by the 10th.
You're an idiot if you believe that. "The Left" (i.e., educated people not duped by a pathological liar and lifetime con artist) have never forgotten, and never will.
Yep we were gonna take over the Gubmint with 50 unarmed rednecks and a guy wearing horns and fur. :auiqs.jpg:
Well, it was over 1 thousand. But ignoring your lie...

They don't earn a pass for being idiots and failures. In what situation does that make any sense? For what crime?

None, of course. So why would the cultists even try this defense? Surely, with a minimum of mental effort, you can see why this is a very stupid attempt.
Christine pelosi, daughter of Nancy Pelosi, apparently was associated with a group trying to overturn the 2016 election by convincing electors to cast their vote for someone other than Trump.

When is the investigation into christine pelosi, the group hamilton electors going to be started? They should also investigate nancy herself to see if she knew about it, and was she involved?

Christine pelosi, daughter of Nancy Pelosi, apparently was associated with a group trying to overturn the 2016 election by convincing electors to cast their vote for someone other than Trump.

When is the investigation into christine pelosi, the group hamilton electors going to be started? They should also investigate nancy herself to see if she knew about it, and was she involved?

So, actual, "faithless" electors, not fake electors.

Not equivalent. You can find it distasteful, but, outside of States that determine how electors vote by law, this sort of thing happens in every election. "Faithless electors". Someone tries to appeal to them every 4 years.

As far as whataboutism or cover for the criminal orange pile goes.... swing-and-a-miss
Yeah, that's embarrassing. Not an inch should be given to any of them or to the liars who fooled them, but know better.
What's embarrassing is how the useful idiots on the left continue to deny the evidence as it comes out. And, yes, you are one of them.
What's embarrassing is how the useful idiots on the left continue to deny the evidence as it comes out.
Strange, because that hasn't happened. If there is an opposite of that, that is what has happened. Laughed off the planet. Laughed out of every court.
Like allegations, what "many people believe" doesn't provide any evidence of facts. That what judges use to make lawful determinations based in reality, not what you see and hear on a broadcast designed to make you believe one thing or another.
There is plenty of evidence, and more is being uncovered all the time.
Will it overturn the election? No.
Much like if proof were to come out that Obama was actually born in Kenya.
You can't change the past, but you can learn from it to avoid making the same mistakes in the future. Regardless, karma is a bitch and you've got a boatload of it in the White House right now.
Enjoy the upcoming shellacking, I know I will.
So, actual, "faithless" electors, not fake electors.

Not equivalent. You can find it distasteful, but, outside of States that determine how electors vote by law, this sort of thing happens in every election. "Faithless electors". Someone tries to appeal to them every 4 years.

As far as whataboutism or cover for the criminal orange pile goes.... swing-and-a-miss
You all are the ones investigating Trump because they hatched a scheme to reject electors and substitute their electors, and subvert the will of the voters, and now we see that a group of people, including pelosis daughter, were trying to convince electors to cast their votes for anyone but Trump, and also subvert the will of the voters.

It's the same exact thing. In both cases, you had people trying to change the outcome of the election, but you are only willing to hold one side accountable.

You even had (have?) the interstate vote compact that says 18? states will ignore the voters of their states and cast their votes to the national popular vote winner.

Why is the left comfortable with these things when it's to their benefit, but opposed when someone else tries to do it?
It's a road map for the future. The MAGA cult is currently installing their minions into positions of power to pull this off in the future. While we sit around and scratch ourselves. Better get out the vote, America...
Yeah get out to vote for Democrats if you want more of what's been going on the last year-and-a-half. Numbskulls
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