A former Trump supporter describes her escape

Just like students called returning Vietnam vets baby killers? Kids say dumb shit.
Love how you ignored my whole post, but replied to it anyway!

Students were allowed to call retruning vets "baby killers," but at the same time, students were allowed to call returning vets "heroes."

Now, only one side is entitled to free speech on tax-funded college campuses.
She Wants you to think she went from evil to good due to Trump.
I left the Democratic party due to President Carter and his regime. I believe he has done much good with his home building venture. But as president he screwed many Americans.
She says she listened to Alex Jones I think his name is. She was not smart. She got a steady dose of Limbaugh. She was not smart. She should have studied history of the presidents. She would have understood the narcissism is also in the Democrats. Adam Schiff for instance. Jamie Raskin also. Chuck Schumer shouting at the Justices he was coming after the Supreme Court was approved by too many Democrats and the Media. She lost part of her family. Her family knows her very well. Not up to me to convert her.
Trump brags. Everybody on this planet knows that. And he exaggerates. I only care if he signed good stuff or vetoed stuff. Despite his narcissism and bragging all the damned time, he beats the demented Biden all to hell.
There are people across the political spectrum, including Republicans, who agree with her about this political/sociological disaster.

So denials and partisan finger-pointing are worthless.
There are people across the political spectrum, including Republicans, who agree with her about this political/sociological disaster.

So denials and partisan finger-pointing are worthless.
You are a victim of the media. I said it was not Biden that caused the Trump problems. It was the media. Notice in the media they defend biden and from actual crimes. But he is backed by the boys of the media.
There is no evidence of anything illegal. Even some republican congresscritters have admitted that. Hell, Moscow mitch admitted it was just to make Joe Biden look bad.

They aren't ashamed to say the quiet part out loud. We know what it is because they've told us.

You’re free to offer whatever denials / excuses you wish but the evidence against Biden before the formal inquiry was enough to launch that inquiry.

I understand the Dems / Socialists feel slighted after their manufactured Russia collusion farce and phony impeachments. The farce of the Mueller investigation lasted almost two years. The Biden impeachment inquiry was announced in October. There are still lots of witnesses to depose.

You can say the quiet part out loud as the Mueller report was a fiasco for the Dems / Socialists. It’s understandable the Dems / Socialists are in a twitchy snit about the Biden impeachment inquiry as the circumstantial evidence clearly points to the validity of a formal inquiry.
Talk about projection.

Dittos, Rush.
When I said you MAC, I was not trying to be personal. I am talking of the public who are victims of our major media. I have read a lot in the Media and spot their propaganda very fast.

Take claims about Biden that some post here. That he is innocent and that Republicans say he is innocent. But those do totally ignore the testimony in Congress. But the Media persists in defending Biden.

Now they also attacked Trump. Daily. The public was constantly told Trmp lied. They still do it. Trump brags a lot. Trump congratulates himself and to me it is obnoxious. But the man did good for America. And the media does not inform us.

I get better information from the horses mouth than from the media. Watch C-Span for a time and you will see what I am talking about. People yap about FOX but watch them testify live. It takes time to learn the truth. And that is a shame it is done like it is.
You’re free to offer whatever denials / excuses you wish but the evidence against Biden before the formal inquiry was enough to launch that inquiry.

I understand the Dems / Socialists feel slighted after their manufactured Russia collusion farce and phony impeachments. The farce of the Mueller investigation lasted almost two years. The Biden impeachment inquiry was announced in October. There are still lots of witnesses to depose.

You can say the quiet part out loud as the Mueller report was a fiasco for the Dems / Socialists. It’s understandable the Dems / Socialists are in a twitchy snit about the Biden impeachment inquiry as the circumstantial evidence clearly points to the validity of a formal inquiry.
I admire your ability to state the truth in persuasive ways.
She Wants you to think she went from evil to good due to Trump.
I left the Democratic party due to President Carter and his regime. I believe he has done much good with his home building venture. But as president he screwed many Americans.
She says she listened to Alex Jones I think his name is. She was not smart. She got a steady dose of Limbaugh. She was not smart. She should have studied history of the presidents. She would have understood the narcissism is also in the Democrats. Adam Schiff for instance. Jamie Raskin also. Chuck Schumer shouting at the Justices he was coming after the Supreme Court was approved by too many Democrats and the Media. She lost part of her family. Her family knows her very well. Not up to me to convert her.
Trump brags. Everybody on this planet knows that. And he exaggerates. I only care if he signed good stuff or vetoed stuff. Despite his narcissism and bragging all the damned time, he beats the demented Biden all to hell.
So this clown went from being one partisan team member to another.

Good example of what I was talking about earlier
That is not true. Trump never TOLD us to do a thing. He asked advice from some doctors at the conference. Trump is the most lied about president in my lifetime. The media specialized in lying about him.
Can't weasel word your way outta this. YOu know what he said.
And as usual the reprehensible right attempts to defend the indefensible.

Unfortunately, those who realize the truth constitute tiny minority – the majority will continue to support and defend Trump, along with his disastrous, authoritarian agenda of hatred and lies, as conservatives responding to this thread demonstrate.

He had a spectacular Presidency.
Intelligent people saw and appreciated that.
Your post is unintelligible gibberish

Jeb Bush (low energy) voted Obiden. Yet he was on the “R” side. same with GWB. A disgrace like Mac GiGI.

the post was perfectly clear, try harder. This is one finger touch type. Not a keyboard with 36” dual monitors. No backspace, no del key, no beginning of line, no end key. No left click, no mouse, no right click, no ctrl-F, no ctrl-C.
So this clown went from being one partisan team member to another.

Good example of what I was talking about earlier
She was victimized by the MainStream media. Can't you tell propaganda when the media does it?

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