A former Trump supporter describes her escape

I listened to the girl’s whole spiel and my reaction is that she likes to march in formation

What does that mean?

She is a doctrinaire lib who used to be a doctrinaire conservative

She needs a rigid set of beliefs to guide her because she has trouble thinking for herself

She merely traded Donald Trump for Taylor Swift

And her beliefs on the issues did a 180 degree flip at the same time
She’s just like you Mac

One day maybe you’ll have an epiphany and become a partisan liberal.
I can only imagine the attacks this will inspire (yawn), but this young lady says some important things here. She describes being raised on talk radio, and ultimately how she made her escape.

And for those who scream "TDS!", we both know: This is isn't about him. It never HAS been. It's about YOU.

Some salient moments, exactly the same opinions and behaviors we see here:
  • "Sometimes I think Republicans develop develop conspiracy theories to deal with things they just can't accept. They're in total denial, and they'd rather live in a fake reality than the real one".
  • "I believed that Democrats were totally evil and that Republicans were the good guys".
  • "I fell right in line. When you think the other side is evil, you can't imagine voting for anyone other than your own guy".
  • "I voted for Trump. I thought I had some unconvential wisdom that other women didn't."
  • On her escape: "It was a process of realizing what I already knew deep down: That he (Trump) was unprincipled and unpresidential."
  • "He should be absolutely nowhere near the Oval Office".
  • "Once that I came to the realization that he has a mental illness, everything started to make sense. That's when I got angry".
  • "It showed me the truth: That everything the party said they believed in was a lie. Every value was a lie. Because if you can stand by a man like Donald Trump, you didn't have values. You didn't have principles. Period. To me, it lifted the curtain on everything".

3:55 am EST....tells me all i need to know
Escape ? Well that's some drama queen bullshit. What Trump supporters where holding her against her will ?

You retards eat this shit up all the while ignoring the same garbage from your side. You morons are preparing to vote for a barely functioning potato, again.
Hey genius, here's one of Trump's subhuman mobsters who tried to overturn Biden's election win having fun on a movie set:


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I can only imagine the attacks this will inspire (yawn), but this young lady says some important things here. She describes being raised on talk radio, and ultimately how she made her escape.

And for those who scream "TDS!", we both know: This is isn't about him. It never HAS been. It's about YOU.

Some salient moments, exactly the same opinions and behaviors we see here:
  • "Sometimes I think Republicans develop develop conspiracy theories to deal with things they just can't accept. They're in total denial, and they'd rather live in a fake reality than the real one".
  • "I believed that Democrats were totally evil and that Republicans were the good guys".
  • "I fell right in line. When you think the other side is evil, you can't imagine voting for anyone other than your own guy".
  • "I voted for Trump. I thought I had some unconvential wisdom that other women didn't."
  • On her escape: "It was a process of realizing what I already knew deep down: That he (Trump) was unprincipled and unpresidential."
  • "He should be absolutely nowhere near the Oval Office".
  • "Once that I came to the realization that he has a mental illness, everything started to make sense. That's when I got angry".
  • "It showed me the truth: That everything the party said they believed in was a lie. Every value was a lie. Because if you can stand by a man like Donald Trump, you didn't have values. You didn't have principles. Period. To me, it lifted the curtain on everything".

WOW....10 fucking pages already........not a bad thread for having a lampshade over your head making this....congrats
She’s just like you Mac

One day maybe you’ll have an epiphany and become a partisan liberal.
Why, because we both had eggs for breakfast this morning?

She admits to being a cultist, only now she’s a brainless lib instead of a brainless trumpster

I chose trump based on the issues

And issues are why I could never support democrats
I can only imagine the attacks this will inspire (yawn), but this young lady says some important things here. She describes being raised on talk radio, and ultimately how she made her escape.

And for those who scream "TDS!", we both know: This is isn't about him. It never HAS been. It's about YOU.

Some salient moments, exactly the same opinions and behaviors we see here:
  • "Sometimes I think Republicans develop develop conspiracy theories to deal with things they just can't accept. They're in total denial, and they'd rather live in a fake reality than the real one".
  • "I believed that Democrats were totally evil and that Republicans were the good guys".
  • "I fell right in line. When you think the other side is evil, you can't imagine voting for anyone other than your own guy".
  • "I voted for Trump. I thought I had some unconvential wisdom that other women didn't."
  • On her escape: "It was a process of realizing what I already knew deep down: That he (Trump) was unprincipled and unpresidential."
  • "He should be absolutely nowhere near the Oval Office".
  • "Once that I came to the realization that he has a mental illness, everything started to make sense. That's when I got angry".
  • "It showed me the truth: That everything the party said they believed in was a lie. Every value was a lie. Because if you can stand by a man like Donald Trump, you didn't have values. You didn't have principles. Period. To me, it lifted the curtain on everything".

She talks about being in the car, listening to rush, and hannity, and levin, and then talks about consiracy theories like Michelle being a man, Obama being in the muslim brotherhood, and samdy hook being fake, which are not things that rush, hannity, or levin pushed, nor the mainstream republicans. Likely her dad listened to Alex jones a lot, and she’s blaming his views on everyone else. Sounds like she’s using the “blanket statement” technique that dems usually do.

Then she listens to people like Kimmel to get her “views”…..

She can go to whatever party she wants to, but I’ll say this about her, as I would about anyone who leaves their party and joins the other. If the current president isn’t what you want for your party, then you work to change that and get new leadership, you don’t leave your party. If a person causes you to leave your party and turn your back on the views and ideology that you hold, and vote and support the party which you have been against, then one has to question whether or not you every really actually believed in those views…

Sounds to me like this young lady had democrat views deep down, she just thought she was a Republican because of growing up with a father who is Republican, and trump made her realize who she really is. That’s fine, but it’s not a Republican Party thing, it’s a her thing.

Also, this is a great example of why lowering the voting age to 16 that some were talking about, is a bad idea, because this lady’s views were not her own, but the views of her father. Even at 18, these kids don’t have their own views, and are heavily influenced by the household they were raised in, so, largely, how they vote will be determined by that.
Why, because we both had eggs for breakfast this morning?

She admits to being a cultist, only now she’s a brainless lib instead of a brainless trumpster

I chose trump based on the issues

And issues are why I could never support democrats
Sure ya did buddy.

Sure ya did.

So did she
I can only imagine the attacks this will inspire (yawn), but this young lady says some important things here. She describes being raised on talk radio, and ultimately how she made her escape.

And for those who scream "TDS!", we both know: This is isn't about him. It never HAS been. It's about YOU.

Some salient moments, exactly the same opinions and behaviors we see here:
  • "Sometimes I think Republicans develop develop conspiracy theories to deal with things they just can't accept. They're in total denial, and they'd rather live in a fake reality than the real one".
  • "I believed that Democrats were totally evil and that Republicans were the good guys".
  • "I fell right in line. When you think the other side is evil, you can't imagine voting for anyone other than your own guy".
  • "I voted for Trump. I thought I had some unconvential wisdom that other women didn't."
  • On her escape: "It was a process of realizing what I already knew deep down: That he (Trump) was unprincipled and unpresidential."
  • "He should be absolutely nowhere near the Oval Office".
  • "Once that I came to the realization that he has a mental illness, everything started to make sense. That's when I got angry".
  • "It showed me the truth: That everything the party said they believed in was a lie. Every value was a lie. Because if you can stand by a man like Donald Trump, you didn't have values. You didn't have principles. Period. To me, it lifted the curtain on everything".

/——/ This is so obviously bullshyt, that only libtards will but into it.
Even if they don’t they will spread this hoping to undermine the ever growing Trump base.
Hey genius, here's one of Trump's subhuman mobsters who tried to overturn Biden's election win having fun on a movie set:
You loons keep missing the part where I don't like Trump and never voted for him.I just point out the blatant hypocrisy you morons spew out on a daily bases. You continuously whine about shit the other side is doing while ignoring the same garbage your side is doing.

Right now you fucktards are doing everything you can to stop Trump from running.
Why, because we both had eggs for breakfast this morning?

She admits to being a cultist, only now she’s a brainless lib instead of a brainless trumpster

I chose trump based on the issues

And issues are why I could never support democrats

Jeb low energy Bush once claimed to be a non-Stain. Yet they voted Obiden…..just like MAC and the GG bunch.
She’s just like you Mac

One day maybe you’ll have an epiphany and become a partisan liberal.
lesh..............i'd tell every human on Earth not to be like you..to do the opposite of you...................to reject every thought you ever had.......... to do everything possible not to emulate you.............to show them what a whining sniveling demacrapping libturd is......an old hippie reject is no way to live life
By that logic, the same could be said of Hitler Youth, who also screamed for the anhilation of the Jews.

Actually, that's not exactly correct. Hitler Youth hated the Jews, but Hitler and his henchmen hid the fact that they were actually mass murdering them. Hamas, and it's supporters among Tax-Funded college students and professors, are very open about the killing having already started, and wanting them all dead.

I will say this: I would agree completely with your statement that college students speech should not be surpressed by colleges. In fact, the worse someone's speech is, the more we should want it spoken in public, so we know what they are. I would agree, If it were applied equally.

Instead, colleges protect passionately the free speech rights of Jew haters who want more anti-semetic genocide, communists who want more socialist genocides and ANTIFA/BLM supporters who want more death of police officers. But they allow mainstream conservative speakers to be violently prevented from speaking and they punish student who call a male person "he" when he has a badge that says his pronouns are "she/her."
Just like students called returning Vietnam vets baby killers? Kids say dumb shit.

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