A former Trump supporter describes her escape

Can you quote the alleged lies and prove that they are lies, or are you just mindlessly parroting what the fake news outlets easily brainwashed your feeble mind into believing?
Where to begin. Listen mo. If you have to ask…. 4 cases 91 counts. No, 6 or 8 cases if you include the other unpresidential shit like rape and lying about his worth.
That would be the liberals. They all have a bit of a smirk when answering questions. Take a look at the college presidents that were being questioned about their code of conduct. Smug and condescending.
As they should be. The simple fact is that young people say and do dumb things very passionately. Anyone who was old enough to notice during Vietnam should not be surprised by this. It’s not indicative of anything more than justice minded kids who don’t yet have the full picture.
I can only imagine the attacks this will inspire (yawn), but this young lady says some important things here. She describes being raised on talk radio, and ultimately how she made her escape.

And for those who scream "TDS!", we both know: This is isn't about him. It never HAS been. It's about YOU.

Some salient moments, exactly the same opinions and behaviors we see here:
  • "Sometimes I think Republicans develop develop conspiracy theories to deal with things they just can't accept. They're in total denial, and they'd rather live in a fake reality than the real one".
  • "I believed that Democrats were totally evil and that Republicans were the good guys".
  • "I fell right in line. When you think the other side is evil, you can't imagine voting for anyone other than your own guy".
  • "I voted for Trump. I thought I had some unconvential wisdom that other women didn't."
  • On her escape: "It was a process of realizing what I already knew deep down: That he (Trump) was unprincipled and unpresidential."
  • "He should be absolutely nowhere near the Oval Office".
  • "Once that I came to the realization that he has a mental illness, everything started to make sense. That's when I got angry".
  • "It showed me the truth: That everything the party said they believed in was a lie. Every value was a lie. Because if you can stand by a man like Donald Trump, you didn't have values. You didn't have principles. Period. To me, it lifted the curtain on everything".

4 a.m., huh?

Guess this goes to prove the ole saying, nothing good happens to those hangin round after midnight.
I can only imagine the attacks this will inspire (yawn), but this young lady says some important things here. She describes being raised on talk radio, and ultimately how she made her escape.

And for those who scream "TDS!", we both know: This is isn't about him. It never HAS been. It's about YOU.

Some salient moments, exactly the same opinions and behaviors we see here:
  • "Sometimes I think Republicans develop develop conspiracy theories to deal with things they just can't accept. They're in total denial, and they'd rather live in a fake reality than the real one".
  • "I believed that Democrats were totally evil and that Republicans were the good guys".
  • "I fell right in line. When you think the other side is evil, you can't imagine voting for anyone other than your own guy".
  • "I voted for Trump. I thought I had some unconvential wisdom that other women didn't."
  • On her escape: "It was a process of realizing what I already knew deep down: That he (Trump) was unprincipled and unpresidential."
  • "He should be absolutely nowhere near the Oval Office".
  • "Once that I came to the realization that he has a mental illness, everything started to make sense. That's when I got angry".
  • "It showed me the truth: That everything the party said they believed in was a lie. Every value was a lie. Because if you can stand by a man like Donald Trump, you didn't have values. You didn't have principles. Period. To me, it lifted the curtain on everything".

So what did she do, got to Liz Cheney's summer camp.
All I ask for as it will take a long time for us to become totally sane again is cleaning up the social agendas, we have started of the decades including the military industrial complex. We can still have all of this while rooting out corruption and stealing. Some years from now others will attempt using sense one way or the other. We have not even started yet.
What you should do is keep your nose to the grindstone, ignore all the dumb shit, and secure the best future possible for you and yours.
In reality, no one is preventing you from being as successful as you wish to be. Except you.
A healthy outlook is more valuable than any political points scored. ;)
Where to begin. Listen mo. If you have to ask…. 4 cases 91 counts. No, 6 or 8 cases if you include the other unpresidential shit like rape and lying about his worth.
His doctor says he has 20 20 vision. Now that’s funny. He’s also not obese

im certain healthy forkers like you and your DET crew up there eatin’ Tripe & cornbread, poundin’ 40s’ are gonna school 6’4” non-smoking, non-drinking 70+ year old white man willing to work 20 hours a day FOR America. You lazy forks couldn’t get off the couch long enough to walk to the store for vegtables…..games on. Gimmee Chips.
As they should be. The simple fact is that young people say and do dumb things very passionately. Anyone who was old enough to notice during Vietnam should not be surprised by this. It’s not indicative of anything more than justice minded kids who don’t yet have the full picture.

correct. Brainwashed by male fags in dresses. Taught the wrong stuff.
im certain healthy forkers like you and your DET crew up there eatin’ Tripe & cornbread, poundin’ 40s’ are gonna school 6’4” non-smoking, non-drinking 70+ year old white man willing to work 20 hours a day FOR America. You lazy forks couldn’t get off the couch long enough to walk to the store for vegtables…..games on. Gimmee Chips.
I’m Greek. Mediteranian diet bitch. We live longer than you. It’s why you worry about dying young and not getting any social security.

Now go cook some eggs, bacon, hash browns, biscuits and gravy, pancakes, white bread with butter, sausage and ham. That’s literally a breakfast on the menu. Fat ass Americans. Supersize me!
I'm curious to know, what do you guys think of RFK?

As a follow up, are those thoughts based on media/pundit descriptions of him? Or have you seen/heard an RFK interview or speech before?
Complete kook. Spent most of his life as a drug addict. No one would stop to listen without the name.
As they should be. The simple fact is that young people say and do dumb things very passionately. Anyone who was old enough to notice during Vietnam should not be surprised by this. It’s not indicative of anything more than justice minded kids who don’t yet have the full picture.
By that logic, the same could be said of Hitler Youth, who also screamed for the anhilation of the Jews.

Actually, that's not exactly correct. Hitler Youth hated the Jews, but Hitler and his henchmen hid the fact that they were actually mass murdering them. Hamas, and it's supporters among Tax-Funded college students and professors, are very open about the killing having already started, and wanting them all dead.

I will say this: I would agree completely with your statement that college students speech should not be surpressed by colleges. In fact, the worse someone's speech is, the more we should want it spoken in public, so we know what they are. I would agree, If it were applied equally.

Instead, colleges protect passionately the free speech rights of Jew haters who want more anti-semetic genocide, communists who want more socialist genocides and ANTIFA/BLM supporters who want more death of police officers. But they allow mainstream conservative speakers to be violently prevented from speaking and they punish student who call a male person "he" when he has a badge that says his pronouns are "she/her."
I’m Greek. Mediteranian diet bitch. We live longer than you. It’s why you worry about dying young and not getting any social security.

Now go cook some eggs, bacon, hash browns, biscuits and gravy, pancakes, white bread with butter, sausage and ham. That’s literally a breakfast on the menu. Fat ass Americans. Supersize me!

You’ll be lucky to walk to the medicare office you diabetic HBP game watching racist sack of crap.
They’ve only exposed their narratives about whatever information they have. Nothing more.
They've connected the dots for anyone not desperate to cling to Biden as president.

I tell you frankly, my only concern about the 2024 election is that you Democrats might wake up and realize you will have to dump both Biden and Harris to have any chance at all of beating Trump.
Complete kook. Spent most of his life as a drug addict. No one would stop to listen without the name.
I believe it was 14 years, (googling about it), not most of his life. Name is huge part of it no doubt.

If you don't mind, is this an opinion you formed from information you heard about him, say from other people and media, or by watching/listening to him yourself?

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