A former Trump supporter describes her escape

It's amazing how I can read your pablum here and every time it's like reading a confession....
I too see him doing that. He moans if one blames Biden. Yet eager to blame Trump.
Great read

Trump attacked China’s policies one moment, and then offered fulsome praise for Chinese President Xi Jinping the next. He tweeted threats at North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, ordered the Pentagon to draw up war plans, then proposed meeting for photos in Singapore. Trump has no coherent foreign-policy agenda because he has no coherent position on anything except his own self-glorification. Everything revolves around him and his ego, and that’s inherently incredibly dangerous.

Unlike Trump, Biden didn’t just talk about withdrawing from Afghanistan; he did it. Unlike Trump, he didn’t massively increase the number of U.S. drone strikes; he massively decreased them. Instead of escalating support for the Saudi war in Yemen, he reduced support for it and appointed a special diplomatic envoy to help end it. Rather than support coups in Latin America, Biden has shown support for its democratically elected leaders. Years of organizing by progressives have helped him do this.
I will address Afghanistan. Biden fled Afghanistan. And due to Biden, the Taliban took charge of the country forcing millions living there to suffer.
I look, and I believe it to be so.

So, you're one of the 14%?
I look, and I believe it to be so.
He delivered illegal migrants. He delivered food prices that skyrocketed. I picked up some bananas (6); Beef Sausages (2); and 24 bottles of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale and it set me back $49.85. When Trump was president, food was half as expensive. Fuel was $2 per gallon and now it is 3.19 per gallon for regular. Fish now costs around $10 per pound. Biden has helped corporations charge a hell of a lot more.
The only polls that matter are on election day. Especially with call blockers on everyone's smartphones, that is smart enough to install one.
So, now you don't like polls...ok....I get it...But, wanting a Democrat in is one thing, coming in here and typing that you truly believe that Biden has done a good job is insane....
He delivered illegal migrants. He delivered food prices that skyrocketed. I picked up some bananas (6); Beef Sausages (2); and 24 bottles of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale and it set me back $49.85. When Trump was president, food was half as expensive. Fuel was $2 per gallon and now it is 3.19 per gallon for regular. Fish now costs around $10 per pound. Biden has helped corporations charge a hell of a lot more.
Or they might just be raising all of those prices, because they can in a capitalist country, where the dollar is God.
Or they might just be raising all of those prices, because they can in a capitalist country, where the dollar is God.
Oh geeze, you guys really need to get your story's straight....When Biden came in, and prices immediately started skyrocketing, you then blamed it on Covid, supply issues, Trump, etc...Now, it's because companies are greedy? No one believes that shit....
Oh geeze, you guys really need to get your story's straight....When Biden came in, and prices immediately started skyrocketing, you then blamed it on Covid, supply issues, Trump, etc...Now, it's because companies are greedy? No one believes that shit....
I'd be the last person to tell you that only the companies are greedy. Think about it. We were all raised to think that our incomes are the defining trait of our character. A majority of core Americans believe that to be true.

A usury system of economics is why they no longer make that Snickers bar, that was twice as big, and would set you back a whole five cents.

I never heard of a billionaire when I was growing up. Train robbers were making off with a 10k fortune. My Great Grandsons will know of Quadrillionaires when they're my age. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, and complain about food prices rising.

Is this a great country, or what?
I'd be the last person to tell you that only the companies are greedy. Think about it. We were all raised to think that our incomes are the defining trait of our character. A majority of core Americans believe that to be true.

A usury system of economics is why they no longer make that Snickers bar, that was twice as big, and would set you back a whole five cents.

I never heard of a billionaire when I was growing up. Train robbers were making off with a 10k fortune. My Great Grandsons will know of Quadrillionaires when they're my age. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, and complain about food prices rising.

Is this a great country, or what?
It is a great country, and Socialism isn't the answer...You seem to be blaming the successful for your lack of it....

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