A Trump Christmas

His behavior since declaring his candidacy for apresident has been disturbing.
He seems to have lost all sense of propriety
He no longer has any filters

He knows what is supposed to be expressed in Christmas wishes
I understand that progs believe that.
His behavior since declaring his candidacy for apresident has been disturbing.
He seems to have lost all sense of propriety
He no longer has any filters

He knows what is supposed to be expressed in Christmas wishes
If Trump had a modicum of sense, he would have wished the American people a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, but he simply couldn't do it because, in his mind, how can America possibly be successful without him being in charge?

Sadly, Trump is SO self-absorbed that he simply can't separate his prospects from that of the country
If Trump had a modicum of sense, he would have wished the American people a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, but he simply couldn't do it because, in his mind, how can America possibly be successful without him being in charge?

Sadly, Trump is SO self-absorbed that he simply can't separate his prospects from that of the country
He can’t go anywhere without airing his grievances
Holy Moley!! This OP turned into a gimongous Christmas Buffet Table. No?
Let's sample some of these riches.
After all, it is just days after the Winter Solstice, and thanksgiving is necessary...as is a view towards and hope of a future year.
So let's go.

Does Trump's existence make you sad?
I can't speak for the poster Indeependent was directing that question to; however, it seems to me, after reading this Christmas Hissy from the disgraced former president that it is Trump's own existence that is making Trump sad.
Did someone already mention 'needy'?

But what is your impression of Trump’s Christmas message?
I thought it was sad for a man of his age, family responsibilities (he's a grandfather, after all), and his role as a leader and spokesperson for one of America's two major political parties...well, for him to go all screechy like that.
It is unbecoming of a man. Of any age. IMHO

I thought you people censored Trump so you would not know what he was thinking or saying
Ummm? How could censoring work when he has access to the internet and millions of people...via the Truth Social site? Access to the GreatAwakening website? Access to any number of reporters who would drop whatever they were doing if summoned to Mar-A-Lago for a one-on-one with the disgraced former president?

THAT ....doesn't sound like much of a censorship muzzle to me. IMHO


There's no one around him who can stop him from displaying his profound neediness and insecurities
Ditto that. Too true. Mac1958 is perceptive. As usual.

This is a former President acting like this. Incredible.
A grandfather. A parent. A Dad. A former leader of the greatest nation on earth....the beacon of hope and example to millions and millions.....and he goes all screechy on Christmas Day, of all days.
So yes, poster Mac....it is incredible. Facken' incredible!

Cant say I’m a fan or care all that much.
Me either. But, even I....a neutral observer....have gotta admit that DonT going all screechy on Christmas Day --of all days --- ain't a good look for him. Or for the current Republican Party. He ain't settin' a great example of responsible mature leadership. And example of a sober-sided patriarch and mentor to his grandchildren. He is sounding unstable. Not that I care all that much. IMHO

I liked Biden’s Christmas message
Yeah. Joe Biden set a more appropriate tone. But it is also true that he is fortunate that his words and tone can be readily compared to the screechy tone of the disgraced former president. Joe benefits by that comparison. Whether that is what Trump wanted to happen or not. IMHO

A sure sign that you should move on.
If there is a need to 'move on'.......I would suggest that the disgraced former president may take the good poster Flops' advice. Move on, Don. You are embarrassing your grandchildren. And the good solid hard-working Americans who have up-to-now supported you. You are making them look bad. Through no fault of theirs.

CALL: "...continue to rearrange the furniture in their heads to make more room for him."
RESPONSE: "As already correctly noted: Trump is running for president, topics about Trump are perfectly appropriate."
His behavior since declaring his candidacy for a president has been disturbing. He seems to have lost all sense of propriety. He no longer has any filters

Ditto that.
For example: "Brilliant"....."Clarvoyant"....."USA Loving"....Speaks of himself in the third party, e.g. "Hates Trump...and, with maybe a tad of egomania thrown in, e.g., ."this is Donald Trump, hopefully your favorite president of all time — better than Lincoln, better than Washington — with an important announcement to make,”

I love this bar.
Even at Christmas.
He can’t go anywhere without airing his grievances
Mental health is not a constant. Virtually anyone can have periods in his or her life when their emotional or psychological stability seems in question. The causes can be many and varied: work problems, money problems, relationship problems, health problems, addiction issues can all play a role.

Having said that, I've read stories of Nixon's last days of crying and despondency which Kissinger later verified. I've read about Clinton's temper, and Bush 43's temper. I've read about Kennedy's sexual addictions before and after he assumed office. I've read about LBJ's bullying and domineering. I've read about Lincoln's issues regarding depression. But in all of these cases, these issues didn't seem be front and center of those presidents' lives or their time in office. But Trump's aberrant behavior has been front and center for years with countless episodes that date back to before he even took office.

And it's only getting worse!
Yes, but you could have taken a break for ONE DAY from obsessing over him.
This is a political message board; candidates running for president is a legitimate political topic; Trump is running for president; topics about Trump are perfectly appropriate.

That you and others on the right don’t like it is of course irrelevant – that topics about Trump are embarrassing to conservatives isn’t justification to not have topics about Trump.
That would make Trump a Liberal.
It's obvious no one has ever shown you a video of how you behave when face to face with a Conservative.
I doubt any LibTard here has the balls to ever have a 2 second discussion with a Conservative.
His mental state is obviously deteriorating if he now believes he's clairvoyant. An intervention is clearly needed in order to keep him from embarrassing himself (not to mention incriminating himself) over and over again, but, as many people know, it's virtually impossible to save a person from himself. If Trump keeps going on like this, he'll end up being the poster boy for the importance of seeking help for mental health issues, and the dangers of not getting that help.

Trump has always been an attention whore, even when he was a private citizen. When he ascended to the presidency, he had the biggest megaphone in the world, and he could not resist being the center of attention as often as possible. He lost all of that almost two years ago, and I think he's having a very hard time dealing with his increasing irrelevancy on the national stage.

The question is this: What kind of crazy shit is he going to do in the weeks and months to come?
Trump’s mental state has been deteriorating for years, well before entering the WH.

Yet another of countless reasons why Trump is unfit to hold any public office.
It's obvious no one has ever shown you a video of how you behave when face to face with a Conservative.
I doubt any LibTard here has the balls to ever have a 2 second discussion with a Conservative.
Who in their right mind would want to?
Who in their right mind would want to?
LibTards don't want to be with anyone who doesn't agree with them 100%.
I enjoy family get togethers because I get to torture them by dropping a fact.
They respond by losing the ability to breathe, eyes rolling uncontrollably and shaking their heads around like electronic clown toys.
It makes it worth the drive.

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