Abolish the CIA - It's a threat to our National Security

The US must stop intervening in the internal affairs of other nations. The ONLY intelligence that a President needs is whether a particular country seriously intends to attack us. But intelligence gathering should not be concentrated in one agency. The intelligence should come from different competing sources. Since the power is diffused there will be a lesser probability that an agency will form its own agenda and go rogue thereby becoming a threat to the civil power.
That's a little too simplistic Contumacious. I understand your frustration with the abuse of power and it's definitely warranted. But we can't afford the libertarian approach to national security.

The "Libertarian " approach worked well for 155 years.

We were attacked in 1942 when interventionist FDR

1- froze Japanese assets
2- refused to sell oil to the Japan
3- was SECRETLY involved in a war against Japan in Indochina
4- wanted to unite Americans so they would allow him to intervene in WWII and help Churchill

If they US minds its own business - adopt NEUTRALITY as its foreign policy there will not be a need for a CIA or anything similar

"The “enterprise” which Dulles said could not fail was, of course, the overthrow of Fidel Castro. After mounting several failed operations to assassinate him, this time Dulles meant to get his man, with little or no attention to how the Russians might react. The reckless Joint Chiefs of Staff, whom then-Deputy Secretary of State George Ball later described as a “sewer of deceit,” relished any chance to confront the Soviet Union and give it, at least, a black eye.

But Kennedy stuck to his guns, so to speak. He fired Dulles and his co-conspirators a few months after the abortive invasion, and told a friend that he wanted to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds.” The outrage was very obviously mutual."


It certainly starts more wars than it prevents. Wherever there is mayhem destruction in the world, you can bet the CIA has a hand in it somehow. We were warned about the dangers of giving a secret Government apparatus too much power. But the warnings fell on deaf ears. The few leaders who later dared to speak out, didn't live very long lives. Now, no US leaders dare to speak out. They're all loyal Goose Steppers.
The US must stop intervening in the internal affairs of other nations. The ONLY intelligence that a President needs is whether a particular country seriously intends to attack us. But intelligence gathering should not be concentrated in one agency. The intelligence should come from different competing sources. Since the power is diffused there will be a lesser probability that an agency will form its own agenda and go rogue thereby becoming a threat to the civil power.
That's a little too simplistic Contumacious. I understand your frustration with the abuse of power and it's definitely warranted. But we can't afford the libertarian approach to national security.

The "Libertarian " approach worked well for 155 years.

We were attacked in 1942 when interventionist FDR

1- froze Japanese assets
2- refused to sell oil to the Japan
3- was SECRETLY involved in a war against Japan in Indochina
4- wanted to unite Americans so they would allow him to intervene in WWII and help Churchill

If they US minds its own business - adopt NEUTRALITY as its foreign policy there will not be a need for a CIA or anything similar.
Sorry...but that's simply not true. We have the right to refuse to sell oil to anyone we want. If something that innocent results in Pearl Harbor, that alone is proof of why we need an intelligence community.

Nobody - not even libertarians - actually believe that Russia, China, Iran, etc. will stop spying on us if we suddenly adopt the libertarian doctrine. That alone is also proof of why we need intelligence/counter-intelligence.

Sorry Contumacious - but this is exactly why I can't get onboard with you libertarians. It's beyond absurd to close the barn door once all of the horses have run away. National security requires a nation to be pro-active. There is genuine evil in the world and it is astoundingly immature to pretend like minding one's own business ensures evil will leave you alone. That's not how it works. Adolf Hitler didn't invade Poland, France, England, and Russia because of their foreign policies.
Folks don't live very long opposing the CIA...

I wish the USMB community would stop getting their "information" from Hollywood. It is so annoying.

I'm not saying the CIA wasn't involved with the assassination of JFK - but it sure as hell wasn't because he wanted to change the CIA. If anything - it was because he royally fucked them at the Bay of Pigs and caused many people to die. It also showed weakness to Fidel Castro and the U.S.S.R. - something the U.S. couldn't afford. By itself, another reason for those involved to want him out of the way.
The US must stop intervening in the internal affairs of other nations. The ONLY intelligence that a President needs is whether a particular country seriously intends to attack us. But intelligence gathering should not be concentrated in one agency. The intelligence should come from different competing sources. Since the power is diffused there will be a lesser probability that an agency will form its own agenda and go rogue thereby becoming a threat to the civil power.
That's a little too simplistic Contumacious. I understand your frustration with the abuse of power and it's definitely warranted. But we can't afford the libertarian approach to national security.

The "Libertarian " approach worked well for 155 years.

We were attacked in 1942 when interventionist FDR

1- froze Japanese assets
2- refused to sell oil to the Japan
3- was SECRETLY involved in a war against Japan in Indochina
4- wanted to unite Americans so they would allow him to intervene in WWII and help Churchill

If they US minds its own business - adopt NEUTRALITY as its foreign policy there will not be a need for a CIA or anything similar.
Sorry...but that's simply not true. We have the right to refuse to sell oil to anyone we want. If something that innocent results in Pearl Harbor, that alone is proof of why we need an intelligence community.

Nobody - not even libertarians - actually believe that Russia, China, Iran, etc. will stop spying on us if we suddenly adopt the libertarian doctrine. That alone is also proof of why we need intelligence/counter-intelligence.

Sorry Contumacious - but this is exactly why I can't get onboard with you libertarians. It's beyond absurd to close the barn door once all of the horses have run away. National security requires a nation to be pro-active. There is genuine evil in the world and it is astoundingly immature to pretend like minding one's own business ensures evil will leave you alone. That's not how it works. Adolf Hitler didn't invade Poland, France, England, and Russia because of their foreign policies.

Harry S Truman had serious reservations after he created the agency and 75 years later the EVIDENCE is palpably clear. The CIA is a danger to our National Security. When an agency so blatantly tries to effectuate a coup d'etat it must be abolished immediately, if not sooner.

Abolish the CIA
It’s a severe threat to America

Every American who looks at the CIA objectively or in a balanced way and judges it by any number of criteria, such as moral, legal and pragmatic, should reach the conclusion that the CIA should be abolished. JFK wanted to break it into a million pieces. Trump is right to dismiss its intelligence reports about DNC hacking. The CIA war on Trump shows us immediately that the CIA is a rogue organization within the U.S. government and a severe threat to America."

The CIA is an internal threat to the rule of law and to the government that it supposedly serves. Senator Schumer acknowledges the CIA’s unbridled power, its subversive power, its power to undermine even a president, especially one that wishes to control or alter the organization, when he says:

“Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you. For a practical, supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he’s being really dumb to do this."


Mr. Trump abolishing the CIA should be your #1 priority. The motherfuckers tried to depose you. They may even make an attempt on your life. Continue using your PRIVATE security detail.

John O. Brennan , aka, Joseph Goebbels can NOT be trusted,


Right, so Putin could bring the KGB into the White House.

The Russian Trolls have taken over USMB.

The CIA is an internal threat to the rule of law and to the government that it supposedly serves. Senator Schumer acknowledges the CIA’s unbridled power, its subversive power, its power to undermine even a president, especially one that wishes to control or alter the organization, when he says:

“Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you. For a practical, supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he’s being really dumb to do this."

Then Schumer is complicit in UNLEASHING the CIA to stick its nose into domestic surveillance. ALL of that Patriot Act shit turned America's powerful Intel Community on it's citizens. That's the LARGER ISSUE here. Wasn't very long ago, the CIA, NSA would be PROHIBITED from domestic operations and domestic interference. Like disinformation campaigns.

NOW -- it's open season on America. And Schumer and crew allowed that massive SPY palace in Utah to be completed to HELP the USIC accomplish their domestic goals.

This needs to be put BACK into the box. Like YESTERDAY...
Harry S Truman had serious reservations after he created the agency and 75 years later the EVIDENCE is palpably clear. The CIA is a danger to our National Security. When an agency so blatantly tries to effectuate a coup d'etat it must be abolished immediately, if not sooner.
This isn't rocket science, brother. For starters - the agency itself is an inanimate object which poses no more threat than a firearm does. It's the people that are the problem. And if you find the CIA such a horrifying entity - then replace the people.

If a business is concerned about embezzlement - do they shut down their entire finance department (which would lead to them being out of business in about 3 days) or do they make the adjustments necessary to ensure embezzlement becomes next to impossible (such as implementing job rotations, having proper audits, etc.)?

You're having an irrational knee-jerk reaction to something which isn't all that difficult to correct. Restructure our entire national security community, place people you trust in key positions, increase Congressional oversight. Problem solved.
Then Schumer is complicit in UNLEASHING the CIA to stick its nose into domestic surveillance. ALL of that Patriot Act shit turned America's powerful Intel Community on it's citizens. That's the LARGER ISSUE here. Wasn't very long ago, the CIA, NSA would be PROHIBITED from domestic operations and domestic interference. Like disinformation campaigns.

NOW -- it's open season on America. And Schumer and crew allowed that massive SPY palace in Utah to be completed to HELP the USIC accomplish their domestic goals.

This needs to be put BACK into the box. Like YESTERDAY...
Exceptional point flacaltenn. The problem is, both sides abhor it until they are in power. Then they appear to love it. It's going to take a serious push by the American people to end the Patriot Act nightmare (and probably a good Supreme Court too).

One would think this would be an issue that the American people on both sides of the aisle would easily come together on - but nothing surprises me anymore. Our friends on the left now believe that chromosomes don't exist and that a person can think themselves into a new gender. With thinking like that - God knows if we can come together on anything.
Folks don't live very long opposing the CIA...

I wish the USMB community would stop getting their "information" from Hollywood. It is so annoying.

I'm not saying the CIA wasn't involved with the assassination of JFK - but it sure as hell wasn't because he wanted to change the CIA. If anything - it was because he royally fucked them at the Bay of Pigs and caused many people to die. It also showed weakness to Fidel Castro and the U.S.S.R. - something the U.S. couldn't afford. By itself, another reason for those involved to want him out of the way.

He also wasn't gonna give it the Vietnam War. And that was the straw. No President since, has challenged the CIA.
So lets see where we are on Putin's.....excuse me I mean Trumps new America

1. Abolish CIA and all security agencies
2. Withdraw from NATO
3. Abolish a free press
4. End sanctions against Russia

Making America Great Again
So lets see where we are on Putin's.....excuse me I mean Trumps new America

1. Abolish CIA and all security agencies
2. Withdraw from NATO
3. Abolish a free press
4. End sanctions against Russia

Making America Great Again

Numbers 1 and 3 are inaccurate. Calling out CNN and BuzzFeed on their Fake News does not = 'Abolishing the press.' And he hasn't called for abolishing any Intel agencies. However, i wouldn't mind seeing some of em go. I'd like to start with the NSA. It's an enemy of the American People.
The US must stop intervening in the internal affairs of other nations. The ONLY intelligence that a President needs is whether a particular country seriously intends to attack us. But intelligence gathering should not be concentrated in one agency. The intelligence should come from different competing sources. Since the power is diffused there will be a lesser probability that an agency will form its own agenda and go rogue thereby becoming a threat to the civil power.
That's a little too simplistic Contumacious. I understand your frustration with the abuse of power and it's definitely warranted. But we can't afford the libertarian approach to national security.

The "Libertarian " approach worked well for 155 years.

We were attacked in 1942 when interventionist FDR

1- froze Japanese assets
2- refused to sell oil to the Japan
3- was SECRETLY involved in a war against Japan in Indochina
4- wanted to unite Americans so they would allow him to intervene in WWII and help Churchill

If they US minds its own business - adopt NEUTRALITY as its foreign policy there will not be a need for a CIA or anything similar


FDR correctly refused to provide military supplies to Japan after they invaded China
So lets see where we are on Putin's.....excuse me I mean Trumps new America

1. Abolish CIA and all security agencies
2. Withdraw from NATO
3. Abolish a free press
4. End sanctions against Russia

Making America Great Again

Numbers 1 and 3 are inaccurate. Calling out CNN and BuzzFeed on their Fake News does not = 'Abolishing the press.' And he hasn't called for abolishing any Intel agencies. However, i wouldn't mind seeing some of em go. I'd like to start with the NSA. It's an enemy of the American People.

Trump/Putin has set his sights on weakening our intelligence agencies while relying on his own, "private" intelligence. Intelligence that will give him the answers he desires

Trump/Putin sees a free press as a threat to his Presidency. That is why he is trying to delegitimize the press in the eyes of the public so they no longer believe what is written about him
Intelligence? Pfft dont need no stinking intelligence, the risk of finding out something I don't like is too great.
So lets see where we are on Putin's.....excuse me I mean Trumps new America

1. Abolish CIA and all security agencies
2. Withdraw from NATO
3. Abolish a free press
4. End sanctions against Russia

Making America Great Again

Numbers 1 and 3 are inaccurate. Calling out CNN and BuzzFeed on their Fake News does not = 'Abolishing the press.' And he hasn't called for abolishing any Intel agencies. However, i wouldn't mind seeing some of em go. I'd like to start with the NSA. It's an enemy of the American People.

Trump/Putin has set his sights on weakening our intelligence agencies while relying on his own, "private" intelligence. Intelligence that will give him the answers he desires

Trump/Putin sees a free press as a threat to his Presidency. That is why he is trying to delegitimize the press in the eyes of the public so they no longer believe what is written about him

The American Press is doing that job for Trump. It's delegitimizing itself. Most of it has become Fake News. CNN's blatant agenda to sabotage Trump, isn't 'News' or 'Journalism.' It's just 24/7-365 hate propaganda.

And i feel we should toss some Intel agencies. We have too many of them. The NSA should go. It's been proven to be an an enemy of the American People.
So lets see where we are on Putin's.....excuse me I mean Trumps new America

1. Abolish CIA and all security agencies
2. Withdraw from NATO
3. Abolish a free press
4. End sanctions against Russia

Making America Great Again
Really? He's going to shut down all media outlets across the U.S.? Can you actually name a single media outlet he is going to "abolish"?

Nobody lies like wrongwinger
Abolish the CIA
It’s a severe threat to America

Every American who looks at the CIA objectively or in a balanced way and judges it by any number of criteria, such as moral, legal and pragmatic, should reach the conclusion that the CIA should be abolished. JFK wanted to break it into a million pieces. Trump is right to dismiss its intelligence reports about DNC hacking. The CIA war on Trump shows us immediately that the CIA is a rogue organization within the U.S. government and a severe threat to America."

The CIA is an internal threat to the rule of law and to the government that it supposedly serves. Senator Schumer acknowledges the CIA’s unbridled power, its subversive power, its power to undermine even a president, especially one that wishes to control or alter the organization, when he says:

“Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you. For a practical, supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he’s being really dumb to do this."


Mr. Trump abolishing the CIA should be your #1 priority. The motherfuckers tried to depose you. They may even make an attempt on your life. Continue using your PRIVATE security detail.

John O. Brennan , aka, Joseph Goebbels can NOT be trusted,


No doublt the CIA has had its bad moments but this isn't one of them. Dumb Donald would love to defang all of our intelligence so you can't track what a shill he is for Putin.

However, i wouldn't mind seeing some of em go. I'd like to start with the NSA. It's an enemy of the American People.
The NSA in itself isn't the enemy of the American people - it's the Patriot Act which is the enemy of the American people.

We would have no intelligence community at all without the NSA. We wouldn't be able to protect our own secrets or intercept communications of enemies without them. What we need is reform. Proper legislation, proper oversight, etc.

A great first step would be a full pardon for Ed Snowden. He did a tremendous service for his country and the American people.

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