Abolish the CIA - It's a threat to our National Security

So lets see where we are on Putin's.....excuse me I mean Trumps new America

1. Abolish CIA and all security agencies
2. Withdraw from NATO
3. Abolish a free press
4. End sanctions against Russia

Making America Great Again

Numbers 1 and 3 are inaccurate. Calling out CNN and BuzzFeed on their Fake News does not = 'Abolishing the press.' And he hasn't called for abolishing any Intel agencies. However, i wouldn't mind seeing some of em go. I'd like to start with the NSA. It's an enemy of the American People.

Trump/Putin has set his sights on weakening our intelligence agencies while relying on his own, "private" intelligence. Intelligence that will give him the answers he desires

Trump/Putin sees a free press as a threat to his Presidency. That is why he is trying to delegitimize the press in the eyes of the public so they no longer believe what is written about him

The American Press is doing that job for Trump. It's delegitimizing itself. Most of it has become Fake News. CNN's blatant agenda to sabotage Trump, isn't 'News' or 'Journalism.' It's just 24/7-365 hate propaganda.

And i feel we should toss some Intel agencies. We have too many of them. The NSA should go. It's been proven to be an an enemy of the American People.

The American Press maintains higher standards of accuracy in reporting than Trump does
So lets see where we are on Putin's.....excuse me I mean Trumps new America

1. Abolish CIA and all security agencies
2. Withdraw from NATO
3. Abolish a free press
4. End sanctions against Russia

Making America Great Again
Really? He's going to shut down all media outlets across the U.S.? Can you actually name a single media outlet he is going to "abolish"?

Nobody lies like wrongwinger

Well ....lets look at what Trump is doing with our press

He is trying to delegitimize our free press in the eyes of the public by creating the impression that it is "fake news"
His minions are already picking up to ball and declaring any story they do not like to be...fake news

Once Trump has instilled doubt in the public about the veracity of the free press, he will be free to do whatever he wants
I'm sure the Russian supported Drumpfsters would like that very much.



STAGE 1 – Denial (as in”That’s Fake News!”)
STAGE 2 – Misunderstood (as in “Don’t listen to his words, listen to what’s in his heart)
STAGE 3 – Acceptance ( as in “Yeah, but so what?”)
STAGE 4 – Approval (as in “That’s really a good thing”)
* ADDITIONAL STAGE to be inserted at any point – Yeah but (as in “yeah but Clinton/Obama!)

I can not believe that the demo_rats joined forces with the CIA to depose or murder a duly elected US president.


It's exactly what I expected.
So lets see where we are on Putin's.....excuse me I mean Trumps new America

1. Abolish CIA and all security agencies
2. Withdraw from NATO
3. Abolish a free press
4. End sanctions against Russia

Making America Great Again
Really? He's going to shut down all media outlets across the U.S.? Can you actually name a single media outlet he is going to "abolish"?

Nobody lies like wrongwinger

Well ....lets look at what Trump is doing with our press. He is trying to delegitimize our free press in the eyes of the public by creating the impression that it is "fake news". His minions are already picking up to ball and declaring any story they do not like to be...fake news. Once Trump has instilled doubt in the public about the veracity of the free press, he will be free to do whatever he wants
Yep....that sounds like a typical fascist. Anyone who speaks the truth is "abolishing free press". Dude - the press is still free and still free to operate. Just because Trump is exposing them on their lies doesn't make them less free.

I'm not kidding when I say how much I enjoy watching the truth send progressives off the cliff. It is something special to watch them cry "Trump is abolishing the free press" simply because he is not afraid to challenge them.
Hemingway: Journalists Should Be Skeptical Of Information From Intelligence Officials

“It cast doubt, not on CNN, but on the intelligence community and what they’re doing exactly,” Hemingway said. “Obviously they’re leaking like sieves in an ongoing war against the president [elect]. So BuzzFeed kind of pulled the curtain back, showing how the intelligence community — particularly the more partisan brass, not the intelligence officers who do the good work — how they use the media to punish or destroy their political enemies.”

The CIA was corrupted by the JFK administration more than fifty years ago when it was illegally used to train and equip a bogus and thoroughly illegal army to invade a sovereign nation. Nobody liked Cuba at the time but the spectacular failure of the Cuban invasion at the Bay of Pigs was a combination of craziness in the Kennedy administration and the slobbering support in the idiotic media. LBJ authorized the CIA to dictate strategy Vietnam while the Military was forced to stand by as we won every battle and lost the freaking war. It's no secret that the SEALS have become the private little army of the CIA. Luttrel spilled the beans in his book. Why else would SEAL snipers who were trained to function in little rubber boats and withstand the hypothermia inherent in seagoing operations be posted on a freaking building in the middle of the desert? Didn't the Army and the Marine snipers have the right stuff? The CIA has been running the show in Iraq and Afghanistan for a freaking decade and the results are turning out a lot like like Vietnam. The point is that the CIA has expanded it's central intelligence agency mission to the point of insanity since WW2 and CIA agents enjoy pop-culture fame while the original mission is all but forgotten (see 9-11). Since there are no secrets left and the Agency admits that they are capable of monitoring cyber hacking but incapable of stopping it because of bureaucratic bullshit or flat out incompetency it's time that an administration had the courage to gut the CIA or merge it with the dozen other bullshit agencies or do away with it.
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