Adding Lithium to Drinking Water


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
I put this in conspiracy theories, because it seems too bizarre to be true. But according to this article, Americans like to be drugged and the "greater good" of a calmer social order could sell with "consumers". After all, who would oppose less homicides and suicides, right? Scary, scary shit. Worth a read.

Lithium doesn't calm you down.

It does help people who suffer from the wild mood swings associated with MANIC DEPRESSION (AKA bipolar disorder).

I think this idea, that it ought to be put into the water to keep the population sedated, is sheer nonsense.
I found it on Drudge. Is anyone familiar with the magazine "The Caller?"
Lithium would accomplish nothing in the water supply. Any trained Doctor could tell you that. In order for it to even work one must have a dosage in their system that varies from person to person. It has to be carefully monitored to have any effect.

Further as Editec pointed out it does not calm people. I took it for a short while but we could never get a proper balance in my system and I am not bipolar. I suffer from a constant depression with bouts of Major depression thrown in for fun.
There have been studies that show that in areas with lithium occurring naturally in drinking water, suicide rates are lower.

I don't think anyone is seriously considering adding it to anyone's drinking water.
I don't think so either except for the scientists mentioned. However, it is going to generate some interest if it's on Drudge.

The govt would like to control sodium intake even though the science is unsound. They want to control outdoor smoking even though the science is unsound. Those ideas would have seemed ludicrous 20 years ago also.
Lithium would accomplish nothing in the water supply. Any trained Doctor could tell you that. In order for it to even work one must have a dosage in their system that varies from person to person. It has to be carefully monitored to have any effect.

Further as Editec pointed out it does not calm people. I took it for a short while but we could never get a proper balance in my system and I am not bipolar. I suffer from a constant depression with bouts of Major depression thrown in for fun.

Yes and that is quite common, too RGS.

People with major depression (who also get pissed off as you and I apparently both sometimes both do) are often given a regiment of Lithium to see if we are manic depressive.

If they are merely suffering from chronic depression it doesn't help at all.

If the source of the problem is bipolar disorder it does tend to dampen the degree of mood swings.
I did see that article in the right wing section of Drudge.
Right! Unless we see it on CNN or Fox News, we shouldn't believe it. :uhoh3:
How about the BBC?
BBC NEWS | Health | Lithium in water 'curbs suicide'
Medical News Today?
Lithium In Drinking Water 'May Reduce Suicide'
Science Daily?
Lithium in drinking water in Andean villages could affect thyroid function, research suggests

But according to you, we should ignore this story because it was also in (gasp!) StormFront?

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