Addressed to people who are not racists

Apparently, a frank discussion is something you disagree with.

How much more frank can I be, old bag? I asked you a question.

Not nice at all Unk. I must have really upset you for you to take it out on someone else. What exactly makes you so mad about me dating women of different ethnicities? I thought you claimed you werent racist?

Funny thing Unkotare is non-white as well, mixed race last I heard. Weird cat. He seems to hate himself.
How much more frank can I be, old bag? I asked you a question.

Not nice at all Unk. I must have really upset you for you to take it out on someone else. What exactly makes you so mad about me dating women of different ethnicities? I thought you claimed you werent racist?

Funny thing Unkotare is non-white as well, mixed race last I heard. Weird cat. He seems to hate himself.

Definitely weird. He gets his panties in a bunch over some odd stuff.
How much more frank can I be, old bag? I asked you a question.

Not nice at all Unk. I must have really upset you for you to take it out on someone else. What exactly makes you so mad about me dating women of different ethnicities? I thought you claimed you werent racist?

Funny thing Unkotare is non-white as well, mixed race last I heard. .

Funny thing you just imagined that, you stupid fuck.
My brother in law is black, and one of the biggest racists I've ever met. When his daughters were in high school, he wouldn't let them date whites. I'm thrilled now that one of them is married to a white man. Funny thing is my father was racist. My parents split up when my sister married her husband. It caused a major rift in the family which eventually was sealed and my parents remarried each other. My brother in law, however, continued to get worse and worse. You wouldn't believe the horrible stuff he said about my father in my mother's house less than a week after my father was buried, and in front of my children. Another major rift. Funny, but my sister and her husband refused to speak to the family until my mother was on her deathbed and suddenly, they were chummy again. I know they just wanted money. After mom died, they insisted on selling her house and getting their share when the rest of us wanted to keep it and use it for vacations, etc. Being as times were bad, both my husband and my other sister's husband were out of work, we couldn't afford to buy them out and had to sell. We got a lot less than we would have if we'd hung on to it for awhile. Sadly, the whole family seems to have been ripped apart now without my parents to hold us together.

Sounds like you have a greedy family. So sorry to hear that. Are they alll Christians?
Not nice at all Unk. I must have really upset you for you to take it out on someone else. What exactly makes you so mad about me dating women of different ethnicities? I thought you claimed you werent racist?

Funny thing Unkotare is non-white as well, mixed race last I heard. .

Funny thing you just imagined that, you stupid fuck.

Why are you in such a bad mood? Get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?
My grandparents, who have long since passed, had a few unkind comments about Japanese people. They lived through Pearl Harbor, and my grandfather fought in the war. There was just a deep distrust they held which I didn't relate to, but I tried to understand their perspective. I was 10 when my mom met and married my stepdad. A year later, when my brother was born, we were visiting his parents. His dad was rather fond of the N word. My mom had a fit and told him that if he expected to have any sort of relationship with his grandson, then he'd better never use that word in his presence. The only other incident I remember off hand was when I was driving with a friend and her mom. We lived in an area with a lot of Jewish people. There was some sort of road rage incident, and the other driver yelled something like, "Get out of my way, you fucking Gentile." The friend's mom shot back with, "Go jump on a boxcar." That totally confused me, so I asked my mom about it later. I was pretty horrified when I found out what she meant.

For more than 20 years I've been working with Japanese students, either teaching them ESL or finding American families to host them for a temporary English Immersion Program with International Understanding. We've had very few blacks host the Japanese and I've been told to my face by some blacks that the Japanese are the most racist people in the world. They may or may not be but I do know one thing, they're never going to change their minds or learn anything if they aren't exposed to blacks. The black families who have hosted have always been successful host families and the Japanese students have never said one bad word about them. With only one exception all the black families who've hosted for me have been recommended to be host families again. The one I didn't recommend was the one where the mother had cancer and it was just too much for her. Her neighbors stepped in and helped but I was not the one who recruited the family and if I had known then what I know now, I would have insisted on a different family as it really was a hardship on that family.

I still remember walking up to one guy and asking him if he'd like to host a Japanese student and he just stood up as tall as he could and said "I'm Korean!". I said, "Excuse me, I thought you were American!" Good grief. I guess Koreans, even American Koreans really hate the Japanese. Actually that's not true because since that incident, I've had a lot of Korean-American families that have hosted Japanese students but that one guy still sticks in my mind. There are racists in all races and bigots in every ethnic community.

My parents never let us use derogatory words for anybody and I still remember when my brother got in trouble for calling a kid at school a "greaser." My father was all upset until my brother explained that a "greaser" (this was the 60's) was a kid who greased back his hair. My dad was thinking it was a derogatory term for a Mexican, which is what it was when he was young.

Good Lord I went off on some tangents here, happy reading people. :D
I was just six when Pearl Harbor was bombed but I have some recollection of the anti-Japanese propaganda campaign which grew more intensive as the War progressed. I recall that the windows of every store in our neighborhood (and presumably elsewhere) displayed posters like these --





-- and it seemed every radio program (there was no television back then) carried some message encouraging fear and hatred of the "dirty Jap," the "evil yellow monkey," and so on. My father joined the Army shortly after Pearl Harbor, fought the Japanese all over the Pacific, and was wounded on Guadalcanal. His opinion of the Japanese was they were "crazy."

It is not surprising that when I went to Japan in 1957 (courtesy of the Marine Corps) I harbored lingering feelings of anti-Jap hostility imbued by my experience of the War years and the attending propaganda. But it didn't take long for the effects of that indoctrination to be purged by exposure to the Japanese people, whom I came to like and respect, beginning with the children -- who were absolutely charming.

Pertinent to this discussion is the supposed "racism" of the Japanese, which is not racism in the accepted meaning of that word but rather an innate sense of national and cultural pride. They don't feel they are better than non-Japanese, but centuries of isolation that preceded the twentieth century has instilled in them a profound and adamant sense of cultural solidarity. They feel toward "outsiders" (gy-jin) the way most others would feel toward extra-terrestrial visitors.
Who said anything about that, you stupid shit?

You got really shook up when I mentioned I had a Korean ex. Why did that bother you?

When the hell did you mention such a thing and what gave you the false impression that I was "shook up," moron?

Now you are trying to play stupid. Not a good look Unk. Dont be dishonest. Terrible reaction. Even claimed I was lying and refuse to believe it. :lol:


Just how stupid are you?

Yes. Don't get frantic Unk. it was only a few Koreans that corroborated her story. One was a girlfriend of mine here in the states.

You're full of shit, racist. Everyone knows by now.

I bet you would be really pissed if you knew how many Asian girlfriends I had.
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I don't blame you, all women are better then the negro woman
You got really shook up when I mentioned I had a Korean ex. Why did that bother you?

When the hell did you mention such a thing and what gave you the false impression that I was "shook up," moron?

Now you are trying to play stupid. Not a good look Unk. Dont be dishonest. Terrible reaction. Even claimed I was lying and refuse to believe it. :lol:

Yes. Don't get frantic Unk. it was only a few Koreans that corroborated her story. One was a girlfriend of mine here in the states.

I suppose I stopped reading your post before even getting to that. You idiocy does not merit great attention. In any case, I could care less, and it makes you no less a racist shit hole.
When the hell did you mention such a thing and what gave you the false impression that I was "shook up," moron?

Now you are trying to play stupid. Not a good look Unk. Dont be dishonest. Terrible reaction. Even claimed I was lying and refuse to believe it. :lol:

I suppose I stopped reading your post before even getting to that. You idiocy does not merit great attention. In any case, I could care less, and it makes you no less a racist shit hole.

Stop the lying Unk. You flipped out when I said it. Why does it bother you? Be honest.

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