AG Barr: I’ve Received No Satisfactory Response Behind the Spying on Trump

And you cannot argue the two most important things going on in politics in the United States. That is pathetic.

The real coward is Nancy Pelosi. If she had a shred of decency, she would order her minions to vote articles of impeachment and given the President a chance to address the Senate and call witnesses in the trial.

Every one has a right to defend themselves.

What I think the libs are really fearful of , is Donald J. Trump standing up for himself and speaking Truth to Power. They really hate that IMHO.

They know Trump is vindictive, very powerful, and doesn't mind fighting dirty.
First you have to investigate and if they find something they impeach. There certainly is a lot of suspicious stuff going on LOL. The Russians wrecked the election and the trumps met with them 180 times and lied about it. The Donald doesn't like writing anything down-the mobbed-up real-estate con man... So I think it'll fail in the end no impeachment. Only one way to find out bozos. We're not going to believe Republicans, they lie nonstop. Only propaganda makes this possible.

LMAO! The3

Franky SEZ????? "I just know that Trump conspired with the ROOSKIES to disrupt our DEEEmock-racy and did so to pull back the curtain on the corruption and criminality and collusion with my beloved media to rig the election and thats CHEATING do you hear me? Oh how you Trumpers crow about how my beloved Hildebeast lost but you will pay with my mighty words!!!!

LMAO! You are a fucking JOKE of as poster, Franky.....and you are too fucking STUPID to see how utterly pathetic that you come across.....keep on "saggin', dumb ass. You provide me with loads of laughter at your expense.

I said it was certainly suspicious LOL. I don't believe they conspired together because why would the Russians bother with idiot Trumps. If he colluded he did it in plain sight on TV or Twitter. Or in the 180 meetings Trump campaign people had with Russians and never wrote anything down. Not suspicious at all. And we don't trust Republicans to tell us what is in the report. They lie Non-Stop, Super Dupe.

LMAO! The ROOSKIES used FACEBOOK to lie about the Hildebeast ands they hacked the DNC server and passed on info to WIKILEAKS that revealed leftard cheating!?!?!?!?? And according to Franky? That would be cheating and colluding!!!!! Seriously, the logic of commietards like Franky never ceases to amuse me.
The rich do not pay enough in all taxes. We have a flat tax system now. Which screws everybody else and the country. Google the only tax graph you need to know.

that is the most important story in the United States besides your garbage propaganda, dumbass. You people think 47% don't pay any taxes. Like you probably. Absolute Total brainwash with misinformation. Misinformation like Hillary the murderer and criminal. No evidence nothing. No journalists or law enforcement gives a s*** what you say anymore. Try arguing some of that dumbass.all you have is ridiculous conspiracy theories and garbage misinformation.

Been hitting the sauce a little early tonight?
And you cannot argue the two most important things going on in politics in the United States. That is pathetic.

The real coward is Nancy Pelosi. If she had a shred of decency, she would order her minions to vote articles of impeachment and given the President a chance to address the Senate and call witnesses in the trial.

Every one has a right to defend themselves.

What I think the libs are really fearful of , is Donald J. Trump standing up for himself and speaking Truth to Power. They really hate that IMHO.

They know Trump is vindictive, very powerful, and doesn't mind fighting dirty.
First you have to investigate and if they find something they impeach. There certainly is a lot of suspicious stuff going on LOL. The Russians wrecked the election and the trumps met with them 180 times and lied about it. The Donald doesn't like writing anything down-the mobbed-up real-estate con man... So I think it'll fail in the end no impeachment. Only one way to find out bozos. We're not going to believe Republicans, they lie nonstop. Only propaganda makes this possible.

We did investigate, for years, and we spent millions, with very little to show for it. Democrats can't be believed because of all their propaganda, that's been obvious for a long time, so we have to believe the Republicans, it's the only thing that makes sense to do.
Your pretense that there is no democrat propaganda totally destroys your credibility on the issue, so I do not take you seriously. Like I said, if you want a real argument, try making your point without your knee jerk propaganda and juvenile insults. Oh, and not sounding like you're drunk helps too.
So give me an example of a democratic b******* propaganda lie. Been waiting ten years now. And not a prediction that was blocked like don't lose your doctor etc.

I already did, Kavanaugh.
What about him!?

I already told you. He was a victim of democrat propaganda, something you say doesn't exist. That's why you're not taken seriously.
That woman who testified against him was not propaganda doofus.

Sure she was. Her story didn't hold up to even casual inspection, yet the democrats kept pushing it and a bunch of other propaganda. BTW, is propaganda doofus made of chickpeas? Sounds delicious.
Your pretense that there is no democrat propaganda totally destroys your credibility on the issue, so I do not take you seriously. Like I said, if you want a real argument, try making your point without your knee jerk propaganda and juvenile insults. Oh, and not sounding like you're drunk helps too.
So give me an example of a democratic b******* propaganda lie. Been waiting ten years now. And not a prediction that was blocked like don't lose your doctor etc.

I already did, Kavanaugh.
What about him!?

I already told you. He was a victim of democrat propaganda, something you say doesn't exist. That's why you're not taken seriously.
By you brainwashed Dupes that is. I really respect and admire your "opinions".LOL. You must realize you're totally full of crap that no respectable Media or law enforcement agrees with you and you don't care. Look up brainwashed.

I did. There's a picture of you right beside it. Said something about a compulsive need to spout nonsense and juvenile insults.
The real coward is Nancy Pelosi. If she had a shred of decency, she would order her minions to vote articles of impeachment and given the President a chance to address the Senate and call witnesses in the trial.

Every one has a right to defend themselves.

What I think the libs are really fearful of , is Donald J. Trump standing up for himself and speaking Truth to Power. They really hate that IMHO.

They know Trump is vindictive, very powerful, and doesn't mind fighting dirty.
First you have to investigate and if they find something they impeach. There certainly is a lot of suspicious stuff going on LOL. The Russians wrecked the election and the trumps met with them 180 times and lied about it. The Donald doesn't like writing anything down-the mobbed-up real-estate con man... So I think it'll fail in the end no impeachment. Only one way to find out bozos. We're not going to believe Republicans, they lie nonstop. Only propaganda makes this possible.

LMAO! The3

Franky SEZ????? "I just know that Trump conspired with the ROOSKIES to disrupt our DEEEmock-racy and did so to pull back the curtain on the corruption and criminality and collusion with my beloved media to rig the election and thats CHEATING do you hear me? Oh how you Trumpers crow about how my beloved Hildebeast lost but you will pay with my mighty words!!!!

LMAO! You are a fucking JOKE of as poster, Franky.....and you are too fucking STUPID to see how utterly pathetic that you come across.....keep on "saggin', dumb ass. You provide me with loads of laughter at your expense.

I said it was certainly suspicious LOL. I don't believe they conspired together because why would the Russians bother with idiot Trumps. If he colluded he did it in plain sight on TV or Twitter. Or in the 180 meetings Trump campaign people had with Russians and never wrote anything down. Not suspicious at all. And we don't trust Republicans to tell us what is in the report. They lie Non-Stop, Super Dupe.

LMAO! The ROOSKIES used FACEBOOK to lie about the Hildebeast ands they hacked the DNC server and passed on info to WIKILEAKS that revealed leftard cheating!?!?!?!?? And according to Franky? That would be cheating and colluding!!!!! Seriously, the logic of commietards like Franky never ceases to amuse me.

It's all they have left, trying to convince themselves a crap sandwich is the finest ribeye.
They know Trump is vindictive, very powerful, and doesn't mind fighting dirty.
First you have to investigate and if they find something they impeach. There certainly is a lot of suspicious stuff going on LOL. The Russians wrecked the election and the trumps met with them 180 times and lied about it. The Donald doesn't like writing anything down-the mobbed-up real-estate con man... So I think it'll fail in the end no impeachment. Only one way to find out bozos. We're not going to believe Republicans, they lie nonstop. Only propaganda makes this possible.

LMAO! The3

Franky SEZ????? "I just know that Trump conspired with the ROOSKIES to disrupt our DEEEmock-racy and did so to pull back the curtain on the corruption and criminality and collusion with my beloved media to rig the election and thats CHEATING do you hear me? Oh how you Trumpers crow about how my beloved Hildebeast lost but you will pay with my mighty words!!!!

LMAO! You are a fucking JOKE of as poster, Franky.....and you are too fucking STUPID to see how utterly pathetic that you come across.....keep on "saggin', dumb ass. You provide me with loads of laughter at your expense.

I said it was certainly suspicious LOL. I don't believe they conspired together because why would the Russians bother with idiot Trumps. If he colluded he did it in plain sight on TV or Twitter. Or in the 180 meetings Trump campaign people had with Russians and never wrote anything down. Not suspicious at all. And we don't trust Republicans to tell us what is in the report. They lie Non-Stop, Super Dupe.

LMAO! The ROOSKIES used FACEBOOK to lie about the Hildebeast ands they hacked the DNC server and passed on info to WIKILEAKS that revealed leftard cheating!?!?!?!?? And according to Franky? That would be cheating and colluding!!!!! Seriously, the logic of commietards like Franky never ceases to amuse me.

It's all they have left, trying to convince themselves a crap sandwich is the finest ribeye.
Here is a ranchers View of the matter;


You are incapable of objective validation. You were the one who said the Russians were the problem. I pointed that out. Your hatred has devoided you of any rational thought so when you can’t retort on any respectable level, you smear and jeer. But, you are entertaining in a clown sort of manner; you remind me of Maxine Waters.
Greedy idiot GOP billionaires And the Russians duh. And Communists and dictators what the hell are you talkin about LOL?

I could have sworn that was Obama in the video. Looks like your obsession is taking over, again.
You mean when he told Medvedev he would have more flexibility after the election? Is that some kind of secret? How brainwashed are you? Oh, it's a conspiracy -now what was Obama trying to do? I love your imaginary planet... The evidence for your dozens of phony scandals is garbage. From absolute bought off scumbags on the radio, websites and fox. NO EVIDENCE AT ALL.

So are you saying that if it were Trump in that video saying that you wouldn’t call it collision? Face it, the half black guy you voted for so you can say “I’m not racist, I voted for the black guy” is and was nothing more then vlads prag. And you are the dupe who voted for him.
collusion means there was a crime. Like the Russians wrecking the election and the Trump's meeting with them 180 times nothing written down of course. You people are quite mad.

What an imagination.
You should write pulp spy novels.
Absolutely clueless. You brainwashed functional morons Miss 95% of the news and it appears everything our intelligence community agrees on. Just like your Heroes, the scumbag GOP and the orange clown...

the building Russian hackers are working out of - Google Search

Right, and what does that have to do with Trump? nothing. The Russians have been spying on us for years and we on them as well. SO if the CIA has the location nailed... I'm sure they have all sorts of intel on Trump collusion. Oh wait, two years and millions of dollars spent and Mueller has no evidence of why the investigation happened in the first place. And the spin that it was made to investigate Russians is bogus, it was made to investigate Trump as the Democrats saw Trump winning the election as a national emergency. They pulled out that Insurance policy and the fake dossier. They are a dispicable lot, all of them.

the Russians hacked the DNC and podesta servers and gave all the emails to Wikipedia who gave them to Fox and CNN and MSNBC until that's all they talked about, garbage and controversy And the ratings all they care about all of them. Breaking for everyone, secretaries of State know nothing about emails and classified emails, Hillary's server was never hacked seems like the only one, the 33,000 emails were personal and gone over by lawyers to make sure, because the clintons knowy assholes will make up crap about everything, even the most menial... Now it's a conspiracy of everyone in the FBI and CIA because they don't like Trump. You can tell because of 2 emails between lovebird agents didn't like Trump at a time when no one did- I caramba wake up and smell the coffee. The country did not go to hell all of a sudden. Nor did people become lazy all of a sudden like you Chumps seem to believe. God damn shity lying GOP situation everywhere you look... Only the brainwash makes it possible.

And why do we trust the Democrats again children??? Yes, yes, hacked servers that the FBI never got to look at. They were looked at by the firm CrowdStrike instead. The DNC then said that the FBI never asked to look at the servers which was why they had gone with the security firm Crowdstrike.
Then it turns out Comey comes out and says no no.... the FBI had requested several times and on multiple levels to look at the servers. So the question is two fold. Why did they not want the FBI to examine the servers and why did they LIE about it?? issue of national security we are constantly told... all that Russian hacking, yet the DNC chose to leave the FBI out of the loop.
How is the weather in Moscow, a******? LOL

I wouldn't know. The real question is, does the DNC pay you $15 an hour to post here or is it 20?
Folks, I admit I was apprehensive about AT William Barr at first, but he is clearly indicating he is going to bring any and all Swamp Rats involved in the Russia Hoax to justice. We are talking Crooked Hillary and Hussaine Obama. Bill Barr does not give a fuck. He already pwnd the best the democrats have to offer at various hearings and pwnd the DNC/MSM hacks as shown here.

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Now it's finally over for the globalists and liberals world wide

Barr now sees high treason crimes have been commited by several us agencies


One of the ironies today is that people are saying it is President Trump who is shredding our institutions. I really see no evidence of that. From my perspective, the idea of 'resisting' a Democratically elected president and basically throwing everything at him, and really changing the norms on the grounds that we have to stop this president. That's where the shredding of our norms and institutions is occurring," Barr said.
Another ridiculous phony scandal... Brainwashed functional moron conspiracy nut jobs.... Whatever go ahead will take about 10 minutes to see there's nothing there again.
/——-/ It took you libtards 2 years to see there was nothing in the Mueller report.
So give me an example of a democratic b******* propaganda lie. Been waiting ten years now. And not a prediction that was blocked like don't lose your doctor etc.

I already did, Kavanaugh.
What about him!?

I already told you. He was a victim of democrat propaganda, something you say doesn't exist. That's why you're not taken seriously.
That woman who testified against him was not propaganda doofus.

Sure she was. Her story didn't hold up to even casual inspection, yet the democrats kept pushing it and a bunch of other propaganda. BTW, is propaganda doofus made of chickpeas? Sounds delicious.
She had no proof. But very believable.So now we have 2 conservative perverts on the Supreme Court. But they are not brainwashed idiots like you. No respected Media or law enforcement agrees with anything you're saying. So now you are a conspiracy Nut Job. Scary situation, thank God you people care about freedom and the Constitution. The only saving grace.
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She had no proof. But very believable.So now we have 2 conservative perverts on the Supreme Court. But they are not brainwashed idiots like you. No respected Media or law enforcement agrees with anything you're saying. So now you are a conspiracy Nut Job. Scary situation, thank God you people care about freedom and the Constitution. The only saving grace.

What a complete waste of H2o you are... 70% of half way frankie is stagnant, tempid and poisonous... Absolute waste of what was once good water...
I already did, Kavanaugh.
What about him!?

I already told you. He was a victim of democrat propaganda, something you say doesn't exist. That's why you're not taken seriously.
That woman who testified against him was not propaganda doofus.

Sure she was. Her story didn't hold up to even casual inspection, yet the democrats kept pushing it and a bunch of other propaganda. BTW, is propaganda doofus made of chickpeas? Sounds delicious.
She had no proof. But very believable.So now we have 2 conservative perverts on the Supreme Court. But they are not brainwashed idiots like you. No respected Media or law enforcement agrees with anything you're saying. So now you are a conspiracy Nut Job. Scary situation, thank God you people care about freedom and the Constitution. The only saving grace.

The very definition of propaganda. A story that, upon even casual inspection, falls apart, yet the democrats pounded it over and over and over again as absolute truth. His character, despite decades of a stellar performance on the bench, was constantly impugned and attacked. If you cannot see that as propaganda, you are beyond help.
What about him!?

I already told you. He was a victim of democrat propaganda, something you say doesn't exist. That's why you're not taken seriously.
That woman who testified against him was not propaganda doofus.

Sure she was. Her story didn't hold up to even casual inspection, yet the democrats kept pushing it and a bunch of other propaganda. BTW, is propaganda doofus made of chickpeas? Sounds delicious.
She had no proof. But very believable.So now we have 2 conservative perverts on the Supreme Court. But they are not brainwashed idiots like you. No respected Media or law enforcement agrees with anything you're saying. So now you are a conspiracy Nut Job. Scary situation, thank God you people care about freedom and the Constitution. The only saving grace.

The very definition of propaganda. A story that, upon even casual inspection, falls apart, yet the democrats pounded it over and over and over again as absolute truth. His character, despite decades of a stellar performance on the bench, was constantly impugned and attacked. If you cannot see that as propaganda, you are beyond help.
Stellar my ass. Her story was just fine but without proof. Try and remain calm although I understand you are all jammed up and hate-filled from your propaganda machine. I understand the orange clown and too many Republicans are not exactly me too people. In fact quite a few perverts.. that only matters when it's a Democrat though.
What about him!?

I already told you. He was a victim of democrat propaganda, something you say doesn't exist. That's why you're not taken seriously.
That woman who testified against him was not propaganda doofus.

Sure she was. Her story didn't hold up to even casual inspection, yet the democrats kept pushing it and a bunch of other propaganda. BTW, is propaganda doofus made of chickpeas? Sounds delicious.
She had no proof. But very believable.So now we have 2 conservative perverts on the Supreme Court. But they are not brainwashed idiots like you. No respected Media or law enforcement agrees with anything you're saying. So now you are a conspiracy Nut Job. Scary situation, thank God you people care about freedom and the Constitution. The only saving grace.

The very definition of propaganda. A story that, upon even casual inspection, falls apart, yet the democrats pounded it over and over and over again as absolute truth. His character, despite decades of a stellar performance on the bench, was constantly impugned and attacked. If you cannot see that as propaganda, you are beyond help.
So are you an anti woman pervert like most GOP these days? LOL the clown Rodger ailes the genius behind this mess what's his name bil O'Reilly
If Trump is a fascist, wouldn’t Camp be in jail or dead?

The fact that so many can call him a fascist without any repercussions actually PROVES that he isn’t.

Idiots don’t get it.
I already told you. He was a victim of democrat propaganda, something you say doesn't exist. That's why you're not taken seriously.
That woman who testified against him was not propaganda doofus.

Sure she was. Her story didn't hold up to even casual inspection, yet the democrats kept pushing it and a bunch of other propaganda. BTW, is propaganda doofus made of chickpeas? Sounds delicious.
She had no proof. But very believable.So now we have 2 conservative perverts on the Supreme Court. But they are not brainwashed idiots like you. No respected Media or law enforcement agrees with anything you're saying. So now you are a conspiracy Nut Job. Scary situation, thank God you people care about freedom and the Constitution. The only saving grace.

The very definition of propaganda. A story that, upon even casual inspection, falls apart, yet the democrats pounded it over and over and over again as absolute truth. His character, despite decades of a stellar performance on the bench, was constantly impugned and attacked. If you cannot see that as propaganda, you are beyond help.
So are you an anti woman pervert like most GOP these days? LOL the clown Rodger ailes the genius behind this mess what's his name bil O'Reilly

Now you're trying desperately to avoid the subject because you can't deny the truth of what I'm saying. Notice your pattern of trying to make me the subject when it clearly has nothing to do with me. Face it, your argument is shallow and weak. The bottom line remains that democrats engage in propaganda, yet you refuse to see it.

You have no credibility on the subject.

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