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American Nazis: A Primer

The whole Hitler was a leftist, "Liberal Fascism" thing is a brand new RW propaganda theory, for dupes only. End of story.

Hint- socialists aren't militarists, surround themselves with corporate and aristocratic elites LOL. RWers do. Communists aren't socialists either, far too extreme, LW totalitarians as Nazis/fascists are RW ones.

Here, Franco. Read up a little bit more on socialism.

What the heck are you talking about.

Hitler was a free market capitalist's dream. So much so, that many of the Free Market Capitalists here took a shine to him, like Henry Ford and Prescott Bush.

What was not to love? The state was shoveling money into the coffers of private industry, they were ramping up for war (Another big Free Market and Conservative plus) and they were supplying slave labor.

Heck..what's changed about Free Market Capitalists? That's sort what they've been doing in the good ol' US of A for the last 15 years or so.

In a free market, the government does not shovel money into the coffers of private industry. That's the kind thing liberals like Obama do. The free market certainly doesn't endorse slave labor.

You've already contradicted yourself.

You're delusional.

Sure it does. And Free Markets began as "liberal" idea..

Yes, an idea of "Classical Liberalism." Which is the equivalent of modern-day Libertarianism.

Classical liberalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And Obama's a "Free Marketeer" despite what you folks paint him as..

Yeah, sure he is.

Name one Free Market Economy that didn't shovel money into the coffers of Private industry?

That's because we don't live in a true free-market economy. Despite what you may believe, the government injecting money into the private sector is not an attribute of a free market economy. It's sort of a reverse-socialism where the proletariat and bourgeoise switch places.

There is no redistribution of wealth under a free market economy.

And the Free Market most certainly endorses slavery. Some of our own companies use slaves. Even today.

Like Nestle's and the American Diamond Industry.

Only if you subscribe to Marxist ideology. They consider anybody that trades their labor for a wage to be a "wage slave."
A strong centralized government is not exclusive to the extremes of the left.


For that very reason, I don't attempt to categorize Nazis as 'right' or 'left'. They're HUGE central planners and that's all I need to know to stand against them.

Statism, Fascism, Communism, Socialism, give it whatever name you like. We've got to stop heading in that direction, 'cuz big government ain't right!

Damn! I still can't feature how you drive in those shoes!

reminds me of these cool shoes

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lNFRLrP014]Leningrad Cowboys & Red Army Choir - SWEET HOME ALABAMA - YouTube[/ame]
The whole Hitler was a leftist, "Liberal Fascism" thing is a brand new RW propaganda theory, for dupes only. End of story.

Hint- socialists aren't militarists, surround themselves with corporate and aristocratic elites LOL. RWers do. Communists aren't socialists either, far too extreme, LW totalitarians as Nazis/fascists are RW ones.

Here, Franco. Read up a little bit more on socialism.

Franco was a Fascist.

Socially, Franco was a conservative and championed the cause of Catholicism. The consistent points of his policies, termed as Francoism had at its core authoritarianism, nationalism, integralism, conservatism, and a frontal rejection of anticlericalism and leftist politics.[9] Others have described him as a reactionary, who led the counter-revolutionary movement in Spain.[10]

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I have frequently challenged those who have been brainwashed with the “Nazis are left wing” meme to visit some real Nazis on Stormfront for a while. None have ever taken me up on it.

But for those who are curious about Nazis and might like to visit them, here are a few things you need to know to better understand them. This will save you some time and embarrassment. Like all societies, they have their own language and neologism.

It has been awhile since I have dealt directly with Nazis online or in real life, so some of the rules and operating procedures of the Stormfront forum may be different than my last visit.

First, if you are opposed to Nazis, then you are an “anti”. Antis are forbidden to post wherever they choose. They are relegated to one subforum. You can read the other forums, but cannot post there. But don’t worry. Plenty of them will flock to you to pick you apart in the anti forum.

There is also a beginning period where every post you make has to be reviewed by an Admin before it will appear on the forum. This is extremely annoying, especially if several Nazis are piling on in a topic and you cannot reply instantly.

After about 50 posts, you can make an appeal to have this handicap removed. If you have behaved yourself, some Nazis will even vouch for you.

But you will always be restricted to the anti forum. Sorry, if you are wishing to wax on about the beauty of the Aryan race in the poetry section, you will just have to miss out. But you can read it, and that shit is some really funny stuff. I recommended taking a peek.

All right. Moving on.

Anyone who is not white is a mud person. However, there is a pecking order. Nazis hate some mud people more than others. Jews are at the top of the hate list, of course, although negroes are for others. Asians are disliked, but not hated anywhere near as much as negroes, Jews, and Hispanics.

Speaking of Jews, Nazis hate Jews. That goes without saying. However, many of them actually admire (are jealous of) Israel because Israel is a Jewish State. And the Nazis are all about each race getting their own racially pure states.

Which is why you will hear them refer to themselves as “White Nationalists”. The Nazis never call themselves Nazis. There are many reasons for this, but mostly having to do with the fact that Stormfront is an international forum and the use of “Nazi” is not allowed in some countries. The guy you are talking to may have a gigantic Nazi tattoo, but he will deny being a Nazi. It’s complicated.

Some will deny they are Nazis, but they will go on and on about how great a guy Hitler was, and they will deny the Holocaust. And the color scheme of the forum is right out of Hitler’s playbook. The avatars some choose are also obvious.

And then there are the puerile little things they do which they think are clever. Like “88” tattoos, for example. The letter H is the eighth letter of the alphabet, see. HH, get it? 88 = Heil Hitler.

Some also like to wear black combat boots with red laces. And listen to specific hard metal bands rife with Nazi symbolism.

Another favorite is the expression “Fourteen Words”: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children."

So, yeah. They’re Nazis. And they are more than happy to tell you about National
Socialism. A strong centralized government is not exclusive to the extremes of the left.

Well, some of them are smart enough to explain National Socialism. The vast majority are dumb as rocks, but there are a few clever ones. Don’t underestimate them.

But most of the topics are the same, year after year. The low scores black get on IQ tests; communism was invented by Jews; the correlation between the percentage of blacks and the crime rate; name two black countries which aren’t a total clusterfuck (hint: they used to ask for just one! :lol: ). And so forth and so on.

And of course, every media report of a non-white behaving badly is fed into their gigantic Confirmation Bias Machine.

I recommend informing yourself about the Frankfurt School’s brand of Marxism. This is where they will try to pigeonhole you if you claim to be a conservative.

The Nazi rhetoric about the Frankfurt School has leaked into the modern right wing conservative rhetoric many times in recent years. You have heard the battle against the left wing's "cultural marxism" which was born in the Frankfurt School watered down into a “culture war”. In the "culture war", you're either fer us or agin us.

If you hang around Nazis long enough, you will hear jackboots in your head day and night. But it is worth it. Because you will acquire a Nazi detector that will be very reliable. And you will be amazed at how much of their rhetoric is bleeding over into modern day right wing rhetoric. It will astonish you.

If you are a conservative (as I am), and make a case that you are right wing, the Nazis will quickly correct you. THEY are the true right wingers. YOU are a “cultural Marxist” because you believe in the equality of all races. They will find evidence to disprove any current right wing hero is right wing. Sarah Palin? Not a real right winger. Fox News? No effing way they are conservative.

See, when you are that far right, everyone else looks like a left winger.

The longer you spend there, the more they will make guesses at your ethnicity. You will be called a Jew AND a black at least ten times in a month.

They call themselves “WNs”. White Nationalists. They want a White Nation. Several, actually. North America and Europe, at the very least.

There are several flavors of WN.

One type of WN cannot wait for RAHOWA. Racial Holy War. The forum admins are very careful about allowing open talk about racial holy war. They also strictly forbid any discussion of a religious nature. But there are some Christian Identity types in this crowd. The RAHOWA types can’t wait to start shooting mud people.

Oh, the WNs loooooooove their guns. There’s a whole section just for showing them off and talking about all the weapons they claim to possess.

Another type of WN is one which believes all the white race traitors are going to wake up any day now and realize it is high time to start cleaning up America and toss out these cursed mud people. They though the election of Obama would do the trick. Since every black run city in America is a disaster, Obama would do the same to America and all us white people would finally rise up and make this country a White Nation.

These are the optimistic WNs.

The pessimistic WNs believe the white race is doomed. We’re done for. The mud people are going to wipe us out by attrition. Breeding like rabbits while we just roll over and make ourselves extinct.

The admins keep a very tight lid on violent language. They are paranoid, maybe justifiably so, they are always being watched by the government and that the government is just looking for an excuse to shut them down.

As a result, the WNs have learned to communicate hate and violence without being overt about it. But they are seething with it. You will pick that up very quickly.

No name calling is allowed. They especially monitor “antis” very closely. The debate field is extremely unlevel. You are not allowed to lose your temper or call anyone names. You must remain level-headed at all times, and this is the most valuable thing you will gain from visiting there.

If you defeat them repeatedly in debate, they will become very upset and work very hard to get you booted off the forum.

A favorite tactic of WNs is to plagiarize the crap out of another web site and post the text as their own original thoughts. They also like to change some of the words in the original text in order to make it fit into their twisted belief system.

If you do register on Stormfront, don’t use a username you use anywhere else. This is common sense, but sometimes you have to state the obvious to the oblivious.

So there you go! Enjoy your visit. It is an educational experience.

The only people that know about Nazi's in America are other Nazi's. No one in the real world cares about them.
They certainly embrace many ultra right ideas, no doubt. On the other hand, I think what others are trying to say is that Nazis also embraced ideas that are thought of as left wing. Hitler himself detested capitalism and preferred state controlled socialism. He once said:

That is but one example of Nazi ideology that one can't seriously call right wing. I think the point is that the Nazis embraced several ideas, some of which can be called right, others left...and all of which I personally detest.

But like I stated before, I don't care how you categorize them as I stand against all central planners regardless of their political leanings.
Social conservatism

The Nazis (National Socialists) promoted a socially conservative view of all aspects of life, supported by harsh discipline and a militaristic point of view.
Extreme homophobia leading to the systematic persecution of homosexuals.
Persecution of "degenerate art".
Strong rejection of premarital sex, prostitution, pornography and "sexual vice". Smoking, drinking and use of cosmetics were discouraged.
Reivindication of a glorious past as the key to a glorious future.

Adolf Hitler's political views - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Correct, those are examples of their right wing leanings. We also have examples of their left wing ideas. That was my point, they seem to embrace the worst of both sides of the isle.

Spoken by the person who said THIS:

Hi, you have received -413 reputation points from eflatminor.
Reputation was given for this post.

Pay for your own damn oxygen you fucking lowlife, might help your own reading comprehension. That, or do the taxpayers and the gene pool a favor...

None of that proves that the Stormfront Nazis are big proponents of capitalism. If they believe in socialism, they are left wingers, regardless of their racism.

Ignorance of the highest order.

Furthermore, at this point we have no idea whether the economic views of the Stormfront Nazis are similar to the views of German Nazis in 1933.

In short, your post proves nothing.

You have no idea because you are too chickenshit to visit and find out.

YOU have no idea. I do. They are National Socialists.
The 'right wing' are not Nazis, any more than the left are Nazis... unless you can provide hard evidence (by 'hard' I mean not a link to some airhead blog or any media outlet) that shows that either 'side' plan to exterminate a whole race of people.

You left out a key word: extreme.

Extreme right wingers are Nazis.
I've started a few threads on here depicting Nazis as left-wingers, and I still believe they were even after reading your entire post. Hear me out for a second.

How was Nazi Germany's totalitarian dictatorship any different from the USSR's, for example? Or any other socialist country in our history for that matter. They all killed millions of innocent people, had centrally planned economies, and practically no private property rights for regular people.

Again, this is ignorance. It's as if you fools believe that only left wingers can be totalitarians with a desire for a strong central government. Where did you get this ridiculous idea from?

You have to be literally deaf, dumb, and blind to think Nazis are left wing.

You seriously do.

Lookie there..a confederate flag..next to a nazi one.

and who did the south fight? It couldnt have been a republican president? could it? Lmao........

You are mixing "Republican" with "right wing", and "Democrat" with "left wing".

Prior to the civil rights movement, Southern Democrats were far right wing. Virulently anti-communist, and anti negro.

The Republican Party was a liberal party at its birth.

Nazis are, and always have been, extreme right wing.
Go to Stormfront. Tell the Nazis they are left wing. Stop being cowards. Go!

Get your minds right.

The people who are misleading you into believing Nazis are left wing are doing it so you don't notice THEY are leading you toward the extreme right.

It's circular logic. "We can't be Nazi-like because Nazis are left wing."

I really do want you to go to Stormfront and hang out for a while. I want you to go to the source of some of the Nazi rhetoric that is bleeding over into right wing rhetoric. You need to wake the fuck up. I am not joking. It is downright scary watching this shit happening.

Look at that photo I posted. You are willfully blinding yourself to the blazingly obvious. You are clamping your hands over your eyes and ears to avoid the truth. Even worse, you are creating a pathological delusion that is very dangerous.
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For the naive who think only the left wing can be authoritarian with a powerful central government, just remember it was a conservative from Texas (TEXAS!!) who created the Department of Homeland Security!

Wake. Up.
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I've started a few threads on here depicting Nazis as left-wingers, and I still believe they were even after reading your entire post. Hear me out for a second.

How was Nazi Germany's totalitarian dictatorship any different from the USSR's, for example? Or any other socialist country in our history for that matter. They all killed millions of innocent people, had centrally planned economies, and practically no private property rights for regular people.

Again, this is ignorance. It's as if you fools believe that only left wingers can be totalitarians with a desire for a strong central government. Where did you get this ridiculous idea from?

I'll ask you the same thing that I've asked everyone else saying the Nazis are right wingers.

How was Nazi Germany's economy any different from all the other socialist countries in history?

Oh, but you say they were racist? So, racist socialists are right-wingers? :eusa_eh:

You can argue it all you want, and the Nazis on stormfront can deny it all they want. But their precious Hitler was a socialist from head to toe.

Government control over private companies, government control over wages, government control over production, government control over prices, government control over employment, and no private property rights is 110% socialism. Karl Marx would have been proud of Nazi Germany.
Go to Stormfront. Tell the Nazis they are left wing. Stop being cowards. Go!

Get your minds right.

The people who are misleading you into believing Nazis are left wing are doing it so you don't notice THEY are leading you toward the extreme right.

It's circular logic. "We can't be Nazi-like because Nazis are left wing."

I really do want you to go to Stormfront and hang out for a while. I want you to go to the source of some of the Nazi rhetoric that is bleeding over into right wing rhetoric. You need to wake the fuck up. I am not joking. It is downright scary watching this shit happening.

Look at that photo I posted. You are willfully blinding yourself to the blazingly obvious. You are clamping your hands over your eyes and ears to avoid the truth. Even worse, you are creating a pathological delusion that is very dangerous.

The Nazi Germany of 1933 followed Marx's Communist Manifesto to a tee.

Neo-Nazis on stormfront can deny it all they want, but the fact that Nazi Germany was socialist as can be is plain as day.

I could care less what "Nazism" has evolved into today. The Real Nazis from back in '33 were socialists.
Go to Stormfront. Tell the Nazis they are left wing. Stop being cowards. Go!

Get your minds right.

The people who are misleading you into believing Nazis are left wing are doing it so you don't notice THEY are leading you toward the extreme right.

It's circular logic. "We can't be Nazi-like because Nazis are left wing."

I really do want you to go to Stormfront and hang out for a while. I want you to go to the source of some of the Nazi rhetoric that is bleeding over into right wing rhetoric. You need to wake the fuck up. I am not joking. It is downright scary watching this shit happening.

Look at that photo I posted. You are willfully blinding yourself to the blazingly obvious. You are clamping your hands over your eyes and ears to avoid the truth. Even worse, you are creating a pathological delusion that is very dangerous.

The Nazi Germany of 1933 followed Marx's Communist Manifesto to a tee.

Neo-Nazis on stormfront can deny it all they want, but the fact that Nazi Germany was socialist as can be is plain as day.

I could care less what "Nazism" has evolved into today. The Real Nazis from back in '33 were socialists.

Cracking me up. Now you are trying to say those Nazis are not REAL Nazis because they don't fit into your delusion! You are saying YOU know what real Nazism is and they don't!

Holy FUCK!

Wow. Just...wow.

This is classic delusional thinking. "I don't need to look at the evidence which contradicts my beliefs because my beliefs are right and the evidence is wrong."

Socialism =/= National Socialism.

Wake. Up.
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The rhetoric you hear on Stormfront aligns with much of the thought patterns of some of the loonier right wingers we encounter today.

Some of the loonier UnConservatives on this forum would find themselves strangely comfortable with much of what the Nazis on Stormfront have to say.

Saying they are not REAL Nazis is choosing to ignore all of this. The fact that their rhetoric is bleeding over into modern day conservative rhetoric should get your fucking attention.

To ignore that in your ridiculous stupid little "Hitler is left wing" game is to aid and abet the destruction of the Right. It is to willfully take part of the Right being led to more and more extremes.

Just how deep does your gullibility go, people? Just how deep does your stupid pride go? Far enough to allow the destruction of the conservative movement? Is your ego that important to you?

Go. To. Stormfront.

Wake. Up.
I promise you. Spend three months on Stormfront. Don't just skim around it. Immerse yourself in it. Engage the Nazis in conversation. Debate them.

I promise, after that experience, there will come a day in the future when you will be reading a post from a "conservative", and you will recognize the source of the rhetoric. Chances are the "conservative" won't even know it, but you will.

And you will also be able to sniff out a WN from a mile away. There are at least two of them on this forum. And they ALWAYS come from the right in their posts.

Now go.
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You seriously do.

Lookie there..a confederate flag..next to a nazi one.

and who did the south fight? It couldnt have been a republican president? could it? Lmao........

You are mixing "Republican" with "right wing", and "Democrat" with "left wing".

Prior to the civil rights movement, Southern Democrats were far right wing. Virulently anti-communist, and anti negro.

The Republican Party was a liberal party at its birth.

Nazis are, and always have been, extreme right wing.

I am not mixing anything I know what a dixiecat is. to bad the left trailor trash american nazis fought against the republicans in the civil war. Lmao..

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