Another conservative supreme court justice may be a blessing in disguise for millions of democrats

Where it belongs is your nose out of other people's reproductive business.
Reproduction begins at conception

other than rape women can decide whether to have sex or not

if they are not prepared for the likely result of sex that does not give them the right to kill another human being
Same old shit. You want women to own the consequences of their action yet there is no thought on your part what happens after an abortion ban. Hint: there will still be abortions.

A lot fewer.......more babies alive, more people taking responsibility for having sex...
See....rape doesn't count either....the baby did not commit a crime and definitely does not deserve the Death Penalty for a crime they did not commit.....
I agree

but if I had written “its womens choice to have sex or not” the left would have raised the rape question anyway
Bullshit. If they take one right away from Americans they will take the rest. You think abortion is the only thing on the chopping block? Not even close. Make no mistake. The people who are running the conservatives now are trying set things back to the 50s, the 1850s.
Paranoia reigns supreme.
Same old shit. You want women to own the consequences of their action yet there is no thought on your part what happens after an abortion ban. Hint: there will still be abortions.
no law is 100% effective

but that does not negate the need for laws
Trump is going to pick a far-right idiot and then his supporters will knee jerk declare he or she is the BEST choice he could have made regardless of who it is. That part is completely predictable.
No one on trump’s short list is an idiot

but they are all conservative as far as we know and there is nothing wrong with that either
Well of course you think that. Conservatives will dominate the court. I’m sure you’re thrilled.
just like you would be thrilled if liberals dominate the court.....right billy?....
Trump is going to pick a far-right idiot and then his supporters will knee jerk declare he or she is the BEST choice he could have made regardless of who it is. That part is completely predictable.
No one on trump’s short list is an idiot

but they are all conservative as far as we know and there is nothing wrong with that either
Well of course you think that. Conservatives will dominate the court. I’m sure you’re thrilled.
just like you would be thrilled if liberals dominate the court.....right billy?....
Yeah no shit. Why are we even talking about this. It’s so dumb lol.
Trump is going to pick a far-right idiot and then his supporters will knee jerk declare he or she is the BEST choice he could have made regardless of who it is. That part is completely predictable.
No one on trump’s short list is an idiot

but they are all conservative as far as we know and there is nothing wrong with that either
Well of course you think that. Conservatives will dominate the court. I’m sure you’re thrilled.
just like you would be thrilled if liberals dominate the court.....right billy?....
Yeah no shit. Why are we even talking about this. It’s so dumb lol.
just responding to what you said....
Where it belongs is your nose out of other people's reproductive business.
Reproduction begins at conception

other than rape women can decide whether to have sex or not

if they are not prepared for the likely result of sex that does not give them the right to kill another human being

See....rape doesn't count either....the baby did not commit a crime and definitely does not deserve the Death Penalty for a crime they did not commit.....

2A, you are a guy (who I respect) that is really big on things like self defense.

I would enjoy an in depth discussion with you on the rape exception to a ban on abortions.

I would like for you (or anyone with your views) to make the case for how a woman's obligations to carry the child she is pregnant with is exactly the same for a child that is forced upon her in a criminal act. . . that her obligation is for a child that resulted from her own actions and decisions to risk herself getting pregnant.

I see a Constitutional distinction that can be (should be) recognized between the two.

You don't?
Hey, Democrats. Fuck your feelings.
We definitely don’t care what you think of our “feelings”
We don't care what you think Trump and the Senate should do. They're gonna nominate and approve a Supreme Court Justice.
Lol yeah dude no shit. I love how you think this is somehow a win for YOU by extension.
Of course it is. It's a win for all Americans who love our country and our Constitution.
If they get rid of ACA there’s a good chance you’ll be fucked even if it wouldn’t affect you at this moment.
Bullshit. We were all better off before Obamacare.
When there was no coverage for pre-existing conditions? How about when the cap on what insurance can cover was well below 1 million?
The states cover citizens with preexisting conditions. You know that.
Um no they do not.
Now you're lying.
Um no I’m really not lol.
Yes, you are. No one in this country is denied healthcare. It's against the law.
Oh god. What planet are you on? Yeah you can’t be denied emergency care. That doesn’t somehow mean you’ll get terminal cancer treatment just because you need it. You do get that right? The ER doesn’t treat cancer or any other CHRONIC life threatening condition.
I guess you haven't heard of Medicaid. Idiot.
That shit barely covers it. Anything advanced needed is not paid for. Of course you can thank Obama for expanding Medicare.
Where it belongs is your nose out of other people's reproductive business.
Reproduction begins at conception

other than rape women can decide whether to have sex or not

if they are not prepared for the likely result of sex that does not give them the right to kill another human being

See....rape doesn't count either....the baby did not commit a crime and definitely does not deserve the Death Penalty for a crime they did not commit.....

I agree, lets see if SCOTUS walks the walk and overturn roe vs wade...

A.supreme court that makes rulings based on the laws of the country is not right wing. It's their job. A supreme court that makes rulings based on feelings to promote "social justice" is left wing and not the function of the court.

republicans will pay a high price for their blatant disregard for law, decency and truth, you can keep your SC for a long time, progressives will rule the land for decades to come...

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America doesn't want rulers. We want people in government who work for us.

Bad leftist! No totalitarianism for you!
You think abortion is the only thing on the chopping block?
The ability to kill an unborn child should never have been a constitutional right

but lib women will not lose that option overnight

the question should go back to the states where it belongs
Where it belongs is your nose out of other people's reproductive business.
I'm cool with that. Are you cool with not forcing me to underwrite other people's reproductive business?
As a pro-life devote catholic (original christians) progressive, I can tell you that there are millions of us in the Democratic Party. If a solid majority of conservatives in the supreme court do as they are supposed to do, they will overturn Roe versus Wade, that will take a big load off our backs. Many more of us will be free to endorse progressive policies without the looming threat of implicitly supporting abortion, the same will hold true for millions of progressive catholics and protestants that vote republican due to the abortion issue, the impact of the supreme court on americans is otherwise minimal, conservatives can occupy all 9 seats in SC, and it would still not make any difference in our lives. Our goal is to get the criminal traitor that currently occupies the WH out in November.
Trump is going to pick a far-right idiot and then his supporters will knee jerk declare he or she is the BEST choice he could have made regardless of who it is. That part is completely predictable.

What isn’t predictable is if it will be a man or a woman. Trump might choose a woman so he can desperately appeal more to female voters, but good luck finding one who is ardently pro-life. If he chooses a man, that’ll ensure Roe VS Wade is in the crapper.

As a pro-life devote catholic (original christians) progressive, I can tell you that there are millions of us in the Democratic Party. If a solid majority of conservatives in the supreme court do as they are supposed to do, they will overturn Roe versus Wade, that will take a big load off our backs. Many more of us will be free to endorse progressive policies without the looming threat of implicitly supporting abortion, the same will hold true for millions of progressive catholics and protestants that vote republican due to the abortion issue, the impact of the supreme court on americans is otherwise minimal, conservatives can occupy all 9 seats in SC, and it would still not make any difference in our lives. Our goal is to get the criminal traitor that currently occupies the WH out in November.

Conservatives need to be careful what they wish for.

An activist rightwing Court pursing the hateful conservative agenda will energize Democrats at the local level – they’ll seek to take control of state governments to repeal laws enacted Republicans that violate the rights and protected liberties of the people.

The political backlash will be significant as independent and non-partisan voters join Democrats in opposition to the authoritarian right.

The battle will move from the courthouse to the ballot box.
By definition, a conservative jurist supports a strict interpretation of the US Constitution, unlike activist liberal jurists who interpret it to further a political agenda.

As to AGENDAS, the left-wing democrats have already eroded the first amendment to the US Constitution, attacking free speech of those who oppose their hateful plans.
As a pro-life devote catholic (original christians) progressive, I can tell you that there are millions of us in the Democratic Party. If a solid majority of conservatives in the supreme court do as they are supposed to do, they will overturn Roe versus Wade, that will take a big load off our backs. Many more of us will be free to endorse progressive policies without the looming threat of implicitly supporting abortion, the same will hold true for millions of progressive catholics and protestants that vote republican due to the abortion issue, the impact of the supreme court on americans is otherwise minimal, conservatives can occupy all 9 seats in SC, and it would still not make any difference in our lives. Our goal is to get the criminal traitor that currently occupies the WH out in November.
Trump is going to pick a far-right idiot and then his supporters will knee jerk declare he or she is the BEST choice he could have made regardless of who it is. That part is completely predictable.

What isn’t predictable is if it will be a man or a woman. Trump might choose a woman so he can desperately appeal more to female voters, but good luck finding one who is ardently pro-life. If he chooses a man, that’ll ensure Roe VS Wade is in the crapper.

View attachment 391107
A FAKE ARGUMENT....Hillary was and is fully aware of Bill's sex life.

"Coined by Betsey Wright while working as deputy chair of the 1992 Clinton presidential campaign. "
not to a specific religion
where is the reference to specific religious sect?
As a pro-life devote catholic (original christians) progressive, I can tell you that there are millions of us in the Democratic Party. If a solid majority of conservatives in the supreme court do as they are supposed to do, they will overturn Roe versus Wade, that will take a big load off our backs. Many more of us will be free to endorse progressive policies without the looming threat of implicitly supporting abortion, the same will hold true for millions of progressive catholics and protestants that vote republican due to the abortion issue, the impact of the supreme court on americans is otherwise minimal, conservatives can occupy all 9 seats in SC, and it would still not make any difference in our lives. Our goal is to get the criminal traitor that currently occupies the WH out in November.

Conservatives need to be careful what they wish for.

An activist rightwing Court pursing the hateful conservative agenda will energize Democrats at the local level – they’ll seek to take control of state governments to repeal laws enacted Republicans that violate the rights and protected liberties of the people.

The political backlash will be significant as independent and non-partisan voters join Democrats in opposition to the authoritarian right.

The battle will move from the courthouse to the ballot box.
By definition, a conservative jurist supports a strict interpretation of the US Constitution, unlike activist liberal jurists who interpret it to further a political agenda.

As to AGENDAS, the left-wing democrats have already eroded the first amendment to the US Constitution, attacking free speech of those who oppose their hateful plans.
How does countering free speech with more free speech erode the First Amendment. to the United States Constitution? Free speech includes the right to criticize speech made by others. As soon as a person utters speech without being stopped, s/he has been accorded the right to free speech. Then others may criticize what has been spoken, also under the right to free speech.
Our goal is to get the criminal traitor that currently occupies the WH out in November.

Sorry to disappoint you, Bozo, but no matter what, Trump will be in the White House until nearly the end of January next year.

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