Are Whites Ashamed...

What's the matter, Rwandan Genocide atrocity not atrocious enough for you?

Given the savagery of the Rwandan Genocide and considering that up to 800,000 people were slaughtered within a hundred days, do you really think skin color had anything to do with the lower body count than the Holocaust?

If there had been 6 million Hutus to kill and they had enough time (the Holocaust lasted four years) and no one to stop them, given the nature and level of butchery, I've no doubt they would have killed that many.

You guys always look at these things in terms of body counts and while body counts are interesting factoids, they say nothing about the soul of one race as compared to another. History has proven that no one race is more capable of atrocity than another.
When you used Rwanda you not only failed the described terms, you forgot that the Rwanda massacre was a direct result of white people fucking up in Africa.

I asked IM2 this question in another thread and he refused to answer so I'll ask you: If the actions of the white colonizers is directly responsible and to be blamed for the hatred between the Hutus and Tutsis and the subsequent genocide, who is responsible for my racism?

The question was to name one atrocity whites have not committed that was worse. Since whites have clearly killed (by a vast amount) more people at a single instance than any atrocity known to man your example fails.

The question is irrelevant and based on a false premise that whites are inherently more evil. Unless we're talking strictly about numbers for the sake of discussing generic information, the body counts mean nothing. However, if we're talking about the capability to do evil, Rwanda disproves your premise at one machete stroke. On top of that, the 1994 genocide was not the only one in that country. There was one in 1972 started by the Tutsis where at least 80,000 were killed. The Hutu armed response to this massacre resulted in thousands more killed. So not only are Rwandans guilty of genocide, they are twice guilty.

A quick look at some of the actions by the Hutu perpetrators: Hutus not only killed Tutsis, they slaughtered moderate members and Tutsi sympathizers within their own tribe; Hutu husbands killed their own Tutsi wives; Tutsis women were taken away as sex slaves; Children were clubbed and hacked to death along with adults; HIV-infected patients were formed into "rape squads" to rape and infect Tutsi women; Men and women both suffered sexual mutilation (some after having been raped) by having their genitalia hacked with machetes, knives, and sharp sticks and doused with acid.There's more but I think you get the idea.

So this raises another question: Does it require any more evil to put someone in a gas chamber than to hack a child to death with a machete?

I disagree. Whites as a group are more violent, more savage, more bellicose than any other race on the planet. Your history is littered with atrocities. These atrocities were not committed as a result of self defense. They were committed because whites felt they were superior. In effect the "manifest destiny" philosophy was at work when whites committed their atrocities.

A list of some of the worst African wars since the end of WWII and the Holocaust:

First Sudanese War, 1955 - 1972 - 500,000 dead.
Second Sudanese War, 1983 - 2005 - 1-2 million dead.
Lord's Resistance Army Insurgency, 1987 - present - 100,000+ dead so far.
War in Darfur, 2003 - present - 300,000 dead so far.
South Sudanese Civil War, 2013 - present - 10,000+ dead.
Chad/Libya Conflict, 1978 - 1987 - 8,500+ dead.
Libyan Civil War, 2014 - present - 10,000 dead.
Somali Civil War, 1980s - present - 300,00 - 500,000 dead.
Eritrean War of Independence, 1961 - 1991 - 145,000 dead.
Ethiopian Civil War, 1974 - 1991 - +/- 500,000 war dead plus 1,000,000 dead from famine.
Eritrean-Ethiopian War, 1998 - 2000 - 70,000 - 100,000 dead.
Congo Civil War, 1997 - 1999 - 14,000 - 25,000 dead.

So since WWII and the end of the Holocaust, blacks have slaughtered blacks to the tune of about 4 million killed just in the wars and conflicts listed here (there are many other recorded wars and conflicts on the African continent) and that's using the conservative estimates and doesn't even include the 800,000 from the Rwandan genocide. What's more, whites had nothing to do with any of them.
Yup and white man Joseph Stalin killed around 9 million way more than all the wars you mentioned in African combined and that 9 million is a conservative estimate. Many claim it's more like 20-25 mill.

Can you answer the question I posed to Asclepias? Namely, does it require more evil to put someone in a gas chamber than it does to hack a child to death with a machete?
I think everyone knows whites are not the only people who have done evil in history. So to keep bringing it up comes off as either some kind of weak “Everyone does it” excuse that eight-year-olds use or as a way to draw attention away from the evils of white history.

The past, present and future of Black Americans concern me most. And in that history whites are the main evil. That is just how it is. I did not create the world I find myself in. If I were Darfuri, no doubt I would write about the Arabic-speaking Sudanese. If I were Palestinian, it would be the Israelis.

Can you answer the question or not?

Look. White people need to get over this idea that they are somehow special. They are not.

Of course we're not. But if we're not special then we are also not unique in the capacity for evil.

They are just like everyone else. But by putting up this front that they are better than most, they make themselves worse than most – because it means they turn a blind eye to the evil they do.

This is not about whites thinking they are better than most, this is about blacks thinking whites are worse than most.
When you used Rwanda you not only failed the described terms, you forgot that the Rwanda massacre was a direct result of white people fucking up in Africa.

I asked IM2 this question in another thread and he refused to answer so I'll ask you: If the actions of the white colonizers is directly responsible and to be blamed for the hatred between the Hutus and Tutsis and the subsequent genocide, who is responsible for my racism?

The question was to name one atrocity whites have not committed that was worse. Since whites have clearly killed (by a vast amount) more people at a single instance than any atrocity known to man your example fails.

The question is irrelevant and based on a false premise that whites are inherently more evil. Unless we're talking strictly about numbers for the sake of discussing generic information, the body counts mean nothing. However, if we're talking about the capability to do evil, Rwanda disproves your premise at one machete stroke. On top of that, the 1994 genocide was not the only one in that country. There was one in 1972 started by the Tutsis where at least 80,000 were killed. The Hutu armed response to this massacre resulted in thousands more killed. So not only are Rwandans guilty of genocide, they are twice guilty.

A quick look at some of the actions by the Hutu perpetrators: Hutus not only killed Tutsis, they slaughtered moderate members and Tutsi sympathizers within their own tribe; Hutu husbands killed their own Tutsi wives; Tutsis women were taken away as sex slaves; Children were clubbed and hacked to death along with adults; HIV-infected patients were formed into "rape squads" to rape and infect Tutsi women; Men and women both suffered sexual mutilation (some after having been raped) by having their genitalia hacked with machetes, knives, and sharp sticks and doused with acid.There's more but I think you get the idea.

So this raises another question: Does it require any more evil to put someone in a gas chamber than to hack a child to death with a machete?

I disagree. Whites as a group are more violent, more savage, more bellicose than any other race on the planet. Your history is littered with atrocities. These atrocities were not committed as a result of self defense. They were committed because whites felt they were superior. In effect the "manifest destiny" philosophy was at work when whites committed their atrocities.

A list of some of the worst African wars since the end of WWII and the Holocaust:

First Sudanese War, 1955 - 1972 - 500,000 dead.
Second Sudanese War, 1983 - 2005 - 1-2 million dead.
Lord's Resistance Army Insurgency, 1987 - present - 100,000+ dead so far.
War in Darfur, 2003 - present - 300,000 dead so far.
South Sudanese Civil War, 2013 - present - 10,000+ dead.
Chad/Libya Conflict, 1978 - 1987 - 8,500+ dead.
Libyan Civil War, 2014 - present - 10,000 dead.
Somali Civil War, 1980s - present - 300,00 - 500,000 dead.
Eritrean War of Independence, 1961 - 1991 - 145,000 dead.
Ethiopian Civil War, 1974 - 1991 - +/- 500,000 war dead plus 1,000,000 dead from famine.
Eritrean-Ethiopian War, 1998 - 2000 - 70,000 - 100,000 dead.
Congo Civil War, 1997 - 1999 - 14,000 - 25,000 dead.

So since WWII and the end of the Holocaust, blacks have slaughtered blacks to the tune of about 4 million killed just in the wars and conflicts listed here (there are many other recorded wars and conflicts on the African continent) and that's using the conservative estimates and doesn't even include the 800,000 from the Rwandan genocide. What's more, whites had nothing to do with any of them.
Yup and white man Joseph Stalin killed around 9 million way more than all the wars you mentioned in African combined and that 9 million is a conservative estimate. Many claim it's more like 20-25 mill.

Can you answer the question I posed to Asclepias? Namely, does it require more evil to put someone in a gas chamber than it does to hack a child to death with a machete?
I think everyone knows whites are not the only people who have done evil in history. So to keep bringing it up comes off as either some kind of weak “Everyone does it” excuse that eight-year-olds use or as a way to draw attention away from the evils of white history.

The past, present and future of Black Americans concern me most. And in that history whites are the main evil. That is just how it is. I did not create the world I find myself in. If I were Darfuri, no doubt I would write about the Arabic-speaking Sudanese. If I were Palestinian, it would be the Israelis.

This is not about whites thinking they are better than most, this is about blacks thinking whites are worse than most.

Your history as documented by those of your own race support this conclusion. I mean can you explain how it is that Blacks have gone to all the continents without creating the genocide, theft, and general mayhem that whites have done?
Rwanda, 1994.
Really? You do realize whites killed 6 million people that were white like them. How many died in Rwanda? Way less than that.

What's the matter, Rwandan Genocide atrocity not atrocious enough for you?

Given the savagery of the Rwandan Genocide and considering that up to 800,000 people were slaughtered within a hundred days, do you really think skin color had anything to do with the lower body count than the Holocaust?

If there had been 6 million Hutus to kill and they had enough time (the Holocaust lasted four years) and no one to stop them, given the nature and level of butchery, I've no doubt they would have killed that many.

You guys always look at these things in terms of body counts and while body counts are interesting factoids, they say nothing about the soul of one race as compared to another. History has proven that no one race is more capable of atrocity than another.
When you used Rwanda you not only failed the described terms, you forgot that the Rwanda massacre was a direct result of white people fucking up in Africa.

I asked IM2 this question in another thread and he refused to answer so I'll ask you: If the actions of the white colonizers is directly responsible and to be blamed for the hatred between the Hutus and Tutsis and the subsequent genocide, who is responsible for my racism?

The question was to name one atrocity whites have not committed that was worse. Since whites have clearly killed (by a vast amount) more people at a single instance than any atrocity known to man your example fails.

The question is irrelevant and based on a false premise that whites are inherently more evil. Unless we're talking strictly about numbers for the sake of discussing generic information, the body counts mean nothing. However, if we're talking about the capability to do evil, Rwanda disproves your premise at one machete stroke. On top of that, the 1994 genocide was not the only one in that country. There was one in 1972 started by the Tutsis where at least 80,000 were killed. The Hutu armed response to this massacre resulted in thousands more killed. So not only are Rwandans guilty of genocide, they are twice guilty.

A quick look at some of the actions by the Hutu perpetrators: Hutus not only killed Tutsis, they slaughtered moderate members and Tutsi sympathizers within their own tribe; Hutu husbands killed their own Tutsi wives; Tutsis women were taken away as sex slaves; Children were clubbed and hacked to death along with adults; HIV-infected patients were formed into "rape squads" to rape and infect Tutsi women; Men and women both suffered sexual mutilation (some after having been raped) by having their genitalia hacked with machetes, knives, and sharp sticks and doused with acid.There's more but I think you get the idea.

So this raises another question: Does it require any more evil to put someone in a gas chamber than to hack a child to death with a machete?

I disagree. Whites as a group are more violent, more savage, more bellicose than any other race on the planet. Your history is littered with atrocities. These atrocities were not committed as a result of self defense. They were committed because whites felt they were superior. In effect the "manifest destiny" philosophy was at work when whites committed their atrocities.

A list of some of the worst African wars since the end of WWII and the Holocaust:

First Sudanese War, 1955 - 1972 - 500,000 dead.
Second Sudanese War, 1983 - 2005 - 1-2 million dead.
Lord's Resistance Army Insurgency, 1987 - present - 100,000+ dead so far.
War in Darfur, 2003 - present - 300,000 dead so far.
South Sudanese Civil War, 2013 - present - 10,000+ dead.
Chad/Libya Conflict, 1978 - 1987 - 8,500+ dead.
Libyan Civil War, 2014 - present - 10,000 dead.
Somali Civil War, 1980s - present - 300,00 - 500,000 dead.
Eritrean War of Independence, 1961 - 1991 - 145,000 dead.
Ethiopian Civil War, 1974 - 1991 - +/- 500,000 war dead plus 1,000,000 dead from famine.
Eritrean-Ethiopian War, 1998 - 2000 - 70,000 - 100,000 dead.
Congo Civil War, 1997 - 1999 - 14,000 - 25,000 dead.

So since WWII and the end of the Holocaust, blacks have slaughtered blacks to the tune of about 4 million killed just in the wars and conflicts listed here (there are many other recorded wars and conflicts on the African continent) and that's using the conservative estimates and doesn't even include the 800,000 from the Rwandan genocide. What's more, whites had nothing to do with any of them.
My theory is that your genetic makeup is responsible for your racism. Europeans lacked resources hence their late arrival to civilization. Because of this lack of resources europeans developed into war mongering, violent people. Lack of melanin may have inspired a better perception of a boundary between "us" and "them". There is a reason whites are the ones that came up with a way to classify races and put them in a pecking order with whites supposedly at the top.

Firstly, this is precisely the sort of thinking that prompted whites to enslave blacks, i.e. blacks were genetically inferior. Secondly, I take it you are a Christian man (correct me if I'm wrong); do you honestly believe God made men genetically unequal? Did you ever ask God why he made whites more violent? Or for that matter, why he made other races weaker and more subservient?
How about freewill? Doesn't your religion teach that each person has the freewill to sin against God of their own volition? How far does your faith go? Does it go all the way or only as far as the color line between blacks and whites?

You can paint it anyway you like. The bottom line is any atrocities in Africa were engineered and often aided by whites. Even so there is still no match for the sheer number of deaths directly attributable to whites. I mean you guys wiped out entire multiple cultures.

Whites were involved in none of the wars or conflicts I listed.

That question prompts a question from me. Is it more evil to hack a child to death, feed a child to alligators, lynch a child and cut off their testicles and sell them as souvenirs?

I'll answer yours when you answer mine.
Of course there wasn't, that's what makes it hypothetical. And you know as well as I do that if the Hutus had not managed to take control when they did, the slaughter would have continued.

There isn't an equivalence of numbers but there is an equivalence of bloodthirstiness. It takes the same amount of evil to kill 800,000 as it does to kill 6 million.

No I don't know that. Nor do you. But what we can both accurately state is whites colonized every continent and have killed over 1 billion people in the process. It is just this simple:

3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? 4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? 5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

Matthew 7:3-5 King James Version (KJV)

Yeah we blacks have some motes in our eyes, but whites have the bean. So then cast out that beam before you start talking to us about what the same amount of evil is.

You gotta be fucking kidding me. This verse is about judging others and applies to everyone and anyone that would judge others more harshly than themselves, including you and other blacks like you.
I'm not the one passing judgement here, you are. So before you behold the mote of white evil in my eye, tend to the beam of black evil in your own and stop blaming whites for Rwandans taking up machetes and guns of their own freewill and slaughtering each other.
White people have been by far the most evil. Not even close.

Black people have not done a thing to white people.

So because Rwandan blacks killed other blacks, it is somehow less evil?

And white people you should be thankful that we don't think like you. Because if the shoe was on the foot ? White people would have a murderous rage towards black people....hell they already do !!

Judging by your criteria, the Rwandans certainly thought like whites. They just killed people of their own race.
The evil that inspired the event came from whites meddling in Africa.

So we have white evil that inspired the event, what evil made them pick up machetes and hack women and children?
Really? You do realize whites killed 6 million people that were white like them. How many died in Rwanda? Way less than that.

What's the matter, Rwandan Genocide atrocity not atrocious enough for you?

Given the savagery of the Rwandan Genocide and considering that up to 800,000 people were slaughtered within a hundred days, do you really think skin color had anything to do with the lower body count than the Holocaust?

If there had been 6 million Hutus to kill and they had enough time (the Holocaust lasted four years) and no one to stop them, given the nature and level of butchery, I've no doubt they would have killed that many.

You guys always look at these things in terms of body counts and while body counts are interesting factoids, they say nothing about the soul of one race as compared to another. History has proven that no one race is more capable of atrocity than another.
When you used Rwanda you not only failed the described terms, you forgot that the Rwanda massacre was a direct result of white people fucking up in Africa.

I asked IM2 this question in another thread and he refused to answer so I'll ask you: If the actions of the white colonizers is directly responsible and to be blamed for the hatred between the Hutus and Tutsis and the subsequent genocide, who is responsible for my racism?

The question was to name one atrocity whites have not committed that was worse. Since whites have clearly killed (by a vast amount) more people at a single instance than any atrocity known to man your example fails.

The question is irrelevant and based on a false premise that whites are inherently more evil. Unless we're talking strictly about numbers for the sake of discussing generic information, the body counts mean nothing. However, if we're talking about the capability to do evil, Rwanda disproves your premise at one machete stroke. On top of that, the 1994 genocide was not the only one in that country. There was one in 1972 started by the Tutsis where at least 80,000 were killed. The Hutu armed response to this massacre resulted in thousands more killed. So not only are Rwandans guilty of genocide, they are twice guilty.

A quick look at some of the actions by the Hutu perpetrators: Hutus not only killed Tutsis, they slaughtered moderate members and Tutsi sympathizers within their own tribe; Hutu husbands killed their own Tutsi wives; Tutsis women were taken away as sex slaves; Children were clubbed and hacked to death along with adults; HIV-infected patients were formed into "rape squads" to rape and infect Tutsi women; Men and women both suffered sexual mutilation (some after having been raped) by having their genitalia hacked with machetes, knives, and sharp sticks and doused with acid.There's more but I think you get the idea.

So this raises another question: Does it require any more evil to put someone in a gas chamber than to hack a child to death with a machete?

I disagree. Whites as a group are more violent, more savage, more bellicose than any other race on the planet. Your history is littered with atrocities. These atrocities were not committed as a result of self defense. They were committed because whites felt they were superior. In effect the "manifest destiny" philosophy was at work when whites committed their atrocities.

A list of some of the worst African wars since the end of WWII and the Holocaust:

First Sudanese War, 1955 - 1972 - 500,000 dead.
Second Sudanese War, 1983 - 2005 - 1-2 million dead.
Lord's Resistance Army Insurgency, 1987 - present - 100,000+ dead so far.
War in Darfur, 2003 - present - 300,000 dead so far.
South Sudanese Civil War, 2013 - present - 10,000+ dead.
Chad/Libya Conflict, 1978 - 1987 - 8,500+ dead.
Libyan Civil War, 2014 - present - 10,000 dead.
Somali Civil War, 1980s - present - 300,00 - 500,000 dead.
Eritrean War of Independence, 1961 - 1991 - 145,000 dead.
Ethiopian Civil War, 1974 - 1991 - +/- 500,000 war dead plus 1,000,000 dead from famine.
Eritrean-Ethiopian War, 1998 - 2000 - 70,000 - 100,000 dead.
Congo Civil War, 1997 - 1999 - 14,000 - 25,000 dead.

So since WWII and the end of the Holocaust, blacks have slaughtered blacks to the tune of about 4 million killed just in the wars and conflicts listed here (there are many other recorded wars and conflicts on the African continent) and that's using the conservative estimates and doesn't even include the 800,000 from the Rwandan genocide. What's more, whites had nothing to do with any of them.
My theory is that your genetic makeup is responsible for your racism. Europeans lacked resources hence their late arrival to civilization. Because of this lack of resources europeans developed into war mongering, violent people. Lack of melanin may have inspired a better perception of a boundary between "us" and "them". There is a reason whites are the ones that came up with a way to classify races and put them in a pecking order with whites supposedly at the top.

Firstly, this is precisely the sort of thinking that prompted whites to enslave blacks, i.e. blacks were genetically inferior. Secondly, I take it you are a Christian man; do you honestly believe God made men genetically unequal? Did you ever ask God why he made whites more violent? Or for that matter, why he made other races weaker and more subservient?
How about freewill? Doesn't your religion teach that each person has the freewill to sin against God of their own volition? How far does your faith go? Does it go all the way or only as far as the color line between blacks and whites?

You can paint it anyway you like. The bottom line is any atrocities in Africa were engineered and often aided by whites. Even so there is still no match for the sheer number of deaths directly attributable to whites. I mean you guys wiped out entire multiple cultures.

Whites were involved in none of the wars or conflicts I listed.

That question prompts a question from me. Is it more evil to hack a child to death, feed a child to alligators, lynch a child and cut off their testicles and sell them as souvenirs?

I'll answer yours when you answer mine.
No. Its not the same thinking at all. There is no assumption of inferiority in believing whites are genetically more violent. Its merely a theory propped up by the violent history of the white race. Its pretty evident god made races unequal. If he had whites would be able to produce melanin in sufficient quantities to protect themselves from the sun. Never thought to ask god why whites were so violent. I'm pretty sure he has a plan to get rid of them. I dont know any races that are subservient. Whites are the weakest race IMO.

Each person has free will, however we know that people are social animals that can be influenced or led to act in ways that their free will would normally direct them not to do. Thats why you have some whites that are compassionate, truth tellers, and non violent.

Whites were involved in every war or conflict you listed. Check the dates. If it was after 1881 then whites were involved.
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I did nothing to deserve any shame. My ancestors were not here when the founders set up the U.S. so they had no part in it.

The only part my ancestors had in slavery was my Great (x3) Grandfather was forced to fight in the Louisiana Cavalry. He never owned any slaves and competed directly with plantations who did own slaves. He was a victim.

No guilt. No shame.

I would say I am white and proud of it, but doing so automatically makes me a skinhead or klansman.
No I don't know that. Nor do you. But what we can both accurately state is whites colonized every continent and have killed over 1 billion people in the process. It is just this simple:

3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? 4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? 5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

Matthew 7:3-5 King James Version (KJV)

Yeah we blacks have some motes in our eyes, but whites have the bean. So then cast out that beam before you start talking to us about what the same amount of evil is.

You gotta be fucking kidding me. This verse is about judging others and applies to everyone and anyone that would judge others more harshly than themselves, including you and other blacks like you.
I'm not the one passing judgement here, you are. So before you behold the mote of white evil in my eye, tend to the beam of black evil in your own and stop blaming whites for Rwandans taking up machetes and guns of their own freewill and slaughtering each other.
White people have been by far the most evil. Not even close.

Black people have not done a thing to white people.

So because Rwandan blacks killed other blacks, it is somehow less evil?

And white people you should be thankful that we don't think like you. Because if the shoe was on the foot ? White people would have a murderous rage towards black people....hell they already do !!

Judging by your criteria, the Rwandans certainly thought like whites. They just killed people of their own race.
The evil that inspired the event came from whites meddling in Africa.

So we have white evil that inspired the event, what evil made them pick up machetes and hack women and children?
White people. White philosophy.
I did nothing to deserve any shame. My ancestors were not here when the founders set up the U.S. so they had no part in it.

The only part my ancestors had in slavery was my Great (x3) Grandfather was forced to fight in the Louisiana Cavalry. He never owned any slaves and competed directly with plantations who did own slaves. He was a victim.

No guilt. No shame.

I would say I am white and proud of it, but doing so automatically makes me a skinhead or klansman.
Thanks for your honesty and there is nothing wrong with being proud of being white.
No. Its not the same thinking at all. There is no assumption of inferiority in believing whites are genetically more violent. Its merely a theory propped up by the violent history of the white race.
If we use that standard, current evidence suggests that white people are not even close to the most violent race in America.

I don't like to condemn a person because of the allegedly inherent traits of his race. Each person is different and individual, standing alone, regardless of race.
If Blacks didnt have the juice why did you need a head start?

So let's see --- for fully 300 years blacks were not able to stop themselves GETTING enslaved, and then they couldn't get free?

And after somebody white emancipated them, they were unable to succeed in any way for fully 150 years?

I know what conclusions that brings me to make.

You should probably give up, Asclepias. You are on a losing position.
No. Its not the same thinking at all. There is no assumption of inferiority in believing whites are genetically more violent. Its merely a theory propped up by the violent history of the white race.
If we use that standard, current evidence suggests that white people are not even close to the most violent race in America.

I don't like to condemn a person because of the allegedly inherent traits of his race. Each person is different and individual, standing alone, regardless of race.
I disagree. Current evidence is manipulated to make whites look less violent now. We can only go on historical records when whites bragged about being violent.
No I was talking about slavery, Black Codes, Jim Crow etc etc.

Why don't you just go back to Africa, Asclepias? I'm always amazed blacks like you don't just go back and be happy there, where your people came from. You are obviously very unhappy here. Why not start over, pretend slavery never happened while you live in Africa?
No I was talking about slavery, Black Codes, Jim Crow etc etc.

Why don't you just go back to Africa, Asclepias? I'm always amazed blacks like you don't just go back and be happy there, where your people came from. You are obviously very unhappy here. Why not start over, pretend slavery never happened while you live in Africa?
I am but even it I wasnt why should I go back to Africa when my family and assets are here? Who said I wasnt happy here?
Let's be honest. It has become taboo to say that you're proud to be white.

White people have been ruthlessly dominating the world for generations. But, it's taboo for me to show a little team spirit.

We need a race draft a la Dave Chapelle.

Let's be honest. It has become taboo to say that you're proud to be white.

White people have been ruthlessly dominating the world for generations. But, it's taboo for me to show a little team spirit.

We need a race draft a la Dave Chapelle.

I think its kinda weird to say youre proud to be white but then I dont know the rationale. I wouldnt get mad at someone that said it. :laugh:
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?
Fuck no, I’m proud of my white privilege. If you don’t like it go back to Africa.
No I was talking about slavery, Black Codes, Jim Crow etc etc.

Why don't you just go back to Africa, Asclepias? I'm always amazed blacks like you don't just go back and be happy there, where your people came from. You are obviously very unhappy here. Why not start over, pretend slavery never happened while you live in Africa?
I am but even it I wasnt why should I go back to Africa when my family and assets are here? Who said I wasnt happy here?

Ha. You hate America; you hate whites. I've been here years, and it's your main posting attitude.

I wouldn't stay in a country if I hated it that much. The reason I think blacks stay here instead of going back to Africa when they could, easily and cheaply, is that they know the living standards are the world's worst and they like the welfare here and the enforced better standards and policing instead of constant machete killings and bribery and corruption. Everything we whites do for them. But they can't live up to it, contribute. It's just all drugs, prostitution, crime, gangs, shootings, etc.

It would be so much better for us if blacks just went back to Africa. Instead, they out-reproduced us and now have blocked access to the entire Caribbean and much of South America. And of course to all our great cities, which aren't safe to go into anymore.
Don't go "back" to Africa. Stick around and hang with us.

Anybody who says that can go back to France or wince the fuck their racist ancestors came (how's that for grammar?).
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?
Fuck no, I’m proud of my white privilege. If you don’t like it go back to Africa.
Thank you for you honesty. I dont care if youre proud but if I did I would stay here and give you indigestion instead of going back to Africa.

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