Are Whites Ashamed...

that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?

Hate to tell you Slavery is not dead and is alive and thriving business around the world, and blacks were not the only slaves back then nor now but alas you will disagree...

To answer your question: No!
No I was talking about slavery, Black Codes, Jim Crow etc etc.

Why don't you just go back to Africa, Asclepias? I'm always amazed blacks like you don't just go back and be happy there, where your people came from. You are obviously very unhappy here. Why not start over, pretend slavery never happened while you live in Africa?
I am but even it I wasnt why should I go back to Africa when my family and assets are here? Who said I wasnt happy here?

Ha. You hate America; you hate whites. I've been here years, and it's your main posting attitude.

I wouldn't stay in a country if I hated it that much. The reason I think blacks stay here instead of going back to Africa when they could, easily and cheaply, is that they know the living standards are the world's worst and they like the welfare here and the enforced better standards and policing instead of constant machete killings and bribery and corruption. Everything we whites do for them. But they can't live up to it, contribute. It's just all drugs, prostitution, crime, gangs, shootings, etc.

It would be so much better for us if blacks just went back to Africa. Instead, they out-reproduced us and now have blocked access to the entire Caribbean and much of South America. And of course to all our great cities, which aren't safe to go into anymore.
I dont hate anyone. Hate is based in fear and there is no white person I have ever feared. If you dont like me pointing out the fact that whites are racist then move back to europe.

I dont hate the country. The country hasnt done anything to me. Blacks built this country. For free.

You only have your white founders that understood you needed massive help to build this country for your problem. If you dont like Blacks in this country you are free to move to a white only country. I wont miss you and good riddance.
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?

Hate to tell you Slavery is not dead and is alive and thriving business around the world, and blacks were not the only slaves back then nor now but alas you will disagree...

To answer your question: No!
Thanks for answering honestly after you deflected.
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?

Hate to tell you Slavery is not dead and is alive and thriving business around the world, and blacks were not the only slaves back then nor now but alas you will disagree...

To answer your question: No!
Thanks for answering honestly after you deflected.

I did not deflected on anything at all and stated a damn fact slavery is still alive today and it is those like you that believe only blacks suffered even here in the States...

You should apologize for believing blacks are the only ones that suffered here in the States!
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?

Hate to tell you Slavery is not dead and is alive and thriving business around the world, and blacks were not the only slaves back then nor now but alas you will disagree...

To answer your question: No!
Thanks for answering honestly after you deflected.

I did not deflected on anything at all and stated a damn fact slavery is still alive today and it is those like you that believe only blacks suffered even here in the States...

You should apologize for believing blacks are the only ones that suffered here in the States!
I didnt ask if slavery was still alive. Thats why I said you deflected.
...Because we live in a system of white supremacy and your right black people have bad rep the world over and that just simply demonstrates the effectiveness of several hundred years of racial propaganda saying that black people are criminal, they’re going to rob you, they don’t make good neighbors, are dumb

If you have years and generations of people picking up those kinds of messages, and they do pick them up, from several different sources.

If you talk to white folks who have never even been around black folks, white folks in Russia, white folks in Poland, white folks in Serbia, even white folks in certain parts of the USA, that is people have never even been around black people, they will come forth with many of these negative stereotypes in spite of no first-hand experience.

I would lay a bet that SobieskiSavedEurope harmonica dave p Mudda abu afak have

  • Never been attacked by a black person
  • Never been evicted by a black person
  • Never had a black person deny their child the college of her choice
  • Never been pulled over by a black cop
  • Never been rejected for a job by a black person
  • Never had a black person deny them a bank loan
  • And they've never heard a black person say, "We're going to eliminate 500 jobs here - have a nice day!"
[/QUOTE]Therer are all funny/fallacious/nin equiturs, but

1. I've never been attacked by anyone Black or white.
I live in really nice places and avoid black neighborhoods As MOST DO.
(ie above 96th st in Manhattan/aka Harlem)

2. Black people don't own any property so it would be hard to be evicted by one.

3. Black people, again, were never in a position to do so.
I Got Rejected by many White People though..., some of whom did so so they could quota in More less qualified Blacks
especially Ironic/stupid this one.

4. Again, blacks are only 13% of the population/Black males 6%.
1/3 of the Black males have been in Prison system. So not alot can be cops.
AGAIN tho..
I have beeen pulleed over by Many White Cops

5. I worked on Wall street. Not too many blacks are smart ernough for the job, much less reach mgt.
I know, whern I worked we DESOPERATELY lookeed for Blacks so as to not be accused of bias.
Finding Black guys smart enough to trade securities is a 1 in 1000 shot.

6. Again the fallacies are really funny.
Black loan officers are fairly rare, because Banks/saving and blacks are natural enemies.

7. And they never heard a Black person accept the nobel Prize for Physics either.

No I was talking about slavery, Black Codes, Jim Crow etc etc.

Why don't you just go back to Africa, Asclepias? I'm always amazed blacks like you don't just go back and be happy there, where your people came from. You are obviously very unhappy here. Why not start over, pretend slavery never happened while you live in Africa?
I am but even it I wasnt why should I go back to Africa when my family and assets are here? Who said I wasnt happy here?

Ha. You hate America; you hate whites. I've been here years, and it's your main posting attitude.

I wouldn't stay in a country if I hated it that much. The reason I think blacks stay here instead of going back to Africa when they could, easily and cheaply, is that they know the living standards are the world's worst and they like the welfare here and the enforced better standards and policing instead of constant machete killings and bribery and corruption. Everything we whites do for them. But they can't live up to it, contribute. It's just all drugs, prostitution, crime, gangs, shootings, etc.

It would be so much better for us if blacks just went back to Africa. Instead, they out-reproduced us and now have blocked access to the entire Caribbean and much of South America. And of course to all our great cities, which aren't safe to go into anymore.
I dont hate anyone. Hate is based in fear and there is no white person I have ever feared. If you dont like me pointing out the fact that whites are racist then move back to europe.

I dont hate the country. The country hasnt done anything to me. Blacks built this country. For free.

You only have your white founders that understood you needed massive help to build this country for your problem. If you dont like Blacks in this country you are free to move to a white only country. I wont miss you and good riddance.

Only blacks built this country?

I know many Native American, Chinese and Hispanic\Latino Families that also had ancestors that help build this country beside Irish, Italians, Jews and Blacks!

Oh let not forget about the Germans!

I swear you only see things as black and white and forget the others that were genocide and suffered!
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?

Hate to tell you Slavery is not dead and is alive and thriving business around the world, and blacks were not the only slaves back then nor now but alas you will disagree...

To answer your question: No!
Thanks for answering honestly after you deflected.

I did not deflected on anything at all and stated a damn fact slavery is still alive today and it is those like you that believe only blacks suffered even here in the States...

You should apologize for believing blacks are the only ones that suffered here in the States!
I didnt ask if slavery was still alive. Thats why I said you deflected.

No, you just believe blacks were the only slaves in human history just like you believe only blacks built this nation!

You have an issue with reality!
No I was talking about slavery, Black Codes, Jim Crow etc etc.

Why don't you just go back to Africa, Asclepias? I'm always amazed blacks like you don't just go back and be happy there, where your people came from. You are obviously very unhappy here. Why not start over, pretend slavery never happened while you live in Africa?
I am but even it I wasnt why should I go back to Africa when my family and assets are here? Who said I wasnt happy here?

Ha. You hate America; you hate whites. I've been here years, and it's your main posting attitude.

I wouldn't stay in a country if I hated it that much. The reason I think blacks stay here instead of going back to Africa when they could, easily and cheaply, is that they know the living standards are the world's worst and they like the welfare here and the enforced better standards and policing instead of constant machete killings and bribery and corruption. Everything we whites do for them. But they can't live up to it, contribute. It's just all drugs, prostitution, crime, gangs, shootings, etc.

It would be so much better for us if blacks just went back to Africa. Instead, they out-reproduced us and now have blocked access to the entire Caribbean and much of South America. And of course to all our great cities, which aren't safe to go into anymore.
I dont hate anyone. Hate is based in fear and there is no white person I have ever feared. If you dont like me pointing out the fact that whites are racist then move back to europe.

I dont hate the country. The country hasnt done anything to me. Blacks built this country. For free.

You only have your white founders that understood you needed massive help to build this country for your problem. If you dont like Blacks in this country you are free to move to a white only country. I wont miss you and good riddance.

Only blacls built this country?

I know many Native American, Chinese and Hispanic\Latino Families that also had ancestors that help buil this country beside Irish, Italians, Jews and Blacks!

Oh let not forget about the Germans!

I swear you only see things as black and white and forget the others that were genocide and suffered!
Blacks did the vast majority of building this country. For free.
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?

Hate to tell you Slavery is not dead and is alive and thriving business around the world, and blacks were not the only slaves back then nor now but alas you will disagree...

To answer your question: No!
Thanks for answering honestly after you deflected.

I did not deflected on anything at all and stated a damn fact slavery is still alive today and it is those like you that believe only blacks suffered even here in the States...

You should apologize for believing blacks are the only ones that suffered here in the States!
I didnt ask if slavery was still alive. Thats why I said you deflected.

No, you just believe blacks were the only slaves in human history just like you believe only blacks built this nation!

Yoy have an issue with reality!
Nope. I know whites were enslaved in europe which is where the word slave comes from. However we were talking about the US which is why I say you are deflecting.
Hate to tell you Slavery is not dead and is alive and thriving business around the world, and blacks were not the only slaves back then nor now but alas you will disagree...

To answer your question: No!
Thanks for answering honestly after you deflected.

I did not deflected on anything at all and stated a damn fact slavery is still alive today and it is those like you that believe only blacks suffered even here in the States...

You should apologize for believing blacks are the only ones that suffered here in the States!
I didnt ask if slavery was still alive. Thats why I said you deflected.

No, you just believe blacks were the only slaves in human history just like you believe only blacks built this nation!

Yoy have an issue with reality!
Nope. I know whites were enslaved in europe which is where the word slave comes from. However we were talking about the US which is why I say you are deflecting.

I am not deflecting nothing and it your bigoted comments that show you only believe blacks only suffered during that time or any time in human history!
Thanks for answering honestly after you deflected.

I did not deflected on anything at all and stated a damn fact slavery is still alive today and it is those like you that believe only blacks suffered even here in the States...

You should apologize for believing blacks are the only ones that suffered here in the States!
I didnt ask if slavery was still alive. Thats why I said you deflected.

No, you just believe blacks were the only slaves in human history just like you believe only blacks built this nation!

Yoy have an issue with reality!
Nope. I know whites were enslaved in europe which is where the word slave comes from. However we were talking about the US which is why I say you are deflecting.

I am not deflecting nothing and it your bigoted comments that show you only believe blacks only suffered during that time or any time in human history!
Yes you are deflecting. Not only are you talking about world events you are not addressing my post. I simply asked if you were ashamed or angry the founders and your subsequent leaders thought so low of your abilities they needed to legislate you a head start. Anything other than answering that question is a deflection.
Oh really?
So, first "My Family" were ridiculed for being "Polish / Catholic", and then for being "White" once Affirmative Action could be used to discriminate against "Whites"?????
Even when they were ridiculed they were still considered to be less of a threat than Blacks.

So, which Whites are as violent of a threat as "Blacks"?

I mean Russia has the highest "White" murder rate in the World, and even though they live in a lot worse poverty than Black-Americans, the murder rate of Russia is a lot lower than Afro-Americans.
Pretty much all whites are violent. When I say "threat" I mean a threat to out succeed you whites which is what the topic is about. Are you embarrassed and angry your founding fathers and subsequent leadership thought so little of whites they had to develop systems to keep Blacks down so you could have a head start?

Are you as a man ashamed your type has had at least a 100,000 year head start on women? who have been kept under a mans thumb pretty much from the begining of time actually? how in the fuck are they ever going to catch up? Whats with the whole "head start" concept anyway? Are we running a race against each other? or should we simply be trying to live together as human beings? seems to me the point of this thread is like many on USMB. simply finding another way to be divisive. thats about it. I dont tell any man he needs to be ashamed simply for the color that he is born. Thats obviously your job around here though isnt it?. glad you have an important role to fill.
That may be true of the white race but its definitely not true of the Black race. The Black race has had woman leaders, all women armies, queens, teachers etc etc. We understand instinctively that we are equal parts in a circle. Very similar to my avatar.

Thats exactly what I want to know. Whats with the need for your founders and subsequent leaders to create a headstart for members of your race? What were they afraid of? Why didnt they feel that whites could succeed without holding back Blacks and other races? If whites wanted to simply live together in harmony they would not be such a bellicose race. If you think asking a question is being divisive then you must be caught up in your feelings. I simply wanted to know if white people were embarrassed by the legislated head start they were granted. If you have a problem with that then dont read the thread. If you chose to read it anyway then thats your issue. There was no part of my OP that told people how to feel. I simply asked a question.

"arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?"

On this point I will say no, because I doubt that thought even crossed their minds. This level playing field concept is a view that we now have today as we look back on history. Those people.. the Europeans and Colonists were not interested so much in keeping others down but THAT was a direct consequence of their Intense competition with other European Nations. The British and Spanish used slavery as just one more resource to aquire great wealth for their respective royalties. Were they greedy ? hell yes. Do I like that? No... greed for material wealth at the expense of someone else's soul is pretty shallow. do I like slavery? no way what so ever .... But I recognize your thread as just another way to put down America... at least that's the way I see it. Maybe I'm wrong.

Now Bear brought up a good point about early slavery in the US. when it first started, white and black slaves alike would earn their freedom after so many years. It was more like indentured servitude, and the British early on enslaved people if they were not Christian... it wasn't so much because of their color until things later changed.

In that respect, Early slavery in the colonies was much like the slavery in Africa and the middle east that you have seemed to accept as a higher form of slavery in your past threads. I mean, you hold no animosity for Arabs or Africans because you have stated in the past that they treated their slaves with respect ( though, that point can be argued in many cases)

What early slavery Devolved into... and the racism that developed as people were kept segregated by this slavery was something quite horrendous. But that devolvement was not some grand scheme by white people ... it was something that just happened incrementally one step at a time over years due to the circumstances.. and peoples greed.

Now, If earlier forms of slavery such as the ones in Africa and the ME ( which you seem to be cozy with) did not exist, there would have been no slavery in the US whatsoever because it would not have been the world norm. So trying to pin some sort of genetic guilt on whites as you normally do doesn't work for me.

Am I ashamed of The founding fathers? No, i have no direct lineage to them.. and no emotional link to them, so its pretty hard to be ashamed. I don't like the way a lot of history played out for so many people but it just is what it is.
Why don't you just go back to Africa, Asclepias? I'm always amazed blacks like you don't just go back and be happy there, where your people came from. You are obviously very unhappy here. Why not start over, pretend slavery never happened while you live in Africa?
I am but even it I wasnt why should I go back to Africa when my family and assets are here? Who said I wasnt happy here?

Ha. You hate America; you hate whites. I've been here years, and it's your main posting attitude.

I wouldn't stay in a country if I hated it that much. The reason I think blacks stay here instead of going back to Africa when they could, easily and cheaply, is that they know the living standards are the world's worst and they like the welfare here and the enforced better standards and policing instead of constant machete killings and bribery and corruption. Everything we whites do for them. But they can't live up to it, contribute. It's just all drugs, prostitution, crime, gangs, shootings, etc.

It would be so much better for us if blacks just went back to Africa. Instead, they out-reproduced us and now have blocked access to the entire Caribbean and much of South America. And of course to all our great cities, which aren't safe to go into anymore.
I dont hate anyone. Hate is based in fear and there is no white person I have ever feared. If you dont like me pointing out the fact that whites are racist then move back to europe.

I dont hate the country. The country hasnt done anything to me. Blacks built this country. For free.

You only have your white founders that understood you needed massive help to build this country for your problem. If you dont like Blacks in this country you are free to move to a white only country. I wont miss you and good riddance.

Only blacls built this country?

I know many Native American, Chinese and Hispanic\Latino Families that also had ancestors that help buil this country beside Irish, Italians, Jews and Blacks!

Oh let not forget about the Germans!

I swear you only see things as black and white and forget the others that were genocide and suffered!
Blacks did the vast majority of building this country. For free.

That is not what your wrote a moment ago!

In your eyes only blacks suffered under the white man while you ignored the Chinese that also worked the railroad, the Native Americans that were genocide for their land, the Irish, Germans, Italians and Jews that were cheated many times or the Hispanic\Latinos that were made second class citizens!
I am but even it I wasnt why should I go back to Africa when my family and assets are here? Who said I wasnt happy here?

Ha. You hate America; you hate whites. I've been here years, and it's your main posting attitude.

I wouldn't stay in a country if I hated it that much. The reason I think blacks stay here instead of going back to Africa when they could, easily and cheaply, is that they know the living standards are the world's worst and they like the welfare here and the enforced better standards and policing instead of constant machete killings and bribery and corruption. Everything we whites do for them. But they can't live up to it, contribute. It's just all drugs, prostitution, crime, gangs, shootings, etc.

It would be so much better for us if blacks just went back to Africa. Instead, they out-reproduced us and now have blocked access to the entire Caribbean and much of South America. And of course to all our great cities, which aren't safe to go into anymore.
I dont hate anyone. Hate is based in fear and there is no white person I have ever feared. If you dont like me pointing out the fact that whites are racist then move back to europe.

I dont hate the country. The country hasnt done anything to me. Blacks built this country. For free.

You only have your white founders that understood you needed massive help to build this country for your problem. If you dont like Blacks in this country you are free to move to a white only country. I wont miss you and good riddance.

Only blacls built this country?

I know many Native American, Chinese and Hispanic\Latino Families that also had ancestors that help buil this country beside Irish, Italians, Jews and Blacks!

Oh let not forget about the Germans!

I swear you only see things as black and white and forget the others that were genocide and suffered!
Blacks did the vast majority of building this country. For free.

That is not what your wrote a moment ago!

In your eyes only blacks suffered under the white man while you ignored the Chinese that also worked the railroad, the Native Americans that were genocide for their land, the Irish, Germans, Italians and Jews that were cheated many times or the Hispanic\Latinos that were made second class citizens!
Yes thats what I wrote a moment ago.

No I didnt ignore what happened to the NA and other races. I used Blacks as an example. I dont have mention every example of whites needing help to the detriment of other races.
I did not deflected on anything at all and stated a damn fact slavery is still alive today and it is those like you that believe only blacks suffered even here in the States...

You should apologize for believing blacks are the only ones that suffered here in the States!
I didnt ask if slavery was still alive. Thats why I said you deflected.

No, you just believe blacks were the only slaves in human history just like you believe only blacks built this nation!

Yoy have an issue with reality!
Nope. I know whites were enslaved in europe which is where the word slave comes from. However we were talking about the US which is why I say you are deflecting.

I am not deflecting nothing and it your bigoted comments that show you only believe blacks only suffered during that time or any time in human history!
Yes you are deflecting. Not only are you talking about world events you are not addressing my post. I simply asked if you were ashamed or angry the founders and your subsequent leaders thought so low of your abilities they needed to legislate you a head start. Anything other than answering that question is a deflection.

Your question is written by a bigot that has claimed only blacks built this nation while spitting on other minorities that also gave so much!

You see things as black and white and believe only blacks suffered during that period.

Maybe if you were Native American you would see what a bigot you are!
Ha. You hate America; you hate whites. I've been here years, and it's your main posting attitude.

I wouldn't stay in a country if I hated it that much. The reason I think blacks stay here instead of going back to Africa when they could, easily and cheaply, is that they know the living standards are the world's worst and they like the welfare here and the enforced better standards and policing instead of constant machete killings and bribery and corruption. Everything we whites do for them. But they can't live up to it, contribute. It's just all drugs, prostitution, crime, gangs, shootings, etc.

It would be so much better for us if blacks just went back to Africa. Instead, they out-reproduced us and now have blocked access to the entire Caribbean and much of South America. And of course to all our great cities, which aren't safe to go into anymore.
I dont hate anyone. Hate is based in fear and there is no white person I have ever feared. If you dont like me pointing out the fact that whites are racist then move back to europe.

I dont hate the country. The country hasnt done anything to me. Blacks built this country. For free.

You only have your white founders that understood you needed massive help to build this country for your problem. If you dont like Blacks in this country you are free to move to a white only country. I wont miss you and good riddance.

Only blacls built this country?

I know many Native American, Chinese and Hispanic\Latino Families that also had ancestors that help buil this country beside Irish, Italians, Jews and Blacks!

Oh let not forget about the Germans!

I swear you only see things as black and white and forget the others that were genocide and suffered!
Blacks did the vast majority of building this country. For free.

That is not what your wrote a moment ago!

In your eyes only blacks suffered under the white man while you ignored the Chinese that also worked the railroad, the Native Americans that were genocide for their land, the Irish, Germans, Italians and Jews that were cheated many times or the Hispanic\Latinos that were made second class citizens!
Yes thats what I wrote a moment ago.

No I didnt ignore what happened to the NA and other races. I used Blacks as an example. I dont have mention every example just one.

No, you said black built America!

So as you wrote that you made it clear no other race suffered in your mind during the time of the founding fathers until now!

You see everything as black and white and you admit you do not care about the plight of the others, which is typical of you!
I didnt ask if slavery was still alive. Thats why I said you deflected.

No, you just believe blacks were the only slaves in human history just like you believe only blacks built this nation!

Yoy have an issue with reality!
Nope. I know whites were enslaved in europe which is where the word slave comes from. However we were talking about the US which is why I say you are deflecting.

I am not deflecting nothing and it your bigoted comments that show you only believe blacks only suffered during that time or any time in human history!
Yes you are deflecting. Not only are you talking about world events you are not addressing my post. I simply asked if you were ashamed or angry the founders and your subsequent leaders thought so low of your abilities they needed to legislate you a head start. Anything other than answering that question is a deflection.

Your questiin is written by a bigot that has claimed only blacks built this nation while spitting on other minorities that also gave so much!

You see things as black and white and believe only blacks suffered during that period.

Maybe if you were Native American you would see what a bigot you are!
You dont see the word only anywhere in my post. You made that up because you were emotional.

No. I know that other races have been done wrong by whites.

I am part NA. However, there is no law that says I have to mention all the races whites have screwed over to make my point.
I dont hate anyone. Hate is based in fear and there is no white person I have ever feared. If you dont like me pointing out the fact that whites are racist then move back to europe.

I dont hate the country. The country hasnt done anything to me. Blacks built this country. For free.

You only have your white founders that understood you needed massive help to build this country for your problem. If you dont like Blacks in this country you are free to move to a white only country. I wont miss you and good riddance.

Only blacls built this country?

I know many Native American, Chinese and Hispanic\Latino Families that also had ancestors that help buil this country beside Irish, Italians, Jews and Blacks!

Oh let not forget about the Germans!

I swear you only see things as black and white and forget the others that were genocide and suffered!
Blacks did the vast majority of building this country. For free.

That is not what your wrote a moment ago!

In your eyes only blacks suffered under the white man while you ignored the Chinese that also worked the railroad, the Native Americans that were genocide for their land, the Irish, Germans, Italians and Jews that were cheated many times or the Hispanic\Latinos that were made second class citizens!
Yes thats what I wrote a moment ago.

No I didnt ignore what happened to the NA and other races. I used Blacks as an example. I dont have mention every example just one.

No, you said black built America!

So as you wrote that you made it clear no other race suffered in your mind during the time of the founding fathers until now!

You see everything as black and white and you admit you do not care about the plight of the others, which is typical of you!
Thats correct. Blacks did build america.

Thats called an ignorant assumption. Me not mentioning any other race is not proof I think no other race was done wrong.

Its amazing how you became a mind reader but you cant tell me what my middle name is.

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