Are Whites Ashamed...

Pretty much all whites are violent. When I say "threat" I mean a threat to out succeed you whites which is what the topic is about. Are you embarrassed and angry your founding fathers and subsequent leadership thought so little of whites they had to develop systems to keep Blacks down so you could have a head start?
All whites are violent? I would not think you would stoop that low to stereotype others. You don't know all whites. Most of the violent crimes committed anywhere I have ever lived have not been by whites.
Whites as a race are violent and no. There is no equal for violence when it comes to white people. They are the supreme masters of violence. Name one atrocity whites have not committed that is worse. Whites are the only race to wipe another race off the planet.

Rwanda, 1994.
Really? You do realize whites killed 6 million people that were white like them. How many died in Rwanda? Way less than that.

What's the matter, Rwandan Genocide atrocity not atrocious enough for you?

Given the savagery of the Rwandan Genocide and considering that up to 800,000 people were slaughtered within a hundred days, do you really think skin color had anything to do with the lower body count than the Holocaust?

If there had been 6 million Hutus to kill and they had enough time (the Holocaust lasted four years) and no one to stop them, given the nature and level of butchery, I've no doubt they would have killed that many.

You guys always look at these things in terms of body counts and while body counts are interesting factoids, they say nothing about the soul of one race as compared to another. History has proven that no one race is more capable of atrocity than another.
When you used Rwanda you not only failed the described terms, you forgot that the Rwanda massacre was a direct result of white people fucking up in Africa. The question was to name one atrocity whites have not committed that was worse. Since whites have clearly killed (by a vast amount) more people at a single instance than any atrocity known to man your example fails.

I disagree. Whites as a group are more violent, more savage, more bellicose than any other race on the planet. Your history is littered with atrocities. These atrocities were not committed as a result of self defense. They were committed because whites felt they were superior. In effect the "manifest destiny" philosophy was at work when whites committed their atrocities.
"White people have no valid property rights in S. Africa."

Only because Black people took over the government and took them away. Jim crow reversed
Our ancestors also freed the slaves and made equal rights the law of the land. Are you ashamed that so few Blacks participated with that?
If whites purchased the land and did not steal it, it should be given back to them. If a black person buys land here, nobody is taking it away. What is the difference?
If whites purchased the land they are in possession of stolen goods. There should be no whites owning land. They shouldnt even be in the country.
If it is purchased it is not stolen. There are whites who were born in Africa. They had no control over their birthplace. So, in your thought process, should no blacks be in the USA?
If I steal something and sell it to you its still stolen merchandise. If the thieving parents of the whites born in Africa had not invaded Africa they wouldnt have been born there.

For starters there were already Blacks here before whites ever came and secondly the enslaved Blacks were brought here against their will. Youre promoting a false equivalency..
Whites as a race are violent and no. There is no equal for violence when it comes to white people. They are the supreme masters of violence. Name one atrocity whites have not committed that is worse. Whites are the only race to wipe another race off the planet.

Rwanda, 1994.
Really? You do realize whites killed 6 million people that were white like them. How many died in Rwanda? Way less than that.

What's the matter, Rwandan Genocide atrocity not atrocious enough for you?

Given the savagery of the Rwandan Genocide and considering that up to 800,000 people were slaughtered within a hundred days, do you really think skin color had anything to do with the lower body count than the Holocaust?

If there had been 6 million Hutus to kill and they had enough time (the Holocaust lasted four years) and no one to stop them, given the nature and level of butchery, I've no doubt they would have killed that many.

You guys always look at these things in terms of body counts and while body counts are interesting factoids, they say nothing about the soul of one race as compared to another. History has proven that no one race is more capable of atrocity than another.

Well there were not 6 million Hutus so we aren't going to discuss hypotheticals.

Of course there wasn't, that's what makes it hypothetical. And you know as well as I do that if the Hutus had not managed to take control when they did, the slaughter would have continued.

There was a long period of colonization by whites. During that long period whites decided the Tutsi had supremacy and that created the animosity which eventually led to the act you keep repeating. Whites have colonized every continent and are responsible for over 1 billion dead. There is no equivalence to be had.

There isn't an equivalence of numbers but there is an equivalence of bloodthirstiness. It takes the same amount of evil to kill 800,000 as it does to kill 6 million.

No I don't know that. Nor do you. But what we can both accurately state is whites colonized every continent and have killed over 1 billion people in the process. It is just this simple:

3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? 4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? 5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

Matthew 7:3-5 King James Version (KJV)

Yeah we blacks have some motes in our eyes, but whites have the bean. So then cast out that beam before you start talking to us about what the same amount of evil is.
If it is purchased it is not stolen.
Are you not familiar with the term "fenced goods" or "dealing in stolen property"? People who made those types of purchases do so knowing that the items they are purchasing were stolen, including those who purchased other human beings.
I am talking about whites who own land now that was purchased after slavery ended
"White people have no valid property rights in S. Africa."

Only because Black people took over the government and took them away. Jim crow reversed
Our ancestors also freed the slaves and made equal rights the law of the land. Are you ashamed that so few Blacks participated with that?
If whites purchased the land and did not steal it, it should be given back to them. If a black person buys land here, nobody is taking it away. What is the difference?
If whites purchased the land they are in possession of stolen goods. There should be no whites owning land. They shouldnt even be in the country.
If it is purchased it is not stolen. There are whites who were born in Africa. They had no control over their birthplace. So, in your thought process, should no blacks be in the USA?
If I steal something and sell it to you its still stolen merchandise. If the thieving parents of the whites born in Africa had not invaded Africa they wouldnt have been born there.

For starters there were already Blacks here before whites ever came and secondly the enslaved Blacks were brought here against their will. Youre promoting a false equivalency..
Whites born in africa had no control over their birthplace. You want all whites out of africa. Perhaps all blacks should be banned from european countries? I think that is twisted, hateful thinking
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?
I have no white guilt. My family wasn’t here then and I try to treat all people the way they deserve to be treated.
Thank you for answering honestly.
Is what it is.

which, of course, doesn't mean i don't see what the white trash try to do to people of color and don't empathize. i just don't think that requires guilt. it only requires decency.
If it is purchased it is not stolen.
Are you not familiar with the term "fenced goods" or "dealing in stolen property"? People who made those types of purchases do so knowing that the items they are purchasing were stolen, including those who purchased other human beings.
I am talking about whites who own land now that was purchased after slavery ended
you're getting far afield. we can also have a discussion about European white Christian settlers who stole land from native americans. it doesn't require you to somehow disadvantage yourself to understand the history of these things.

unlike what trumpkins seem to believe, life isn't a zero sum game
Which White city in the World has a murder rate as high as heavily Black American cities such as Detroit, Saint Louis, Chicago, etc. etc.???????

Why are you preoccupied with race rather than healing our country? Do you think that running around with a shaved head and a bunch of tattoos is going to change our urban areas? It may come as news to you, but more densely populated areas, including places in these areas that are poor, will always have more crime.

So, the heavily Black fairly wealthy suburbs of Prince George's County, Maryland has a high murder rate, why??????

You can't blame poverty on that one.

No, it really is "Racial" I don't know how so many people are so blind. LOL

I again question you as to what your interest in "race" is intended to be? What are you trying to get at. BTW: I live in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., which naturally includes PG County. There is no more, and no less, crime here than there is in other sections of the country. I reiterate, just what is your interest in the race of people who commit crimes? Are the problems of PG County any more than the problems of the opioid saturated districts of Appalachia?

I am very annoyed at the guys (mostly white) who shoot to death their entire families, who kidnap women of the street and rape and murder them, and men who try to beat their wives and girlfriends into submission.

PG County has a murder rate even just above Russia (The highest White murder rate in the World BTW), even though median household income levels are about 8X higher than that of Russia.

That shouldnt surprise you since Russia is kind of a white country.

Russians are more violent than other Eastern Europeans, despite not necessarily being poorer.

I.E Serbia's poorer than Russia, but Russia has a much higher murder rate than Serbia.
So, which Whites are as violent of a threat as "Blacks"?

I mean Russia has the highest "White" murder rate in the World, and even though they live in a lot worse poverty than Black-Americans, the murder rate of Russia is a lot lower than Afro-Americans.
Pretty much all whites are violent. When I say "threat" I mean a threat to out succeed you whites which is what the topic is about. Are you embarrassed and angry your founding fathers and subsequent leadership thought so little of whites they had to develop systems to keep Blacks down so you could have a head start?
All whites are violent? I would not think you would stoop that low to stereotype others. You don't know all whites. Most of the violent crimes committed anywhere I have ever lived have not been by whites.
Whites as a race are violent and no. There is no equal for violence when it comes to white people. They are the supreme masters of violence. Name one atrocity whites have not committed that is worse. Whites are the only race to wipe another race off the planet.

Rwanda, 1994.
Really? You do realize whites killed 6 million people that were white like them. How many died in Rwanda? Way less than that.

Hitler had E1b1b haplogroup which presumably comes from Africa, now why is that?
Why are you preoccupied with race rather than healing our country? Do you think that running around with a shaved head and a bunch of tattoos is going to change our urban areas? It may come as news to you, but more densely populated areas, including places in these areas that are poor, will always have more crime.

So, the heavily Black fairly wealthy suburbs of Prince George's County, Maryland has a high murder rate, why??????

You can't blame poverty on that one.

No, it really is "Racial" I don't know how so many people are so blind. LOL

I again question you as to what your interest in "race" is intended to be? What are you trying to get at. BTW: I live in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., which naturally includes PG County. There is no more, and no less, crime here than there is in other sections of the country. I reiterate, just what is your interest in the race of people who commit crimes? Are the problems of PG County any more than the problems of the opioid saturated districts of Appalachia?

I am very annoyed at the guys (mostly white) who shoot to death their entire families, who kidnap women of the street and rape and murder them, and men who try to beat their wives and girlfriends into submission.

PG County has a murder rate even just above Russia (The highest White murder rate in the World BTW), even though median household income levels are about 8X higher than that of Russia.

That shouldnt surprise you since Russia is kind of a white country.

Russians are more violent than other Eastern Europeans, despite not necessarily being poorer.

I.E Serbia's poorer than Russia, but Russia has a much higher murder rate than Serbia.

Per capita?
This isnt like Asslips and his lack of understanding when it comes to percentages is it?
So, the heavily Black fairly wealthy suburbs of Prince George's County, Maryland has a high murder rate, why??????

You can't blame poverty on that one.

No, it really is "Racial" I don't know how so many people are so blind. LOL

I again question you as to what your interest in "race" is intended to be? What are you trying to get at. BTW: I live in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., which naturally includes PG County. There is no more, and no less, crime here than there is in other sections of the country. I reiterate, just what is your interest in the race of people who commit crimes? Are the problems of PG County any more than the problems of the opioid saturated districts of Appalachia?

I am very annoyed at the guys (mostly white) who shoot to death their entire families, who kidnap women of the street and rape and murder them, and men who try to beat their wives and girlfriends into submission.

PG County has a murder rate even just above Russia (The highest White murder rate in the World BTW), even though median household income levels are about 8X higher than that of Russia.

That shouldnt surprise you since Russia is kind of a white country.

Russians are more violent than other Eastern Europeans, despite not necessarily being poorer.

I.E Serbia's poorer than Russia, but Russia has a much higher murder rate than Serbia.

Per capita?
This isnt like Asslips and his lack of understanding when is come to percentages is it?

Yes, per capita too.
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?
I have no white guilt. My family wasn’t here then and I try to treat all people the way they deserve to be treated.
Thank you for answering honestly.
Is what it is.

which, of course, doesn't mean i don't see what the white trash try to do to people of color and don't empathize. i just don't think that requires guilt. it only requires decency.

White trash?

How many slave owners were "White trash"??????

More like the top 1% of Whites were slave owners.....
Oh really?
So, first "My Family" were ridiculed for being "Polish / Catholic", and then for being "White" once Affirmative Action could be used to discriminate against "Whites"?????
Even when they were ridiculed they were still considered to be less of a threat than Blacks.

So, which Whites are as violent of a threat as "Blacks"?

I mean Russia has the highest "White" murder rate in the World, and even though they live in a lot worse poverty than Black-Americans, the murder rate of Russia is a lot lower than Afro-Americans.
Pretty much all whites are violent. When I say "threat" I mean a threat to out succeed you whites which is what the topic is about. Are you embarrassed and angry your founding fathers and subsequent leadership thought so little of whites they had to develop systems to keep Blacks down so you could have a head start?
All whites are violent? I would not think you would stoop that low to stereotype others. You don't know all whites. Most of the violent crimes committed anywhere I have ever lived have not been by whites.
Whites as a race are violent and no. There is no equal for violence when it comes to white people. They are the supreme masters of violence. Name one atrocity whites have not committed that is worse. Whites are the only race to wipe another race off the planet.

Blonde types of Europeans on an individual basis I've found tend to be more calm, but more powerful, hard working, and adventurous from what I've seen be it Swedes, Poles, Germans, Norwegians etc.

It's actually usually the non-Blondes which are individually more aggressive, like Italians, Albanians, and Irish, they're usually more aggressive, more fragile, less hard-working, and less adventurous.
You must be easily amazed then, huh? I even have an autonomic nervous system, and an endo-skeleton.
Not easily amazed. With your ability to grow fur on your back and your ability to attract hair lice I would have thought you would be considered as one of the lower primates.
Now that is a typical 78 IQ kangz remark if I ever heard one.

No actually the one you made was. You do understand that Kings did exist in Africa.
Most assuredly they did, and they were backward savages. Now enough of your regurgitated BS.
Yes the Greeks considered you whites to be backward savages.

Yet, Greeks today are one of the most anti-Black nations in Europe..
All whites are violent? I would not think you would stoop that low to stereotype others. You don't know all whites. Most of the violent crimes committed anywhere I have ever lived have not been by whites.
Whites as a race are violent and no. There is no equal for violence when it comes to white people. They are the supreme masters of violence. Name one atrocity whites have not committed that is worse. Whites are the only race to wipe another race off the planet.

Rwanda, 1994.
Really? You do realize whites killed 6 million people that were white like them. How many died in Rwanda? Way less than that.

What's the matter, Rwandan Genocide atrocity not atrocious enough for you?

Given the savagery of the Rwandan Genocide and considering that up to 800,000 people were slaughtered within a hundred days, do you really think skin color had anything to do with the lower body count than the Holocaust?

If there had been 6 million Hutus to kill and they had enough time (the Holocaust lasted four years) and no one to stop them, given the nature and level of butchery, I've no doubt they would have killed that many.

You guys always look at these things in terms of body counts and while body counts are interesting factoids, they say nothing about the soul of one race as compared to another. History has proven that no one race is more capable of atrocity than another.
I disagree. Whites as a group are more violent, more savage, more bellicose than any other race on the planet. Your history is littered with atrocities. These atrocities were not committed as a result of self defense. They were committed because whites felt they were superior. In effect the "manifest destiny" philosophy was at work when whites committed their atrocities.

The Portuguese were the biggest slavers out of Europe.

Arabs were the biggest slavers of all time.

Neither group is particularly Blonde, but yet you probably go berserk the most about Blonde Whites, just because they look more different than you.

Hilarious that IM2 insists you're not a racist, huh?
"White people have no valid property rights in S. Africa."

Only because Black people took over the government and took them away. Jim crow reversed
Our ancestors also freed the slaves and made equal rights the law of the land. Are you ashamed that so few Blacks participated with that?
If whites purchased the land and did not steal it, it should be given back to them. If a black person buys land here, nobody is taking it away. What is the difference?
If whites purchased the land they are in possession of stolen goods. There should be no whites owning land. They shouldnt even be in the country.
If it is purchased it is not stolen. There are whites who were born in Africa. They had no control over their birthplace. So, in your thought process, should no blacks be in the USA?
If I steal something and sell it to you its still stolen merchandise. If the thieving parents of the whites born in Africa had not invaded Africa they wouldnt have been born there.

For starters there were already Blacks here before whites ever came and secondly the enslaved Blacks were brought here against their will. Youre promoting a false equivalency..
Whites born in africa had no control over their birthplace. You want all whites out of africa. Perhaps all blacks should be banned from european countries? I think that is twisted, hateful thinking
I agree that whites born in Africa had no control over their birthplace. However thats not my concern. It wouldnt bother me to be honest but again you are promoting a false equivalency. The Blacks in europe are not the descendants of an invading criminal force. You probably should have used something that is more equivalent like banning all whites from North and South America.
Pretty much all whites are violent. When I say "threat" I mean a threat to out succeed you whites which is what the topic is about. Are you embarrassed and angry your founding fathers and subsequent leadership thought so little of whites they had to develop systems to keep Blacks down so you could have a head start?
All whites are violent? I would not think you would stoop that low to stereotype others. You don't know all whites. Most of the violent crimes committed anywhere I have ever lived have not been by whites.
Whites as a race are violent and no. There is no equal for violence when it comes to white people. They are the supreme masters of violence. Name one atrocity whites have not committed that is worse. Whites are the only race to wipe another race off the planet.

Rwanda, 1994.
Really? You do realize whites killed 6 million people that were white like them. How many died in Rwanda? Way less than that.

Hitler had E1b1b haplogroup which presumably comes from Africa, now why is that?
One of his ancestors was obviously Black. What did that have to do with my comment?
If it is purchased it is not stolen.
Are you not familiar with the term "fenced goods" or "dealing in stolen property"? People who made those types of purchases do so knowing that the items they are purchasing were stolen, including those who purchased other human beings.
I am talking about whites who own land now that was purchased after slavery ended
you're getting far afield. we can also have a discussion about European white Christian settlers who stole land from native americans. it doesn't require you to somehow disadvantage yourself to understand the history of these things.

unlike what trumpkins seem to believe, life isn't a zero sum game
When someone says no whites should be in Africa, it is not far afield
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If whites purchased the land and did not steal it, it should be given back to them. If a black person buys land here, nobody is taking it away. What is the difference?
If whites purchased the land they are in possession of stolen goods. There should be no whites owning land. They shouldnt even be in the country.
If it is purchased it is not stolen. There are whites who were born in Africa. They had no control over their birthplace. So, in your thought process, should no blacks be in the USA?
If I steal something and sell it to you its still stolen merchandise. If the thieving parents of the whites born in Africa had not invaded Africa they wouldnt have been born there.

For starters there were already Blacks here before whites ever came and secondly the enslaved Blacks were brought here against their will. Youre promoting a false equivalency..
Whites born in africa had no control over their birthplace. You want all whites out of africa. Perhaps all blacks should be banned from european countries? I think that is twisted, hateful thinking
I agree that whites born in Africa had no control over their birthplace. However thats not my concern. It wouldnt bother me to be honest but again you are promoting a false equivalency. The Blacks in europe are not the descendants of an invading criminal force. You probably should have used something that is more equivalent like banning all whites from North and South America.
So you are claiming all whites in africa had ancestors who stole land? I guess the blacks here are as guilty as 5he whites for stealing NA land
If whites purchased the land they are in possession of stolen goods. There should be no whites owning land. They shouldnt even be in the country.
If it is purchased it is not stolen. There are whites who were born in Africa. They had no control over their birthplace. So, in your thought process, should no blacks be in the USA?
If I steal something and sell it to you its still stolen merchandise. If the thieving parents of the whites born in Africa had not invaded Africa they wouldnt have been born there.

For starters there were already Blacks here before whites ever came and secondly the enslaved Blacks were brought here against their will. Youre promoting a false equivalency..
Whites born in africa had no control over their birthplace. You want all whites out of africa. Perhaps all blacks should be banned from european countries? I think that is twisted, hateful thinking
I agree that whites born in Africa had no control over their birthplace. However thats not my concern. It wouldnt bother me to be honest but again you are promoting a false equivalency. The Blacks in europe are not the descendants of an invading criminal force. You probably should have used something that is more equivalent like banning all whites from North and South America.
So you are claiming all whites in africa had ancestors who stole land? I guess the blacks here are as guilty as 5he whites for stealing NA land
That or they bought stolen land from one of them. Again Blacks were here long before whites got here and the enslaved Blacks were brought by force. My house sits on land once belonging to the Ohlone people. Guess what? Whites wiped them out. Pretty sure they would rather I have the land than a white person.


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