Are Whites Ashamed...

You got a jump on every other race in the US.

Thanks for answering honestly.
If you believe the Bible, you had 6,000 years to accomplish something worthwhile in Africa.

If you believe in evolutionary THEORY, you had 250,000 years.

Either way, you still live in grass HUTS.

We gave the world EVERYTHING you have today.

You're welcome.
You dont really expect me to believe that a race of people Africans had to educate twice gave the world everything do you?
We've been over this before. Africans educated no one. The proof is there historically for all to see. You spew this BS, then a few days later, you spew again. Grow up man!
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?
I'm ashamed that people like you are Americans.
I'm amazed that people like you are considered human.
You must be easily amazed then, huh? I even have an autonomic nervous system, and an endo-skeleton.
Not easily amazed. With your ability to grow fur on your back and your ability to attract hair lice I would have thought you would be considered as one of the lower primates.
Now that is a typical 78 IQ kangz remark if I ever heard one.

No actually the one you made was. You do understand that Kings did exist in Africa.
I'm ashamed that people like you are Americans.
I'm amazed that people like you are considered human.
You must be easily amazed then, huh? I even have an autonomic nervous system, and an endo-skeleton.
Not easily amazed. With your ability to grow fur on your back and your ability to attract hair lice I would have thought you would be considered as one of the lower primates.
Now that is a typical 78 IQ kangz remark if I ever heard one.

No actually the one you made was. You do understand that Kings did exist in Africa.
Most assuredly they did, and they were backward savages. Now enough of your regurgitated BS.
You got a jump on every other race in the US.

Thanks for answering honestly.
If you believe the Bible, you had 6,000 years to accomplish something worthwhile in Africa.

If you believe in evolutionary THEORY, you had 250,000 years.

Either way, you still live in grass HUTS.

We gave the world EVERYTHING you have today.

You're welcome.
You dont really expect me to believe that a race of people Africans had to educate twice gave the world everything do you?
We've been over this before. Africans educated no one. The proof is there historically for all to see. You spew this BS, then a few days later, you spew again. Grow up man!
Yes the proof is there. First the Egyptians educated you and then the Moors.
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?
I might if it was fair for all whites yet many nationalities had to fight scratch and claw their way into social mobility, and it still occurs to this day it's not a black only trademark.
I'm amazed that people like you are considered human.
You must be easily amazed then, huh? I even have an autonomic nervous system, and an endo-skeleton.
Not easily amazed. With your ability to grow fur on your back and your ability to attract hair lice I would have thought you would be considered as one of the lower primates.
Now that is a typical 78 IQ kangz remark if I ever heard one.

No actually the one you made was. You do understand that Kings did exist in Africa.
Most assuredly they did, and they were backward savages. Now enough of your regurgitated BS.
Yes the Greeks considered you whites to be backward savages.
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?
I have no white guilt. My family wasn’t here then and I try to treat all people the way they deserve to be treated.
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You got a jump on every other race in the US.

Thanks for answering honestly.
If you believe the Bible, you had 6,000 years to accomplish something worthwhile in Africa.

If you believe in evolutionary THEORY, you had 250,000 years.

Either way, you still live in grass HUTS.

We gave the world EVERYTHING you have today.

You're welcome.
You dont really expect me to believe that a race of people Africans had to educate twice gave the world everything do you?
We've been over this before. Africans educated no one. The proof is there historically for all to see. You spew this BS, then a few days later, you spew again. Grow up man!

Yep, history exists that Africans bought whites out of the Dark Ages.
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?
I might if it was fair for all whites yet many nationalities had to fight scratch and claw their way into social mobility, and it still occurs to this day it's not a black only trademark.
True but you have to admit that the focus of enabling whites has been to the detriment of primarily the Black race. No other race was prevented from practicing their religion and language and other cultural things like Blacks. This continues to this day.
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that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?
I have no white guilt. My family wasn’t here then and I try to treat all people the way they deserve to be treated.
Thank you for answering honestly.
I'm amazed that people like you are considered human.
You must be easily amazed then, huh? I even have an autonomic nervous system, and an endo-skeleton.
Not easily amazed. With your ability to grow fur on your back and your ability to attract hair lice I would have thought you would be considered as one of the lower primates.
Now that is a typical 78 IQ kangz remark if I ever heard one.

No actually the one you made was. You do understand that Kings did exist in Africa.
Most assuredly they did, and they were backward savages. Now enough of your regurgitated BS.

Only according to ass backwards white revisionist history. But true history doesn't show us that. Now enough of your ass backwards lies.
White people have no valid property rights in S. Africa. Not even the same ball park
S Africa was VACANT LAND when whites settled there. Only wandering primitive nomads passed thru.
The success of that WHITE NATION brought the black hoards down from the north.
White people have no valid property rights in S. Africa. Not even the same ball park
S Africa was VACANT LAND when whites settled there. Only wandering primitive nomads passed thru.
The success of that WHITE NATION brought the black hoards down from the north.
This has already been proven to be more white fake news by Black scholars and whites not infected by storm front propaganda.
You got a jump on every other race in the US.

Thanks for answering honestly.
If you believe the Bible, you had 6,000 years to accomplish something worthwhile in Africa.

If you believe in evolutionary THEORY, you had 250,000 years.

Either way, you still live in grass HUTS.

We gave the world EVERYTHING you have today.

You're welcome.

You ruined Africa.
If you're a superior race :auiqs.jpg:how could we?
You got a jump on every other race in the US.

Thanks for answering honestly.
If you believe the Bible, you had 6,000 years to accomplish something worthwhile in Africa.

If you believe in evolutionary THEORY, you had 250,000 years.

Either way, you still live in grass HUTS.

We gave the world EVERYTHING you have today.

You're welcome.

You ruined Africa.
If you're a superior race :auiqs.jpg:how could we?
If whites were superior why didnt they come up with their own alphabet? They had to adopt the alphabet of a Black civilization.
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Seriously??? "They," as a group, behave no differently from "whites" or any other race. White male "conservative" politicians who are adulterers caught with their pants down? Vitter? Sanford? Trump? What about these white guys running around in tattoos wearing helmets who go marching around chanting "we will not be replaced by Jews?

Which White city in the World has a murder rate as high as heavily Black American cities such as Detroit, Saint Louis, Chicago, etc. etc.???????

Why are you preoccupied with race rather than healing our country? Do you think that running around with a shaved head and a bunch of tattoos is going to change our urban areas? It may come as news to you, but more densely populated areas, including places in these areas that are poor, will always have more crime.

So, the heavily Black fairly wealthy suburbs of Prince George's County, Maryland has a high murder rate, why??????

You can't blame poverty on that one.

No, it really is "Racial" I don't know how so many people are so blind. LOL

I again question you as to what your interest in "race" is intended to be? What are you trying to get at. BTW: I live in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., which naturally includes PG County. There is no more, and no less, crime here than there is in other sections of the country. I reiterate, just what is your interest in the race of people who commit crimes? Are the problems of PG County any more than the problems of the opioid saturated districts of Appalachia?

I am very annoyed at the guys (mostly white) who shoot to death their entire families, who kidnap women of the street and rape and murder them, and men who try to beat their wives and girlfriends into submission.

PG County has a murder rate even just above Russia (The highest White murder rate in the World BTW), even though median household income levels are about 8X higher than that of Russia.

That shouldnt surprise you since Russia is kind of a white country.
Seriously??? "They," as a group, behave no differently from "whites" or any other race. White male "conservative" politicians who are adulterers caught with their pants down? Vitter? Sanford? Trump? What about these white guys running around in tattoos wearing helmets who go marching around chanting "we will not be replaced by Jews?

Which White city in the World has a murder rate as high as heavily Black American cities such as Detroit, Saint Louis, Chicago, etc. etc.???????

Why are you preoccupied with race rather than healing our country? Do you think that running around with a shaved head and a bunch of tattoos is going to change our urban areas? It may come as news to you, but more densely populated areas, including places in these areas that are poor, will always have more crime.

So, the heavily Black fairly wealthy suburbs of Prince George's County, Maryland has a high murder rate, why??????

You can't blame poverty on that one.

No, it really is "Racial" I don't know how so many people are so blind. LOL

I again question you as to what your interest in "race" is intended to be? What are you trying to get at. BTW: I live in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., which naturally includes PG County. There is no more, and no less, crime here than there is in other sections of the country. I reiterate, just what is your interest in the race of people who commit crimes? Are the problems of PG County any more than the problems of the opioid saturated districts of Appalachia?

I am very annoyed at the guys (mostly white) who shoot to death their entire families, who kidnap women of the street and rape and murder them, and men who try to beat their wives and girlfriends into submission.
Most of Prince Georges County is a crime-ridden shithole. I am not surprised you live there.
And finds it to be quite “normal” I might add... Expectations are to blame. Or, more specifically... Not having them...
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?
Nothing to be ashamed of. I had no part in it. I do hate that people had so little regard for other human lives to treat them less than human.
When applied to equality between racial groups, the test of personal responsibility stands immovably. Racial group self-responsibility means that whatever advances, achievements, failures, or historical calamities a race accomplishes or does not accomplish, blame lies squarely with that race and no other when facing the consequences of their historical, societal, civilizational and geographic actions. That's all there is for your argument; all there will ever be.
So laws like the following had nothing to do with anything and keep in mind, this is just one state out of 50
1866: Miscegenation
This law prohibited whites from marrying any African American who is more than 12% African American (meaning having a blood relation up to the third generation to an African American). Penalty of not following this law was a felony that was punishable by imprisonment in the state penitentiary up to five years.

1866: Education
This gave all school district trustees the right to create separate schools for African American children.

1873: Education
It was unlawful for a black child to attend a white school, and vice versa. No separate colored school was allowed to be located within one mile of a separate white school. This law excluded schools in cities and towns but did not allow the schools in those areas within six hundred feet of the other.

1890: Railroads
All railway companies were required to provide separate but equal accommodations for white and colored passengers. Penalty to do so resulted in the passengers or conductors receiving a fine of $25 or imprisonment for 20 days. Any officers and directors of railway companies that fail to follow this law were found guilty of a misdemeanor and could be fined between $100 and $500. This law excluded streetcars.

1892: Railroads
Railroads were to provide separate coaches for white and colored passengers. Signs stating the race for each car must be posted. Penalty to do so was railway companies that failed could be fined from between $500 to $1,500. Any conductors who failed to enforce the law were to be fined from $50 to $100.

1893: Miscegenation
Any marriage between a white person and an African American or mixed citizen was prohibited.

1894: Railroads
Railroad stations must provide separate but equal waiting rooms for the white and colored passengers. A sign posting what race was in what room was to be seeable by everyone. Penalty to do so would end in a fine $25 or imprisoned up to 30 days. Any agents failing to enforce the law were found guilty of misdemeanor that was punishable by a fine of $25 to $50.

1894: Miscegenation
Any marriage between a person of color and a white person was prohibited.

1902: Streetcars
All streetcars must provide separate but equal accommodations to a passenger of any race. The failure to do so ended with such penalties as passengers or conductors could receive a fine of $25 or imprisonment up to 30 days. Any railway company that refused to follow could receive a fine of $100 or imprisonment between two and six months.

1904: Education
It was unlawful to maintain or operate any college, school, or institution where persons of the white and African American races are both allowed to attend. This law did not prohibit private schools or colleges from maintaining a segregated school in a different location for each race no less than 25 miles. The penalty for not following this law resulted in any violators receiving a $1,000 fine. The United States Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the statute in Berea College v. Kentucky.

1908: Public Accommodation
It was unlawful for whites and blacks to purchase and consume alcohol on the same location. Penalty for this act was a misdemeanor punishable by a fine from $50 to $500 or an imprisonment in the parish prison or jail up to two years.

1908: Miscegenation
Cohabitation of a white person and an African American without legal marriage is a felony. Penalty for committing such an act resulted in imprisonment from one month to one year, with or without hard labor.

1909: Health Care
An institution for the education of colored deaf mutes was to be established. But segregation in this school was to still be enforced.

1912: Residential
Building permits for building Negro houses in white communities, or any portion of a community inhabited principally by white people, and vice versa prohibited. Penalty: violators fined from $50 to $2,000, "and the municipality shall have the right to cause said building to be removed and destroyed."

1914: Public Accommodation
All circuses, shows and tent exhibitions were required to provide two ticket offices with individual ticket sellers and two entrances to the performance for each race.

1915: Education
No white children were allowed to attend any graded common school for colored children and vice versa.

1918: Prisons
This law allowed the segregation of races in all municipal, parish, and state prisons.

1921: Education
This law called for separate public schools for the education of white and black children between the ages of six and eighteen.

1921: Housing
This prohibited African American and white families from living in the same home.

1928: Education
This gave separate textbooks for white and African American school children.

1928: Public Carrier
Separate but equal accommodations were required to be provided on all forms of public transportation.

1932: Residential
No person or businesses were allowed to rent an apartment in an apartment complex or other housing buildings to a person who differs in race from the other occupants.

1932: Miscegenation
All interracial marriages were outlawed. Invalidated interracial marriages if the parties went to another legal power where such marriages were legal. Marriages between African Americans and Native Americans were also prohibited.

1933: Public Accommodations
Establishment of segregated libraries for different races was authorized.

1934: Education
All schools were required to be racially segregated.

1942: Health Care
There were to be separate but equal accommodations for whites and African Americans provided in nursing homes.

1944: Miscegenation
Any marriage between a white person and an African American or racially mixed citizen was prohibited. Penalty to follow this law was a fine of $500 to $5,000. If the people continued to be interracially married the result would be imprisonment in prison from three to twelve months.

1944: Railroads
Separate coaches for white and African American passengers were required.

1948: Barred School Segregation
This law did not allow African American physicians and nurses to take postgraduate courses in public hospitals and Louisville.

1950: Barred School Segregation
African Americans were allowed to attend colleges and universities under two conditions. These conditions are that if comparable courses were not available at Kentucky's African American College in Frankfort, KY and the school's governing body had to approve of this act.

1951: Miscegenation
Any intimate relation between whites and African Americans was illegal. Failure to follow this law ended in fines up to $1,000, up to five years in prison, or both.

1951: Adoption
Interracial adoptions were banned.

1952: Miscegenation
Interracial marriages were prohibited. Penalty of failing to follow this law was Up to $1,000 and/or five years in prison.

1953: Health Care
It was required to establish separate tuberculosis hospitals for each race. This law was then repealed in 1954.

1956: Public Carriers
This law revised older laws that required common carriers to provide separate waiting rooms for white intrastate passengers and for African American intrastate passengers.

1956: Employment
Provided that all persons, firms, or corporations create separate bathroom facilities for members of the white and African American races employed by them or allowed to come into the business. In addition, separate rooms to eat in as well as separate eating and drinking utensils were required to be provided for members of the white and African American races. Not following this law gave to offender a misdemeanor, a fine of $100 to $1,000, or 60 days to one year in prison.

1956: Recreation
All businesses were prohibited from permitting any dancing, social functions, entertainments, athletic training, games, sports or contests on their premises in which the participants are members of the white and African American races.

1956: Public Accommodations
All public parks, recreation centers, playgrounds, etc. were required to be segregated.

1956: Public Carrier
All forms of public transportation were to be segregated.

1957: Education
All public schools were required to be racially segregated.

1957: Education
There were to be no state funds to non-segregated schools.

1960: Voting Rights
The races of all candidates were to be written on the ballots.[18]

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