Are You Bored In Your Marriage....?

No it is not irrelevant. The fact that you refuse to answer the simple questions says a ton. A trivial reason for you, may not be so trivial for another. That is the bottom line. Thankfully, people are not obligated to stay in a marriage that makes them unhappy people, and why should they? For someone else's sense of what is "moral" and what is "righteous?" Bullshit.

It isn't an irrelevant question if we look at it as a stand alone question. It's absolutely irrelevant to the discussion we were having. Do you want to have a separate discussion about my friend's divorces? Fine, but you asked it originally in response to our discussion and it wasn't relevant.

Actually, that discussion is off topic for this thread and you have already been warned by a mod to stay on topic. I would advise you do so.

Why don't you just admit that you don't really know what you speak of? No, people do not have to remain married to a person who makes them feel unhappy, regardless of whether of you think their personal reasons are "trivial."

Now you are just making stuff up. I never said any of that. What if leaving socks on the floor makes them unhappy?
Don't sweat it, dude. Chris is borderline retarded. She's only here because real people will not talk to her.

Borderline? Well you are fully retarded, and you make that clear every time you post. Now, do you have anything to add to this topic or just more trolling?
I don't remember saying a goddamn thing to YOU, you fucking skank-ho! But, yes, you are clearly borderline, as evidenced by the fact that you do not even have a fucking clue as to what that means, you ignorant ****!
You have work to keep the boredom away.... you need at least one person to do the work. 2 lazy people who want to be entertained won't work.

So are you the lazy person or the worker?

In my current relationship, I'm the worker (but he does too sometimes!) - in the past, I was NEVER the worker! It was every fun or done!
You mean your husband is a fucking bum who lies around the house all day?
I am worried about you, Bonzi. You seem to be crying out for help. In you in some kind of mid-life crises that is causing you to reevaluate your life?
You can't seem to grasp the point and I can't get you to understand. Let's move on.

You made the claim that you knew of people who divorced for what you consider "trivial" reasons. What are those trivial reasons? It's a simple question.

It is a simple question, but it's irrelevant to the discussion we were having.

No it is not irrelevant. The fact that you refuse to answer the simple questions says a ton. A trivial reason for you, may not be so trivial for another. That is the bottom line. Thankfully, people are not obligated to stay in a marriage that makes them unhappy people, and why should they? For someone else's sense of what is "moral" and what is "righteous?" Bullshit.

Well, I'm done trying to get through to you.

Because you're wrong. Lol. Like I said, it is not up to you to determine whether or not another's reason for leaving a relationship is "trivial." What might be trivial to you, may not be trivial to someone else. Get it yet?

That isn't even what we were arguing about.
It is a simple question, but it's irrelevant to the discussion we were having.

No it is not irrelevant. The fact that you refuse to answer the simple questions says a ton. A trivial reason for you, may not be so trivial for another. That is the bottom line. Thankfully, people are not obligated to stay in a marriage that makes them unhappy people, and why should they? For someone else's sense of what is "moral" and what is "righteous?" Bullshit.

It isn't an irrelevant question if we look at it as a stand alone question. It's absolutely irrelevant to the discussion we were having. Do you want to have a separate discussion about my friend's divorces? Fine, but you asked it originally in response to our discussion and it wasn't relevant.

Actually, that discussion is off topic for this thread and you have already been warned by a mod to stay on topic. I would advise you do so.

Why don't you just admit that you don't really know what you speak of? No, people do not have to remain married to a person who makes them feel unhappy, regardless of whether of you think their personal reasons are "trivial."

Now you are just making stuff up. I never said any of that. What if leaving socks on the floor makes them unhappy?

What am I making up? I said:
1. Admit that you really don't know what you speak of, regarding other people's relationships.
2. People do not have to remain married to a person who makes them unhappy regardless of what you think about their reasons for leaving.

Now, please explain what I have "made up."

I already told you. You made up all of it. I never said anything, ANYTHING you are accusing me of saying.
It is a simple question, but it's irrelevant to the discussion we were having.

No it is not irrelevant. The fact that you refuse to answer the simple questions says a ton. A trivial reason for you, may not be so trivial for another. That is the bottom line. Thankfully, people are not obligated to stay in a marriage that makes them unhappy people, and why should they? For someone else's sense of what is "moral" and what is "righteous?" Bullshit.

It isn't an irrelevant question if we look at it as a stand alone question. It's absolutely irrelevant to the discussion we were having. Do you want to have a separate discussion about my friend's divorces? Fine, but you asked it originally in response to our discussion and it wasn't relevant.

Actually, that discussion is off topic for this thread and you have already been warned by a mod to stay on topic. I would advise you do so.
I do think your stance is relevant. Why else would a marriage be torn apart by trivial matters if the partners are not bored. Of course there may be other factors but boredom is certainly one of them.

I know my stance is relevant but her question about my friends divorce wasn't.

You said that you KNEW their reasons for splitting up were "trivial." Now, what were those reasons that you consider to be "trivial"? It is completely relevant as I said earlier. Don't make claims that you can't back up then. Simple. :dunno:

You are pretty much admitting that you have no clue what you are talking about.

No, I have no clue what YOU are talking about. I never said any of that.
It is a simple question, but it's irrelevant to the discussion we were having.

No it is not irrelevant. The fact that you refuse to answer the simple questions says a ton. A trivial reason for you, may not be so trivial for another. That is the bottom line. Thankfully, people are not obligated to stay in a marriage that makes them unhappy people, and why should they? For someone else's sense of what is "moral" and what is "righteous?" Bullshit.

It isn't an irrelevant question if we look at it as a stand alone question. It's absolutely irrelevant to the discussion we were having. Do you want to have a separate discussion about my friend's divorces? Fine, but you asked it originally in response to our discussion and it wasn't relevant.

Actually, that discussion is off topic for this thread and you have already been warned by a mod to stay on topic. I would advise you do so.

Good, then they can see Alex's and Ice Weasels personal attacks and completely irrelevant posts on the topic. :D Call a mod.

I don't ever call mods. I was just trying to save you from getting banned.

I'm not worried about it. Why would you be? You think I'm difficult and slightly retarded. I would think you would be happy for me to be banned. Lol.

Well then you would be wrong, AGAIN.
Yes I can and yes I would. I'm telling you that I wouldn't marry a woman who was a liberal. My wife is a conservative and I know her mind. For her to suddenly become a liberal would be a sign that there is something terribly wrong with her. You just don't shift your mind that radically. She's smart and informed and for her to suddenly become an ignorant left wing myrmidon would be a sign of mental imbalance.

This is nothing but partisan hackmanship. How about you try answering the question honestly? People have certainly been known to "switch sides."

Umm, are you saying I'm lying?

No, I'm saying that you are avoiding answering the question in an honest way. That much is quite obvious. Someone else might think the example I gave, of your wife turning more liberal, would be a "trivial" reason and that you should remain married.

Yeah you are saying that but I'm not lying and I did answer your question.

I didn't say you were "lying." I said you are being dishonest in making a statement that you knew something about something but refusing to say what it is you know. That is completely idiotic.
Mo refused because it was itrelevant to our discussion. I'll bet you don't even know what our discussion was do you?
No it is not irrelevant. The fact that you refuse to answer the simple questions says a ton. A trivial reason for you, may not be so trivial for another. That is the bottom line. Thankfully, people are not obligated to stay in a marriage that makes them unhappy people, and why should they? For someone else's sense of what is "moral" and what is "righteous?" Bullshit.

It isn't an irrelevant question if we look at it as a stand alone question. It's absolutely irrelevant to the discussion we were having. Do you want to have a separate discussion about my friend's divorces? Fine, but you asked it originally in response to our discussion and it wasn't relevant.

Actually, that discussion is off topic for this thread and you have already been warned by a mod to stay on topic. I would advise you do so.
I do think your stance is relevant. Why else would a marriage be torn apart by trivial matters if the partners are not bored. Of course there may be other factors but boredom is certainly one of them.

I know my stance is relevant but her question about my friends divorce wasn't.

You said that you KNEW their reasons for splitting up were "trivial." Now, what were those reasons that you consider to be "trivial"? It is completely relevant as I said earlier. Don't make claims that you can't back up then. Simple. :dunno:

You are pretty much admitting that you have no clue what you are talking about.

No, I have no clue what YOU are talking about. I never said any of that.

Yes you did. Post number 85 on page 10. I can get it.
You can't seem to grasp the point and I can't get you to understand. Let's move on.

You made the claim that you knew of people who divorced for what you consider "trivial" reasons. What are those trivial reasons? It's a simple question.

It is a simple question, but it's irrelevant to the discussion we were having.

No it is not irrelevant. The fact that you refuse to answer the simple questions says a ton. A trivial reason for you, may not be so trivial for another. That is the bottom line. Thankfully, people are not obligated to stay in a marriage that makes them unhappy people, and why should they? For someone else's sense of what is "moral" and what is "righteous?" Bullshit.

Well, I'm done trying to get through to you.

Get through to me about WHAT? Lol. Okay, okay. Let's straighten this out. I said that I think people divorce because they jump into a marriage before they are ready to make such a commitment or because they married a person they didn't really know very well and discovered they didn't really like that person or they were just not compatible, whether that be in the bedroom and/or elsewhere in the relationship.

You disagreed with me and said that you thought it was more due to people splitting up for reasons that are "trivial" and that you actually know people who did split up for "trivial" reasons. I asked you what are those reasons that you consider "trivial" and you refuse to tell me. *sigh* How can you have a discussion with such an uncooperative person?

Lol, I thought so. You are in the wrong argument.
Not if you care for the person. Marriage is just a piece of paper. Besides, why wouldn't you just want to be able to walk away from a bad relationship? You want to be stuck in one?
That depends how you define a "bad" relationship. Abuse or infidelity certainly is a reason to walk away, while getting irritated because he/she leaves socks on the floor is not. As for marriage only being a piece of paper, it is only to those who refuse to fully commit. Like I said, as long as you retain the option of walking away when things get a little rough, you'll never get the ultimate relationship.

Who leaves their spouse because they left socks on the floor? Are you being serious? :lol: I'm talking about irreconcilable differences, and lots of people are just not compatible. They fight about everything. Is that a good environment in which to raise children?

He was exaggerating to prove a point. He isn't too far off though.

How do you know? Do you know why people end their marriages? Did you do a poll or something? :D You and he have no idea why a couple decides to end their marriages, and since it's a pain in the ass to have a divorce, I imagine that most of the time their reasons are pretty good. You don't need to "approve" of other people's decisions or relationships.

Well I have seen a lot of divorces in my day. Many friends and family members have been divorced, many also, more than once. Often times it was very trivial stuff too.

When did I say I had to "approve"? I never said that or implied it.

Here. You say "often times it was very trivial stuff too." Okay, maybe approve is the wrong word, but you are judging their personal reasons as being trivial and then when I asked you what are these trivial reasons, you won't say.
It isn't an irrelevant question if we look at it as a stand alone question. It's absolutely irrelevant to the discussion we were having. Do you want to have a separate discussion about my friend's divorces? Fine, but you asked it originally in response to our discussion and it wasn't relevant.

Actually, that discussion is off topic for this thread and you have already been warned by a mod to stay on topic. I would advise you do so.
I do think your stance is relevant. Why else would a marriage be torn apart by trivial matters if the partners are not bored. Of course there may be other factors but boredom is certainly one of them.

I know my stance is relevant but her question about my friends divorce wasn't.

You said that you KNEW their reasons for splitting up were "trivial." Now, what were those reasons that you consider to be "trivial"? It is completely relevant as I said earlier. Don't make claims that you can't back up then. Simple. :dunno:

You are pretty much admitting that you have no clue what you are talking about.

No, I have no clue what YOU are talking about. I never said any of that.

Yes you did. Post number 85 on page 10. I can get it.

Do it then.
You made the claim that you knew of people who divorced for what you consider "trivial" reasons. What are those trivial reasons? It's a simple question.

It is a simple question, but it's irrelevant to the discussion we were having.

No it is not irrelevant. The fact that you refuse to answer the simple questions says a ton. A trivial reason for you, may not be so trivial for another. That is the bottom line. Thankfully, people are not obligated to stay in a marriage that makes them unhappy people, and why should they? For someone else's sense of what is "moral" and what is "righteous?" Bullshit.

Well, I'm done trying to get through to you.

Get through to me about WHAT? Lol. Okay, okay. Let's straighten this out. I said that I think people divorce because they jump into a marriage before they are ready to make such a commitment or because they married a person they didn't really know very well and discovered they didn't really like that person or they were just not compatible, whether that be in the bedroom and/or elsewhere in the relationship.

You disagreed with me and said that you thought it was more due to people splitting up for reasons that are "trivial" and that you actually know people who did split up for "trivial" reasons. I asked you what are those reasons that you consider "trivial" and you refuse to tell me. *sigh* How can you have a discussion with such an uncooperative person?

Lol, I thought so. You are in the wrong argument.

See my post above #191. I quote where you say they divorced for trivial reasons. What are they?
That depends how you define a "bad" relationship. Abuse or infidelity certainly is a reason to walk away, while getting irritated because he/she leaves socks on the floor is not. As for marriage only being a piece of paper, it is only to those who refuse to fully commit. Like I said, as long as you retain the option of walking away when things get a little rough, you'll never get the ultimate relationship.

Who leaves their spouse because they left socks on the floor? Are you being serious? :lol: I'm talking about irreconcilable differences, and lots of people are just not compatible. They fight about everything. Is that a good environment in which to raise children?

He was exaggerating to prove a point. He isn't too far off though.

How do you know? Do you know why people end their marriages? Did you do a poll or something? :D You and he have no idea why a couple decides to end their marriages, and since it's a pain in the ass to have a divorce, I imagine that most of the time their reasons are pretty good. You don't need to "approve" of other people's decisions or relationships.

Well I have seen a lot of divorces in my day. Many friends and family members have been divorced, many also, more than once. Often times it was very trivial stuff too.

When did I say I had to "approve"? I never said that or implied it.

Here. You say "often times it was very trivial stuff too." Okay, maybe approve is the wrong word, but you are judging their personal reasons as being trivial and then when I asked you what are these trivial reasons, you won't say.

Because it is irrelevant to our discussion, but now I see that you are in the wrong argument with the wrong person. You got lost somewhere.
It isn't an irrelevant question if we look at it as a stand alone question. It's absolutely irrelevant to the discussion we were having. Do you want to have a separate discussion about my friend's divorces? Fine, but you asked it originally in response to our discussion and it wasn't relevant.

Actually, that discussion is off topic for this thread and you have already been warned by a mod to stay on topic. I would advise you do so.

Why don't you just admit that you don't really know what you speak of? No, people do not have to remain married to a person who makes them feel unhappy, regardless of whether of you think their personal reasons are "trivial."

Now you are just making stuff up. I never said any of that. What if leaving socks on the floor makes them unhappy?
Don't sweat it, dude. Chris is borderline retarded. She's only here because real people will not talk to her.

Borderline? Well you are fully retarded, and you make that clear every time you post. Now, do you have anything to add to this topic or just more trolling?
I don't remember saying a goddamn thing to YOU, you fucking skank-ho! But, yes, you are clearly borderline, as evidenced by the fact that you do not even have a fucking clue as to what that means, you ignorant ****!

You should get help for your angry miserable old self. :cuckoo: You've got issues.
Who leaves their spouse because they left socks on the floor? Are you being serious? :lol: I'm talking about irreconcilable differences, and lots of people are just not compatible. They fight about everything. Is that a good environment in which to raise children?

He was exaggerating to prove a point. He isn't too far off though.

How do you know? Do you know why people end their marriages? Did you do a poll or something? :D You and he have no idea why a couple decides to end their marriages, and since it's a pain in the ass to have a divorce, I imagine that most of the time their reasons are pretty good. You don't need to "approve" of other people's decisions or relationships.

Well I have seen a lot of divorces in my day. Many friends and family members have been divorced, many also, more than once. Often times it was very trivial stuff too.

When did I say I had to "approve"? I never said that or implied it.

Here. You say "often times it was very trivial stuff too." Okay, maybe approve is the wrong word, but you are judging their personal reasons as being trivial and then when I asked you what are these trivial reasons, you won't say.

Because it is irrelevant to our discussion, but now I see that you are in the wrong argument with the wrong person. You got lost somewhere.

I'm just asking what the trivial reasons are. I guess that means you are conceding. :D
It is a simple question, but it's irrelevant to the discussion we were having.

No it is not irrelevant. The fact that you refuse to answer the simple questions says a ton. A trivial reason for you, may not be so trivial for another. That is the bottom line. Thankfully, people are not obligated to stay in a marriage that makes them unhappy people, and why should they? For someone else's sense of what is "moral" and what is "righteous?" Bullshit.

Well, I'm done trying to get through to you.

Get through to me about WHAT? Lol. Okay, okay. Let's straighten this out. I said that I think people divorce because they jump into a marriage before they are ready to make such a commitment or because they married a person they didn't really know very well and discovered they didn't really like that person or they were just not compatible, whether that be in the bedroom and/or elsewhere in the relationship.

You disagreed with me and said that you thought it was more due to people splitting up for reasons that are "trivial" and that you actually know people who did split up for "trivial" reasons. I asked you what are those reasons that you consider "trivial" and you refuse to tell me. *sigh* How can you have a discussion with such an uncooperative person?

Lol, I thought so. You are in the wrong argument.

See my post above #191. I quote where you say they divorced for trivial reasons. What are they?

Look at your recent post where you "recapped" the argument. It's the wrong argument. You got me confused with someone else.
No it is not irrelevant. The fact that you refuse to answer the simple questions says a ton. A trivial reason for you, may not be so trivial for another. That is the bottom line. Thankfully, people are not obligated to stay in a marriage that makes them unhappy people, and why should they? For someone else's sense of what is "moral" and what is "righteous?" Bullshit.

Well, I'm done trying to get through to you.

Get through to me about WHAT? Lol. Okay, okay. Let's straighten this out. I said that I think people divorce because they jump into a marriage before they are ready to make such a commitment or because they married a person they didn't really know very well and discovered they didn't really like that person or they were just not compatible, whether that be in the bedroom and/or elsewhere in the relationship.

You disagreed with me and said that you thought it was more due to people splitting up for reasons that are "trivial" and that you actually know people who did split up for "trivial" reasons. I asked you what are those reasons that you consider "trivial" and you refuse to tell me. *sigh* How can you have a discussion with such an uncooperative person?

Lol, I thought so. You are in the wrong argument.

See my post above #191. I quote where you say they divorced for trivial reasons. What are they?

Look at your recent post where you "recapped" the argument. It's the wrong argument. You got me confused with someone else.

No I didn't. You said you personally knew family and friends who divorced for trivial reasons often times. Right? I mean, it's right there, quoted from PredFan. :D
Well I have seen a lot of divorces in my day. Many friends and family members have been divorced, many also, more than once. Often times it was very trivial stuff too.

When did I say I had to "approve"? I never said that or implied it.

Here, in bold for you. What is the trivial stuff? Cheating? Is that why you don't want to say? Because cheating is "trivial" to you?
No it is not irrelevant. The fact that you refuse to answer the simple questions says a ton. A trivial reason for you, may not be so trivial for another. That is the bottom line. Thankfully, people are not obligated to stay in a marriage that makes them unhappy people, and why should they? For someone else's sense of what is "moral" and what is "righteous?" Bullshit.

Well, I'm done trying to get through to you.

Get through to me about WHAT? Lol. Okay, okay. Let's straighten this out. I said that I think people divorce because they jump into a marriage before they are ready to make such a commitment or because they married a person they didn't really know very well and discovered they didn't really like that person or they were just not compatible, whether that be in the bedroom and/or elsewhere in the relationship.

You disagreed with me and said that you thought it was more due to people splitting up for reasons that are "trivial" and that you actually know people who did split up for "trivial" reasons. I asked you what are those reasons that you consider "trivial" and you refuse to tell me. *sigh* How can you have a discussion with such an uncooperative person?

Lol, I thought so. You are in the wrong argument.

See my post above #191. I quote where you say they divorced for trivial reasons. What are they?

Look at your recent post where you "recapped" the argument. It's the wrong argument. You got me confused with someone else.

Predfan: "You got me confused with someone else."

It is this sort of stuff that gets in the way of communication in a marriage.:up:

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