Ask a Catholic

Why doesn’t the Catholic Church excommunicate politicians who are pro-abortion?
The guys who run the Catholic Church also think that the mother should stay home to care for the couple's growing brood while the father goes to work to support everybody.
Again, not true. The Church doesn't involve itself with these kinds of family decisions.
I wonder how many men have the resources to support a family of maybe ten people. Maybe work two or three jobs with no sleep for years on end? Add to that, the father might grow to resent the mother for putting him in such a position while the mother might grow to resent him for getting her stuck in the house with all of those kids running around when she has no time for rest, not to mention no opportunity to pursue her own personal interests.
Each family works out their own solutions. It is an amazing thing that many mothers (even non-Catholic mothers) opt to stay home with their children or wish they could. You might agree that society should not be pushing mothers into the workforce if that is not the woman's choice. Many of us opt to both have a career and to stay at home with our children--just not all at once. Some men and women set family as their priority. Again, I am speaking generally about people of all faiths...or no faith.
Why doesn’t the Catholic Church excommunicate politicians who are pro-abortion?
This is a great question. Some Catholic politicians are in the camp of pro-choice without being pro-abortion. Free will is a tenet of the Catholic faith and these politicians are of the mind that this is a free will issue. The Church teaches abortion is wrong, and that should suffice.

However, some politicians (and Joe Biden readily comes to mind) are pro-abortion and actually want abortions funded by US taxpayers--including those taxpayers (even those who are not Catholic) who are against abortion. This is a case of promoting abortion and forcing those against abortion to participate (through their tax payments) in aborting fetuses. This clearly crosses over the line of leaving the choice to someone to assisting with their abortion. Many (including Bishops) feel this is a clear case for excommunication and denying President Biden and Speaker Pelosi the Sacraments. Pope Francis has indicated he doesn't want the excommunication of political figures--apparently he feels it would be "bad publicity" for the Church. For many of us, this sounds like the Church doesn't distinguish (and could not care less) between those who are practicing Catholics and those who just call themselves Catholic.

I think--in the long run--it will be bad publicity for the Catholic Church to cave on its proclaimed values. But I could be wrong.
Why doesn’t the Catholic Church excommunicate politicians who are pro-abortion?
This is a great question. Some Catholic politicians are in the camp of pro-choice without being pro-abortion. Free will is a tenet of the Catholic faith and these politicians are of the mind that this is a free will issue. The Church teaches abortion is wrong, and that should suffice.

However, some politicians (and Joe Biden readily comes to mind) are pro-abortion and actually want abortions funded by US taxpayers--including those taxpayers (even those who are not Catholic) who are against abortion. This is a case of promoting abortion and forcing those against abortion to participate (through their tax payments) in aborting fetuses. This clearly crosses over the line of leaving the choice to someone to assisting with their abortion. Many (including Bishops) feel this is a clear case for excommunication and denying President Biden and Speaker Pelosi the Sacraments. Pope Francis has indicated he doesn't want the excommunication of political figures--apparently he feels it would be "bad publicity" for the Church. For many of us, this sounds like the Church doesn't distinguish (and could not care less) between those who are practicing Catholics and those who just call themselves Catholic.

I think--in the long run--it will be bad publicity for the Catholic Church to cave on its proclaimed values. But I could be wrong.
The Church teaches abortion is wrong, and that should suffice.
just as they have taught since the 4th century all are sinners - and are themselves then the teachers of sin.

the same as meriweather, unrepentant for their nefarious past and as eager for the future for their own, self made religion. than a just society without them.
Why is it that almost every other Christian religion allows clergy to marry and none of these things seem to be hindrances. In fact everything on your list is something that every couple and family in the world has to deal with what makes a catholic priest unable to handle them?
Keep in mind I said these are things the Church and its priests would have to learn to handle. You do not want to be a priest, but you want men to have the option to both be a priest and to be married. They can figure it all out. I trust that if the majority of priests wanted this option, they could make it happen. They don't need the help of outsiders who would never choose the priesthood in the first place who feel they deserve to tell actual priests how to run their lives/business.

I rarely hear of priests talking about this. The time or two I did hear conversations on this took on a different tact. That was the option of a short term commitment to the priesthood as opposed to a life-long commitment. My own assessment is that Catholic parishioners would be supportive of what actual priests say what is in their best interest as well as what is in the best interest of the Catholic faith.
Does anyone have any questions or concerns about the Catholic faith?

If God exists because the universe is so complex that it had to have been created by God, does that mean that God is so complex that he also had to have been created by a god?
That works in both directions, doesn't it Joe? Faith, done well, is a perhaps the sanest way through this life and is an assist in avoiding getting oneself into a mess of some kind. Faith is the assist in helping one to become the best version possible of oneself and in living a joyful life.

I know you were pushed into thinking differently by a thoughtless, perhaps even wicked, nun. You deserved better.

A study of history would indicate otherwise. The real shock came to me when I got away from the nuns and found out all the stuff they were lying about. You know, like the Church being hip deep in bed with the Nazis during the war. But I remember Sr. Mary Butch (Well, one of them anyway), bringing little Timmy in front of the class and humiliating him because he drew a swastika.

(Incidentally, there were about half a dozen nuns at my school. I collectively refer to them all as "Sister Mary Butch". )
If God exists because the universe is so complex that it had to have been created by God, does that mean that God is so complex that he also had to have been created by a god?
What appears complex to the human life form may seem incredibly simple to another life form. The Catholic Church teaches God has always been. Science indicates matter, too, may have always existed. I think it is interesting that when placing matter (such as blocks) in front of a human as young as a toddler, they try to create something of it. It may not be anything very good, but it is still a creation. Imagine an intelligent spirit with all this matter before Him. It is not that hard to imagine Him starting to create.
If God exists because the universe is so complex that it had to have been created by God, does that mean that God is so complex that he also had to have been created by a god?
What appears complex to the human life form may seem incredibly simple to another life form. The Catholic Church teaches God has always been. Science indicates matter, too, may have always existed. I think it is interesting that when placing matter (such as blocks) in front of a human as young as a toddler, they try to create something of it. It may not be anything very good, but it is still a creation. Imagine an intelligent spirit with all this matter before Him. It is not that hard to imagine Him starting to create.

So if God can interact with these particles, like a child is, then God must be of those particles, right? Which means God much have been created. Otherwise if God wasn't created, there's no need for anything else to have been created by God.
So if God can interact with these particles, like a child is, then God must be of those particles, right? Which means God much have been created. Otherwise if God wasn't created, there's no need for anything else to have been created by God.
Physical matter is different from Spirit. Catholic teaching is that God is always, no beginning, no end. As I said previously, science hypothesizes that the same is true of matter. Personally, I have no trouble with both always having an existence.
My question for non-Catholics: Why not be Catholic?
their history of persecution and victimization of the innocent as their failure to bring to justice the crucifiers of the first century religious itinerant - those writing the 4th century christian bible complicity in that crime and their lack of remorse for their uninterrupted history from the 4th century to the present day.
Why doesn’t the Catholic Church excommunicate politicians who are pro-abortion?
This is a great question. Some Catholic politicians are in the camp of pro-choice without being pro-abortion. Free will is a tenet of the Catholic faith and these politicians are of the mind that this is a free will issue. The Church teaches abortion is wrong, and that should suffice.

However, some politicians (and Joe Biden readily comes to mind) are pro-abortion and actually want abortions funded by US taxpayers--including those taxpayers (even those who are not Catholic) who are against abortion. This is a case of promoting abortion and forcing those against abortion to participate (through their tax payments) in aborting fetuses. This clearly crosses over the line of leaving the choice to someone to assisting with their abortion. Many (including Bishops) feel this is a clear case for excommunication and denying President Biden and Speaker Pelosi the Sacraments. Pope Francis has indicated he doesn't want the excommunication of political figures--apparently he feels it would be "bad publicity" for the Church. For many of us, this sounds like the Church doesn't distinguish (and could not care less) between those who are practicing Catholics and those who just call themselves Catholic.

I think--in the long run--it will be bad publicity for the Catholic Church to cave on its proclaimed values. But I could be wrong.
Well I am not Catholic. Still it seems to me to be somewhat hypocritical for the Catholic Church to allow politicians to remain in the church when they support abortion laws that allow abortion in the second and third trimester. If the Church effectively supports abortion it should at least allow Catholics to use birth control.
Well I am not Catholic. Still it seems to me to be somewhat hypocritical for the Catholic Church to allow politicians to remain in the church when they support abortion laws that allow abortion in the second and third trimester. If the Church effectively supports abortion it should at least allow Catholics to use birth control.
I happen to agree with you. I see Catholic politicians as having two choices: Vote against abortion or abstain. Or vote for and be excommunicated. However, I do understand the Church's position on free will, but the Church also has a position on aiding and abetting wrongdoing. According to the Church abortion is wrong.

It is more abominable for any State to favor executing innocent life. The State's responsibility is to protect its citizens. Insurance should not pay for abortion (conflict of interest as it is cheaper for insurance companies to pay for abortions than deliveries/pediatric care). The State's position should be anti-abortion, but as medical procedures are private, the State should not prosecute mothers who have abortions or doctors who perform them. Killing the life of a child should be fully and squarely on its mother's shoulders--she gets no approval from the State, from politicians, from the Catholic Church. But since it is all private, nor is she condemned.
So if God can interact with these particles, like a child is, then God must be of those particles, right? Which means God much have been created. Otherwise if God wasn't created, there's no need for anything else to have been created by God.
Physical matter is different from Spirit. Catholic teaching is that God is always, no beginning, no end. As I said previously, science hypothesizes that the same is true of matter. Personally, I have no trouble with both always having an existence.

But how does spiritual matter manipulate physical matter?
Well I am not Catholic. Still it seems to me to be somewhat hypocritical for the Catholic Church to allow politicians to remain in the church when they support abortion laws that allow abortion in the second and third trimester. If the Church effectively supports abortion it should at least allow Catholics to use birth control.
I happen to agree with you. I see Catholic politicians as having two choices: Vote against abortion or abstain. Or vote for and be excommunicated. However, I do understand the Church's position on free will, but the Church also has a position on aiding and abetting wrongdoing. According to the Church abortion is wrong.

It is more abominable for any State to favor executing innocent life. The State's responsibility is to protect its citizens. Insurance should not pay for abortion (conflict of interest as it is cheaper for insurance companies to pay for abortions than deliveries/pediatric care). The State's position should be anti-abortion, but as medical procedures are private, the State should not prosecute mothers who have abortions or doctors who perform them. Killing the life of a child should be fully and squarely on its mother's shoulders--she gets no approval from the State, from politicians, from the Catholic Church. But since it is all private, nor is she condemned.
It is a sad situation. I find myself wondering what the Lord would think. Although he would likely forgive I doubt he would approve.
But how does spiritual matter manipulate physical matter?
I don't know...but it makes more sense than how a rock (matter) can create intelligence.

The big problem here is that we know there's stuff out there that doesn't interact with the atoms around us, like neutrinos. If God has a way of manipulating stuff then God is going to be able to manipulate this stuff.

The issue here is whether there is intelligence or not. There are trees that can detect when they're being attacked and then communicate with other trees in the neighborhood and they all start producing stuff to protect themselves. Is this intelligence?

Humans have a tendency of doing what they were designed to do too.

We pretend we have some kind of free will, but really is it free will? Or are we simply a product of our genes, our experiences etc? Can we really make a choice?

And if we can't, then intelligence is just like a tree's intelligence. It just happens.

If so, isn't it easy to think that it's just a massive interplay of forces at an atomic level or lower?
The correct abortion posture for a Catholic politician is to acknowledge that abortion is permissible according to the law of the land, and since they uniformly swear an "oath of office" promising to uphold and defend the laws and Constitution, they cannot do anything in their official capacity that disrupts this Constitutional freedom.

At the same time, abortion is a moral evil, and must be condemned and discouraged in the politician's personal life, and s/he should seek to further any political initiative that would have the effect of reducing the number of abortions - e.g., vote to confirm "conservative" court nominees.

As for the excommunication of pro-choice politicians, that remedy is customarily reserved for those who publicly commit overt acts that are seriously immoral. As a general proposition, it is up to each Catholic to determine whether s/he is in a state of serious sin and should forego Communion. Some priest and at least one Bishop have dis-invited Biden, Pelosi, and a few others from receiving communion in their churches, but they ain't gonna put up no fences to prevent it.

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