Ask about Islam

The Quran is preserved. The different styles you're referring to have existed since the beginning and all of them are correct.

Ibn ‘Abbaas narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Jibreel taught me one style and I reviewed it until he taught me more, and I kept asking him for more and he gave me more until finally there were seven styles.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)
That’s untrue. The different readings result in different wordings and theology. One can also know that the Quran is not from God by finding scientific mistakes, which wouldn’t be present, if it came from an all-knowing being.
Actually Islam is conservative, family oriented and logical. The people have good manners and don't use vulgar language.
I agree that most Muslims are good people. I’m opposed to the ideology. I don’t believe someone should be killed for apostasy. I don’t believe women should be treated as second-class citizens(Quran Chapter 4). I don’t believe being allowed to lie to non-believers is a good thing(Quran 2:225). I don’t see how adding dots at a later time that vary from reading to reading jibes with a book that is supposedly unchanged since the beginning of time.
I agree that most Muslims are good people. I’m opposed to the ideology. I don’t believe someone should be killed for apostasy. I don’t believe women should be treated as second-class citizens(Quran Chapter 4). I don’t believe being allowed to lie to non-believers is a good thing(Quran 2:225). I don’t see how adding dots that weren’t there in the original Quran and vary from reading to reading jibes with a book that is supposedly unchanged since the beginning of time.
The only reason to lie is to save a life. Women have a lot of power in Islam. They write the marriage contract and control the money and social life. Also, you've probably never heard of Petticoat Politics.
But later dots were added, but not all versions have the dots in the same place, changing the meaning from version to version.
These are the seven styles you mentioned earlier. The Quran was revealed in all of them. The dots were added according to the meaning.
If Islam's goal is mass conversion for conformity,
how is that different from the idea of Babylon?
We're talking about a prophesy. If God intends something, I think it absurd to call that "a goal", since is has already been predetermined and it cannot be prevented from happening.


1. Does Islamic doctrine of predetermination abide by the
limits of the freedom of choice, or rather choice,
essentially only an illusion?
Practicing homosexuality is completely forbidden.
Yes, because it is deviant sex, a perversion of what God and nature intended. But it ultimately is a personal matter as well that doesn't really concern me too much if kept behind closed doors and out of my face.

Women's right is a wide topic. Would you like to specify? Women have the best rights within Islam. They are, however, under the guardianship of their husband. For example they will need their husband's permission to work and to go out.
Well, I suppose that works for some, not so well with others. It could work if not taken to extremes of abuse and dehumanized property. But what about marrying children, girls only 12 years old? What if that guardianship involves overt control, even beatings or stoning for something so mild as just looking at another man?

How much room is there for a woman to freely express herself, seek her potential and creativity?

I guess the question I would ask myself is if women have it so good, would you be wiling to trade places and be a woman instead of a man?
I would have to say that you’re quite ignorant about your own religion. The current most popular version isn’t even 100 years old, having been codified in 1925!
It's hafs, it's one of the seven you mentioned...
Muslims consider said prophets and messengers to be Muslims. They don't consider them the Prophets of those other religions, per se.

The reason they should convert to Islam is that Islam came with the newest revelation. The same way you expect people to follow the most recent traffic laws instead of the old abrogated ones, Muslims expect that the followers of Judaism and Christianity will follow the new law and the latest prophet instead of the old abrogated laws.

There is no need for Muslims to crush them, but for sure the worst punishment possible is in the hereafter.
for the record---the answer above ^^^^ is standard stuff fed to muslim kids. Find an 8
year old muslim kid and you can HEAR it
That isn’t the way the modern world works. Why should we be bound to the rules of 7th century Arabia? In the west women will not tolerate those restrictions. Even among people born to Islam, many are silently aspostasizing for their own safety, because basic human rights are ignored and people are killed for their beliefs. As more Muslims move to the west, their children will recognize the lack of freedom and rebel. The religion is shrinking and it cannot modernize, because that leads to the creation of groups like ISIS, which tells the truth when they say they are the true Islam. Other Muslims know this and refuse to say anything out of fear for their lives. It does no one any good to have psychopaths going around doing what only God has the right to do.
It is part of Islam both from the old times and as well as in these modern times. I live in the west so don't tell me these Muslims I know are all dreaming to live like you. They love Allah and His messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

These are the rules and laws of Islam.
But many women do tolerate them. It is, in fact, mostly women who convert to Islam in the west.

Muslim have tvs and iphones in Muslim countries. They know what you have. Some of them want it, some of them don't.

Shrinking? No, it is growing - faster than any other religion.
Do you realize how easy it is for a man, but difficult for a woman? I think not. Don’t take my word for it. Go to the channels I posted. I used to think like you, until I heard the story from people who were actually born into the religion and rejected it. Why should a woman have to tolerate beatings of any sort? The story about miswak and scarves is just something they tell the unbelievers to make it look better. The truth is much darker.
People reject religion all the time. That's not unique.
Irrelevant. There are plenty of Muslims in the US. If you want know how Muslim women feel, the ones brave enough to talk anyway, check out this YouTube channel. Islam isn’t just a religion, it’s a political ideology bent on controlling the world.

The Holy Humanist
If I understood correctly, those are not Muslim women.
If I understood correctly, those are not Muslim women.
Muslim women are not allowed to talk in their husband's presence without their husband's permission.
My wife and I are in professions where we see this all the time.
You sound like a nice person, but many people here aren't interested in asking questions about Islam and reading your answers.
They are here just to make unfounded accusations and attack the poster who started the thread.
Which is why I usually don't participate in threads about Islam and muslims.
Thank you. I think I've answered at least one sincere question, if not more, and I'm perfectly happy if that's all I have accomplished.
I don't mind the ridicule. Let them have their laughs.
I think you need to do more research. You seem to be swallowing whatever the apologists have to say. Islam is like the Hotel California, you can check out any time, but you can never leave. The penalty for apostasy is death.
I think you missed surada 's point. It isn't long ago that women in the west had no right for divorce, inheritance or even property, for example.

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