Ask about Islam

Muslims consider said prophets and messengers to be Muslims. They don't consider them the Prophets of those other religions, per se.

The reason they should convert to Islam is that Islam came with the newest revelation. The same way you expect people to follow the most recent traffic laws instead of the old abrogated ones, Muslims expect that the followers of Judaism and Christianity will follow the new law and the latest prophet instead of the old abrogated laws.

There is no need for Muslims to crush them, but for sure the worst punishment possible is in the hereafter.
How can we trust the Quran to be true, when there are so many versions of a book that was supposed to be set in stone for all time?
Muslims consider said prophets and messengers to be Muslims. They don't consider them the Prophets of those other religions, per se.

The reason they should convert to Islam is that Islam came with the newest revelation. The same way you expect people to follow the most recent traffic laws instead of the old abrogated ones, Muslims expect that the followers of Judaism and Christianity will follow the new law and the latest prophet instead of the old abrogated laws.

There is no need for Muslims to crush them, but for sure the worst punishment possible is in the hereafter.
Thank you very much for that clarification. It was very well explained and made sense.

Im not a proponent of any of the Abrahamic religions myself, but this was something I’d always wondered about.
There is only 1 version of the Quran in the original arabic language.
But later dots were added, but not all versions have the dots in the same place, changing the meaning from version to version. They were added after Mohammed’s death, so how can he be considered the final prophet, when it was edited at a later time. Weird for a book that was supposed to be uncorrupted.
There is only 1 version of the Quran in the original arabic language.
Dots were added later, but not all versions have the dots in the same place, changing the meaning from version to version. They were added after Mohammed’s death, so how can he be considered the final prophet, when it was edited at a later time? Weird for a book that was supposed to be uncorrupted.
The Quran was a revelation taught to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel.
He then verbally taught his group of followers how to repeat the Quran flawlessly. Then they taught other people, and so on.
The Quran wasn't codified into book form until after his death.
Ten's of millions of muslims around the world have memorized the Quran perfectly as taught by Muhammad and handed down.
In fact, Quran recitation contests are very popular in the muslim countries.

Muslims live in many countries around the world where the citizens don't speak arabic.
But they all know how to recite the Quran in perfect arabic as taught by Muhammad.
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The Quran was a revelation taught to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel.
He then verbally taught his group of followers how to repeat the Quran flawlessly. Then they taught other people, and so on.
The Quran wasn't codified into book form until after his death.
That doesn’t explain why there are so many versions, Hafs and Warsh being two, but there are at least 30.

How many different versions of the Quran are there?
Ten's of millions of people around the world have memorized the Quran perfectly as taught by Muhammad and handed down.
In fact, Quran recitation contests are very popular in the muslim countries.

Muslims live in many countries around the world where the citizens don't speak arabic.
But they all know how to recite the Quran in perfect arabic as taught by Muhammad.
No matter how popular, they aren’t all reciting the same version.
I am a Muslim and I'm happy to answer any questions you may have about Islam.

(I do not read, let alone answer, any obscene or offensive [in terms of language] posts, though.)
Does Islam tolerate these Trannys?
OK then, what are your feelings about homosexuality and woman's rights?
Practicing homosexuality is completely forbidden.

Women's right is a wide topic. Would you like to specify? Women have the best rights within Islam. They are, however, under the guardianship of their husband. For example they will need their husband's permission to work and to go out.
Practicing homosexuality is completely forbidden.

Women's right is a wide topic. Would you like to specify? Women have the best rights within Islam. They are, however, under the guardianship of their husband. For example they will need their husband's permission to work and to go out.
That isn’t the way the modern world works. Why should we be bound to the rules of 7th century Arabia? In the west women will not tolerate those restrictions. Even among people born to Islam, many are silently aspostasizing for their own safety, because basic human rights are ignored and people are killed for their beliefs. As more Muslims move to the west, their children will recognize the lack of freedom and rebel. The religion is shrinking and it cannot modernize, because that leads to the creation of groups like ISIS, which tells the truth when they say they are the true Islam. Other Muslims know this and refuse to say anything out of fear for their lives. It does no one any good to have psychopaths going around doing what only God has the right to do.
Practicing homosexuality is completely forbidden.

Women's right is a wide topic. Would you like to specify? Women have the best rights within Islam. They are, however, under the guardianship of their husband. For example they will need their husband's permission to work and to go out.
Too me it sounds like a controlling and barbaric cult that should be wiped out
If Islam is the religion of peace, why is there so much hate and violence?
Do you ever feel ashamed of all the hate and violence?
Why do Muslims think that they are victims if they commit so much violence against innocent people?
What kind of hate and violence?
I have not witnessed any hate and violence.
If you refer to terrorist attacks only then the reasons are mostly poverty, injustice, loneliness, poor economy, mental illnesses and poor social wellbeing among other similar issues.

Humans feel shame when they do something morally wrong. We don't feel shame when someone else does something morally wrong.

I don't think I am a victim. I don't know any Muslim who thinks he or she is a victim.
That isn’t the way the modern world works. Why should we be bound to the rules of 7th century Arabia? In the west women will not tolerate those restrictions. Even among people born to Islam, many are silently aspostasizing for their own safety, because basic human rights are ignored and people are killed for their beliefs. As more Muslims move to the west, their children will recognize the lack of freedom and rebel. The religion is shrinking and it cannot modernize, because that leads to the creation of groups like ISIS, which tells the truth when they say they are the true Islam. Other Muslims know this and refuse to say anything out of fear for their lives. It does no one any good to have psychopaths going around doing what only God has the right to do.
Where have you lived in the Arab world? Do you know any Muslim women?
Where have you lived in the Arab world? Do you know any Muslim women?
Irrelevant. There are plenty of Muslims in the US. If you want know how Muslim women feel, the ones brave enough to talk anyway, check out this YouTube channel. Islam isn’t just a religion, it’s a political ideology bent on controlling the world.

The Holy Humanist

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