Ask about Islam

That isn’t the way the modern world works. Why should we be bound to the rules of 7th century Arabia? In the west women will not tolerate those restrictions. Even among people born to Islam, many are silently aspostasizing for their own safety, because basic human rights are ignored and people are killed for their beliefs. As more Muslims move to the west, their children will recognize the lack of freedom and rebel. The religion is shrinking and it cannot modernize, because that leads to the creation of groups like ISIS, which tells the truth when they say they are the true Islam. Other Muslims know this and refuse to say anything out of fear for their lives. It does no one any good to have psychopaths going around doing what only God has the right to do.
Lol ...... keep posting your nonsense. It's a laugh riot. ... :thup: :laugh: :laugh:
Irrelevant. There are plenty of Muslims in the US. If you want know how Muslim women feel, the ones brave enough to talk anyway, check out this YouTube channel. Islam isn’t just a religion, it’s a political ideology bent on controlling the world.

The Holy Humanist
Go to an Al Nadah dinner party in Arabia and talk to the women. You don't know your ass from a hot rock. I'm not talking about dissidents or lesbians. I'm talking about wives mother's who are raising families and running businesses.
I am a Muslim and I'm happy to answer any questions you may have about Islam.
You sound like a nice person, but many people here aren't interested in asking questions about Islam and reading your answers.
They are here just to make unfounded accusations and attack the poster who started the thread.
Which is why I usually don't participate in threads about Islam and muslims.
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There have been claims recently that Islam is a feminist religion, but chapter 4 of the Quran states that a woman’s testimony is worth half of a man’s, male heirs are to receive twice the inheritance of female heirs and husbands have the right to beat disobedient wives. Does this sound feminist to anyone?
Islam has nothing to do with feminism.
There have been claims recently that Islam is a feminist religion, but chapter 4 of the Quran states that a woman’s testimony is worth half of a man’s, male heirs are to receive twice the inheritance of female heirs and husbands have the right to beat disobedient wives. Does this sound feminist to anyone?
Muslim women had more rights than American or European women up until 1950.
What you're posting is just silly and there's nothing to refute. ... :cuckoo:
You’re scared, because you know Islam is dying. I have nothing against Muslims and don’t approve of violence against them, but the death-cult of Islam needs to be exposed for what it is. I used to defend it and decry Islamophobia, until I ran across ex-Muslim channels that educated me on it’s true nature. Check out the channels I posted above and see what people that really know the religion are saying.
How can we trust the Quran to be true, when there are so many versions of a book that was supposed to be set in stone for all time?
The Quran is preserved. The different styles you're referring to have existed since the beginning and all of them are correct.

Ibn ‘Abbaas narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Jibreel taught me one style and I reviewed it until he taught me more, and I kept asking him for more and he gave me more until finally there were seven styles.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)
A man can beat his wife with a miswak and a scarf. If that doesn't work, they should divorce.
Do you realize how easy it is for a man, but difficult for a woman? I think not. Don’t take my word for it. Go to the channels I posted. I used to think like you, until I heard the story from people who were actually born into the religion and rejected it. Why should a woman have to tolerate beatings of any sort? The story about miswak and scarves is just something they tell the unbelievers to make it look better. The truth is much darker.
Do you realize how easy it is for a man, but difficult for a woman? I think not. Don’t take my word for it. Go to the channels I posted. I used to think like you, until I heard the story from people who were actually born into the religion and rejected it. Why should a woman have to tolerate beatings of any sort? The story about miswak and scarves is just something they tell the unbelievers to make it look better. The truth is much darker.

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