Ask about Islam

Check out the channels I posted above and see what people that really know the religion are saying.
I have viewed such content before and they can be easily proven false. They either know next to nothing about Islam or they lie about it.
I think you missed surada 's point. It isn't long ago that women in the west had no right for divorce, inheritance or even property, for example.
It isn't? Could you define your terms, to wit,
'the west' 'right for divorce' 'inheritance or
even property' .....where and when? did you lift
that BS from Pickthall's forward to his version of the
I think you missed surada 's point. It isn't long ago that women in the west had no right for divorce, inheritance or even property, for example.
She doesn't know. In 1960s women had to sign away their dower rights If her Husband sold property and for the wife to get a divorce was nearly impossible.
She doesn't know. In 1960s women had to sign away their dower rights If her Husband sold property and for the wife to get a divorce was nearly impossible.
Wow! Islam really sucks, doesn't it?
If it weren't for the global media, they would be in the stone age.
Do you realize how easy it is for a man, but difficult for a woman? I think not. Don’t take my word for it. Go to the channels I posted. I used to think like you, until I heard the story from people who were actually born into the religion and rejected it. Why should a woman have to tolerate beatings of any sort? The story about miswak and scarves is just something they tell the unbelievers to make it look better. The truth is much darker.
Here you are proving my previous post correct. This claim can be proven wrong by quoting the hadith and that hadith can be found by anyone online.

There are no secret stores of hidden information in Islam or about Islam. Everything is out in the open and available for anyone who wants to know.
Here you are proving my previous post correct. This claim can be proven wrong by quoting the hadith and that hadith can be found by anyone online.

There are no secret stores of hidden information in Islam or about Islam. Everything is out in the open and available for anyone who wants to know.
A faith is as the faith presents.
The Koran has a lot of leaders who interpret the Koran in a destructive manner.
All the apologies in the world don't stop the tyranny and bloodshed.
Here you are proving my previous post correct. This claim can be proven wrong by quoting the hadith and that hadith can be found by anyone online.

There are no secret stores of hidden information in Islam or about Islam. Everything is out in the open and available for anyone who wants to know.
the issue is reality. To wit, that which actually
takes place in the real world----not that which
is murmured in the Parlor for guests like our very
own anglican informant
Here you are proving my previous post correct. This claim can be proven wrong by quoting the hadith and that hadith can be found by anyone online.

There are no secret stores of hidden information in Islam or about Islam. Everything is out in the open and available for anyone who wants to know.
I am intrigued. What is the penalty in islamic
law for a man who slaps his wife? (by "slap"
I am referring to striking a person with an opened
What are you feelings on this. . . ???

Memoirs of Mr. Hempher, The British Spy to the Middle East

We have a lot of common-wealth spooks on this site, trying to subvert liberal democratic republicanism. . . lots of Canadians, Australians, Brits, etc. . . so, I tend to be suspicious of a lot of the Muslims on here too.

The Brits and Eurotrash are currently trying to subvert our government, (they haven't given up for over a century,) and get us involved in yet another European war. . . :rolleyes:

Be careful how you answer.

What are you feelings on this. . . ???

Memoirs of Mr. Hempher, The British Spy to the Middle East

We have a lot of common-wealth spooks on this site, trying to subvert liberal democratic republicanism. . . lots of Canadians, Australians, Brits, etc. . . so, I tend to be suspicious of a lot of the Muslims on here too.

The Brits and Eurotrash are currently trying to subvert our government, (they haven't given up for over a century,) and get us involved in yet another European war. . . :rolleyes:

Be careful how you answer.

who actually wrote that silly piece of crap? Do you know when it first CAME OUT?
That’s untrue. The different readings result in different wordings and theology. One can also know that the Quran is not from God by finding scientific mistakes, which wouldn’t be present, if it came from an all-knowing being.
Different wordings yes, different theology no.
You would have to check yourself to know, wouldn't you? Why would you just echo whatever someone else says?

The wording is different at places with the meaning remaining the same.

There are no scientific mistakes and once again, you would have to check for yourself.
It is part of Islam both from the old times and as well as in these modern times. I live in the west so don't tell me these Muslims I know are all dreaming to live like you. They love Allah and His messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

These are the rules and laws of Islam.
But many women do tolerate them. It is, in fact, mostly women who convert to Islam in the west.

Muslim have tvs and iphones in Muslim countries. They know what you have. Some of them want it, some of them don't.

Shrinking? No, it is growing - faster than any other religion.
Why do Women have to cover their hair?
I don’t believe women should be treated as second-class citizens(Quran Chapter 4). I don’t believe being allowed to lie to non-believers is a good thing(Quran 2:225). I don’t see how adding dots at a later time that vary from reading to reading jibes with a book that is supposedly unchanged since the beginning of time.
Muslims treat women like queens. It's you whose treatment of women should be corrected.

Maybe you're referring to taqiyyah. 2:225 is not about that. It has nothing to do with disbelievers.
I have viewed such content before and they can be easily proven false. They either know next to nothing about Islam or they lie about it.
No, there are too many and the stories ring true, especially when they talk about current events, for example someone being lynched by a mob for alleged blasphemy in Pakistan. IMO, you’re at best willfully blind or at worst the actual liar and not the youtubers.
Muslims treat women like queens. It's you whose treatment of women should be corrected.
IMO, that’s a willful lie as laid out in 2:225. If that’s not the case, explain what the passage means. What is the reason one would not be held to their oaths, if not to deceive?

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