Ask about Islam

You should see their hair and skin. What is your problem with their tradition?
who's tradition? Did I suggest that I have a
problem with traditions not imposed on ME?
Whose hair and skin "SHOULD" I see? I have
seen more hair and skin than you could possibly
Tell that to the people terrorized for “blasphemy”. You seem to have no cogent argument beyond “shut up”, Adolph.
How does a woman in an abaya affect your life? Did you run up to her in the grocery store and ask her if she's happy? Did you tell her she has rights? You want to impose your culture on others.
who's tradition? Did I suggest that I have a
problem with traditions not imposed on ME?
Whose hair and skin "SHOULD" I see? I have
seen more hair and skin than you could possibly
Lol 🤣🤣🤣 Who has forced you to wear an abaya?
Tell that to the people terrorized for “blasphemy”. You seem to have no cogent argument beyond “shut up”, Adolph.
So true----as to the "you can be as immodest as
you like" ---comment. NOT TRUE in shariah
adherent lands for non-muslims or even parts
of countries like India and Indonesia that are
locally controlled by muslims
How does a woman in an abaya affect your life? Did you run up to her in the grocery store and ask her if she's happy? Did you tell her she has rights? You want to impose your culture on others.
I would not, but then I also would not approve of punishment for those women that reject the veil. Even in western countries we have honor killings. Isn’t that an imposition of culture, if we’re supposed to accept it?
How does a woman in an abaya affect your life? Did you run up to her in the grocery store and ask her if she's happy? Did you tell her she has rights? You want to impose your culture on others.

So why are they living in Arab lands?
"were"---past tense. The relatives to which I
referred were already THERE when islam happened
to them. Ezra told them to leave.....he was right
Why did they move to Yemen in the first place?
for the same reason Ukrainians are fleeing
Ukraine-----there was constant warfare in the
Middle east. There were SUPER POWERS at
each other's throats---Egypt, Babylon, Assyria. etc.
Humans have been MOVING AROUND for thousands
of years for survival.
How does a woman in an abaya affect your life? Did you run up to her in the grocery store and ask her if she's happy? Did you tell her she has rights? You want to impose your culture on others.
you have introduced a very interesting issue, to
wit, do "other" cultural norms affect "US" In
this case "us" is USA cultural norms which are
largely christian/european. If your answer is "NO"
then you are beyond repair
for the same reason Ukrainians are fleeing
Ukraine-----there was constant warfare in the
Middle east. There were SUPER POWERS at
each other's throats---Egypt, Babylon, Assyria. etc.
Humans have been MOVING AROUND for thousands
of years for survival.
There was constant warfare everywhere, but you have more rights to Palestine than the others who lived there 3000 years.
you have introduced a very interesting issue, to
wit, do "other" cultural norms affect "US" In
this case "us" is USA cultural norms which are
largely christian/european. If your answer is "NO"
then you are beyond repair
The US has had Chinese and Africans since early on. You want to ban all religions except Christianity?
There was constant warfare everywhere, but you have more rights to Palestine than the others who lived there 3000 years.
could you define your terms? eg "palestine"
"others" and 3000 years !!!! << ie the significance
of this very random and arbitrary time-span.
Do you insist that DRAVDIAN HINDUS OWN ALL
insist that I own Jordan? An interesting note---
Joseph's tomb is in NABLUS. There is no ANCIENT
city of NABLUS----when Joseph got there it was
SHECHEM----then ROME HAPPENED and the city
was rebuilt and became NEOPOLIS. Arabs have a
problem with P. ----so Neopolis became Nablus
after the commencement of the glorious age
of islamic rape and pillage. Who should have
"rights" -----(you know where the oil of yemen is--
hubby was born there----do WE have oil rights?)
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The US has had Chinese and Africans since early on. You want to ban all religions except Christianity?
can you define "early on" in addition to the
significance of your imaginary 3000 years and
the word "palestine" I never mentioned
banning religions----I like Quakers. If they
tried to pass a law requiring ME to address you
as THOU----I would be against it. Now for the
good news----a Quaker MEETING HOUSE could
double as a mosque----ie---it is a plain room but
if a bunch of Quakers stormed into a hospital
chapel and pulled crosses off the wall----I would
It isn't? Could you define your terms, to wit,
'the west' 'right for divorce' 'inheritance or
even property' .....where and when? did you lift
that BS from Pickthall's forward to his version of the
See my most recent post.
Is that denial?

"In the early nineteenth century, married women in the US were legally subordinate to their husbands. Wives could not own their own property, keep their own wages, or enter into contracts."

I am not AT ALL sure that the gilderlehrman article
portrays an accurate picture of WOMEN'S RIGHTS
in DA WEST. Of note is the fact that the TIME noted
is early 1800s and the laws VARIED from state to
state. Way back then "state's rights" were a big
issue and reflected local religions and mores and
included all sorts of stuff repudiated by the ever
more rising concepts of the AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT which reflected what we today
know as WESTERN NORMS. The USA way back
then was new and most people were illiterate----
especially women and anyone not Anglo-saxon.
The USA consisted of marginal people and was
primitive relative to European culture represented by
England and France. What is the point of bringing
it up in a discussion of today's "WEST" vs "the
Islamic World"?

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