Ask about Islam

A faith is as the faith presents.
The Koran has a lot of leaders who interpret the Koran in a destructive manner.
All the apologies in the world don't stop the tyranny and bloodshed.
If you mean a faith is as its adherents present then you're simply wrong.

I'm not convinced those who claim to do so are being honest. The Quran is a clear book. Anyone who wants to understand it, can understand it.

Some people use guns in a destructive manner. Should gun be done away with?

Who said the solution is apologizing? Who's apologizing anyway?
See my most recent post.
I saw it------see mine. USA 1800 did not represent
"THE WEST" as that term is used by the Taliban in
Afghanistan and AL-SHABAAB in Somalia or any
person from a Shariah adherent country
If you mean a faith is as its adherents present then you're simply wrong.

I'm not convinced those who claim to do so are being honest. The Quran is a clear book. Anyone who wants to understand it, can understand it.

Some people use guns in a destructive manner. Should gun be done away with?

Who said the solution is apologizing? Who's apologizing anyway?
600,000,000 Muslims should be apologizing.
If you mean a faith is as its adherents present then you're simply wrong.

I'm not convinced those who claim to do so are being honest. The Quran is a clear book. Anyone who wants to understand it, can understand it.

Some people use guns in a destructive manner. Should gun be done away with?

Who said the solution is apologizing? Who's apologizing anyway?
I find your comment interesting----so many muslims have told me that without arabic--one
cannot understand what the koran says. I have
never met even one educated Iranian who knew
any arabic. In fact most of the muslims with
whom I have worked never read it AT ALL. I do
know people who have LIVED in Shariah adherent
societies. To live shariah is to KNOW shariah
could you define your terms? eg "palestine"
"others" and 3000 years !!!! << ie the significance
of this very random and arbitrary time-span.
Do you insist that DRAVDIAN HINDUS OWN ALL
insist that I own Jordan? An interesting note---
Joseph's tomb is in NABLUS. There is no ANCIENT
city of NABLUS----when Joseph got there it was
SHECHEM----then ROME HAPPENED and the city
was rebuilt and became NEOPOLIS. Arabs have a
problem with P. ----so Neopolis became Nablus
after the commencement of the glorious age
of islamic rape and pillage. Who should have
"rights" -----(you know where the oil of yemen is--
hubby was born there----do WE have oil rights?)
Most of it's history Palestine was ruled by Egypt, Syria, Greeks, Romans and Turks... But the Arabs were always there. I see your problem. You want Arab oil. Isn't it enough that you've taken oil fields in the waters off Gaza and from the Golan heights?
the issue is reality. To wit, that which actually
takes place in the real world----not that which
is murmured in the Parlor for guests like our very
own anglican informant
What kind of an issue do you have with reality?
I am intrigued. What is the penalty in islamic
law for a man who slaps his wife? (by "slap"
I am referring to striking a person with an opened
There is no decided penalty, afaik, it depends on the situation.
What are you feelings on this. . . ???

Memoirs of Mr. Hempher, The British Spy to the Middle East

We have a lot of common-wealth spooks on this site, trying to subvert liberal democratic republicanism. . . lots of Canadians, Australians, Brits, etc. . . so, I tend to be suspicious of a lot of the Muslims on here too.

The Brits and Eurotrash are currently trying to subvert our government, (they haven't given up for over a century,) and get us involved in yet another European war. . . :rolleyes:

Be careful how you answer.

If it's referring to the "wahabbism" = Islam as taught by the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the Quran, then I call that lies.
Why do Women have to cover their hair?
It is a command from Allah for them to cover their entire body and, according to many scholars, also their faces and their hands - with loose clothing which is not see through and which is not attractive in itself.

Women are beautiful and they should cover their beauty for the benefit of themselves in terms of modesty, safety and purity of the heart as well as for the benefit of the society.
No, there are too many and the stories ring true, especially when they talk about current events, for example someone being lynched by a mob for alleged blasphemy in Pakistan. IMO, you’re at best willfully blind or at worst the actual liar and not the youtubers.
I'm not referring to their personal experiences, but to their claims on Islam; what it is, what is part of it and what is not part of it.

Usually when people suffer abuse they blame people, while these people have chosen to blame a religion even though they have no basis for that.

On top of the monstrous lie, they cannot solve a problem if they cannot even point out what the problem is.
It is a command from Allah for them to cover their entire body and, according to many scholars, also their faces and their hands - with loose clothing which is not see through and which is not attractive in itself.

Women are beautiful and they should cover their beauty for the benefit of themselves in terms of modesty, safety and purity of the heart as well as for the benefit of the society.
Is it for their benefit or because the men are weak?
IMO, that’s a willful lie as laid out in 2:225. If that’s not the case, explain what the passage means. What is the reason one would not be held to their oaths, if not to deceive?
"Allah will not take you to task for that which is unintentional in your oaths. But He will take you to task for that which your hearts have garnered. Allah is Forgiving, Clement." 2:225

You know the word unintentional, right? Would you say that, in general, lies are unintentional or that a person lies unintentionally?

Ibn Abbas, one of the most highly respected scholars of interpretation of the Quran, says about this verse:

"(Allah will not take you to task for that which is unintentional in your oaths) by imposing amends for unintentional oaths such as saying: “No, by Allah” or “Yes indeed, by Allah” upon buying and selling and upon other instances of idle talk. (But He will take you to task for that which your hearts have garnered) what is hidden in your hearts. (And Allah is Forgiving) of your unintentional oaths, (Clement) in that He does not hasten punishment upon you; it is also said: idle talk is an oath for committing transgression. If one refrains from it and makes amends, then Allah does not take one to task for it; but if one does not refrain from so doing, then Allah will take one to task for it."

"Allah will not take you to task for that which is unintentional in your oaths. But He will take you to task for that which your hearts have garnered. Allah is Forgiving, Clement." 2:225

You know the word unintentional, right? Would you say that, in general, lies are unintentional or that a person lies unintentionally?

Ibn Abbas, one of the most highly respected scholars of interpretation of the Quran, says about this verse:

"(Allah will not take you to task for that which is unintentional in your oaths) by imposing amends for unintentional oaths such as saying: “No, by Allah” or “Yes indeed, by Allah” upon buying and selling and upon other instances of idle talk. (But He will take you to task for that which your hearts have garnered) what is hidden in your hearts. (And Allah is Forgiving) of your unintentional oaths, (Clement) in that He does not hasten punishment upon you; it is also said: idle talk is an oath for committing transgression. If one refrains from it and makes amends, then Allah does not take one to task for it; but if one does not refrain from so doing, then Allah will take one to task for it."

I must be using a different “reading”. Mine says ‘vain’, not ‘unintentional’. Your version doesn’t make sense, since who would consider an honest mistake a sin? Sounds like he wasn’t talking about honest mistakes.
If it's referring to the "wahabbism" = Islam as taught by the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the Quran, then I call that lies.
Al wahab was about getting rid of the innovations that had crept into Islam during the ottoman caliphate.

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