Ask about Islam

That’s fine for the woman that agrees, but what of the one who does not? If she’s punished in any way, that’s a violation of basic human rights.
Human rights in Islam are somewhat different from yours. Don't pretend they're some kind of laws ingrained in a human being — you made them up not so long ago for yourself.

That would be an issue between her and her husband. Usually married people try to please each other. They're not at war. They love each other.
Human rights in Islam are somewhat different from yours. Don't pretend they're some kind of laws ingrained in a human being — you made them up not so long ago for yourself.

That would be an issue between her and her husband. Usually married people try to please each other. They're not at war. They love each other.
Konradv is simply ignorant. Pay her no mind.
Like I've mentioned before, all seven styles of recitation were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

That's a description of how things seem.
That’s impossible, since the dots in Arabic that lead to the different readings were introduced after the death of Mohammed.
Konradv is simply ignorant. Pay her no mind.
You‘ve added absolutely nothing to the discussion. You’re the one that needs to shut up. Claiming expertise because you lived in the ME is unconvincing and your attempts at insults are just lame. Post something relevant, instead of just parroting the apologists. At least I’ve posted citations for my statements.
You‘ve added absolutely nothing to the discussion. You’re the one that needs to shut up. Claiming expertise because you lived in the ME is unconvincing and your attempts at insults are just lame. Post something relevant, instead of just parroting the apologists. At least I’ve posted citations for my statements.
There are 40,000 Americans living and working in Arabia who would laugh at your ignorance. You are full of hate. Good luck.
It is God's command and it has been since the time of Abraham, who circumcised himself when he was 80 years old.
absolute rubbish and there is nothing in any Koran to verify that. Try again.
All messengers after him were circumcised, including Jesus (peace be upon him).
In fact it was and still is a Jewish tradition used to positively identify who they are. In doubt ones are asked to show their dick to prove it.
We do not know all the wisdom behind God's commands so there is no simplistic answer as to why circumcision is part of Islam other than that it is a command of God.
Islam is plagiarised from a few religions and circumcision is in all of them, being Judaism. It was adopted because if that and God never issued a command if that nature nor issues any commands ever. It is all religious bullshit.
A hadith (a prophetic narration) says: "Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Ibrahim (peace be upon him) circumcised himself when he was eighty years old, and he circumcised himself with an adze.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)
Yeah sure he did. And you expect people to belief that?
Circumcision is obligatory for men and for women it is not obligatory, though some scholars view it as obligatory even for women.
Scholars do not believe that. That is a lie. Anyone who is smart enough to be a scholar would not be a believer in any filthy Islam religion.
It is done to girls of an early age to make sex before marriage very painful. But that doesn't stop them. They root just as much as the men.
A great benefit of it is purity. In Islam cleanliness is highly valued and if a person fails to clean his private parts for each ritual washing before prayer, his prayer is invalid.
If that's the case, why don't Muslims bath more regularly? Everyone I've ever seen stinks like a dead dog. Why would they wash their dick thinking their are then pure? What a load of shit. The reference to invalid prayers is equally as ridiculous bearing in mind the prayer goes no where.
For women the main benefit is the reducing of sexual desire.
Yes and I wonder why. Because the vast majority of men are all virgins. Islam has forced them into it.
They are sexually frustrated and go on to commit violent sex crimes in modern societies but then have the gall to mutilate the women attempting to stop it.
How compassionate of Islam to pursue their misogyny to such depths.

Tell me some more about your hideous barbaric religion. I'm loving this.
I am a Muslim and I'm happy to answer any questions you may have about Islam.

(I do not read, let alone answer, any obscene or offensive [in terms of language] posts, though.)
What is the Sharia Law all about and what is the pillar of Islam?
Even in western countries we have honor killings. Isn’t that an imposition of culture, if we’re supposed to accept it?
No, that's called a crime. Your own people do a fair amount of it. You call it murder due to jealousy.
I am not AT ALL sure that the gilderlehrman article
portrays an accurate picture of WOMEN'S RIGHTS
in DA WEST. Of note is the fact that the TIME noted
is early 1800s and the laws VARIED from state to
state. Way back then "state's rights" were a big
issue and reflected local religions and mores and
included all sorts of stuff repudiated by the ever
more rising concepts of the AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT which reflected what we today
know as WESTERN NORMS. The USA way back
then was new and most people were illiterate----
especially women and anyone not Anglo-saxon.
The USA consisted of marginal people and was
primitive relative to European culture represented by
England and France. What is the point of bringing
it up in a discussion of today's "WEST" vs "the
Islamic World"?
Scroll back. Someone brought up women's rights in the west.

If you're arguing women in some states had it well, then show your proof. Your hypothesis is not enough of an argument.
I saw it------see mine. USA 1800 did not represent
"THE WEST" as that term is used by the Taliban in
Afghanistan and AL-SHABAAB in Somalia or any
person from a Shariah adherent country
That was just an example. The situation wasn't better in Europe either.

"From the beginning of the revolution, the interpretation of the Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen [Declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen] of August 26, 1789 emphasized the exclusion of women from this new principle of equality and liberty. While women obtained new civil rights (inheritance, divorce), the status of citizen was reserved only for adult French men."

The original Egyptian were Annu. They consider themselves Arabs today. Just like the European Jews are Jews. What is your issue?
RIGHT----they have been arabized by conquest----
how long have you been clueless?
Scroll back. Someone brought up women's rights in the west.

If you're arguing women in some states had it well, then show your proof. Your hypothesis is not enough of an argument.
proof of what? what is your hypothesis---that muhummad introduced the idea that women can
OWN PROPERTY? BS!!!!! Women owned property in DA WEST (that is Europe) and in the Middle East
and the Orient for more than a thousand years
before muhummad was born. Idiot Pickthall ALSO
claims that muhummad INVENTED the idea of
manumission of slaves ie "freeing slaves" ----MORE BS believed by just about every muslim I have met.
There are mechanisms for freeing slaves in just about
EVERY SLAVE society for thousands of years from East to West. Contracts? as old as the hills for both men and women.
A real laugh is the CLAIM that muslims write---
"muslim women write their own marriage contracts"
ROFLMAO even today most muslim women in the
world are completely illiterate and unable to so much
as mark a consent form with an X without either
HUBBY or even a brother to do it for her. "An Xray?
I have to ask my brother"
That was just an example. The situation wasn't better in Europe either.

"From the beginning of the revolution, the interpretation of the Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen [Declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen] of August 26, 1789 emphasized the exclusion of women from this new principle of equality and liberty. While women obtained new civil rights (inheritance, divorce), the status of citizen was reserved only for adult French men."

Citizen meaning the right to VOTE-----very new
in islamic lands----and reserved for MUSLIM MEN
until recently
(kaffirin excluded----keep in mind---my very own
hubby was born in a shariah adherent shit hole----
a DHIMMI-----the escape was to avoid the dhimmi
orphan law ----his mother had been vulnerable at
about age 12-----)
That is false. They also fight against oppressors.
They are oppressors----keep in mind---hubby was
born a DHIMMI in a Shariah adherent shit hole. For those out there in cyberspace----talk to "kaffirin" who have survived the condition of dhimmi. There are lots in the USA-----zoroastrians from Mumbai (bombay)
are a good source----christians from Bosnia, too. For more fun talk to BANGLADESHIS-----including muslims and also WEST PAKISTANI Hindus who managed to escape the west pakistani GENOCIDE and get to East Bengal, India
There are 40,000 Americans living and working in Arabia who would laugh at your ignorance. You are full of hate. Good luck.
Ignorant of what? even little old me has known
people who worked in arabia. The oil rich countries NEED persons with expertise and PAY WELL---they also import impoverished people from India and Philippines and treat them like slaves----well documented. Want some stories about Jewish doctors in Saudi Arabia---for laughs?
They are oppressors----keep in mind---hubby was
born a DHIMMI in a Shariah adherent shit hole.
You've stated many times that your husband was a baby when his family migrated from a muslim country to the west.
Yet, you continue to pretend to the people here that he was oppressed by muslims and forced to flee the country. ... :cuckoo:
You've stated many times that your husband was a baby when his family migrated from a muslim country to the west.
Yet, you continue to pretend to the people here that he was oppressed by muslims and forced to flee the country. ... :cuckoo:
right---HE was a baby----his parents and grandfather
were adults as were many in the little party that fled the filth-----those that survived had MEMORIES. Gee are you just pretending to be THAT DIM ? They migrated to DA WEST? ----

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