Ask about Islam

Most of it's history Palestine was ruled by Egypt, Syria, Greeks, Romans and Turks... But the Arabs were always there. I see your problem. You want Arab oil. Isn't it enough that you've taken oil fields in the waters off Gaza and from the Golan heights?
"ruled by"?? you got it---Israel/Samaria was
invaded and occupied----the Egyptians and Syrians
and Greeks and Romans and Turks ---are not and
were not arabs. Your grasp of history is PATHETIC.
YOU see "my problem"? Try again---its you who
got the problems. ----and felafel is probably
Greek even before it was Egyptian. An interesting
factoid >>>> in ancient history originating from
what is today "arabia" were called ISHMAELITES
and characterzed as nomads, caravan robbers,
unwashed and illiterate
"ruled by"?? you got it---Israel/Samaria was
invaded and occupied----the Egyptians and Syrians
and Greeks and Romans and Turks ---are not and
were not arabs. Your grasp of history is PATHETIC.
YOU see "my problem"? Try again---its you who
got the problems. ----and felafel is probably
Greek even before it was Egyptian. An interesting
factoid >>>> in ancient history originating from
what is today "arabia" were called ISHMAELITES
and characterzed as nomads, caravan robbers,
unwashed and illiterate
The Syrians are Arabs and so we're the Akkadians and Amorites. Abraham had many sons by his Arab wife Keturah. Abraham was probably an Arab or a Canaanite since he was from Urfa near Haran.
What kind of an issue do you have with reality?
to what reality do you imagine you are referring?
I have been in LOTS of parlors and I had even read
the crap BEFORE hearing it again in the parlors...
and now reading it on your posts. It is very
The Syrians are Arabs and so we're the Akkadians and Amorites. Abraham had many sons by his Arab wife Keturah. Abraham was probably an Arab or a Canaanite since he was from Urfa near Haran.
ROFLMAO right---and muhummad invented
pita and felafel. -----and for persons from
Southeast Asia----THE MUGHALS invented
Chapattis and Dal. Thanks for reminding me
of my youth. You got some source material
----like some pottery shards describing
Egyptians as "ARABS"? -----lets talk about
SHISH KEBAB-----variable stories---either
muhummad or the Mughals. It's ok----
Russians used to do the same thing---guess
who invented the electroencephalogram
There is no decided penalty, afaik, it depends on the situation.
I do not know the word, afaik. Are you suggesting
that the people who told me and those who wrote
ROFLMAO right---and muhummad invented
pita and felafel. -----and for persons from
Southeast Asia----THE MUGHALS invented
Chapattis and Dal. Thanks for reminding me
of my youth. You got some source material
----like some pottery shards describing
Egyptians as "ARABS"? -----lets talk about
SHISH KEBAB-----variable stories---either
muhummad or the Mughals. It's ok----
Russians used to do the same thing---guess
who invented the electroencephalogram
It's pitiful that you feel compelled to take ownership of everything.
It's pitiful that you feel compelled to take ownership of everything.
gee---now you are IMAGINING---where do you find
that I have taken ownership----are you suggesting
that if I deny that the Mughals INVENTED chappatis
and Dal that I am CLAIMING that I did? How long
have you had such thoughts?
If it's referring to the "wahabbism" = Islam as taught by the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the Quran, then I call that lies.
where is islam practiced as it was taught
by Muhummad? If not perfectly practiced---
where is it recognized by muslim clerics in
authority who at least attempt to practice it?
where is islam practiced as it was taught
by Muhummad? If not perfectly practiced---
where is it recognized by muslim clerics in
authority who at least attempt to practice it?
Where is Judaism practiced as it was taught?
Where is Judaism practiced as it was taught?
as it was taught by whom? I did not allude
to some putative paragon of perfection in
jewish ethos who is so "HOLY" that
suggesting anything less is a capital crime
Most of it's history Palestine was ruled by Egypt, Syria, Greeks, Romans and Turks... But the Arabs were always there. I see your problem. You want Arab oil. Isn't it enough that you've taken oil fields in the waters off Gaza and from the Golan heights?
fascinating-----how do you define the
"history of palestine". You seem to be
confused on definitions----like the definition
of "arab" ---- you seem to have the idea
the Cleopatra was an arab along with Nimrod
fascinating-----how do you define the
"history of palestine". You seem to be
confused on definitions----like the definition
of "arab" ---- you seem to have the idea
the Cleopatra was an arab along with Nimrod
Arabs were people who migrated out of Arabia in waves starting about 10,000 years ago. Cleopatra was Greek. Nimrod was the great grandson of Noah. He was from Mesopotamia.
Arabs were people who migrated out of Arabia in waves starting about 10,000 years ago. Cleopatra was Greek. Nimrod was the great grandson of Noah. He was from Mesopotamia.
you have a very vague definition of "arab"---
almost like the lineage of the POTATO. Humans
migrated extensively thruout the current estimate
of "HUMANS ON EARTH"---200,000 years.
WAVES - passed thru - just about everywhere.
Those you call "arabs" "passed thru" lots of
other places too. By your definition of "arab"
at least 1 Quarter of the world would be "arab"--
(or eurasian, north american, south american,
Iberian, Scandanavian etc etc. You render the
term "arab" meaningless
you have a very vague definition of "arab"---
almost like the lineage of the POTATO. Humans
migrated extensively thruout the current estimate
of "HUMANS ON EARTH"---200,000 years.
WAVES - passed thru - just about everywhere.
Those you call "arabs" "passed thru" lots of
other places too. By your definition of "arab"
at least 1 Quarter of the world would be "arab"--
(or eurasian, north american, south american,
Iberian, Scandanavian etc etc. You render the
term "arab" meaningless
Just in the middle east. You sure are defensive.
Just in the middle east. You sure are defensive.
all the people in the Middle east are "arabs"?
Having BECOME "arab" by passing thru
arabia? I am fascinated. Do you know when they were so designated historically ? Did the king of Egypt, Ramses, know that he was an "arab" Cleopatra was born in Egypt---which is the middle east. Her mother tongue was Greek but she learned to speak the language of Egypt which was not arabic------middle east girl----not arab. Language of Egypt----not arabic.
TODAY Egyptians claim to BE ARABS
Why is the wording different, when the Quran has been in heaven unchanged for all time?

So you think the sun setting in a muddy spring is scientifically accurate?(Quran 18:86)
Like I've mentioned before, all seven styles of recitation were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

That's a description of how things seem.
all the people in the Middle east are "arabs"?
Having BECOME "arab" by passing thru
arabia? I am fascinated. Do you know when they were so designated historically ? Did the king of Egypt, Ramses, know that he was an "arab" Cleopatra was born in Egypt---which is the middle east. Her mother tongue was Greek but she learned to speak the language of Egypt which was not arabic------middle east girl----not arab. Language of Egypt----not arabic.
TODAY Egyptians claim to BE ARABS
The original Egyptian were Annu. They consider themselves Arabs today. Just like the European Jews are Jews. What is your issue?
There’s no reason for modern women to be held to those standards.
Of modesty? Most men probably don't want that either. They prefer to see all and see immediately with no work and no pay. Tell me about the virtue in it though.

Is it because you want women to be free? Has nothing to do with what you want, right? Call it women's rights. Even porn and prostitution are considered some of women's rights in your society.

What about a man economically supporting his wife and children? Few men are up for that in that same society. Is that because they want to support women's right to work or because they just don't think it's worth the trouble?
Of modesty? Most men probably don't want that either. They prefer to see all and see immediately with no work and no pay. Tell me about the virtue in it though.

Is it because you want women to be free? Has nothing to do with what you want, right? Call it women's rights. Even porn and prostitution are considered some of women's rights in your society.

What about a man economically supporting his wife and children? Few men are up for that in that same society. Is that because they want to support women's right to work or because they just don't think it's worth the trouble?
Last time I was in Arabia I was shocked at how many women were in business... Everything from publishing to import/ export to HomeGoods, boutiques, beauty shops to restaurants to art galleries. We laughed and talked into the wee hours about husbands, children, work.. I asked what do you do if your kids smoke pot? They said, we put them in treatment.

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