Ben Franklin Said It Best

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
Keywords and phrases are "essential Liberty" and "a little temporary Safety". Both are subjective and open to interpretation.
Your interpretation is way off
Life liberty and happiness are basic rights
temporary safety doesn't mean the threat goes away it means the threat will grow to something else and you never get the freedoms back you gave up.
Large groups of people aren't that essential
That's your opinion- those large groups people (and the Individuals in them) are the ones who have the right to determine essential.
Just imagine back in the '80s if the federal government would have treated AIDS like the same way they have treated covid 19 shut down every gay hotspot their would not have been any spread of aids
Large groups of people aren't that essential
That's your opinion- those large groups people (and the Individuals in them) are the ones who have the right to determine essential.
Just imagine back in the '80s if the federal government would have treated AIDS like the same way they have treated covid 19 shut down every gay hotspot their would not have been any spread of aids
AIDS is nothing like this coronavirus.

HIV is transmitted via a completely different vector and is nowhere near as contagious
And once again this is nothing but a temporary modification of behavior.

that would be less painful if true

Prove to me it's not true
the patriot act
This isn't the Patriot Act.

Tell me what laws have been passed that make social distancing the law of the land.

I was addressing 'temporary' Blues dude

9/11 and the PA are the best example

The PA did not 'sunset' did it?

In fact we've PA 2 iirc now

add to that TSA, Homeland Security, NSA, along with a gaggle of federal 'big bro' agencies to enforce it all

so, given our past history of bowing to security measures that don't go away, it's reasonable to expect similar results down the road after our lovely governance's 'martial law lockdown dry run' appear in legislature

Large groups of people aren't that essential
That's your opinion- those large groups people (and the Individuals in them) are the ones who have the right to determine essential.
Just imagine back in the '80s if the federal government would have treated AIDS like the same way they have treated covid 19 shut down every gay hotspot their would not have been any spread of aids
AIDS is nothing like this coronavirus.

HIV is transmitted via a completely different vector and is nowhere near as contagious
Aids is passed through Human to human interaction Aids has killed more humans than covid 19 has
Large groups of people aren't that essential for a few weeks if the alternative is unchecked spread of the virus. Getting past the curve is more than just a little temporary safety.

An ability to go about one's business with relatively little obstruction, to do one's job in order to earn a living, and to shop for food and other necessary items, is essential, not just as an abstract concept of “liberty”, but as a very real and tangible requirement for long-term survival.

In this latest crisis, we're not just being asked/demanded to give up mere “liberty” in exchange for an empty promise of safety; we are being asked/demanded to give up actual safety for illusory safety.
That quote by Franklin was actually IN SUPPORT of the authority of the Pennsylvania Assembly to tax a particular large landholder who the Governor was continuing to "let off the hook." The Assembly was trying to raise money to fight the French and Indian War. It's kind of confusing, but Franklin's quote had nothing to do with individual liberties. He was talking about TAXES.

It takes a LIbEral/Democrap to take a quote about liberty, and twist it into something about excesses of government power and greed. It's reminiscent of one of Orwell's three slogans, “Freedom is slavery!”
For a few weeks? CV is here to stay, and when people get tired of that BS excuse then it’s the global warming myth to suspend liberty. Then the next virus.

I think we're seeing this abusive exploitation of the Coronavirus fear as a successor to the Global Warming/Climate Change hoax, after efforts to exploit that in order to get people to surrender their freedom and prosperity have failed.

Except for the most gullible, ignorant, and cowardly among us, it's become clear by now that Americans, for the most part, just are not falling for the Global Warming/Climate Change hoax, and are not going to accept it as a reason why we should surrender to Big Brother.
I'm not so sure eating out or drinking at a bar are "essential" liberties.

They certainly are, to those who depend on these activities to earn their living, to keep a roof over their own heads and food on their own tables.

In fact I don't feel too put out at all.

But then again I work for myself and mostly from home anyway.

Great. So you don't care about other people starving on the streets, as long as you can earn your own living.
Those who think a temporary modification of their behavior is somehow a threat to their rights aren't understanding the old saying…

Nobody is talking about “a temporary modification of their behavior”. What we are talking about, here, is a very real threat, to most people's ability to earn a living, to meet our basic survival needs.
A voluntary and temporary lockdown for the sake of saving lives is not taking anyone’s ”liberty” away. If any anything it is in the pursuit of ”life” that the government is taking this action. But of course I am pro-life and not pro-death.


Depriving someone of the right to travel freely, and to assemble freely, is taking away some of his liberty. It is absurd to claim otherwise.

Now if you are stupid/gullible/cowardly enough to believe the ridiculous fiction that this is to save anyone's life, or if you think that this or any other excuse, is sufficient to justify the liberties that are being taken away, then that's another argument, but to argue that liberty is not being taken away is just about as wrong as you can possibly be.
Wrong...the Patriot act gave sweeping surveillance powers to the federal government that still exist today. The current lockdown is temporary and to save American lives. Suck it up for the sake of your fellow citizens.

I think an important point is that once government seizes a given power, it does not easily give it up. The powers that it seized almost two decades ago, with the Patriot Act, it is still hanging on to. Do you think it will ever give up those powers?

And foolishly, we've allowed government to scare us all with this ridiculous CoronaVirus hysteria, and use that as an excuse to seize unprecedented powers, that it never would have been able to seize, if not for the fact that it got too many of us scared and panicking and not thinking clearly about the implications of what we are allowing to happen.
And once again this is nothing but a temporary modification of behavior.

that would be less painful if true

Prove to me it's not true
the patriot act
This isn't the Patriot Act.

Tell me what laws have been passed that make social distancing the law of the land.

I was addressing 'temporary' Blues dude

9/11 and the PA are the best example

The PA did not 'sunset' did it?

In fact we've PA 2 iirc now

add to that TSA, Homeland Security, NSA, along with a gaggle of federal 'big bro' agencies to enforce it all

so, given our past history of bowing to security measures that don't go away, it's reasonable to expect similar results down the road after our lovely governance's 'martial law lockdown dry run' appear in legislature

But no laws have been passed at the federal or state level that will make any of the temporary measures permanent

And none of them will be made permanent
I'm not so sure eating out or drinking at a bar are "essential" liberties.

They certainly are, to those who depend on these activities to earn their living, to keep a roof over their own heads and food on their own tables.

In fact I don't feel too put out at all.

But then again I work for myself and mostly from home anyway.

Great. So you don't care about other people starving on the streets, as long as you can earn your own living.
No one is starving on the streets
Large groups of people aren't that essential
That's your opinion- those large groups people (and the Individuals in them) are the ones who have the right to determine essential.
Just imagine back in the '80s if the federal government would have treated AIDS like the same way they have treated covid 19 shut down every gay hotspot their would not have been any spread of aids
AIDS is nothing like this coronavirus.

HIV is transmitted via a completely different vector and is nowhere near as contagious
Aids is passed through Human to human interaction Aids has killed more humans than covid 19 has
I never said it didn't.

The transmission vector is vastly different.

You can get COVID if someone sneezes on you but you have to intimately share bodily fluids in order to get AIDS

Don't tell me you can't understand the difference

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