Best way to beat Trump? Allow him to talk off-script..

Hillary is attacking the Constitution and the foundation of our nation, top that you can't.

Poor know nothing

^^^ irony projection prize winner of the week. :laugh:

As if you had two synapses to rub together.

You can go look up what a synapse is

Here have a tissue you cry baby :crybaby:

You're too stupid to realize you're the one whining, aren't you?

Have you looked up what a synapse is yet?

My pinky is smarter than you libwit, have you looked up loser its says, Loser: libwit, idiot, a jillian
Hillary wonders off to ridiculous conspiracy theories even WITH a teleprompter.

The completely out of control media has made it so that not even the best can speak without a teleprompter, as they will twist the words into something that simply isn't... Unless everything is analyzed in clinical fashion beforehand to rule out any and all ways a retard could misunderstand the speech. What good is freedom of speech in these circumstances?

Well not much, it's not surprising that Hillary wants to get rid of it. She can't speak a word without a teleprompter on her side, so why should other people be able to?

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