Biden Met with the Pregnant Widow of a Marine Killed In Kabul. It Did Not Go Well.

The Democrats are impervious to the real world. They think everybody loves them because the Negroes and Illegals do. They don't understand the disdain real Americans have for them.
I guess that explains why so many whites voted for Biden and got rid of Trump...
Woman in Morning Exploited by Right Wing Media

FNN - Newly widowed Jiennah McCollum had her grief harvested and exploited by right wing media outlets today. Right wing nut houses like US Message Boards and QAnon Cannon were a buzz with links to rag outlets like Townhall which basically rewrote the Washington Post first hand story. News at eleven.
That doesn't surprise me. Right wing media makes up shit all the time.
I didn’t click anything, you’re still an idiot.
You double quoted me… you’re an idiot. And yes you did click the underlined words.
Covid has become the go to distraction communist democrats cling to.
It’s fucking over. Done. But what isn’t over is the power grab. Show your papers to go eat, show them to go see any show, show them to travel. All the while your kids are masked up and compliant. We lose this country in ten years. To kids who wear masks 24-7 for safety. Freedom is no longer an option. Listen to your better on tv. And do what he says.

Biden Met with the Pregnant Widow of a Marine Killed In Kabul. It Did Not Go Well.​

30 Aug 2021 ~~ By Julio Rosas
President Joe Biden attended the dignified transfers of the U.S. service members at Dover Air Force Base on Sunday, with the family members in attendance. After the ceremony, Biden met with some of the families but according to the Washington Post, one meeting did not go well.
The service members, who were comprised of Marines, a Navy Corpsman, and a soldier, were killed on Thursday after a suicide bomber and gunman attacked the Abbey gate at Hamid Karzai International Airport. Over 100 Afghan civilians were also killed in the attack.
The family of Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum — his sisters, his father, and McCollum's wife, Jiennah McCollum — were at Dover for the ceremony, but only Jiennah went to meet with Biden as the rest of the family did not want to speak with Biden because they hold him responsible for Rylee's death:
"Only Jiennah, who is expecting the couple's child next month, stayed. But she left disappointed, Roice said. The president brought up his son, Beau, according to her account, describing his son's military service and subsequent death from cancer. It struck the family as scripted and shallow, a conversation that lasted only a couple of minutes in 'total disregard to the loss of our Marine,' [sister] Roice said."
'You can't f--- up as bad as he did and say you're sorry,' Roice said of the president. 'This did not need to happen, and every life is on his hands.'
"The White House declined to comment on the private conversations Biden had with families."
The McCollums' reaction tracks with what I was told from sources close to some of the Gold Star families, who said more than one of the families did not even want Biden to attend the dignified transfers.
"You can't have a hasty withdrawal after 20 years of war," Paula Knauss, mother of Ssgt. Ryan Knauss, told the Post. "Because it's beyond me. It disgraces the name of all those who have fought in the past and who are now on the ground, foreign ground fighting right now, my son's [82nd] Airborne is still there, and they deserve to be protected."

This fiasco is a moment if cowardice, shame, willful 8ncimpetence and treason against America by a bunch of self-righteous, self-aggrandizing Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Scum.
They're actually patting themselves on the back every chance they get for some kind of record number of people 'airlifted' out. Not Americans. No mention the clusterfuck they created. Lies and wishful thinking about how the Taliban are going to be 'pressured' into letting out these same Americans they kept from going to the airport.
They've been holding a Navy ma
And, on the anniversary of 9/11 that senile old corrupt traitor is going to stand up and bray about ending the war, pretend his cancer victim son was somehow a hero involved in the war which absolves him of the 13 dead he sacrificed for a 'my accomplishment' moment and expect to be thanked for his Great Deed.
While Joey Xi did nothing to get a Navy veteran released.
See: Hope dims for American hostage as US hastily exits Afghanistan
What the heck were Biden’s puppeteers thinking? No way that could have gone well.
Next up: A MSM article that “exposes” some dark secret of the widow’s past. Won’t matter if it’s true or not. Might be something as simple as having donated to Trump in 2016 and 2020. Could be worse. Nonetheless she's dissed Joey Xi Bai Dung and well she should.

Rylee McCollum's mother called into Andrew Wilkow's radio show on Friday. Her pain was raw and unfiltered, it was hard to listen to, but every person involved in the decisions made in this disaster of a withdrawal should absolutely listen to it. And actually think about the pain that loss like this causes next time they're contemplating decisions that put the young men and women in our armed forces in harm's way.
Coming from a Confederate, we stopped calling them negroes a LONG time ago. So quit being an imbred cousin fucker and get with the times.
Thank you for your input but you are not my supervisor. You call them whatever you want I don't give a shit. Don't be a Karen about what I call them. If you don't like it then I'll tell you what I tell these Moon Bats; kiss my Cracker ass.

So a pregnant woman loses her husband because of bidens failings and his response is to talk about his dead son?

Sometimes Joe not everything is about you. Sometimes you have to atleast pretend like you give a shit about someone else.

Don't cha know it's all about Bia Dung and his family's corrupt and make believe heroism. What they don't want you to know is the truth of their family incest, illicit drug addictions, foray's with prostitutes that result in bastard children.
But Hey, I don't think Hunter is the corrupt only player in this family.
Rylee McCollum's mother called into Andrew Wilkow's radio show on Friday. Her pain was raw and unfiltered, it was hard to listen to, but every person involved in the decisions made in this disaster of a withdrawal should absolutely listen to it. And actually think about the pain that loss like this causes next time they're contemplating decisions that put the young men and women in our armed forces in harm's way.

I agree, what they should do is tie each of them down, slap headphones on them and have this woman's anguish blasting in their ears for a day or two. But that may be considered cruel and unusual punishment. But the death of the thirteen soldiers is certainly cruel and unusual punishment for the thirteen families and those close to them.
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It was scripted...let's be honest.

Xiden can't even speak to the families of the people his disaster killed without someone preparing it for him.

Just sad
I've felt so badly for our lost young men and women who died horrible deaths at the hands of the hateful Al quieda whose bread and butter is killing Jewish and Americans. I saw pictures of the terrorists using Biden's gift of helicopters to parade the cadavers of people they bloody murdered with some of those cutting edge rifles Biden ordered. They tied ropes around their chests and flew them over populated areas for kicks. It has been quite the horror show for people in the bereavement of loved ones seeing those kind of horror images on screen and online. One looked like a big soldier in Army green fatigues.

See what you did for the people over here, who are awaiting the safe return of their loved ones, Mr. President? Maybe being elected by millions of illegal vote ballots wasn't such a great idea for you. The only someone else in the world who has ever used computers to raise his votes was in Venezuela that fell from being by far the wealthiest and healthiest nation in South America to the poorest all so a creep could establish a communist country that was cheated of all its human rights it had before Madurough who also has a cash register heart. :cranky:
Biden spoke with some families all over his son Beau dying of cancer. Ignored what the families had to say.

Biden Met with the Pregnant Widow of a Marine Killed In Kabul. It Did Not Go Well.​

30 Aug 2021 ~~ By Julio Rosas
President Joe Biden attended the dignified transfers of the U.S. service members at Dover Air Force Base on Sunday, with the family members in attendance. After the ceremony, Biden met with some of the families but according to the Washington Post, one meeting did not go well.
The service members, who were comprised of Marines, a Navy Corpsman, and a soldier, were killed on Thursday after a suicide bomber and gunman attacked the Abbey gate at Hamid Karzai International Airport. Over 100 Afghan civilians were also killed in the attack.
The family of Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum — his sisters, his father, and McCollum's wife, Jiennah McCollum — were at Dover for the ceremony, but only Jiennah went to meet with Biden as the rest of the family did not want to speak with Biden because they hold him responsible for Rylee's death:
"Only Jiennah, who is expecting the couple's child next month, stayed. But she left disappointed, Roice said. The president brought up his son, Beau, according to her account, describing his son's military service and subsequent death from cancer. It struck the family as scripted and shallow, a conversation that lasted only a couple of minutes in 'total disregard to the loss of our Marine,' [sister] Roice said."
'You can't f--- up as bad as he did and say you're sorry,' Roice said of the president. 'This did not need to happen, and every life is on his hands.'
"The White House declined to comment on the private conversations Biden had with families."
The McCollums' reaction tracks with what I was told from sources close to some of the Gold Star families, who said more than one of the families did not even want Biden to attend the dignified transfers.
"You can't have a hasty withdrawal after 20 years of war," Paula Knauss, mother of Ssgt. Ryan Knauss, told the Post. "Because it's beyond me. It disgraces the name of all those who have fought in the past and who are now on the ground, foreign ground fighting right now, my son's [82nd] Airborne is still there, and they deserve to be protected."

This fiasco is a moment if cowardice, shame, willful 8ncimpetence and treason against America by a bunch of self-righteous, self-aggrandizing Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Scum.
They're actually patting themselves on the back every chance they get for some kind of record number of people 'airlifted' out. Not Americans. No mention the clusterfuck they created. Lies and wishful thinking about how the Taliban are going to be 'pressured' into letting out these same Americans they kept from going to the airport.
They've been holding a Navy ma
And, on the anniversary of 9/11 that senile old corrupt traitor is going to stand up and bray about ending the war, pretend his cancer victim son was somehow a hero involved in the war which absolves him of the 13 dead he sacrificed for a 'my accomplishment' moment and expect to be thanked for his Great Deed.
While Joey Xi did nothing to get a Navy veteran released.
See: Hope dims for American hostage as US hastily exits Afghanistan
What the heck were Biden’s puppeteers thinking? No way that could have gone well.
Next up: A MSM article that “exposes” some dark secret of the widow’s past. Won’t matter if it’s true or not. Might be something as simple as having donated to Trump in 2016 and 2020. Could be worse. Nonetheless she's dissed Joey Xi Bai Dung and well she should.
Well, at least Biden didn't try to grope the fetus in utero, so there's that! :)
I don’t think it ever goes well when you have to have that conversation.
My response is NOT against you Colfax, I just thought your response was good and needed to be seen further.

fuck trump in ever way.
the man is a POS con man, who has no soul.
Bone Spurs has no standing to EVER talk about the Military or Death of a child.

You RWI clowns bitch about everything and still support lying cheating POS con man trump.
Biden spoke with some families all over his son Beau dying of cancer. Ignored what the families had to say.
You don't know that, you lying POS.

I had a conversation with a lady today, Monday (FACT), and she mentioned how her son was having a difficult time, because her 39 year old husband died suddenly from an aneurysm 6 months ago, and they were struggling. We talked for a bit and I mentioned that I lost my son to cancer 16 years ago (FACT).

Her response was very thankful because she knew I knew what she was going through. She said, "Thank you for understanding and sharing." (FACT).

After my sons death, I talked too many people that suffered similar fates.
A wise one of them said, "I never say, I know how you feel, I ALWAYS say, I know how I would feel."

Attack me as you will Tipsycatlover and again, FUCK YOU, for presenting ZERO understanding.
It didn't go well for any of the families that met with chaos Biden. He droned on and on about his son Beau who died of cancer. One father said he counted four times that Biden looked at his watch. It was sickening.
I truly just hope/wish that you are a foreign troll, because what you type is disgusting.
If you truly are a loving patriot as you claim, then SHAME on you.
You have sunk to levels well below what you once were, I assume, because you could not have been the POS years ago that you are today.

You are probably very proud when you get 'likes' from your fellow CULT members.
You should be embarrassed.
I would LOVE to hear you read your USMB comments to your family.

Once again, FU.
Biden spoke with some families all over his son Beau dying of cancer. Ignored what the families had to say.
You were there? POS.

Biden Met with the Pregnant Widow of a Marine Killed In Kabul. It Did Not Go Well.​

30 Aug 2021 ~~ By Julio Rosas
President Joe Biden attended the dignified transfers of the U.S. service members at Dover Air Force Base on Sunday, with the family members in attendance. After the ceremony, Biden met with some of the families but according to the Washington Post, one meeting did not go well.
The service members, who were comprised of Marines, a Navy Corpsman, and a soldier, were killed on Thursday after a suicide bomber and gunman attacked the Abbey gate at Hamid Karzai International Airport. Over 100 Afghan civilians were also killed in the attack.
The family of Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum — his sisters, his father, and McCollum's wife, Jiennah McCollum — were at Dover for the ceremony, but only Jiennah went to meet with Biden as the rest of the family did not want to speak with Biden because they hold him responsible for Rylee's death:
"Only Jiennah, who is expecting the couple's child next month, stayed. But she left disappointed, Roice said. The president brought up his son, Beau, according to her account, describing his son's military service and subsequent death from cancer. It struck the family as scripted and shallow, a conversation that lasted only a couple of minutes in 'total disregard to the loss of our Marine,' [sister] Roice said."
'You can't f--- up as bad as he did and say you're sorry,' Roice said of the president. 'This did not need to happen, and every life is on his hands.'
"The White House declined to comment on the private conversations Biden had with families."
The McCollums' reaction tracks with what I was told from sources close to some of the Gold Star families, who said more than one of the families did not even want Biden to attend the dignified transfers.
"You can't have a hasty withdrawal after 20 years of war," Paula Knauss, mother of Ssgt. Ryan Knauss, told the Post. "Because it's beyond me. It disgraces the name of all those who have fought in the past and who are now on the ground, foreign ground fighting right now, my son's [82nd] Airborne is still there, and they deserve to be protected."

This fiasco is a moment if cowardice, shame, willful 8ncimpetence and treason against America by a bunch of self-righteous, self-aggrandizing Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Scum.
They're actually patting themselves on the back every chance they get for some kind of record number of people 'airlifted' out. Not Americans. No mention the clusterfuck they created. Lies and wishful thinking about how the Taliban are going to be 'pressured' into letting out these same Americans they kept from going to the airport.
They've been holding a Navy ma
And, on the anniversary of 9/11 that senile old corrupt traitor is going to stand up and bray about ending the war, pretend his cancer victim son was somehow a hero involved in the war which absolves him of the 13 dead he sacrificed for a 'my accomplishment' moment and expect to be thanked for his Great Deed.
While Joey Xi did nothing to get a Navy veteran released.
See: Hope dims for American hostage as US hastily exits Afghanistan
What the heck were Biden’s puppeteers thinking? No way that could have gone well.
Next up: A MSM article that “exposes” some dark secret of the widow’s past. Won’t matter if it’s true or not. Might be something as simple as having donated to Trump in 2016 and 2020. Could be worse. Nonetheless she's dissed Joey Xi Bai Dung and well she should.

Here's a question they should ask.

If Bush hasn't have gone into Afghanistan, would their loved one have died in Afghanistan?
If Obama had pulled out of Afghanistan, would their loved one have died in Afghanistan?
If Trump had pulled out of Afghanistan, would their loved one have died?
Did their loved one know that joining the US warmongering military, that they'd get sent to places where there life would be in danger?
It was scripted...let's be honest.

Xiden can't even speak to the families of the people his disaster killed without someone preparing it for him.

Just sad

How many people died in Afghanistan? Trump didn't exactly do well either, did he? No with the family of those who died in wars, or with the wars themselves.

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