Biden Met with the Pregnant Widow of a Marine Killed In Kabul. It Did Not Go Well.

How many people died in Afghanistan? Trump didn't exactly do well either, did he? No with the family of those who died in wars, or with the wars themselves.
yes he did much much better. For the past year no servicemen was killed. Xiden takes over and we have the deadliest day for our troops in a decade
yes he did much much better. For the past year no servicemen was killed. Xiden takes over and we have the deadliest day for our troops in a decade

Well, 11 died last year, 21 the year before, 14 the year before that, and 14 the year before that.

So.... Trump's policy of staying in cost 59 lives.
Biden's policy of leaving cost 13 lives. And no more.

You can dress it up all you like..... but Biden did the right thing.
Thank you for your input but you are not my supervisor. You call them whatever you want I don't give a shit. Don't be a Karen about what I call them. If you don't like it then I'll tell you what I tell these Moon Bats; kiss my Cracker ass.
Okay then. From now on I'll call you Mr. Faggy McSuckCock. I won't give a shit.
It was scripted...let's be honest.

Xiden can't even speak to the families of the people his disaster killed without someone preparing it for him.

Just sad
Biden does not say anything that isn't scripted and if he does, he get's a paddling by momma Jill and a ball gag shoved in his mouth when he get's off stage, that is if the imbecilic moron can find the exit.
Woman in Morning Exploited by Right Wing Media

FNN - Newly widowed Jiennah McCollum had her grief harvested and exploited by right wing media outlets today. Right wing nut houses like US Message Boards and QAnon Cannon were a buzz with links to rag outlets like Townhall which basically rewrote the Washington Post first hand story. News at eleven.
What morning was it? Yesterday Morning? Did Faux Xiden write that?
That's what they signed up for. I'm thankful for his service. May he rest in peace.
Look at the communists trying to defend the indefensible.

I am now thinking this shitshow was done intentionally for some reason. Maybe they thought they could pin the disaster on Trump. It is really fucking weird.
The Taliban should have statues of Biden all over the place, and definitely name some air bases after him. The Taliban now has an Air Force...thanks to Uncle Joe.

So a pregnant woman loses her husband because of bidens failings and his response is to talk about his dead son? ...

He says with this: I know what you feel. That's a reason to be speechless.

In the last 20 years died in the military intervention in Afghanistan about 69,000 people. This are about 6000 people a year, 500 people a month, 120 people a week, 16 people a day. For us this are numbers. But all of them have a name and a family.

Next year will not die Jonathan Smith in this war, and his family will be happy. They will not be grateful this day when he will not die, because they do not know. No one knows. But god knows.

Sometimes we have to make decisions in blindness - trusting in our intuition hoping for the best. And it's perhaps not a very good idea to react on such decisions with attacks and mockery. We know a lot about this what happens - but we never will know what not will happen.

Leibniz said "We live in the best of all possible worlds" - what unfortunatelly also means we live in a world which we always can make a little better ... and worser. So what can we do to make this world better? We cannot bring back the husband of this pregnant widow. It's too late. But we are able to help her. I am convinced feelings of hate will not help her.

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Woman in Morning Exploited by Right Wing Media

FNN - Newly widowed Jiennah McCollum had her grief harvested and exploited by right wing media outlets today. Right wing nut houses like US Message Boards and QAnon Cannon were a buzz with links to rag outlets like Townhall which basically rewrote the Washington Post first hand story. News at eleven.
"Only Jiennah, who is expecting the couple's child next month, stayed. But she left disappointed, Roice said. The president brought up his son, Beau, according to her account, describing his son's military service and subsequent death from cancer. It struck the family as scripted and shallow, a conversation that lasted only a couple of minutes in 'total disregard to the loss of our Marine,' [sister] Roice said.

"'You can't f--- up as bad as he did and say you're sorry,' Roice said of the president. 'This did not need to happen, and every life is on his hands.'

"The White House declined to comment on the private conversations Biden had with families."
I truly just hope/wish that you are a foreign troll, because what you type is disgusting.
If you truly are a loving patriot as you claim, then SHAME on you.
You have sunk to levels well below what you once were, I assume, because you could not have been the POS years ago that you are today.

You are probably very proud when you get 'likes' from your fellow CULT members.
You should be embarrassed.
I would LOVE to hear you read your USMB comments to your family.

Once again, FU.

You were there? POS.
The families that were there spoke out. They were insulted.

Biden will never live this down.
Missouri_Mike That reminds of Hillary when she met with the Mother of one of the Benghazi victims. The first thing out of her damn mouth was "We are going to get the guy who made that video that caused this!"
Yea, they got a Coptic Christian living in San Diego who made a movie that compelled armed mobs in Benghazi to spontaneously protest on 9/11 2012.
They were insulted.
Of course they were insulted.
They went into the meeting, well actually one 1 went in, the others already hated Biden,
and it PROBABLY didn't matter what Biden said or didn't say, they were going to be insulted 100% no matter what.
Losing a son is tough, I didn't like what the pastor said either, but I don't blame him for his words, he was just trying to comfort the family.

You will NEVER give Biden any respect, you have made that clear.

Now, I'm DONE with your replies, so out of respect, don't reply back to me.
I don't care what you have to say.

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